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02 Page No. 0 6

eteymin.ation of Acid Value_of an 0.1

A o Oettrmine the aid value of on O

Theoxy h e acid value of lubricatingo i l s detined

AS the umber
the of mlligrams of kOH_(t uned to
ntatyali2ethefree acid present in lam o the o
In geod lubrcatin oils,the acid valu
hould e mlhmam CK 0.1). ncvease o ac'a value
sholud be taken as aindicator pf Dxidaton o
whichmay ltad to qumand suldge formation
pesides coroston.

A knowm eght_of oil Sampleis disspved

naStable solvent _and ttrated wth standard
alcoholic solution of KOH to a detinite end point
Mateyials Kequned Conical tlask_Burette Pipette

eagents Kegwrired NA0 KOH neutral dethul

alcohol, phenop thalene in dicator _watky bath.

Procedure- Weight out accu ately about bgrems

of the _oilnoer test_into2 50ml conical t lask
ond add b0ml of utral_alcohol Heat the
flask Oyey o Natey bath foY about 30 min cool
the tlask and the constants to 10omtemperatare
and aod a ten dops a phenalphthalein indicatar
lityate wth the standard No K OH soluton untlL
afaint. peymanentPink aYound colouY rr.Oun d e d pnt

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