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Vocabulary Log

Heily IOsabel Chacón Solís


Nº Pos Word Meaning Example

1 Noun Skill An ability to do an activity or job Ruth had/possessed

well, especially because you have great writing skills
practised it

2 Verb Improve To (cause something to) get better He did a lot to

improve conditions
for factory workers

3 Noun Task A piece of work to be done, We usually ask

especially one done regularly, interviewees to
unwillingly, or with difficulty perform a few simple
tasks on the
computer just to test
their aptitude

4 Noun Learning He activity of obtaining This technique

knowledge makes learning fun

5 Noun Mistakes An action, decision, or judgment I'm not blaming you:

that produces an unwanted or we all make mistakes.
unintentional result

6 Adjective Wrong Not correct Three of your

answers were wrong.

7 Pronoun Themselves Used when the subject of the verb They asked
is "they" or a group of people, themselves where
and the object is the same group they had gone wrong
of people

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