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Do you believe Vegan is more a trend or is it going to last? Why

Will you be ready to become vegan in order to save the Earth? since it was proven
that it can [and things are going to become worse]

Do you/parents check the provenance of the products?! -> video

In less than a week it is Xmas holidays. How many of you are going to eat the
traditional foie gras despite its terrible effects on animals and environment?
Quick reminder -> video + Charles III
Who won’t?

Omnivore: you eat everything

Vegetarian: most famous eat eveything except meat and fish

Pescetarian: eat no meat but fishes

Flexitarian: quality over quantity

2% of french population is vegetarian but one tierce flexitarian (Institut études Xerfi)

Végétalien: cannot eat nothing

Vegan: lifestyle, philosophy of life, different relationship with animals, Pythagoras

Anthropic level – classification : human equal to anchovy

Used to move in a carriage / could not vote women long time

The writer and activist George Monbiot. He says there are two completely different
ways to look at the carbon impact of a diet:
one is ‘carbon current account’ which is the carbon released by producing this food.
The other is ‘carbon capital account’, which is the carbon opportunity cost of
producing this food rather than another one.

Problems you engender when you are not vegan:

Animal breeding is the major cause of global deforestation. Catte-raising is
responsible for up to 80% of Amazon forest destruction. Farmers set fire to trees so
they can graze animals and grow crops to feed them. It removes the valuable C02
absorption and storage that trees provide.

Animal agriculture is inherently unsustainable because animals eat much more food
than they ‘produce’. For every 100 calories we feed to farmed animals, we only
receive 40 calories back from consuming their meat and dairy products.
By feeding ourselves with those crops directly instead, we could feed billions more
people around the globe. 35% of grains worldwide are fed to livestock while
millions of people suffer from undernourishment.

Meanwhile, that livestock production plays an important role in the  global

biodiversity crisis we are now facing, unprecedented since the end of the last ice

Water also suffers from this cattle-breeding: it is polluted both by the spreading
of manure and by the discharge of fertilizers. As a proof, the phenomenon of
green algae in Brittany is caused by the intensive pig farming in the region.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the
demand for meat products could increase by another 73% between 2020 and 2050.

Not only meat : fishes have big impact Bcause massive breeding and mistreated
- salmon « eating our way to extinction » sushi salmon farms in Asia

But also for clothes -> world luxury brand gave up on real fur, leather, animals…
Vegan can help on each level
What could be saved if you become vegan:

according to analysis 2018

Being a vegetarian is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on
the planet.
The research showed that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use
could be reduced by more than 75% HUGE and still feed the world. ->more forest

French agriculture would divide its greenhouse gas emissions by four if all
grasslands became forests.

A study published in Nature  found that, by 2050, a projected 80% increase in

greenhouse gas emissions from food production can be avoided if the global diet
is a vegetarian diet.

The Mediterranean diet (one that includes lower amounts of animal products)
and the pescetarian diet will lead to only a small degree of emissions’ reduction.
The vegan diet though, would reduce emissions the most.

+ Reducing meat consumption without necessarily eliminating it would have a

greater impact on the environment than stopping taking the car.

Focus on water: To produce 1 kg of beef, 13,000 liters of water are needed.

To produce 1 kg of pork, 5000 liters are needed,
1kg of chicken 4,000
However rice requires 1,400 liters per kilo, and wheat 1,200 liters per kilo.

Some studies show that becoming vegan would reduce greenhouse gas emissions
by 30%.

So, what keeps us from following a plant-based diet? It requires overcoming our
habits and our tastes, learning new ways to cook, planning during travel, and
navigating the social aspects of eating and meal sharing. However, when seen
through the lens of the fate of Earth’s climate and resources, don’t these
challenges all of a sudden seem minuscule?
Stopping buying fur seem much easier.
Down sides:
V diet could be very profitable for multinationals such as Monsanto or Bayer, which
supply the soya. Soya is one of the main substitutes for meat.

Two in three vegetarians are vitamin B12 deficient, compared to one in 20 meat
synthetically made
according to a peer-reviewed study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Job losses what would all those farmers do?

Who is Vegan:
in France, 4% of the population is vegan, far behind India, for example, which
has a rate of about 30%.
Closer look
80 million vegan on Earth

Study published by University Carnegie-Mellon shows that V diet could contribute to

water consumption by 10% and energy consumption by 38%. Why? Because it
would lead to the excessive consumption of other food products, in compensation for

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