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Copyright © 2015 American Scientific Publishers Journal of

All rights reserved Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience

Printed in the United States of America Vol. 12, 3715–3721, 2015

Weighted Bloch Spaces of Clifford-Valued
Functions with Some Applications
A. El-Sayed Ahmed1 ∗ † , S. A. Ahmed2 ‡ , and A. H. Qamlo3
Sohag University Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, 82524 Sohag, Egypt
Assiut University, Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, P.O. Box: 13174, 21955, Assiut, Egypt
Mathematics Department, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Umm Al-Qura University,
P.O. Box 1348, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

In this paper, we define quaternion  -Bloch spaces and Qp  spaces of quaternion-valued func-
tions, then we characterize Qp  spaces by  -Bloch spaces. Moreover, we give the definition of
quaternion  -sequences which allow one to describe non- Bloch functions in quaternionic
Keywords: Quaternionic Analysis, Qp  Spaces, Quaternion  -Bloch Functions.

1. INTRODUCTION AND PRELIMINARIES Definition 1.1. Let  be real numbers ≥ 0. For an

Function spaces is one of the important branches in math- analytic function f ∈  the  -Bloch space is defined
ematical analysis. It is the backbone
Deliveredofbyseveral branches
Ingenta as follows:
to: Chinese Universityof Hong Kong
of modern mathematics. Those classes of function spaces
IP: On: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 20:01:21
appear frequently in investigations conducted math- Scientific = f  f analytic in  and
ematical analysis, operator theory, nonlinear analysis, 
1 − z2  + 
functional analysis, theories of differential and integral sup sup f z <  (1)
a∈ z∈ 1 − 
a z 
equations, numerical analysis, probability theory, control
theory, and so on. Apart from numerous applications, Furthermore, we set
miscellaneous classes of functions are also an object of
1 − z2  +
intensive study in functional analysis, in theory of real  f  = sup sup f  z
functions, and in other important domains of mathematics. a∈ z∈ 1 − 
a z 2 

Now, we are going define various classes of functions in The definition of  -Bloch space gives the ability
the unit disc. to close the gap between the Dirichlet space and the
Let  = z  z < 1 be the complex unit disk. Recall Bloch space. If = 0, then we will get the well known
that the well known Bloch space (see Refs. [1, 2]) is -Bloch space. If  = 1 and = 0, then we will get the
defined as follows: Bloch space. Also, the little  -Bloch space   0 , is
  a subspace of  consisting of all f ∈  such that
 = f  f analytic in  and sup1 − z2 f  z < 
1 − z2 +
f  z = 0
lim− lim−
a→1 z→1 1 − 
a z2 
For more details on Bloch spaces of analytic functions, we
refer to Refs. [27, 28, 30, 32, 35] and others. The expression  f  defines a seminorm while the nat-
Recently in Ref. [12], the author defined  -Bloch ural norm is given by
space of analytic functions as follows: f  = f 0 +  f 

With this norm the space  is a Banach space.

Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. In 1994, Aulaskari and Lappan2 introduced a class of

Present address: Taif University, Faculty of Science, Mathematics holomorphic functions, the so called Qp -spaces as follows:
Department, Box 888 El-Hawiyah, El-Taif 5700, Saudi Arabia.   

Present address: Umm Al-Qura University, University College, 
Qp = f  f analytic in  and sup f z g za d z < 
2 p
Department of Mathematics, Saudi Arabia. a∈ 

J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 2015, Vol. 12, No. 10 1546-1955/2015/12/3715/007 doi:10.1166/jctn.2015.4266 3715
Weighted Bloch Spaces of Clifford-Valued Functions with Some Applications Ahmed et al.

where 0 < p <  and the weight function gz a = Furthermore, we set
log 1 − āz/a − z is defined as the composition of the
1 − x2 3/2 +
 f  = sup D̄f x

Möbius transformation
a and the fundamental solution of sup
a∈B1 0 x∈B1 0 1 − 
a x 
2 3/2
the two-dimensional real Laplacian. The weight function
gz a is actually Green’s function in  with pole at a ∈  If = 0 then we will get the quaternion-valued -Bloch
For more studies on Qp spaces, we refer to Refs. [9,29,34]. space (see Ref. [13]). When  = 1 and = 0 then we will
In what follows we will work in IH, the skew field of get the Bloch space (see Ref. [23]). The little quaternion-
quaternion. This means we can write each element w ∈ IH valued  -Bloch space   0  is a subspace of 
in the form consisting of all f ∈  such that
w = w0 + w1 i + w2 j + w3 k w0  w1  w2  w3 ∈ IR 1 − x2 3/2 +
lim− lim− D̄f x = 0
where 1 i j k are the basis elements of IH. For these ele- a→1 x→1 1 − 
ax2 3/2
ments we have the multiplication rules In 3 , we obtain characterizations for  -Bloch space
i2 = j 2 = k2 = −1 ij = −ji = k by Qp space of quaternion-valued functions. Also, we
give some basic properties for the extended  -Bloch
jk = −kj = i ki = −ik = j classes and their relationships with some other quaternion
classes. The obtained results improve, extend and general-
The conjugate element w̄ is given by w̄ = w0 − w1 i −
ize some results due to Gürlebeck et al.23
w2 j − w3 k and we have the property
Remark 1.1. It should be remarked that the definition
w w̄ = w̄w = w2 = w02 + w12 + w22 + w32 of quaternion-valued  -Bloch space gives the ability
to close the gap between the quaternion-valued Dirichlet
Moreover, we can identify each vector x = x0  x1  x2  ∈ IR3 space and the quaternion-valued Bloch space.
with a quaternion x of the form The right IH-module of all quaternion-valued functions f
defined on the unit ball, which are quaternion-valued and
x = x0 + x1 i + x2 j
satisfy the condition
Also, in what follows we will work in B1 0 ⊂ 
3 Delivered by Ingenta
IR , the unit ball in the real three-dimensional space. to: Chinese University of Hong D̄f x2 dBx < 
IP: On: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 20:01:21 B1 0
B1 0 is a bounded, simply connected domainAmerican
Copyright: with a Scientific Publishers

C boundary S1 0. is called spatial (or three-dimensional) Dirichlet space 
Moreover, we will consider functions f defined on (see Ref. [23]). Using the adjoint generalized Cauchy-
B1 0 with values in IH. We now define the generalized Riemann operator D̄ instead of the derivative f  z, the
Cauchy-Riemann operator by quaternionic Möbius transformation
a x = a − x1 −
āx−1 , and the modified fundamental solution gx =
f f f 1/41/x − 1 of the real Laplacian as in Ref. [23]
Df = +i +j
x0 x1 x2 generalized Qp -spaces are defined by
and it’s conjugate operator by 
Qp = f ∈ ker D 
f f f
D̄f = −i −j 
x0 x1 x2   2  p
D̄f x g
a x dBx <  (3)
For these operators we have that DD̄ = D̄D = 3 , where a∈B1 0 B
3 is the Laplacian for functions defined over domains
where B1 0 stands for the unit ball in IR3 also, some times
in IR3 . Functions belonging to ker D are called hyperholo-
we use the expression gx a instead of g
a x. Here,
morhic (quaternion) or regular functions. For more infor-
the generalizations of the Green function and of the higher
mation on quaternion analysis, we refer to Refs. [6,25,26].
−1 dimensional Möbius transformation seem to be naturally.
For a < 1 we will denote by
a x = a −x1 − āx
For more information about the study of Qp spaces of
the Möbius transform, which maps the unit ball onto itself.
quaternion-valued functions, we refer to Refs. [8, 19, 20,
Definition 1.2 (Ref. [15]). Let  ∈ 0  For any
23 and 24].
quaternion-valued function f  B1 0 → IH the  -
Recently, Bq spaces of quaternion-valued functions were
Bloch space is defined as follows:
 defined in Ref. [20] as follows:
 = f ∈ kerD     
Bq = f ∈ ker D  sup D̄f xq 1 − x2 3/2q−3
 a∈B1 0 B1 0
1−x2 3/2 + 
sup sup D̄f x <  (2)  2 3
a∈B1 0 x∈B1 0 1−
a x 
2 × 1 − 
ax dBx <  (4)

3716 J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 12, 3715–3721, 2015

Ahmed et al. Weighted Bloch Spaces of Clifford-Valued Functions with Some Applications

where 0 < q <  and the exponent 3 is related to the real For various classes of quaternion-valued functions, we
space dimension. refer to Refs. [3, 11, 14, 20–22, 31] and others.
In Ref. [22] the authors studied Bq spaces of quaternion-

Two quantities Af and Bf  both depending on an ana-
valued functions by employing the weight function 1 − lytic function f on  are said to be equivalent, written

a x2 2 in lieu of 1 − 
ax2 3 . as Af ≈ Bf , if there exists a finite positive constant C not
We will need the following results in the sequel. depending on f such that for every analytic function f on
 we have, 1/CBf ≤ Af ≤ CBf If the quantities Af and
Theorem 1.1 (Ref. [23]). Let f be quaternion-valued
Bf , are equivalent, then in particular we have Af <  if
function in B1 0. Then, for 1 ≤ p < 2 99,
and only if Bf < .

For proofs, we will need the following relations:
f ∈ Qp ⇐⇒ sup D̄f x2 1−
a x2 p dBx < 
a∈B1 0 B1 0
1 − a2 1 − x2 
1 − 
ax2  = (5)
Lemma 1.1 (Ref. [24]). Let 0 < q ≤ 2 a < 1, r ≤ 1. 1 − āx2
Then  1 k
dy ≤  q and
B1 0 1 − āry
1 − ar 1 − x ≤ 1 − āx ≤ 1 + x and also
where k is a constant not depending on a. 1 − a ≤ 1 − āx ≤ 1 + a
Lemma 1.2 (Ref. [24]). If 0 < q ≤ 2 a < 1 and
0 < r ≤ 1, then 2. ( )-BLOCH SPACES AND
dx ≤ In this section we will give a characterization of the quater-
B1 0 1 − ārx 1 − arq
nion  -Bloch spaces by the Qp and Qp g spaces
where  is a constant not depending on a and x is the of quaternion valued-functions. Our results in this section
boundary of the unit ball B1 0. extend and generalize some results in Refs. [15, 23].

With the generalized Cauchy-Riemann operator D, its Proposition 2.1. Let f be a quaternion-valued func-
adjoint D̄. The quaternion Möbius by Ingenta
ato: =
z ChinesetionUniversity
in B1 0 ofand
Hong f ∈  Suppose further that
let Kong
a − z1 − āz  which maps the IP:unit On: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 20:01:21 ≤ p <  and 0 ≤  <  then
ball onto itself. 4/3 < < , 2 < 3/2
Furthermore, let Copyright: American we have that
Scientific Publishers
1 1 D̄f x2 1−
ax2 p−3/2 dBx ≤ 2 f J p
gx a = − 1 B1 0

a x2
1 2 k is a positive constant and J p =
be the modified fundamental solution of the Laplacian on
r /1 − r3−p dr.
3 composed with our Möbius transform
a x Espe- 0

cially, we denote for p − 3/2 ≥ 0 Proof. Since,

1 1 1 − x2 3/2 +
g p−3/2 x a = −1 D̄f x ≤  f 
a x2 1 − 
ax2 3/2

We consider the generalized Qp g-spaces defined as Then,

Let f  B1 0 −→  be a quaternion function, we intro- D̄f x2 1 − 
ax2 p−3/2 dBx
B1 0
duce the seminorms   −3/2+   p
 ≤ 2 f  1 − x2 1 − 
ax2 dBx
f Qp g = sup D̄f x2 gx ap−3/2 dBx B1 0
a∈B1 0 B1 0   −3/2+   p
= 2 f  1 − 
ax2 1 − x2
Definition 1.3. The right - module of all quaternion- B1 0

valued functions f defined on the unit Ball, which satisfy  3

1 − a2
f Qp g < , is called Qp g-space.i.e., × dBx (7)
1 − āx6

Qp g = f ∈ ker D  Here, we have used that the Jacobian determinant is
 1 − a2
sup D̄f x2 gx ap−3/2 dBx < 
a∈B1 0 B1 0 1 − āx6

J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 12, 3715–3721, 2015 3717

Weighted Bloch Spaces of Clifford-Valued Functions with Some Applications Ahmed et al.

Now, using the equality Since,

   1 1
  1 − a2 1 − x2 ≥

1 − 
ax2 = (9)
(8) 1 − āx 2 1 + R2
1 − āx2
Then, we deduce
Then, we deduce that   p−3/2
    D̄f x2 1−
a x2 dBx
D̄f x2 1−
a x2 p−3/2 dBx U a R
B1 0  2
  2 3−3/2−3/2 1−R2 p−3/2 1−a2 3   1− x̄a 
 2 p−3/2−3/2 1−a ≥  D̄f 
a x dBx
≤ 2 f  BR 1− āx
1−x dBx 1+R 2 3
B1 0 1− āx6−3−3
  p−3/2−3/2  3−3/2−3/2 1−R2 p−3/2 1−a2 3 4R3
1−x2 1−a2 ≥ D̄f a2
≤ 2 f   3−3/2−3/2  3−3/2−3/2 dBx 1+R2 3
B1 0 1−x 1−a
 k1−R2 p−3/2 1−a2 3+  4R3
 p−3 ≥ D̄f a2
≤ k2 f  1−x2 dBx 1+R2 3
B1 0
 1 r2    2 Thus,
= k2 f  dr sin
1 d
2 d
1−r3−p 1+r3−p
1 − a23+  D̄f a2
0 0 0
 1 r2
≤ k2 f  dr = k2 f J p 31 + R2
0 1−r3−p ≤
4 k R3 1 − R2 p−3/2
where k is a positive constant. Therefore, our proposition   p−3/2
is proved. × D̄f x2 1 − 
ax2 dBx
B1 0

Corollary 2.1. From Proposition 2.1, we get for 4/3 < Corollary 2.2. If  ≥ 0 such that  + ≥ 1 then
<  2 < 3/2 ≤ p <  and 0 ≤  <  we have
that Qp ⊂ 
 ⊂ Delivered
Qp by Ingenta to: Chinese University of Hong Kong
IP: On: Fri, 17 Jun 2016the20:01:21
Combining Corollary 2.1 and Corollary 2.2, we have
Proposition 2.2. Let f be an hyperholomorphic Copyright: American
function Scientific Publishers
the following theorem:
in B1 0, a < 1, and  ≥ 0 with  + ≥ 1 Then we
have Theorem 2.1. Let f be an a quaternion-valued function
on the unit ball B1 0 and  > 0 such that  + ≥ 1
1 − a23+  D̄f a2 4/3 < <  2 < 3/2 ≤ p <  and 0 ≤  <  then
2    the following statements are equivalent
31 + R 2 p−3/2
≤  D̄f x 2
1 − 
a x dB x 1. f ∈ 
4R3 B1 0
2. f ∈ Qp
where 0 < R < 1
Remark 2.1. The importance of Theorem 2.1 is to
Proof. Let U a R = x  
a x = a − x/1 − āx < R be give us a characterization for the quaternion  -Blosh
a pseudohypertrophic ball with center a and radius R. spaces by the help of integral norms of the quaternion Qp
Then spaces.
D̄f x2 1−
a x2 dBx
  p−3/2 Qp,  g-SPACES
≥ D̄f x2 1−
a x2 dBx Proposition 3.1. Let f be a quaternion-valued function
U a R
 on the unit ball B1 0 and 0 ≤ p − 3/2 ≤ 3/2, 0 ≤ ,
≥ 1−R2 p−3/2 D̄f x2 dBx < ,  + ≥ 1 then we have
U a R
 1−a2 3 1 − a23+ 
= 1−R2 p−3/2 D̄f 
a x2 dBx D̄f a2
BR 1− āx6 1 − 
aa2 3
  1− x̄a 2

= 1−R  2 p−3/2
1−a   2 3
a x ≤ p R D̄f x2 −1 dBx

BR 1− āx
3 B1 0 a x2
1 where the constant p R is positive and it does not
× dB
1− āx2 x depend on a and f but it depends on p and R.

3718 J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 12, 3715–3721, 2015

Ahmed et al. Weighted Bloch Spaces of Clifford-Valued Functions with Some Applications

Proof. As it was defined, we let U a R = x  

a x < R be Corollary 3.1. From Proposition 3.1 we get for 0 ≤ p −
the pseudohyperbolic ball with radius R, 0 < R < 1 For 3/2 ≤ 3/2, 0 ≤ , < ,  + ≥ 1, that
x ∈ U a R we have

 p−3/2  p−3/2 Qp g ⊂ 
1 1
− 1 ≤ − 1
a x2 Next, we give the following result:
  p−3/2 Proposition 3.2. Let f a quaternion function in the unit
D̄f x2 − 1 dBx ball B1 0 such that f ∈  Then for 0 ≤  < ,
B1 0 
a x2 2 < p < 3/2 + 1, and 1/3 < <  we have
1   p−3/2
≥ D̄f x2 − 1 dBx D̄f x2 gx a dBx ≤ 2 f J p 
U a R 
a x2
B1 0
≥ − 1 D̄f x2 dBx where
R2 U a R
 1 r2
Since we have J p  =
 1 − r3−p r 2−2p−3
D̄f x2 dBx
U aR
 Proof. The proof is much akin to the proof of Proposition
2 1 − a
2 3
 2.1 with simple modifications, so it will be omitted.
= D̄f 
a x dBx
BR 1 − āx6
  1 − āx 2 Corollary 3.2. Under the conditions of Proposition 3.2,
= 1 − a 
2 3  D̄f x dBx we have that

BR 1 − āx
3 1 − āx2  ⊂ Qp g
Then, we obtain
 Combining Corollary 3.1 and Corollary 3.2, we have the
D̄f x2 dBx following result:
U a R
 Delivered by Ingenta
2 to: Chinese University of Hong Kong
1 − a2 3   1 − āxIP: 
On: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 3.1.20:01:21
Let f be a quaternion-valued function in
≥ D̄f 
Copyright: American Scientific 1 0. Further, we suppose that 0 ≤  < ,
1 + R2 BR  1 − āx3 
a x the unit ball B
2 < p < 3/2 + 1, 1/3 < < , with  + ≥ 1
which implies that and p − 3/2 ≥ 0. Then the following conditions are

D̄f x2 ≥ p RD̄f a2
U a R 1. f ∈  .
where p R is a constant depending on p and R. 2. f ∈ Qp g.
D̄f x2 − 1 dBx
B1 0 
a x2 An extreme point of a convex set A in a real vector space
≥ p R1 − a  D̄f a
2 3 2 is a point in A which does not lie in any open line segment
joining two points of A (see Ref. [5]).
≥ p R1 − a23+  D̄f a2 We also point out here that Qp g have geomet-
a a = 0, then ric applications. The problem addressed here deals with
  p−3/2 extreme points on Qp g spaces.
1 Given a norm  · X on a Banach space X In studying
D̄f x 2
−1 dBx
B1 0 
a x2 X  · X  One problem of considerable interest is that of
1 − a23+  characterizing the geometry of the closed unit ball
≥ p R D̄f a2
1 − 
aa 3
BX   · X  = f ∈ X  f X ≤ 1
which implies that
1 An interesting question can be stated as follows:
p R D̄f x 2
− 1 dB How one can find the extreme points of balls of
B1 0 
a x2 x

B Qp  0 g  f BQp  0 g  and B  f B  in quater-

1 − a23+ 
≥ D̄f a 2 nion sense?
1 − 
aa2 3 In this section, we will give answers to the above
Then, choosing a suitable R, the proof is complete. question.

J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 12, 3715–3721, 2015 3719

Weighted Bloch Spaces of Clifford-Valued Functions with Some Applications Ahmed et al.

Lemma 4.1. Let Xi  i ∈ N0 = 0 1 2 be three Banach Applying Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem, we
spaces with the norms  · X0   · X1 and  · X2 , respec- deduce
tively. Let N  0  × 0  × 0  →  be a function

so that Ip f  g a → Ip f  g a as n → 

x0  x1  x2  → N x0  x1  x2  that is, Ip f  g a is continuous at a This completes the
is a norm on 3 Define a norm  · Y on Y = ⊕Xi , proof.
i ∈ N0 by Now, we state and prove the next theorem:
Theorem 4.1. Let f be a quaternion-valued function
 ⊕ xi Y = N x0 X0  x1 X1  x2 X2 
on the unit ball B1 0 and 0 < p <  Suppose
for x0 ∈ X0  x1 ∈ X1  x2 ∈ X2 that f ∈ Qp g then f is an extreme point of
BQp  0 g  f BQ g  if and only if, f BQ g = 1.
Then, Y = ⊕Xi , i ∈ N0 is an extreme point of BY   · Y  p p

if and only if the following condition hold: Proof. By Lemma 4.1, the necessity is trivial. Now, we
1. x0 is an extreme point of the closed ball of radius proof the sufficiently condition. Since
x0 X0 of X0 lim Ip f  g a = 0
2. x1 is an extreme point of the closed ball of radius a→1

x1 X1 of X1 there is an  ∈ 0 1 such that

3. x2 is an extreme point of the closed ball of radius
x2 X2 of X2 1
sup Ip f  g a ≤
4. x0 X0  x1 X1  x2 X2  is an extreme point of the a> 2
closed unit ball of 3
Consequently, we have
Proof. The proof of this Lemma is similar to Proposi- 1 = f BQ = sup Ip f  g a = max Ip f  g a
tion 1 in Ref. [7], with simple modification, so it will be p g a≤
a∈B1 0
Applying Lemma 4.2 to this f  we see that Ip f  g  is
Lemma 4.2. Let f be a quaternion-valued function on the continuous on the compact set
unit ball B1 0 and 0 < p < Delivered
 For someby aIngenta
∈ Bi 0to:sup-
Chinese University of Hong Kong
pose that IP: On: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 20:01:21 K = a ∈ B1 0  a ≤ 
Copyright: American Scientific Publishers
    thus there exists a point b ∈ B1 0 (where b ≤ ).
Ip f  g a = D̄f x2 gx a p−3/2 dBx < 
B1 0
To ensure Ip f  g b = 1 Let h be any function such
that f ± hQp g ≤ 1 Then,
Then Ip f  g a is continuous function on B1 0.
Ip f  g b + Ip h g b
Proof. Using (5) and (6), then for a b ∈ B1 0 we obtain
Ip f + h g b + Ip f − h g b
1 = ≤1
1 − a1 − b 2
Therefore, Ip h g b = 0 This implies that h = 0
1 − 
ax2 4
≤ ≤ (10) Hence f is extreme.
1 − 
b x2 1 − a1 − b Remark 4.1. It is still an open problem to extend the
This shows that if Ip f  g a <  at some points in obtained results in Refs. [16, 17] to clifford analysis.
B1 0 then Ip f  g a <  at all points in B1 0 Now, Remark 4.2. It is still an open problem to study some
suppose that I f  g a <  To prove the continuity of applications given in Refs. [4,10,33] to quaternion setting.
Ip f  g a <  it suffices to verify that it is contiguous
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank
at a For this, one assume that an  ⊂ B1 0 is convergent
Scientific Research Deanship at Umm Al-Qura University
to a Then, there is a positive integer n0 such that n ≥ n0 
(Project ID 43305035) for the financial support.
1 − an ≥ 1 − a/2. Thus by (10), we obtain
1 − 
an x2 8 References

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