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Twitter thread unpublished circa 10222020

Created 2020 Oct

– exhumed from the current dustbin that is our offline Vault, ICYMI~
(photographic: Twitter Crime Scene)


Tweet about biden for 10222020:

THREAD:from the “What Flavor is you Milkshake” file..


1/#MSMoron on-air talent MUSTchoose sides now: cover-up/Complicit or

Principled/Proactive. Stop serving two Masters:Paycheck vs Conscience?Be who
America allows you to be finally&Report real NEWS aka Deeds over Words~
2/ The Child Endangerment issues alone, evidence of which rest in the depths of
the Biden Hard Drive, easily convict the corruptions in Media,CIA,FBI,DOJ,DemParty,
Obama Coup-Plotters,&Obama-Biden regime as Fatally Corrupt American Institutions.

3/ The Media had an opportunity to report on the Tara Reade allegations yet made
the deathly error against the Dems of hiding spiking and burying those allegations in
favor of their lucrative “Orange Man Bad” narrative ad nauseum.

4/ The failure of the AG/DOJ/FBI to precede the Impeachment w/public findings on the
Biden Interference with the Ukraine Govt, the illegal spying by Ambassador Yovanovitch
on U. S. Conservative reporters, illegal FISA spy warrants by the Obama
Intelligence/Advisor class & players;
5/ Failure to refer the Biden Hard Drive; Fatal Errors incl #FLYNN while withholding
#Facts #Evidence from the American People:allowed their President to be
unconstitutionally impeached – Effectively Campaign Contributions to the Radical
LeftDems from American Intelligence/Media.
6/Strangely Reminiscient of the entire Russia Russia Russia Narrative which extended
into the 2018 Midterm Election – in hindsight a Special Council/Media Campaign
Contribution to the Dem Party:ushering in “the Squad”/reinstating
Pelosi,Schiff,Waters,Nadler: #LookitUp #WhoPaid?

7/The Media had an opportunity to report accurately fairly&timely on nationwide

outrageous activities of Antifa and the BLM rioting in major cities, looting, anarchy,
assaults,murder; instead: deliberately aiding&abetting the CCP on command from Tech,

DNC & Media Bosses. #Wuhan

8/ The DemParty had an opportunity to suppress Violence&Rioting in their Dem-run

cities&States, but chose instead to suppress #truth, move to #DefundPolice, collect bail
thru Dem $treams,& advocate for the FBI, CIA & Media to follow this lead. Pathetic.

#WalkAwayNOW #VoteRed #Q17

9/The result=a hidden Campaign Contribution Strategy aligned w/CCP – blatant political
suppression of PoliticalOpponents,Channels,Accounts,Platforms,&Voices;working
feverishly thru #Propaganda& #Censorship to BURY #Facts #Truth #Evidence from
Independent Digital Researchers.#Q17 #BIAS
10/The Media/Dem Machine continues suppressing the truth from the American People
and fails to engage in Journalism/Reporting. Now they’re blocking Child Endangerment
Crimes:& continue to act as a ConglomeratedDemsPR firm.(RT/tag some #MSMorons)

11/The American Voter is not going to stand for Leaders,Media,BigTech,Politicians&

Courts abandoning the most vulnerable citizens among us. WE Patriots/ #WalkAway
#DiscerrningDems refuse to endorse more Cover-up of Complicities via
Smearing/Victimizing President Trump’s Record.

12/ #TheMoreYouKnow #LookitUp #TheMoreYouThink… #Vote like the future of
#AmericanCitizensRights to Peace Liberty Freedom & Justice depends on YOU Alone.
Be part of history, Vote to STOP Propaganda, vote to SAVE AMERICA!!

--Done. Thank you for listening~

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