Adobe Scan 29-Dec-2022 PF

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Page No. 03

yeparation of indi ca torDssolve 0.5

gm ot
Enochr ome
Black-1 in l00m of ethanol) methano
repoYa tion of buffer solntion: Add 67.5gms of
NHu C to b70m of concentvated ommonia soltion
and di(ute wi th dis tilledwater to one litre
5tondardi'sation of E0TA 5olurtion
fipe tte Out 20m of standard hard Jate
into aConical tlask, add 2m_of byffey solution
and 3 diops of EB indicator and titrate the
wine Yed coloured Com plex wth EDTA salution
taken in the burette after vinsin the burette
with ED TA solutiontill the wine ved Colour of the
solution changes to blue colaur. Note the burette
yeading Let the volume of EDTA rundown be xnl
Kepeatt h e titration t o gat concaxsent values

2tondardis.ation of/tHavdhlarttr
pette out 60ml of the watex sanple ito a
260mlCanical tlask, add 2ml of buffer solation
and 3 d rop5 ot EBT indicator Ttrate the wine
Yed coloured 5olution t h EDTA taken in the
burette, tilll_a cleav blue coloured endpointi
obtoinedLet the volumeof EDTA by ymlRepeat
the titvotion to qet con cuvrent values

Teacher's Signature,

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