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Foreign Trade University

Group report

Bunnddy Noodle

Subject: Using data to build business practice

Teacher: Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Van

Group 7: Pham Mai Phuong

Le Tran Uyen Phuong

Vu Nhat Bao Vy

Do Minh Thang

Class: F-UOB-13C

Table of contents
Part A: Introduction 3

Part B: Corporation Identified Program (CIP) 5

Part C: Website and webshops 6

Part D: Ways to improve the online shop 7

Group Assignment - Peer Assessment Form 9

Part A: Introduction
Business idea: Selling Vietnamese noodle online

Products: Bun cha, Bun rieu cua, Bun dau,...

Target market: Ha Noi

Target customer: Everyone

Business plan:

- 8 key elements of business model

● Customer segment: Customers over the Internet

● Value proposition:

o Bring to customers the best products

o Offering the fresh and nutritious dishes for every people

● Channels: Website, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube

● Customer relationships:

o Wholesale and retail distribution

o Online transaction (web, hotline, social media)

● Revenue stream:

o Advertising through food apps

o Company charges a fee for the right to use the product or service (Service fee)

● Key resources:

o Unique recipe of food

o Promoting via selling online platform

● Key activities:

○ Producing foods

○ Update website
○ Advertising in social media

● Key partnership:

○ Component supplier (market, supermarket…)

○ Delivery service providers

● Cost structure:

○ Costs remain constant over a period of time (fixed cost)

○ Reduce costs by investing in key product-related activities to attract and retain customers

7Cs model

- Context: To attract the attention of customers, we design the website and webshop with an eye-
catching layout filled with the product’s picture. The theme color that we use is the brown tone to
make customer feel familiar with our website or webshop of traditional foods
- Communication:

+ Ask your customers for feedback

+ Respond quickly to customers question, comments

+ Always say thank you

+ Reward your loyal customers

+ Brings good services and good product for customs

+ Our small business always interact with buyers through media: Facebook, Instagram, webpage,
email, TikTok, YouTube

- Content:

+ Menu, some sale promotion, introduce new services or courses, set location of restaurant

+ Update 2 days a week

- Connection:

+ Our website is mainly linked to major social networks like Facebook and Instagram.

+ Create our own website to manage the shop and support customers

- Commerce: We set up separate accounts on online marketplaces so that customers can easily find

out the price of the product and can also refer to the product. On online market sites, stores and
customers are easier to transact.
- Customization: Customers can require to have special ingredients for their own meal to have the best
taste for themselves.
- Community: On our store posts and online pages, we make public commenting and evaluation
available to our customers as well as everyone who can talk and evaluate together.

Part B: CIP
Mood board:


Color pallet:

#392E24 #FBBC3A #DE6A29

Typography kit:

Part C: Website and webshops

Workshop in Facebook:

Workshop in Instagram:

Workshop in YouTube:

Workshop in TikTok:


Part D: Way to improve the online shop

Promotions based on AIDAS principle

- If a customer orders more than 2 dishes, they will have a chance to draw a coupon using in the next
order (in 2 opening weeks)
- If customers make a member card, they can have some benefits like: discount on their birthday or
discount on some special event like Vietnam winning a football match.
- Having a combo menu for group of 4 people, 6 people and 8 people (the combo price is much
- Option for who want to diet: we offer the dishes with brown rice vermicelli which has fewer calories
than normal noodle

Smart goals and markets

- Smart goals:
● Leads refers to contact with a potential customer
● Online sales are the use of the Internet and other electronic media to sell and promote
products and services.
● Positive review: the customer who left the review feels appreciated, which increases the
chance for repeat business.
● A request for quotation is a business process in which a company or public entity requests a
quote from a supplier for the purchase of specific products or services.
- Smart markets:
● Domestic: We identify who our customers are, where they live and the products and services
they buy, allowing us to target and retarget with a high level of accuracy, personalization and
relevancy. With our scale, Ha Noi market is available for us to provide our foods and services
as well as possible. Ha Noi also has a huge number of busy people and our passion is to bring

nutritious meals for them, so we will have more opportunities to work in this market.
● B2C Marketing (Business to Customer) is a term used to describe a business model in which a
company or a brand markets directly to individual consumers. Our products are home-made
traditional foods so our target customer is just suitable for individuals and a small group of
people such as family.

Our unique value proposition:

- Good value offering and pricing

- Fast and efficient service
- Consistent quality menu items

Our communication with taglines and images on the homepage:

- Eye-catching design of page

- Shorter content to easily understand
- Unique and effective headline copy

Build trust in our homepage

- Using high-quality image

- Including target customer in our content
- Making it easy to get in touch
- Update posts on website and webshop frequently
- Letting visitors know that your website is secure

Group Assignment - Peer Assessment Form

1 — did not contribute in this way| 2 — willing but not very successful | 3 — average |
4 — above average | 5 — outstanding
General Pham Mai Le Tran Uyen Vu Nhat Bao Do Minh
Specific Aspect
Aspect Phuong Phuong Vy Thang
Attended a large majority of
4 4 4 4
group meetings
Maintained contact with other
5 4 4 4
group members
Communicated constructively
4 4 4 3
Group to discussion
Process Generally, was cooperative in
5 5 5 5
group activities
Made sure that the work
completed was not plagiarized
4 4 4 4
or obtained from unethical
Made a genuine attempt to
complete all jobs agreed by the 4 4 4 4
Made an intellectual
contribution to the completion 4 3 3 3
The Task of tasks
Did their fair share of the work 5 5 5 5
Read and commented in a
timely manner on any 5 4 5 3
Assume that your group receives $100 for
you project. How would you divide this
money among all the group members
$28 $24 $24 $24
(including yourself) based on the
contribution to the project since the last

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