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A U-I84

B.C.A. (Part-I) Semester-I Ex.lnination

Time : Thec Hoursl fMarimum Marks : 60

Note :- ALL questioru carry equal marks

1 (a) Explain basic structure of C Program with suitable example. 6

(b) What is coDstant ? Give its types. State the rules to form various types of
constants- 6


2. (:a) State the brief history of C language and its characteristic features. Give its supporting
applications. 6

(b) Describe various data Lypes in C rith suitable example. 6

3. (a) State various arithmetic, logical and relational operators with their symbol and meaning.
Give suitable example. 6

(b) State and explain conditional operator with suitable exanple. 6


'1. (a) What are unary operators ? Explain various unary operators with slmbol and meaniflg.
Desc be increment and decrement operators with suitable example. 6

(b) Describe various Bitwise operators *ith suitable example. 6

) (a) Explain character input and output functions in C with suitableexarllple. 6

(b) Describe sFtax of scanf( ) and printf( ) with suitable e,.amplc. 6


vox 353 30 (Conrd.)

6 (a) Explain rvith syntax gets( ) arld puts( ) with suitable example. 6
(b) Explain difference bet\ycen formatted and unformatted input output functions qith
example. 6

(a) DiscLrss slnlax of switch statement $ith purpose and suitable example. 6
(b) Discuss purposc and synta-x of for statement and wrire program to print Fibonacci
serics. 6

3 (a) cxamplc.
Differentiate belq,ecn break and continue slatement \ri1h suitable 6

o) Wiite a program ir C to find facrorial of give[ number using while loop. 6

9 (a) Explain declaration and initialization of one-dimensional array with example. 6

(b) Describe pointer $ith suitable example. 6

10. (a) Describe anay of pointers with example. 6
(b) Explain declaration and initializalion of two dimensional array $'ith example. 6

vox-i5ir0 l 7,15

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