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Chapter 2:

Diode Applications

2.2 Load-Line Analysis
The load line plots all possible current (ID) conditions for all voltages
applied to the diode (VD) in a given circuit. E / R is the maximum ID and
E is the maximum VD.

Where the load line and the characteristic curve intersect is the Q-point,
which specifies a particular ID and VD for a given circuit.

Characteristic curve of the solid-state device

Load-line analysis
Load line of the circuit
2.3 Equivalent Model Analysis

Forward Bias: E>0.7 Reverse Bias: E<0.7

Constants as known Diodes ideally behave as open circuits

• Silicon Diode: VD = 0.7V
• Germanium Diode: VD =0.3V Analysis
• VD = E
Analysis • VR = 0 V
• ID = 0 A
• VD = 0.7V
• VR = E – VD
• ID = IR = IT = VR / R
Equivalent Model Analysis
Step 1. Make assumptions (‘short/forward’ or ‘open/reverse’)
Step 2. Analysis/Check assumptions
Step 3. Make final decision
Example 2.4 Determine ID, VD2, and Vo

Step1. Make Assumptions

Step2. Analysis/Check assumptions Step3. Make final decision

Example 2.5 Determine I, V1, V2, and Vo

Step1. Make Assumptions And Check Step2. Make final decision

Example 2.51 DetermineVo, I1, ID1 and ID2


Assuming diodes of similar characteristics, we have

This example demonstrates one reason for placing diodes in parallel. If the
current rating of the diodes is only 20 mA, a current of 28.18 mA would damage
the device if it appeared alone in Fig. 2.28 . By placing two in parallel, we limit
the current to a safe value of 14.09 mA with the same terminal voltage.
Example 2.52 Determine I1, I2 and ID2


Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage law

2.4 AND / OR Gates

logic OR gate logic AND gate

2.5 Half-Wave Rectification
The diode only conducts when it is in forward bias, therefore only half of
the AC cycle passes through the diode.

The DC output voltage is 0.318Vm, where Vm = the peak AC voltage.

Note: It is important that the reverse breakdown voltage rating of the diode be high
enough to withstand the peak reverse-biasing AC voltage: Vm <PIV (or PRV)
• Using an ideal diode equivalent
• Using a simplified diode equivalent

In fact, if Vm is sufficiently greater than VK , Eq. (2.7) is often

applied as a first approximation for Vdc .
Example 2.8
•a. Sketch the output vo and determine the dc level of the output for the network.
•b. Repeat part (a) if the ideal diode is replaced by a silicon diode.
•c. Repeat parts (a) and (b) if Vm is increased to 200 V, and compare solutions using Eqs.
(2.7) and (2.8).



2.6 Full-Wave Rectification

The rectification process can be

improved by using more diodes in
a full-wave rectifier circuit.

Full-wave rectification produces a

greater DC output:

• Half-wave: Vdc = 0.318Vm

• Full-wave: Vdc = 0.636Vm

Full-Wave Rectification

Bridge Rectifier

• Four diodes are required

• VDC = 0.636 Vm
Full-Wave Rectification

Center-Tapped Transformer

• Two diodes
• Center-tapped transformer

VDC = 0.636(Vm)
Example 2.9
Clippers are networks that employ diodes to “clip” away a portion of an input
signal without distorting the remaining part of the applied waveform.
There are two general categories of clippers: series and parallel. The series
configuration is defined as one where the diode is in series with the load,
whereas the parallel variety has the diode in a branch parallel to the load.
Series there are no boundaries on the type of signals that can be applied to a clipper.
1. Take careful note of where the output voltage is defined.

2. Try to develop an overall sense of the response by simply noting the

“pressure” established by each supply and the effect it will have on the
conventional current direction through the diode.
3. Determine the applied voltage (transition voltage) that will result in a
change of state for the diode from the “off” to the “on” state.

Note the substitution of the short-circuit equivalent for the diode and the
fact that the voltage across the resistor is 0 V because the diode current is 0
mA. The result is vi -V=0, and so vi =V is the transition voltage.
For the “on” region, the diode is replaced by a short-circuit equivalent,
and the output voltage is defined by

For the “off” region, the diode is an open circuit, ID=0 mA, and the output
voltage is

4. It is often helpful to draw the output waveform directly below the applied
voltage using the same scales for the horizontal axis and the vertical axis.

the output voltage

Example 2.10 Determine the output waveform for the
sinusoidal input

Step 1: The output is again directly across the resistor R.

Step 2: on or off
Step 3: The transition model is substituted in below figure
Step 4: In below figure a horizontal line is drawn through the applied voltage
at the transition level. For voltages less than 5 V the diode is in the open-
circuit state and the output is 0V, as shown in the sketch of vo . Using the
below figure, we find that for conditions when the diode is on and the diode
current is established the output voltage will be the following, as determined
using Kirchhoff’s voltage law: vo = vi + 5 V
Parallel the simplest of parallel diode configurations
Example 2.12: Determine vo

Example 2.13: Repeat Example 2.12

using a silicon diode with VK = 0.7 V.
Clipping circuits.
A clamper is a network constructed of a diode, a resistor, and a capacitor that
shifts a waveform to a different dc level without changing the appearance of
the applied signal.

The simplest of clamper networks is provided in the below figure:

Clamping networks have a capacitor connected directly from input to output

with a resistive element in parallel with the output signal. The diode is also in
parallel with the output signal but may or may not have a series dc supply as
an added element.
There is a sequence of steps that can be applied to help make the analysis straightforward.

Step 1: Start the analysis by examining the response of the portion of the input signal that
will forward bias the diode.
Step 2: During the period that the diode is in the “on” state, assume that the capacitor will
charge up instantaneously to a voltage level determined by the surrounding network.

Diode “on” Diode “off”

Step 3: Assume that during the period when the diode is in the “off” state the capacitor
holds on to its established voltage level.

Step 4: Throughout the analysis, maintain a continual awareness of the location and
defined polarity for vo to ensure that the proper levels are obtained.

Step 5: Check that the total swing of the output matches that of the input.
Example 2.14: Determine vo

Step 1: Step 2:
Step 3:

Determining vo and VC with the

diode in the “on” state. Determining vo with the diode
in the “off” state.
Step 4 and
step 5:

Example 2.15 Repeat Example 2.14 using a silicon diode with VK =0.7 V.
Determine whether the
diode is forward bias or
reverse bias.

VA<VB, reverse bias

2.9 Zener Diodes

The Zener diode is operated

in reverse bias at the Zener
Voltage (Vz).

• When Vi ! Vz
• The Zener is on
• Voltage across the Zener is Vz
• Zener current: IZ
• The Zener Power: PZ = VZIZ

• When Vi < Vz
• The Zener is off
• The Zener acts as an open circuit
If V ≥VZ, the Zener diode is on,
and the appropriate equivalent
model can be substituted.

Step1. Determine the state of the

Zener diode by removing it from the
network and calculating the voltage
across the resulting open circuit.

If V<V Z , the diode is off, and

the open-circuit equivalence is
Step2. Substitute the appropriate equivalent and solve for the desired unknowns.

“on” state

Appling Kirchhoff’s current law:



The power dissipated by the Zener diode is determined by

that must be less than the PZM specified for the device.
Example 2.17. Fixed Vi, Fixed RL
•determine VL , VR , IZ , and PZ .
•Repeat part (a) with RL=3KΩ.

Since V =8.73 V is less than V Z =10 V,

the diode is in the “off” state, as shown
in the right

Since V=12 V is greater than VZ=10 V, the

diode is in the “on” state


IZ=IR - IL=6mA - 3.33mA=


which is less than the specified PZM=30 mW.

self study:
Example 2.18. Fixed Vi, Variable RL
Example 2.19. Variable Vi, Fixed RL
Summary of Chapter 2

• Analysis methods of diode circuits

• Equivalent Model
• Load-Line Analysis

• Application of Diodes
• Rectifier
• Conversions of AC to DC for DC operated circuits
• Battery Charging Circuits
• Clipper/limiter:
• Clamper
• Zener Diodes: Regulator
• Over voltage Protection
• Setting Reference Voltages
• …

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