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t I-DAY PEP’S writein


P4-11 P12


Safe net for kids
New Delhi: Google on
Wednesday launched its global
Be Internet Awesome
programme for children in India
in partnership with Indian comic
book publisher Amar Chitra
Katha to interweave critical
Internet safety lessons across
eight Indian languages.The
tech giant has also launched an
enhanced Google Safety
Centre in the eight languages
as part of its efforts to step up
the safety of users on the

Climate crisis
New Delhi: The science and
technology department made
an official statement on
Wednesday, stating the
Centre’s extended support to
several programmes to tackle
climate change, during an
online interaction with
journalists from Manipur.
Akhilesh Gupta, senior advisor A slum child attends a class conducted by the Calcutta police’s South West Traffic Guard near Majerhat railway station. These slum children
and head of the policy co- have been deprived of education as they are not able to afford online classes, and the schools, colleges and other educational bodies are also
ordinator and programme closed because of the Covid-19 pandemic. PTI
management division in the
department, said developed
countries were the root cause
for the climate change problem.

Malaria jab that can save kids

He mentioned that India was
the worst affected and had
supported several programmes
to tackle the problem.
A vaccine, developed by a Brentford-based drugmaker GSK, is found to reduce the rate of severe malaria
Tabla player dead by 70 per cent in a study involving nearly 6,000 children aged between five and 17 months in Africa
Calcutta: Renowned
percussionist Subhankar RHYS BLAKELY Professor Daniel Chan-
Banerjee breathed his last on dramohan of the London School

Wednesday after battling “game-changing” malaria of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,
Covid-19 for two months at a vaccine developed by a co-author of the study, said the
private hospital in the city, his British researchers offers vaccine — known as RTS,S —
family said. He was 54. hope of saving the lives of millions had the potential to be a “game-
Banerjee is survived by his of children in Africa after trial changer”.
wife, son and daughter. results beat all expectations. More than 150,000 children
PTI The jab, developed by the under five die of the disease each
Brentford-based drugmaker GSK, year in Africa’s worst-hit regions.
Sports education was found to reduce the rate of Nearly 40 million could soon be
severe malaria by 70 per cent in a given the jab, Chandramohan
Ghaziabad: Olympians and study involving nearly 6,000 said, with it being used
educators released books in children aged between five and 17 seasonally like the flu vaccine.
Urdu and Sanskrit to help raise months in Burkina Faso and Mali. GSK said it had channelled
students’ awareness of sports. Scientists are confident that the more than 700 million pounds into
The four books Khel Kayda, World Health Organisation will the project over 30 years. The
Krida Paricharika, Khel Safa recommend the vaccine when an company has not said how much
and Krida Ek Jeevan Padati, expert panel meets in October. the vaccine will cost, but Thomas
released by Olympian Ashok This would make it the first malaria More than 150,000 children under five die of malaria each year Breuer, its chief global health
Kumar and authored by vaccine to reach the market. in Africa’s worst-hit regions officer, added that it had not been
Kanishka Pandey, aim to At present children in Burkina developed to make large profits
provide a basic understanding Faso and Mali are given courses The trial, published in the New cent reduction in hospital but “to contribute to global
of sports among the students. of antimalarial medicines during England Journal of Medicine, admissions for severe malaria and health”.
the rainy season to guard against showed that combining the vaccine deaths, compared with the course
the disease. with this treatment led to a 70 per of medicines alone. THE TIMES, LONDON
VOL.1 ED.7

Goodbye message
New Delhi: Yahoo has shut
down its news websites in India
Jab focus for teachers
due to the new foreign direct in- he vaccination of school Bhushan stressed on having a
vestment (FDI) rules that limit teachers has been priori- definite district-level plan to in-
foreign ownership of media tised to be completed before crease the coverage of the second
companies that operate and Teachers’ Day as India decides to dose.
publish digital content in India. reopen gradually.The Union health In line with the announcement
“As of August 26, Yahoo India minister Mansukh Mandaviya on made by the Union health minister,
will no longer be publishing con- Wednesday said more than two more than 2 crore additional vac-
tent.Your Yahoo account, mail crore additional Covid-19 vaccine cine doses will be dispatched to the
and search experiences will not doses are being made available to states from August 27 to 31 to vac-
be affected in any way and will states this month and they have cinate school teachers and non-
operate as usual,” a notice on been asked to vaccinate all school teaching staff on a priority basis, an
the Yahoo website said. teachers on priority before Teach- official release said.
PTI ers’ Day on September 5. With the 50 per cent fund of
With an improvement in the A teacher takes class in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh after schools ECRP-II package already dis-
Step out plan Covid-19 situation, several states reopened for classes IX-XII PTI bursed to the states and Union ter-
Sydney: Authorities in Aus- have begun reopening schools ritories, they were advised to
tralia’s New South Wales state now even as concerns have been is celebrated on September 5,” of school teachers and staff, both process procurement and supply
confirmed that they would ease expressed over the staff and teach- Mandaviya said in a tweet in Hindi. government and private. States orders immediately to procure
pandemic restrictions for vacci- ers not being completely vaccinat- The Union health secretary Ra- were appraised on prompt utilisa- equipment, machinery, beds and
nated adults next month. State ed. “In addition to the plan to pro- jesh Bhushan chaired a high-level tion of Emergency Covid Re- drugs in a time-bound manner.
premier Gladys Berejiklian said: vide vaccines to every state this meeting with all states and Union sponse Package (ECRP) funds At the meeting, the states were
“The slight easing of restrictions month, more than 2 crore vaccine territories to review the progress of and also advised to ensure compli- also requested to make a month-
is coming because the state doses are being made available. the vaccination drive. At the meet- ance of Covid-appropriate behav- wise expenditure plan and oversee
reached six million vaccine We have requested all states to try ing, the states were advised to iour and other precautionary meas- corresponding physical progress
doses in a population of 8.2 mil- to vaccinate all school teachers on focus on enhancing second dose ures ahead of the upcoming festi- on the ground.
lion. Beginning September 13, priority before Teachers’ Day, which coverage as well as immunisation val season. PTI
families in the highest-risk parts
of Sydney will be allowed to
leave their homes for an hour of
recreation as long as any adults
are fully vaccinated.”

Health check
New Delhi: Health camps to be

Pressure woes For a

cause alarm bells greener
organised in all wards of north
Delhi as part of Azadi ka Amrit
Mahotsav from August 26.The
central government is marking

the 75th year of India’s Indepen-
dence with grand celebrations

that will culminate on August 15 he number of adults living with hyperten-
next year.“As part of the event, sion worldwide has doubled over the past

health camps will be organised 30 years, with most of this increase occur- enmark and Costa Rica are try-
in all 104 wards of the North ring in low-and middle-income countries, ac- ing to forge an alliance of coun-
Delhi Municipal Corporation, cording to a study published in The Lancet jour- tries willing to fix a date to
starting August 26,” mayor Raja phase out oil and gas production and
Iqbal Singh announced. stop giving permits for new explo-
The international team of researchers
PTI analysed blood pressure measurements from ration, government ministers said and
more than 100 million people aged 30 to 79 documents showed.
Back to school years taken over three decades in 184 coun- Burning fossil fuels is the main
Chandigarh: The primary tries. source of the greenhouse gas emis-
schools for students of classes Despite being straightforward to diagnose sions heating the planet, but so far there
IV and V in the state are to re- and relatively easy to treat with low-cost drugs, has been no collective government ac-
open from September 1. Stu- nearly half of people with hypertension world- tion to end oil and gas production.
dents will be allowed to come wide in 2019 were unaware of their condition, A woman gets her blood pressure checked “Restricting domestic oil and gas
to school with the prior written the researchers said. on World Hypertension Day in Amman, production in line with the requirement
permission from their parents, Also, more than half of women (53 per cent) Jordan Reuters to live up to the Paris Agreement
education minister Kanwar Pal and men (62 per cent) with the condition were goals will be the focus for Beyond Oil
said in an official statement. not treated, they said. disease, other vascular and renal diseases. and Gas Alliance (BOGA),” a draft of
“Despite medical and pharmacological ad- Lowering blood pressure can cut the number the rules for the alliance said.
PTI vances over decades, global progress in hyper- of strokes by 35 to 40 per cent, heart attacks by The International Energy Agency
tension management has been slow, and the 20 to 25 per cent, and heart failure by around 50 has said there should be no new in-
Clean river vast majority of people with hypertension remain per cent. vestments in fossil fuel supply projects
New Delhi:The National Mis- untreated, with large disadvantages in low-and- The global age-standardised prevalence of anywhere in the world if the Paris tar-
sion for Clean Ganga director- middle-income countries,” said Majid Ezzati, hypertension in adults has remained largely un- gets are to be met.
general Rajiv Ranjan Mishra professor at Imperial College London, UK. He changed over the past 30 years - with around a The draft document seen by
stressed upon developing sus- was also the senior author of the study. third of the adult population worldwide living with Reuters said a core task for BOGA
tainable urban planning meth- “Our analysis has revealed good practice in hypertension in 1990 and 2019, the researchers would be to establish a deadline for
ods and management plans diagnosing and treating hypertension not just in said. developing and developed countries
integrating rivers and cities. He high-income countries, but also in the middle-in- The rates have dropped sharply in high-in- to phase out existing oil and gas pro-
said the Ganga river basin come ones,” Ezzati said. come countries, but have increased or remained duction that would align them with the
management plan had high- The authors noted that large improvements unchanged in many low-and-middle-income Paris goals.
lighted the need to focus on a in treatment and control rates seen in some mid- countries (LMICs), especially those in Oceania, To become a full member of the al-
city or urban planning with in- dle-income countries show that the expansion of they said. liance, countries must promise to end
tegration of rivers along with universal health coverage and strengthening pri- “Improving the capacity of all countries to de- new licensing rounds for oil and gas
complete water cycle and the tect and treat hypertension as part of primary production on their territories, as well
mary care have been instrumental in improving
river rejuvenation was directly as to phase out existing production,
high blood pressure care. healthcare and universal health coverage must
related to urban development. the draft said.
High blood pressure is directly linked to more be accelerated,” said study co-author Leanne
ANI than 8.5 million deaths worldwide each year and Riley from WHO, Switzerland. Reuters
the leading risk factor for stroke, ischaemic heart PTI
Balanced proteins for brain
new research has been able to make Interestingly, this was not the case in
the state of protein balance visible in Chorea Huntington mice. Dudanova related,
the mammalian brain for the first time. Proteins fulfil all “The different results were quite surprising.
In this way, the processes of protein quality important tasks in When we had a closer look at the possible
control can now be studied in healthy and reasons, we found that both the misfolded
diseased neurons in more detail. The find- our body.They proteins themselves and their location in the
ings of the study were published in The transport cell play an important role”. Variation within
EMBO Journal. the cell While the misfolded protein in the
Researchers at the Max Planck Institutes
substances, Alzheimer's model forms deposits in the cell
of Neurobiology and of Biochemistry have protect against body, it clumps together in the cell nucleus
now developed a mouse line that makes the in the Huntington’s mice.
state of protein balance visible in the mam-
diseases, support “This shows how complex protein quality
malian brain for the first time. Proteins fulfil the cell and control is and how different its alterations
all important tasks in our body: They trans- catalyse chemical can be in individual neurodegenerative dis-
port substances, protect against diseases, eases,” explained Dudanova. With the new
support the cell and catalyse chemical reac- Protein balance in mammalian brain is important to reactions mouse line, scientists now have a tool to
tions — to name just a few. With the building carry out specific tasks specifically investigate this complexity —
instructions in our genetic code, every pro- both in healthy and in diseased neurons.
tein can be produced as a long chain of Dudanova and her team plan to investigate
amino acids. However, that’s not the end of tem thus contributes to proteostasis — the mammalian brain for the first time. The other neurodegenerative diseases and to
the story: in order to perform their vital func- controlled function of all proteins. researchers then crossed the newly devel- find out whether different cell types in the
tions, proteins have to fold into complex 3D In order to study the quality control oped mouse line with mice that represent brain are affected at different rates. In addi-
structures. Each cell contains a whole defects in individual diseases in more detail, different neurodegenerative diseases. In tion, the mouse line could help to assess the
machinery that helps proteins to fold, cor- scientists led by Irina Dudanova developed a mice showing signs of Alzheimer’s disease, effectiveness of different therapies for neu-
rects folding errors and discards misfolded new mouse line. With these animals, the the luminescent protein formed clumps, sig- rodegenerative diseases.
proteins. As a kind of quality control, the sys- state of proteostasis can be visualised in the nalling strong proteostasis disturbance. ANI


A Soyuz-2.1b rocket
place to be
booster, which is a
launch vehicle,
with a Fregat
upper stage and
satellites of British
firm, OneWeb,
blasts off from a
launchpad at the
for innovators
Baikonur ndia is the “place to be” for app innovators
Cosmodrome, today, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, member of parlia-
Kazakhstan. The ment, said as he exhorted entrepreneurs to
vehicle is supposed tap into massive opportunities offered by one of
to put 34 the largest digital economies and its expanding mar-
communication ket. With Digital India unleashing the power of
satellites into orbit. technology in the
Reuters country over the last
seven years, there
can be “no better time”
for young innovators
or entrepreneurs to
be trying out new
ideas, Chandrasekhar

Robot thumb for pianists

The app economy
is galloping at a rate Indian app economy may
that is much faster than reach new heights
other areas of the digi-
tal economy, the minister said. “For app innovators

ow would pianists cope with brain responsible for every single fin- today, India is the place to be,” he said speaking at
suddenly having two thumbs ger,” he said. an event organised for Indian entrepreneurs and
on one hand? Would their “So now comes the question, if I start-ups.
brains become scrambled or would give you an eleventh finger, ... are you Over 500 million people are estimated to be
the extra digit add a new dimension to processing it the same way as you using smartphones in India, and three-quarters of
their playing? Neuroscientist, Adlo are processing a regular limb?” them are online. Indians are also among the
Faisal, and the team he heads at Researchers regardless of playing top downloaders of apps in the world, an official
Imperial College London developed a ability, the six pianists and six other release said adding that the massive market
robot thumb to find this out. non-playing volunteers all adapted to holds a slew of opportunities for Indian innovators
Within an hour of being fitted with the thumb quickly, suggesting we are and tech wizards.
the artificial digit next to the little not limited to using an extra digit for The Amrit Mahotsav App Innovation Challenge
finger of their right hand, six players tasks we are familiar with. 2021 has been launched in 16 categories including
had learned to integrate it on the An extra thumb will bring new “The fact that you can actually culture and heritage, health, education, social media,
keyboard, steered by electrical signals dimension for pianists play with eleven fingers is not entirely emerging tech, skills, news, games, entertainment,
generated when they move their foot. trivial and that has to do with how office, fitness and nutrition, agriculture, business and
“It came out of my own passion for sor of artificial intelligence and neuro- your brain is actually wired,” Faisal retail, fintech, navigation and others.
piano that I wondered what happens if science at the college. said. Reuters
I have an extra finger?” Faisal, profes- “There’s a dedicated area of your Reuters
VOL.1 ED.7

Freedom from
four walls
It is a special Independence Day for some students of Aditya Academy Senior
Secondary School, Dum Dum as they get to meet their friends and teachers
face-to-face on the school grounds after ages. The children sing patriotic songs and
chatter away as they enjoy a new kind of freedom. Young Metro reports…

he morning of August 15
was magical for Class XI
student Saptaparno Sen.
After almost a year, he was This Indepe-
stepping on his school grounds ndence Day
for the flag-hoisting ceremony. celebration
Saptaparno was looking was the most
forward to meeting his friend. memorable
He wondered if he would be ever. I loved
able to recognise them with going back to
their masks on. school. I had met my
“It was like old times for us. classmates in April, but it was
Meeting our friends and great to meet the juniors after
teachers got us all emotional,” so long.The memory of the
said the boy. The school celebrations will remain
premises was abuzz with for ever
excited chatter as 20-odd Members of student council and — Avita Sarkar, Class XII
students of classes XI and XII, teachers pose for a photo
all members of the student Our four houses
council, met physically to — Vivekananda,
celebrate the nation’s Tagore, Teresa
Independence Day. and Netaji —
In between singing patriotic were asked to
songs and talking about the create two films
meaning of freedom, the each.Ten of us
teachers and students also were from the Teresa
shared personal notes. The house.We decided to think out of
de by
school also uploaded a 20- film ma
f a short ouse the box. Our films were on freedom
minute video on the occasion, Poster o re H
the Tago from societal taboos and women
showcasing the performances empowerment.We connected
of its students right from most with these two issues
Nursery to Class XII. — Saptaparno Sen, Class XI
“We collected videos from
the whole school and selected
the best performances,” said I wanted the
head girl Avita Sarkar. children to do
The video had children Principal Sonali Sarkar something
performing from their homes on hoists the national flag Sharanya Jana presents a dance creative. So, I
patriotic verses and music. came up with
Sambuddha Kar of Class IV the idea of film-
impressed everyone with his making.There
Sare jahan se achha on the was no pressure on
violin as did Shilpa Mondal of the students to go out and
Class XII with her rendition of shoot. Neither did we specify
Ekla cholo re. Sanya De of any equipment.We asked them
to shoot with their phones
Class IX beautifully sang Vande
mataram while Sayantani Das — Subhamoy Paul, teacher
of Class XII mesmerised all co-ordinator of film club
with her dance.
To commemorate the This
occasion, the school’s film and Sambuddha Kar plays violin A film by the Teresa House
dramatics club made eight Day saw
short films on their children
interpretation of freedom. The showcasing
children were asked to create their talent in
shorts on any issue they different ways.
connected with, using their The video was the
mobile phones. result of their hard work. The
They formed themselves in films were also great. We want
groups and each house children to do creative things to
produced two films each. “The get out of their monotonous
children interpreted different home-bound life. So, we try out
aspects of freedom. It was a new things
very creative endeavour. The — Sonali Sarkar
films will be judged and senior principal
uploaded shortly,” said senior Teachers attend the
principal Sonali Sarkar. Around 25 senior students pay their respect to the nation flag-hoisting event Text by Chandreyee Ghose

fervour The principal administers the oath taking ceremony of the new student council members

held high
by our
and the
Students of Asian International School remember the were motivating. I swelled
sacrifices of our freedom fighters and take pride in the with happiness while
File pictures of PV Sindhu (above)
recent achievements of our nation taking oath as the
and men’s hockey team (below)
after winning bronze at the
head girl
Tokyo Olympics — Upasana Adhikary
Class XI

the oath
A student presents a dance taking
performance on the song ceremony,
Vande mataram the flag
added an
enamour to the ambience.
agement is the
key to tread A sense of patriotism
the paths less unleashed through the
taken. I would dance performances
encourage — Mayukh Das
Hoisting of the national flag on the school premises every child to take Class XI
up a sport. It is the best way to

he 75th Independence Day inculcate discipline in one’s
celebrations for Asian life. Any task can be I am obliged
International School began accomplished with dedication, to be a
with the flag-hoisting ceremony on keeping in mind that success member of
the school premises in presence of should not lead to stagnation the stu-
the principal, headmistress and dent cou-
— Vijaylaxmi Kumar, principal ncil.The
some teachers. The same was
streamlined on the school’s celebrations
YouTube channel in amalgam with Our prime related to the day were
the other programmes that took responsibility magnificent, and I look
place on the same day. as educators is forward to working as a
The other half of the to ensure that responsible council
celebrations included cultural we inspire our member, leaving no stone
performances and the children to unturned for my school
announcement of the student become the — Aritra Gupta, Class IX
council members. The latter is responsible citizens
identified as the investiture of our country. In a similar vein,
ceremony which holds a special children should make efforts I am
place in the school’s calendar. each day to be able
Owing to this ceremony, a team of contributors of this nation
to be a
students is formed who are — Simran Sanghera part of
expected to work in tandem with headmistress Ind-
the teachers and other students for epen-
the betterment of the school in A student dances to a medley of dence Day
every way possible. Selected patriotic songs
celebration of my school.
student council members took an
oath administered by principal Vande mataram was the Insightful speeches from
Vijaylaxmi Kumar to serve the song, on which the first our teachers became the
school. dance performance of fuel of my inspiration and
The celebrations included the day was put up. The commitment to bring the
remembering the sacrifices of our second cultural best out of me and serve
freedom fighters and taking pride in performance saw my glorious country and
the recent achievements of our students tapping their my institution.The dance
nation. feet on the beats of performances were
As the former saw dance several patriotic songs captivating
performances based on patriotic from many Bollywood — Abhraneel Mallick
songs, the latter was based on a films. This concluded Class IX
presentation, proclaiming the the day’s programme,
achievements of our country in the filling everyone’s heart
recently-concluded Tokyo Olympics. with patriotic fervour. Text by Neha Singh
VOL.1 ED.7

than 300 students
make emotions soar as
they express their patriotism
through various platforms of
creativity at Jai Hind 2021 – Hum
Honge Kaamyaab, an inter-
school fest organised by Apeejay
schools to honour our heroes
and our creative freedom.
Glimpses from the

ts at
st uden nd 33
by rou six
nted ls. A e
s prese y schoo rt in th ale
m ance peeja ook pa nd fin
r A t a st 15
erfo d by sha e gr
ge of p ganise nd Odi ents. Th on Augu
lla or la ev was
A co ool fest Benga online
r-sc h from an d
inte schools offline
Vande mataram
More than 60 students regis-
tered for Mere Desh ki Dharti. Dance I was part of the organising committee.
troupes from classes VI to VIII mes- Around 20 students were part of this
merised the judges with their agile committee.The planning and
– Nanha
moves. All the teams staged folk co-ordination for the event began right
Munna Rahi Hoon or
dances on the theme of patriotism. from July end. I learnt a lot of life-skills
fancy dress, Yeh Jo Desh Hai
Bombay-based exponent Jenita in the process, the main one being the
Mera or solo music competition, Mere
Kaliswaswaran Pillai judged the stu- art of communicating and co-ordinating.
Desh Ki Dharti or dance competition,
dents on their expressions, presenta- We were dealing with some schools in Odisha where
Hind Desh Ke Niwasi or poster-making
tion and choreography. DPS Ruby Park we faced language problem. But we overcame all
competition and Bolo So Nihal or ex-
were declared winners. challenges
tempore speech contest.The online

ursery student Arnamitra Laha of events were held on August 9.The aim Hind Desh Ke Niwasi, a poster-mak- — Ahona Rudra, Class XII
DPS Howrah walks up to her was to let children express themselves ing competition for classes IX and X Apeejay School, Salt Lake
computer, wearing a yellow sari freely. had children translating their imagina-
and carrying a doll. She is all passion as Students of pre-school and the pri- tion on paper and creating and vibrant
she tells the virtual audience how she mary sections showcased their talent in images of India 2051. Rudrani Aadya of I was part of the organising committee
will hold on to Jhansi till her last breath. Nanha Munna Rahi Hoon. More than Shri Shikshayatan School won. as well as the emcee of Nanha Munna
The fiery Rani Lakshmi Bai leaves the 170 boys and girls dressed up as free- Bolo So Nihal, the inter-school ex- Rahi Hoon. It was a fancy-dress con-
stage for a tiny Bhagat Singh or dom fighters, charging the air with patri- tempore competition saw the students test, where children turned up as free-
Souradip Sadhukhan of Jyotirmoy Pub- otic feelings through their speeches. talking about “Freedom Is My Birth dom fighters.To see the enthusiasm of
lic School. Mahatma Gandhi, The tiny tots impressed the judges Right”. Fifteen schools took part in the the little ones was so heartwarming.
Lal Bahadur Shastri and with their vibrant costumes and event.The competition was meant to Most were unabashed and passionate as
many other “leaders” confidence. sharpen the students’ gift of the gab. they spoke. I loved the way they handled their make-up
follow, as primary Yeh Jo Desh Hai Mera was The children were also judged on their and costume
schoolchildren recite the solo music contest that saw diction, articulation and expression. — Diksha Malhotra, Class XII
lines guided by their moth- students from 20 Anindita Chakraborty of DAV Public Apeejay School, Park Street
ers. Such adorable mo- schools singing School came first.
ments were part of Jai Hind soulful renditions of Some of the schools who took part
2021 – Hum Honge patriotic songs in in the fest were Sushila Birla Girls’ Our schools strive to inculcate values
Kaamyaab, an inter- Hindi and Ben- School, Mahadevi Birla World Acad- such as empathy, integrity, honesty and
school fest organ- gali. Some of emy, Saini International School, love for the nation among children.We
ised by the Apee- the numbers Indus Valley World School, Krishna- try to develop the skill set required for
jay schools. included gar Public School, DPS Kalinga, Jy- students to embrace the future as glob-
Over 300 Mera otirmoy Public School, DPS al leaders. Jai Hind 2021 was planned to
children, 33 karma tu, Howrah, Gokhale Memorial Girls’ make a difference.The kids, teachers, par-
schools and lots Mere desh ki ni- School, Techno India Group Public ents and the entire education
of patriotism — the fes- wasi and Oh amar School, Jagabandhu English fraternity, who took part in it, reflected the emotions and
tival was all that and desher mati. Saptajit Medium School, Ruby Park Pub- sentiments of the 75th Independence Day
more. It saw students Dutta of Birla Bharati lic School and Shri Shikshayatan — Kiranjit Singh Pannu
taking part in six of- School came first School. CEO, Apeejay schools
fline and online events Souradip Sadhukhan Arnamitra Laha Text by Chandreyee Ghose

Recap of
the past
A virtual programme by the
students of The BSS School Student
teachers uncil members
honours India’s struggle for attend th alo
e flag ho ng with
freedom and also talks about the
role played by women, then and now, in nation building

tudents of The BSS School
organised a virtual I sang a song, On the
programme to celebrate the praising the occasion of
75th Independence Day amid the great Rajput Indepe-
pandemic.The zoom meeting king Maharana ndence
commenced with a welcome Day, I had
Pratap. It was a taken part
address that was followed by a
delightful in the singing
recording of the flag hoisting
ceremony on the school premises. experience dressing event, which was well
The students then presented a video up and posing like the king performed by fellow
featuring historical clips from key Somraji Sengupta of Class XI sings himself. Even though I miss students. It would have
moments in India’s fight for freedom. (Above) Sampurna Ghosh of Class Bharat humko jaan se pyara hai performing live in school, this been a little more lively,
A self-made documentary by the XI dresses as Matangini Hazra to was a new experience and it was had we performed in
senior students, Walk since sing Otho go Bharata Lakkhi; person. Nevertheless,
wonderful as well
Independence, traced the country’s (below) Ronkinee Sengupta of participating in the
post-Independence achievements Class IX, dressed up as Maharana — Ronkinee Sengupta celebration on the virtual
from the first general elections and Pratap, sings a song Class IX platform was a fun
the Green Revolution to accolades experience for me
won in the Olympics. Around 50 — Somraji Sengupta
Celebration of Class XI
students performed at the event.
Tots from the primary section
recited and presented a dance Day is an
integral part of Being the
performance on Rabindranath emcee of
Tagore’s Bharat Tirtha, celebrating our school
the event,
the diverse culture and rich heritage ethos as it I hosted
of our nation.The stories of freedom inculcates in the
Samriddhi Mondal dances to
fighters and the significance of students the emotions of love Indepe-
Bharat Tirtha
women such as Matangini Hazra, for the motherland and ndence Day
Rani Durgavati, Rani Lakshmi Bai reverential respect for all those, celebration at
and Pritilata Waddedar in securing who have given us this country school. Also, I was a part
the nation’s independence were to live freely. It becomes the of making the docum-
portrayed through dance duty of the school to throw open entary showing the
performances. emphasis of the Red-letter
the doors of history and allow
Many students dressed up like day.The event was a grand
the students to appreciate what success and everyone
the women freedom fighter
personalities and performed they have and shape themselves could feel the true
explaining their contributions to this with values of truth, patriotism essence of patriotism
Red-letter day. and culture — Bisakha Sharma
Ronkinee Sengupta of Class IX — Sunita Sen, principal Class XII
sang a soulful rendition of the song
Ae watan, while another group of Text by Arundhati Bhattacharya
students performed a dance number
on Aisa desh hai mera.The history of
the national anthem was also
explained by students where the
audience learnt that it was originally
composed as Bharat Bhagya
Bidhata, a part of which was later
Visuals from a docu-drama performed by the students. At the
created by the students to programme, students laid stress on
commemorate 75 years of India’s the safety and status of women in the
independence country through speeches.
VOL.1 ED.7

I made the
Indian flag
with pulses,
which was
the school
activity. We
also ate few
famous Indian
dishes. And I enjoyed a lot
with my friends. It was,
indeed, a great day
— Bhoovi Hirwani
Class VI

My celeb-
A student of Class I dresses
up as Mahatma Gandhi
related to
ndence Day
started quite
a few days
before the main
event, as I started to
practise for the skit related
to the day. I enjoyed making
animated images which was
a part of the activity
assigned to us by our
A Class VII student poses with a bookmark that she has made, embossed A Class II student waves the — Oindrila Bhattacharya
A student of Class II plays the role with national symbols national flag Class VIII
of Bhagat Singh

In the spirit of patriotism

Activities that echo the patriotic fervour engage students of Delhi Public School Newtown
on Independence Day. Young Metro reports…

o the glorious years of an
independent and promising It was fun to
nation and striving to embark make the
on a new challenging year ahead, Indian flag
Delhi Public School Newtown using
celebrated Independence Day with pulses as
an array of fun-filled and engaging the class
activities engaging students from activity which
Nursery to Class VIII. was a part of
The youngest learners, that is, Independence Day
the students of Nursery, celebrated celebration. I also played
the day in their own way by ind- Vande mataram on my violin
ulging in general conversation and A student of Class VI holds a A Class VI student with his — Ishan Ghosh
colourful PowerPoint presentations. tricolour boat tricolour hand Class VI
In this way, they learnt about the impression design
various national symbols and the
I made a
importance of the tricolour.
The students of Lower and flower as
Upper Kindergarten were part of my
encouraged to recite and sing class
patriotic songs, while the respective activity. And
teachers spoke about the enjoyed
significance of the occasion. “I got playing the
to know about Independence Day national anthem on my sitar
and the freedom fighters through
A Class II student dresses up as — Ashmita Das
the activities,” said Joyjeet Ghosh of Class VI
Rani Lakshmi Bai
Upper Kindergarten.
Oratory skills of the students of
A student of Class VI poses with A Class I student shows her
classes I and II were honed by their a tricolour flower decoration We need to be working for the good of our
drawing on Independence Day
teachers as they enthusiastically country. We should all work towards eliminating
took part in various discussions as creating posters of freedom All the sessions echoed the the differences that are there in our society. We
through colourful presentations. fighters, writing slogans and love, infused with the respect we are making a mark as a nation in every field
Some of them even dressed up as quizzes engaged the students of have for our motherland and the and everyone should take pride in that
freedom fighters and said the classes III, IV and V. teachers imparted the true — Sonali Sen
famous lines of the fighters which Students of classes VI, VII meaning of an independent Principal
filled the session with a patriotic and VIII made flags, bookmarks nation which is a step in the
fervour. and animated images through direction to pave the way for a
Various hands-on activities such innovative techniques. better India. Text by Neha Singh

VOL.1 ED.7

reative expression
of patriotism
The Covid-19 pandemic fails to dampen the spirit of students and teachers of
Delhi Public School (Joka), South Calcutta as they pay respect to martyrs on
Independence Day with a creative expression of their perception of freedom

Performers pay
their tribute to the
mother land
through music,
dance and drama
presentations from A student performs on Karar oi
their homes louha kopat, as part of a group
dance presentation

tudents and teachers of Kalam Azad was depicted in a in diversity is the strength of our
DPS Joka honoured the monochrome that showed how country and by respecting all reli-
sacrifices of martyrs and the characters, despite not under- gions and humans, we can
focused on the importance and standing each other’s language, achieve greatness as a nation.
necessity of freedom in thought believed in and worked towards The online celebration came
through celebrations observing the one mutual goal — an to an end with students paying
75th Independence Day. Independent India. The presenta- their respects to the nation
The school organised both tion depicted how despite facing through a dance performance on
online and offline events to mark religious discrimination, Kalam more patriotic songs such as
the day. In the compound, principal achieved greatness in life and the Vijayi bhava from Manikarnika.
Writuparna Chatterjee, along with message conveyed was — unity Text by Arundhati Bhattacharya
teachers and other school staff
members, marked the commence-
ment of the occasion with the flag- (Above) Director Bela Agarwal and principal Writuparna Chatterjee hoist
hoisting ceremony. A cultural pro- Online celebration is a new experience for all of
the national flag on the school premises and, (below) teachers present
gramme followed this, and the us. I enjoyed the entire experience of rehearsing
patriotic songs after the flag hoisting
teachers took part in song and and recording my performance online.
dance performances in fully patriot- the nation through song and students from classes III to V on Everybody put in their best effort within a short
ic fervour. The principal in dance performances. songs such as Teri mitti and Vande span of time. One thing I did not like is that we
her address spoke about The online mataram from ABCD 2 added could not hoist our national flag in the presence
the role of educators assembly and cul- colour to the event. A dance pres- of our teachers and friends
in nurturing the free- tural programme entation by students of classes VI — Debraj Mandal
dom of thought commenced to IX on Kazi Nazrul Islam’s Karar Class VIII
among the stu- with a prayer oi louha kopat showed dancers
dents — the torch- and pledge by wearing saris and using sticks as
bearers of tomor- Class VIII stu- props. The online celebration is a wonderful initiative.
row and hope for dents Surya A play based on a childhood That we got the scope to celebrate the day and
a better future. Dalui and story of former late President APJ show our talents even in this pandemic situation
Unable to Sevati Mandal. Abdul Kalam was also staged by is exciting. It has been a thoroughly enjoyable
attend the I-Day cel- A speech by students of classes VI to XI. The journey for me
ebration in the school Class VIII student student-actors enacted the incident
compound, in view of Debraj Mandal fol- where young Kalam faced reli- — Swastika Choudhury
the Covid-19 restrictions, lowed this. Debraj talked gious discrimination by a teacher Class XI
the students took part in a virtual about the significance of the at school for his friendship with
cultural programme organised by day. Ramanathan Shastri, the son of
the school on the zoom platform. Next, the junior school choir the head priest. The dramatic pres-
entation showcased how Kalam’s I enjoyed the entire experience of performing
Tots from Nursery to Class II took over. Dressed in tricolour, the
online. The manner in which Mahua ma’am
got engaged in craft activities to students presented a musical rendi- father, Jainulabiddin Marakayar,
taught us and guided us through each and
make tricolour flags with grains, tion of patriotic songs. The senior explained to him that religion is not
every aspect of the performance was extremely
pulses and coasters. They also school choir, too, sang many a strong enough to divide the people helpful
shared their love for the nation. patriotic number, along with a solo of the country and shared with him
On the other hand, students instrumental performance on the the story of two freedom fighters — Satadru Mitra
from classes III to XI had violin by Aandre Haldar from Class who were from different religious Class VII
rehearsed on the virtual platform, VII. He played Vande mataram and backgrounds.
and the result was a colourful Jai Ho, celebrating the spirit of unity. This story of freedom fighters
show where they paid respect to A group dance performance of Khudiram Bose and Maulana Abul
It was indeed a pleasure to see the students’
excitement in celebrating the 75th Independence
Day, virtually. Reflection of their high regard and
pride for the nation has motivated the partici-
pants to undergo month-long rehearsals to give
shape to the programme. Being entrusted with
the opportunity to empower the future citizens, we
as teachers should take this resolution to create a dynamic com-
munity of independent thinkers as learners, who would transform
knowledge to competency and acquire the 21st century skills to
promote research in various disciplines in the larger interest of
the nation
— Writuparna Chatterjee, principal
A group of 11 teachers showcase their patriotic fervour through a dance presentation
VOL.1 ED.7

Ruby Park Public

to th School conducts I-Day

celebrations on its

grounds and virtual

n o d d
platform where

students pay their

A e rla
tribute to the nation

Principal Joyeeta Majumder and chief guest
Goutam Mohan Chakraborty at the
flag-hoisting ceremony

Since the last academic

year, our school life has
been very different. Now
everything is from home,
and life seems to have
lost all its excitements.But
our school has celebrated all
events and festivals, virtually. My school
and teachers have never made me feel
the physical distance that exists between
us due to the pandemic
— Shreyan Dasgupta, Class IX
The school principal and teachers along with the chief guest pose for a photograph during I-day celebrations on the school premises

tudents and teachers of Ruby Park the school commemorated the freedom
Public School celebrated their patriot- fighters and their contributions.
In this year’s Indepen-
ism on the digital platform with a Instrumental solo performances by stu-
dence Day celebration,
plethora of cultural performances and dents were the highlight. Dhriti Ghosh from everything happened in
speeches as a tribute to freedom fighters Class IV played Vande mataram on the key- a similar way as usual.
and the Indian Army on the significance of board, while a group of students played gui- Our chief guest hosted
the day. tar on Ebar tor mora gange. the national flag. We
The flag-hoisting ceremony was con- A thought-provoking solo mime perform- spoke about the importance
ducted on the school premises in the pres- ance by Adwitiya Das from Class V on the of our rich and varied heritage, and talked
ence of teachers and school authorities. In freedom of girls drew inspiration from about our brave soldiers and paid them
the background, the national anthem was women role models such as Kalpana our respect through dances and poems. It
played during the flag-hoisting, along with Chawla and Kiran Bedi.The performance was indeed a lovely experience
an explanation of the significance and histo- touched upon the subject of gender inequal-
ry of the national flag. ity and the Right to Education. — Reeddhima Das, Class IX
The first national flag in India is said to A group song performance on Saare
have been hoisted on August 7, 1906 in the Dhriti Ghosh plays Vande mataram jahan se accha showed visuals from monu-
Parsee Bagan Square in Calcutta. It also on keyboards mental movements and battles that lined
talked about the history of the tricolour. India’s freedom struggle. The celebration of our 75th
The event’s chief guest Goutam Mohan The next part of the celebration moved The 90-minute programme also included Independence Day was
Chakraborty, former police commissioner of from the school premises to the virtual a compilation of western dance, yoga and an event to cherish as
Calcutta, addressed the gathering, empha- mode with students taking over. aerobics performances by the students on we gathered in a small
sising the necessity of young children learn- Students from classes II to X virtually patriotism. number on the school
ing about India’s freedom movement in their contributed to the celebration with their trib- A creative group dance performance on grounds. It filled our
utes to the motherland. Art and craft items hearts with a sense of pride
curriculum. a compilation of various patriotic numbers
and patriotism as the national flag was
According to the recent situation, from the classroom activities made by stu- such as Yeh jo desh hai mera and Teri mitti,
hoisted, and we sang the national anthem
Chakraborty also recalled with pride for all, dents were displayed as part of the presen- along with past pictures from various cele-
in unison.The celebration was a reward-
the progress India has made in the fight tation. brations at schools, was presented towards ing experience in every sense
against Covid-19 and conducting large- A melodious musical rendition of Mere the end of the event. Students singing the
scale vaccination drives, urging all to abide desh ki dharti by students of classes II to IX national anthem brought the programme to — Joyeeta Majumder, principal
by all social distancing and sanitisation pro- started the virtual celebration. a close.
tocols to win the fight. Speeches by the scouts and guides of Text by Arundhati Bhattacharya

Students of classes II to X sing, dance and share their craft works reflecting their patriotism at the online programme

kits, poetry, craft and
role-play — the junior
section of Sushila Birla
Creative freedom
The primary students of Sushila Birla Girls’ School plan August 15 with great zeal. All the classes
Girls’ School celebrated
Independence Day with fun
hold special assemblies and performances. Young Metro reports the online gala…
activities.The online sessions
saw them dressing up as
freedom fighters, singing Our school
songs on patriotism and also helpers
talking about freedom and its presented
responsibilities.The fanfare a cultural
continued for a week. progr-
The theme was I Love My amme. We
Country India for Nursery and enjoyed
Kindergarten sections. seeing them in a different
Dressed as freedom fighters, avatar. I miss being
the Nursery students took physically present in
turns to speak a few lines school. Freedom to me is
about their national heroes. being free from Covid
They also made tricolour vases — Archisha Sengupta
using the vegetable printing Class III
technique. Some of them sang
Nanha munna rahi hoon on the
occasion.The Kindergarten Being born
kids made origami flowers, in India to
highlighting principles such as a Muslim
strength, peace and growth father and
through art.They also a Hindu
designed Independence Day mother
cards using interactive gives me the
whiteboards. A talent hunt opportunity to celebrate
contest was held for them.The Id, Diwali and Christmas
children were also taken on a with equal joy and learn to
virtual trip to the Red Fort to respect all religions
watch last year’s celebrations. equally. I enjoy this
The students of Class I freeedom
recited poems and sang
patriotic songs. Some of them — Sara Molla, Class III
dressed up as freedom fighters
and spoke about their The
sacrifices.The students spoke students of
about the freedom enjoyed by Some of the little ones sang patriotic Class IV
girls today and the need to songs and danced.The students learnt
pursue one’s dreams.They took part in a quiz too. about the
also spoke about India’s rich The junior school children sing, The students of Class V history of
and diverse culture. dance and dress up as national showcased a PowerPoint our freedom
The Class III students paid heroes to celebrate Independence presentation on freedom fighters. fighters. I felt goosebumps
tribute to women freedom Day. Every class had their private There was a small flag-hoisting when the national anthem
fighters by dressing up as the celebrations. A video of students’ ceremony in school followed by a was sung. But I missed
brave daughters of India. A performances was also uploaded on performance by the Grade IV staff performing on stage
quiz on the history of India’s the occasion members. — Shivika Bothra, Class IV
independence was conducted
for them.
In Class IV, a special I remem-
assembly was organised. bered the
Day celeb-
rations in
school with
corridors and classes. I
missed meeting my
friends but the fervour
remained intact
— Riddhi Joshi, Class IV

We ensure
that our
value the
concept of
and remain
connected to their history.
Activities like these
prepare them to be global
— Koeli Dey, principal

Text by Chandreyee Ghose

VOL.1 ED.7

Guardiola eyes NUGGETS

PSG rejects Real bid
Paris: Paris Saint-Germain

national job
turned down a 137 million-
pound bid for Kylian Mbappe
from Real Madrid.The Spanish
club are 770 million pounds in
debt and could sign Mbappe for
nothing next summer, but they
are willing to pay significantly
more than the 89-million-
The Spanish coach plans to leave pound record fee they paid for
Manchester City after 2022-2023 season Eden Hazard in 2019 to secure
Mbappe this summer. PSG
rejected Real’s offer and
insisted that they were unwilling
to sell the 22-year-old forward
this summer even though they
have not been able to persuade
him to extend his contract,
which expires on June 30,
2022. Reports in France stated
that if PSG did sell Mbappe
before the window closed on
Monday night, it could start a
chain of events that could lead
to Ronaldo moving to Paris to
play alongside his adversary
Lionel Messi.

Boost for wrestling

New Delhi: In a massive boost
for the Indian wrestling, the
Uttar Pradesh government has
adopted the sport and is
expected to pump in an
investment of Rs 170 crore in
infrastructure and support to
the wrestlers till the 2032
Olympics, Wrestling Federation
of India (WFI) president
Brijbhushan Sharan Singh said.
Singh said that they took
Pep Guardiola has already won three Premier League titles inspiration from the Odisha
in 2018, 2019 and 2021 (picture left), one FA Cup and four Carabao government’s support to the
Cups with Manchester City sport of hockey and they
approached the UP
PAULHIRST are in the present Brazil squad, who Some are my players, others rivals, going to happen, if I have a government for a similar
are managed by Tite. Guardiola has but it’s fantastic. chance and some international assistance to their game.

ep Guardiola has said for the not ruled out managing a national “Compared to the past, teams team wants to come ‘knock knock’ “Odisha is a small state, yet
first time that he plans to leave team in Europe either, however. from the past always win because (at my door).We will see.” they are supporting hockey in
Manchester City in 2023 and “I would like to coach a (national) they don’t play any more. But Brazil The fact that the City job will such a great manner, so we
that his next job will be as the head team, South American, European... is always the favourite, in Copa become available in 2023 is sure thought, why can’t UP, which is
coach of a national team. To play a Copa America, I want to America, in the World Cup. It always to interest a number of top such a big state, support
The 50-year-old said in an have this experience,” he said. was and always will be. It is part of managers. Brendan Rodgers, wrestling. We approached the
interview with ESPN Brazil that he When asked directly if coaching their culture.” Mauricio Pochettino and Julian govt and they have accepted it,”
intended to take a break from Brazil was a possibility, Guardiola Guardiola’s next break will be the Nagelsmann were among those Singh said.The WFI had also
management when his contract with told his Brazilian interviewer: “I second time that he has taken a under consideration when roped in Tata Motors in 2018 as
City ended after the 2022-2023 believe that the coach of the sabbatical from the game. In 2012, Guardiola’s future was in doubt at principal sponsors.
season, which will be his seventh at Brazilian team will always be at the end of his time in charge of the start of last season. PTI
the club. Brazilian, I don’t see a foreigner in Barcelona, the Catalan took a one- Back then, Guardiola had
Guardiola then plans to seek a job year sabbatical, which he spent with been due to leave City at the end Mumbai signs Cassio
in international management, which is Guardiola’s next break will be his family in New York, before he of the 2020-2021 campaign, but Mumbai: Reigning ISL
sure to be a welcome development for the second time that he has became the Bayern Munich the club’s chairman Khaldoon Al champions Mumbai City FC on
any national federation looking to taken a sabbatical from the manager. Mubarak persuaded him to sign a Thursday announced the
appoint a top-class coach. game. In 2012, at the end of his During his time in the United two-year extension. signing of Brazilian midfielder
“A national team will be the next time in charge of Barcelona, States he attended economics It was the second time that the Cássio Gabriel on a season-
step, yes. It’s the next step,” Guardiola the Catalan took a one-year classes at Columbia University and City manager had extended his long loan from Campeonato
said. “After seven years on this team, I sabbatical, which he spent became friends with Garry deal with the club, whom he joined Brasileirao Serie B club Vila
think I will have a break. I’ll have to with his family in New York, Kasparov, the Russian chess world in 2016 after leaving Bayern. Nova. Fondly known as
stop for a while, see what we’ve done, before he became the Bayern champion. During his time at City, ‘Cássinho’, the 29-year-old
and review.” Munich manager. During his Guardiola has spoken before Guardiola has won three Premier started his youth career at
Guardiola’s previous longest spell time in the United States he about the fact that international League titles, one FA Cup and Fluminense’s under 20s side
in one job came at the start of his attended economics classes at management intrigues him. In 2018, four Carabao Cups. Last season and went on to play for a
managerial career when he spent four Columbia University and he admitted he would look to take a he guided the club to their first number of Brazilian clubs such
years in charge of Barcelona, winning became friends with Garry job in international football one day Uefa Champions League final, as Paysandu SC, Bento
three league titles and the Champions Kasparov, the Russian chess because of the stresses and strains which they lost to Chelsea in Goncalves, Guarani, Anapolis,
League twice. world champion that come with managing a Porto. ASEEV-GO, Penapolense,
The Brazilian media have long domestic team. His contract at City is said to Piracicaba, Sao Bento,
speculated that Guardiola is destined “I would like to be an be worth almost 20 million pounds Botafogo and Mirassol before
to coach their national team. Last international manager in a national a year. joining Vila Nova in June 2020.
summer his brother Pere opened a teams like Brazil. team,” he said. “Sooner or later it will Should Guardiola stay until Cássio, who can play on either
new branch of his agency, Media Base “If you compare this Brazil with happen because every three days I 2023 he will become City’s second- wings or in the middle, made 12
Sports, which represents the City the team of Pele, with the 1994 would like to be involved, but a little longest serving post-war manager appearances for Vila Nova and
manager, in Sao Paulo. champions, the current one will bit more calm, play more golf ... now after Les McDowall, who managed has one assist to his name.
Two members of Guardiola’s City always lose. But if you ask me what I I do not have time to play. the club from 1950 to 1963. PTI
squad, Ederson and Gabriel Jesus, think of Tite’s selection? Fantastic. “So yes, sooner or later it is THE TIMES, LONDON

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