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Impact of Online Gaming on Youth | Today, the internet offers a variety of online games for everyone. There are harmless cartoon like games for young generation as well as aggressive and violent examples. Whether it is a small kid or an adult man, every person will find anything to his taste. Student s are also active players in online games. There is nothing surprise in the fact they may spend the whole day or night playing online. However, stich passion for online games may result for them both positively and negatively. One of the greatest benefits regarding online gamevis connected with the brain development. In comparison with gambling, there aré online games like strategies, adventures, puzzles that stimulate brain activity and memory, calculation, reading skills promptly and grow their analysing power. Online gaming definitely increase quick thinking and decision making powers. It improve the gamers concentrating power. Most of the modern online games have a strategy that must be recognised by the player to win a game. They look for way-outs, try different approaches to continue their progress. Such various strategies develop student problem solving skills. Online gaming brings up perseverance, accuracy and logic also develop co-operations skills. Despite of these advantages of positive effect theme are negative consequences which seem to be more apparent and serious. When youths dedicate much time to games they so ply do not have time for other activities. One of the most serious problems connected with onliné games is an addiction. Many youths are so influenced by games they play online that they transfer their virtual characters into reality. They are loosing patience and become aggressive. The youths are getting more isolated from society due to the addiction of games. Sitting in front of the computer, tablet of mobile screen is incredibly detrimental to youth’s health. There is a negative influence on eye-sight, wearing headphones all the ears are also in trouble. A long time sitting or lying positions influences negatively on their back and neck. Most importantly online gaming addiction gives a serious threat to youths study and career. However online game should be just a time passing in leisure and not ever be addiction. Youths should make the difference between the real world and virtual world. De Peo ac ey In hina border dispute over LAC The India - China border has been witnessed tensions during April - May 2020, with incidents reported in at least four different locations along with the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The recent clashes is about three places The Pangong Lake in Ladakh, Naku La in Sikkim, Galwan Valley and Demchok in Ladakh. LAC that has never been demarcated. As a result India and China have overlapping claim lines along LAC which leads to such clashes. The northern bank of Pangong lake has always been a point of contention where there are differing perception of the LAC. The stand-off in Galwan Valley was triggered by China moving in troops and equipment to stop construction activity by India. Delhi says that construction was well within Indian’s side of the LAC, but China thinks otherwise. India has long proposed an exercise to clarify differing perceptions of the LAC to prevent such incidents. The exercise could paved the way to regulate activities in contested areas until a final settlement of the boundary dispute. China has since rejected this exercise, viewing it as adding another complications to the on-going boundary negotiations. In 2005, an agreement on political parameters and guiding principles completed the first of three stages of the talks. It said both sides “Shall safeguard due interests of their settlement populations in border areas”. The current and most difficult stage involves agreeing a framework to resolve the dispute in all sectors. India insists that its relations with China won’t improve fundamentally until the border dispute is resolved. China ‘appears to view an unsettled border as holding some leverage with India, one of the many pressure points it could use to keep India off-guard. Until the strategic calculus —and China’s boarder view of its relation with India changes, the stalemate will likely continue, Celebration of the 100" Birth Anniversary of Satyajit Ray J The office of Development of Museums and cultural spaces, Ministry of culture, government of India has kick started the birth centenary celebration of master auteur Satyajit Ray by releasing a tribute film ‘A Ray of Genius’ on May 2. De Peo ac ey This montage highlighting Ray’s film making genius as well as his electric achievement across literature, art, music, design was put together by the concerted efforts of professionals from Kolkata and Mumbai during the COVID-19 lockdown period. National Award-winning director Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury and National Award- winning editor Arghya Kamal Mitra created this film with the help of Ray Society. Shri Sandip Ray and the producers of Ray’s films. The film also features stunning photographs of Noted Indian photographer Nemai Ghosh showcasting the great filmmaker at work, sourced with the help of the collection DAG. The film hopes to reach out to legions of fans across the country and hopes to create a new cadre of Satyajit Ray fans in the younger generation of film viewers and film makers. “Ray has not only been an inspiration to filmmakers but also to thinkers, music composers, writers, illustrators across India and the world. His disruptive style and lyrical humanism of his work make him a national treasure and with these celebration we would like to highlight the layered nuances of his work and explore his lesser known sides”, said, Raghvendra Singh, CEO of Development of Museums and cultural spaces, Ministry of culture. To Celebrate this special milestone for this Bharat Ratna Awardee, a year long celebration with exhibitions, retrospectives and conclaves has been planned by the Ministry. © Rup kumar Mitra O epson O egret ae O srr emery O prefs caibhrcon O wae O afecana aoaT tom ae fey at eT ore ORTTCTT STEHT affetre FSAES FAT | De Peo ac ey

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