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Differential Stains & Media for Identifying Bacteria Name: Iannah Corazon E.


Differential Stains:
Name of Staining Color (+) stain Color of (–) stain What (+) result What (-‐) result Will stain tell me the
Procedure reaction reaction reveals about stained reveals about stained species of bacteria
bacteria bacteria present?
1. Gram Stain Purple Pink If the result is If the result is Yes, gram stain
positive the bacteria negative, there is no reveals the existence
will be purple stain. indication of the of bacteria as well as
presence of bacteria their general kind,
in the gram stain. such as shape and
whether they are
gram positive or
2. Acid – Fast Stain Pink Blue It reveals the There are no bacteria Yes, it is a test used to
presence of found detect the source of
tuberculosis infection in a
sample's biological
3. Endospore Stain Green Red The results shows The negative results Yes, it's a method for
that the cell is prone reveals that the cell detecting bacteria
to form spores does not produce that include
spores therapeutically
important species.
Specialized Media:
Name: Iannah Corazon Faduga

Name of Specialized Media Is it selective? Explain. Is it differential? Explain

1. MacConkey Agar It is selective because it only grows gram- It is also differential because of its ingredient
negative bacteria and it inhabits the growth lactose. Fermentation of this sugar results in
of gram-positive. an acidic pH and causes the pH indicator,
neutral red to turn a bright pinky-red.

2. Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA) It is selective because of its high NaCl and It is differential because of its ingredient is
few types of bacteria can grow on this the sugar mannitol.
hypertonic medium.

4. Blood Agar It is not selective medium, since it supports It is differential because it can be seen the 3
the growth of a wide range of organisms different types of hemolysis, or lysing of red
blood cells.

* Provide as much detail as the media reveals. This means be sure that you answer
is complete, in order to earn complete points.
** TSY (Tryptic Soy Agar) is an all-‐purpose media that will grow any bacteria that
is not fastidious (a picky eater). Other than showing us what the bacterial
colonies look like, TSY does not reveal much about the bacteria growing there.
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main.html) on the free science education website Science Prof Online ( Visit the
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