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Reaction Paper Writing

I. Introduction

Over the past years, Most areas of our society, including the building and
construction industry have been penetrated by significant growth in response to
sustainability. New and improved sustainable practices focused on eco-friendly
design are promising for the future of our planet. Reducing the industry's
environmental impact is one of the objectives of sustainable construction. Utilizing
recyclable and renewable materials is one aspect of sustainable construction
techniques. lowering the energy embodied in building materials.

Even though many various business sectors are making efforts to become
more sustainable, the construction industry is special because it has the potential
to greatly influence how these practices are put into practice. This is a result of
the industry's extensive usage of resources and energy.

II. The Body

The online discussion with Engr. Ryan Ben Sabilala and Architect Abigail
Catapang are all about construction sustainability. Some of the topics discussed
also gave us knowledge and encouragement, such as the connection between
sustainability and construction. Sustainability is not something that needs to be
done separately in all of our designs. In order to improve building performance,
sustainable design aims to lessen adverse effects on the environment as well as
the health and comfort of building occupants.

The challenges related to sustainability are based on what the specific

country is facing, such as climate change and the availability of technology and
resources. These challenges come with a solution; some of it is still being
discovered. Sustainability strategies and solutions are based on the
straightforward tenet that everything we require for our lives and well-being
depends on nature, either directly or indirectly. And the first priority on which
designers are currently focused is energy.

Some energy sources, as opposed to fossil fuels, are entirely renewable

and don't release greenhouse gasses. Solar energy, hydropower, wind,
geothermal, and biomass energy are some of these clean and sustainable
alternative energy sources.
III. Conclusion
Sustainable lifestyle choices enhance our quality of life, safeguard our
ecosystem, and protect the environment for future generations. Manufacturing,
logistics, and customer service are all included in a comprehensive approach to
sustainability in the corporate world.

Certifications and education are insufficient unless they are supplemented

with relevant experience. The ability to lead with purpose, communicate and
demonstrate value, evaluate and apply data, and retain a big-picture attitude may
go a long way because sustainability is such a massive project. Start by using
these abilities in your regular work. Consider the goal of an initiative and share it
with a peer.

This sustainability talk with Engr. Ryan Ben Sabilala and Architect Abigail
Catapang have inspired me, a student, to pursue sustainability in my future
designs and life.

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