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October 19,2022

Dr. Roseller Bejemino

Vice Principal for Student Affairs

University of St. La Salle

Basic Education Unit

Dear Dr. Bejemino,


We are HUMSS 12A students enrolled in the subject Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion. We

are conducting a research study entitled “Assessment of the University of St. La Salle –

Integrated School Grade 10 Students Coping Strategies on Academic Stress in Online

Learning”. We are now in the data-gathering phase and we would like to ask permission from

you to allow us to give our questionnaires to Grade 10 students. We will be sending links of our

google form for them to answer.

Their participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and may withdraw at any time. The

researchers will observe confidentiality. The information gathered from the survey will be solely

used for research purposes.

Attached is a copy of our research instrument for your verification and checking.

Hoping for your approval.


Flytzyl Kyentchie Philip Mejia

Ma. Iyanna Alamo

Jannet Clavecillas

Bench Gavereal Estañol

Rhaine Yanie Gallon

Katrina Anne Villaflor

Assessment of the University of St. La Salle - Integrated School Grade 10 Students' Coping

Strategies on Academic Stress in Online Learning

This research study aims to assess academic coping strategies for academic stress in

online learning of Grade 10 Students of the Junior High School at the University of St. La

Salle-Integrated School for the school year 2021-2022.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the perceived factors that resolve the stress of Grade 10 students through

coping mechanisms according to:

a. Sex

b. Section

2. Is there a significant difference between the perceived factors when resulting in the coping

strategies of the academic stress used by Grade 10 students when grouped into:

a. Sex

b. Section
Greetings of peace!

As a requirement for our Inquiries, Investigation, and immersion course, we the students of

HUMSS 12A conduct research entitled “Assessment of the University of St. La Salle -

Integrated School Grade 10 Students' Coping Strategies on Academic Stress in Online


As stated in our research title, Grade 10 IS students are our chosen respondents. With that, we

are humbly inviting you to participate in this research by answering the series of questions

prepared by our group with honesty. With your participation, we can guarantee the success of

this research. Your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw at

any time. Please be assured that any information gathered from this survey will be kept strictly

confidential and used solely for research purposes. Names are optional, and the researchers

guarantee your privacy and anonymity. No one other than the researchers will have access to

your data. If you choose to participate in this survey, you will be required to sign a consent


You may contact the researchers using the following contact details if you have any

questions concerning anything in this survey and research: Email Address:; Contact No.: 0945 542 6228.

Thank you so much.

In St. La Salle,

The Researchers.

I have read and fully understood the contents of this document. I agree to the terms and

conditions stated above. I voluntarily approve to participate in this study.

Research Instrument

Name of Student (Optional):


Cluster and Section:

USLS Email:


INSTRUCTIONS: Kindly read the questions thoroughly so that you may be able to answer it

accurately. Indicate your response by checking the rating that best corresponds to the statements

below using the rating scale.

5 = Strongly Agree 4 = Agree 3 = Neutral 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree

Questions 5 4 3 2 1

1. I feel a lot of pressure in my daily studying.

2. Academic grades are very important to my future and can

even determine my whole life.

3. Teachers make too many extra demands on students.

4. When I fail to exceed my own expectations, I become anxious.

5. I'm constantly worried about my school performance.

6. My parents are too concerned about my academic

performance, which puts me under a lot of pressure.

7. An absence of concentration during study hours.

8. Difficulty in comprehending all that has been studied.

9. Inability to communicate fluently in a language other than

one's mother tongue.

10. Poor communication between students and instructors.


INSTRUCTIONS: Kindly read the questions thoroughly so that you may be able to answer it

accurately. Indicate your response by checking the rating that best corresponds to the statements

below using the rating scale.

5 = Strongly Agree 4 = Agree 3 = Neutral 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree

Questions 5 4 3 2 1

1. When dealing with a problem, I spend time trying to

understand what happened.

2. When dealing with a problem, I consider several alternatives

for handling the problem.

3. When dealing with a problem, I try to step back from it

and think about it from a different point of view.

4. When dealing with a problem, I joke about it or try to

make light of it.

5. When dealing with a problem, I often use exercise, hobbies,

or meditation to help me get through a tough time.

6. When dealing with a problem, I try to see the positive side of

the situation.

7. When dealing with a problem, I make compromises.

8. When dealing with a problem, I think about what it might

say about bigger lifestyle changes I need to make.

9. When dealing with a problem, I often try to remember that

the problem is not as serious as it seems.

10. When dealing with a problem, I work on making things

better for the future by changing my habits, such as diet,
exercise, budgeting, or staying in closer touch with people I
care about.

11. Problems increase my food cravings. I tend to eat a lot more.

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