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CHILDES CONCEPT OF CULTURAL EVOLUTION Childe talked about eustine, le beliowd he hod digenoat contelnen in eahich alt of the individual cutlunes ane there the cull bos ds com uniqueness that thene 50 complex mode of cutlune csuld be WHE: Unden hie cullunal evolution he explain Some phemmena= @ Childe had 0. vison of exotution al a time tahen other ouchedlogist hod onty chnomology ints. @ He Mousond yeons ago,humun ted small, mobile groups subsioltng on wild plonls ond onimala. D Proetice y comectigicatton ond geouming proctices olonted [neotth*c] ® “Fhe expansion of the gorming (bepnd itz lennitontes stented qlvings aise to mignotion and bnede)s @ Bre serming societies transformed into much longen jwone complex social systems chenactenised by cities, political slates ond class inequalities. @ he tcc and cities quickly esponded beyond ile xones of anigin through conquest end nade. Rules ond dynesties nose ond falls @ Md the prlstends ond stone tools of oncheology mode aay fim enitlen documents 03 the majon murce of eridene fon harmon hslony, he processes of chonge oudhine above one genenally re to os cutlunal evolution, on some times social evolution, CHILDES CONCEPT OF CULTUKAL EVOLUTION Childe talked about culture, He believed he hod digenent containen fn which alt of the individual euttunes ane there Fhe cuttune has ds oom unigueness that thene.So complex mode of cultune ciculd be #ene- Unden hie cultunal evolution he explain some phenomena— ® chide had a vison of evolution at a tine tuhen ofhenr ancheologist had onty chnomology chonts. @® Fhe thousand years ogo,humon lived to small, mobile gnoups subsisting on etl plonts and animals, Phoctice of cbmestizication and farming pnoctices stonted [neolithic] ®@ he expansion of the forming (Beyond its ternitontes stonted giving nike to mignadton and trade), @ Fhe forming societies tnonsponmed fnto much langen ,mone complex social systems chenactenised by cikies, polebical states omd class tnequateties, @ Fhe town and cilies quickly expanded beyond ils xones F onyin thaough conquest end trade. Rules and dmesties tose and patts @ Md the prlskends and stone teols of oncheology mode aay fom mitten documents 0s the méjon source of evience for human Aistonys he processes of chinge sutline above ane generally re & os cultlenal evolution some times social evolution. THE NEOLITHIC REVOLUTION GS decenibes the transition grom hunting amd gathering 40 ganméng. “Shs pnocess, ehich relied on the domestication of wild plants omd animals ,occumned chdependently tn seven on eight ponts of the esontd (Béleescod ,2005). G] The shepé nom a tolal netisnce on esild neseemces 0 the use of domesticated ond: Fon- reaching che Most human groups gave yeon- newnd —sedentism, foods led to a numben a fundémental janges th huanan society. up a middle lyestyle ond odepted Poputation, ‘hich tes accompanied by a wnjon sunge tn TM Fameties expanded yvilleges grees ond the of life spnead esidely ancund the globe. M Bhese changes aghiculteeral escry set the scene fon a mone complex division of lakour ond the develepment of social inequollilies. Childe ens one of the He said the old tun fF Aklortle ane Font Smith on the Mockenxte muven represent ts stage, etinestic. ond commencial THE JUVENILE STAGE SE RVENTLE STAGE > his ts the slage of city Keath then springing up leading to concentration F commenceri oeti'ty at the centre. shops ol stan leel gfe restdential houses one estoblished 2 th the Pnge cxeas and poolinies come up beteseen, > Fononto On 142 con be cited as an excmple of this stage. THE MATURITY STAGE 2 Gn this stage nesidenbiat xmes ane eslablished al the extn Purges. > hese nestelentiee xenes ane sell segnegoted with the pavn, clesen to the centne and the ditchen purthen oesoy prom ths > Commencil and drdustnced neck ore well established particulary patlevey hes and the offen sie a the lokes, > Fononto ef (885° nepnesente this stage. THE SENTLITY STAGE SENET TY STAGE ten the cell developed e 2p Of maturity ; the grenth steps as the senility stage is atathed. Recay of me distnicts and a takes “place in this stage, Industral all teams like Aoncoshine reached this stage. decline ty economte prespencty »Verkshere ome Durham herve Zoylen also mentioned abst the ckvelopment oy othen foctons (ike establishment Ff 0 emivenstty 2 Starting y newspaper edreulasion, administrative onnexation of outlying sedettrtes and the formulotn 7 zoning losis, But these development sere so greveleccul that they could not be demoncated th different phases of growth,

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