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21-Day Shred Program

Why 21 Days?

First things first, why 21 days? The answer is simple. I developed this challenge to mimic the way I
prep for a show, and to show you how incredible the transformation can be over 3 weeks. One of the
questions I am asked the most is how to prep for a contest. The reality is there are many intricacies
based of the individual, and those tweaks are honed in with years of experience, but this 21 day
challenge will give you all the tools you need to get an inside look at the final days leading up to a
contest, and what it takes to peak your physique.

Competition Nutrition

Everybody wants to lose body fat and increase muscle mass. The problem is the information out
there can be very confusing as to which actual nutritional protocols to follow to get optimal results.
The good news is I am going to share with you the "secret" to doing both simultaneously. I am going
to give you the best way to burn fat and gain muscle: and it is Carb Cycling. Carb cycling is a method,
which times up carbohydrate intake with training protocols to optimize hormonal response.

Carb cycling leading up to a show, photo shoot or beach vacation should be based around a few
factors; Body Weight, Body Fat Percentage, Muscle Mass, Training Goals, Training Style, etc. The
Carb Cycle in this 21 day challenge is tailored to the training I am providing you. The exercises, sets,
reps and rest intervals are all designed with a specifc response in mind. The carb cycle compliments
the training with structured refeeds and caloric defcits to match High Intensity, Low Intensity and Rest
Days. Long story short, all the guess work has been taken out. Follow the nutritional protocols with
the training protocols, and you'll get shredded AND get bigger at the same time.

Prepared for: Matthew Evans -

Hormonal Response to Food and Training
To get the most out of the carb cycle, I have laid out the program to scientifically target the body's
hormonal response to 2 things; Nutrient Timing and Resistance Training.

Nutrient Timing - is the idea that the timing of nutrient intake around training, in addition to the
quality of food selection based around hormonal response, is paramount to optimal body composition
change. For example, simple carbohydrate sources higher in glucose immediately following training
will bring down cortisol levels to get the body in an anabolic state, but it will not be as readily
converted and stored as fat as a fructose source. Additionally, 200 grams of carbohydrates from a
sweet potato will affect your body significantly better than 200 grams of carbohydrates from Twinkies.

Resistance Training - The next piece of the puzzle is pairing the right exercises to take advantage of
Testosterone and Growth Hormone. To gain muscle mass, you need to drive up testosterone. To
drive up testosterone, I've given you large compound movements, which have been proven to get
your T driven up. In addition, research is clear that when you drive up blood lactate levels, the body
responds by releasing Growth Hormone. What is the body's response to growth hormone? Body fat
loss! To drive up GH levels, I've combined high volume training with low rest intervals. Have a trash
can handy!

Benefits of HIIT

Too often we see people spending hours at the gym doing cardio in the "fat burning" zone. To be
clear, these workouts are great and they do have many benefits physiologically and aesthetically, but
if we are talking about the most bang for your buck in a short amount of time, high intensity interval
training is the king. The physiological effects of intense interval training are much different from "low
and slow" cardio. This is because of EPOC - Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. After a
session of intense interval training, your body's response is to increase the consumption of oxygen to
bring the body back to homeostasis. This increased oxygen consumption lasts for hours and
accompanied by the need for more fuel. If you want to increase your metabolism, do high intensity
interval training.
Nutrition Outline
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

High Carb Low Carb Low Carb High Carb Low Carb Low Carb Low Carb

Carb cycling means you will change the amount carbohydrates you eat from day to day. I have two
high carb days a week and the rest of the week is low carb. The high carb days are always the day
before my leg training since those are the hardest lifting days of the week. Since it can take up to 24
hours to restore muscle glycogen, your high carb day has the biggest impact on the next day.

Make sure to download MyFitnessPal to track your macros. It's going to be the easiest way make
sure you keep your macros on point. If you aren't used to counting macros, its a good idea plan
ahead and prep your meals.

In the next couple of pages I go into macronutrients a little further. If you aren't new to counting
macros, you can skip those pages and go straight to the "MY MACROS" page to get your
personalized macros for the challenge.

I've also included a simple meal builder if you need some help on how to put your meals together.
The meal builder shows you the amount of servings you need to eat from the food list page. It is also
customized to your personal numbers, so make sure to check that out if you've never counted macros


This diet is not sustainable long term. It is for short term cutting and designed for competition
prep. We do not reccomend using this macro breakdown for more than 3-6 weeks.
Macronutrients Explained
Macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Every gram of each macronutrient contains
calories. Protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram, and fat contains 9 calories per gram.
The way your body responds to each macronutrient is very different. Although protein and
carbohydrates have the same amount of calories per gram, the effect on your body is not the same.
This is why just counting calories is not an effective way of dieting. Eating carbohydrates, especially
high glycemic carbs, increase the levels of the hormone insulin. Chronically high insulin levels can
make the cells more resistant to insulin, leading to weight gain and diabetes.

Also, some foods burn more calories to digest than others. This is called the thermic effect of food.
Animal protein and leafy greens take much more energy to digest than white bread and candy. This is
why counting macronutrients is so important. It is a way to make sure your calories are coming from
foods that will help you be lean and support muscle repair and growth. In your grocery list you will find
tons of examples of proteins, carbs, and fats.


Protein is a vital macronutrient, and the most important macronutrient to build muscle. Protein is a
class of nitrogen-containing compounds formed by amino acids. These amino acids are used by our
bodies to repair, and build muscle tissue. A high concentration of amino acids in the blood stream is
imperative to keeping your body in an anabolic (muscle building) state. This will allow your body
every chance to repair and build muscle. This also will reduce day to day recovery time and muscle
soreness. This is why we recommend consuming at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight.
This amount of protein will ensure speedy recovery and muscle growth.

It is best to get all recommended protein for the day from whole foods. This doesn't mean that protein
supplements aren't great, but they have more purpose for post workout recovery and should not be
used to replace a meal unless it is a last resort. To keep things simple, we have a rule. You are only
allowed to consume 1/4 of your protein requirements for the day from protein shakes. Grass fed beef,
free range chicken and eggs, wild caught fish, and wild game are top picks for protein sources. These
sources are the best for health, vitality, longevity, and quality of life. They are high in omega-3 fatty
acids and have a low inflammatory response. With that said, history has proven that muscle can be
built eating canned tuna, canned chicken, etc.. We know that these types of foods are very
convenient, and are sometimes necessary when eating 4-5 meals a day and living a busy lifestyle.

Most of our new clients aren't eating enough protein to gain mass and recover properly. If this is you,
it's probably not a good idea to jump right into doubling or tripling the amount of protein you regularly
consume. This can cause digestive issues. As with any macronutrient, the more frequently you
consume it, the more efficient your body becomes at digesting it. If you regularly consume more than
50 grams of protein less than what your diet prescribes, it is a good idea to start lower than the
recommended amount. Start with adding an extra 20-30 grams then add 3 grams of protein every day
until you reach the recommended amount.


Fat is essential for many functions in the body. Fat is an essential component of cell membranes and
nerve fibers, it is our primary energy source in a resting state, and all steroid hormones in the body
are produced from cholesterol. Fat yields the most calories per gram at 9 and because of this, it is
very easy to eat too many calories if you consume too much fat. This plan has enough fat for healthy
body function, but is low enough to keep your body fat in check.


Carbohydrates are turned into glucose (simple sugar) during digestion. Upon the ingestion of
carbohydrates, insulin is released and binds to muscle tissue cells to shuttle glucose into the cell to
be stored as muscle glycogen. Muscle glycogen is the body's stored source of carbohydrates. Muscle
glycogen is stored by skeletal muscle and used as an energy source during exercise. The common
mistake made by most people (and the primary reason for the obesity epidemic) is eating
carbohydrates all day long. The body can only store a limited amount of carbohydrates as muscle
glycogen. Elite athletes have ability to store more than the average Joe, but there is still a limit. Once
muscle glycogen has been restored to capacity, all excess carbohydrates must go somewhere. If you
are not actively using these excess carbohydrates for energy, they will be turned into fat. This is why
cycling carbohydrates works so effectively. You are guaranteeing that carbs are being used to restore
muscle glycogen. Not eating carbs all the time also allows your body to become more sensitive to
insulin because you are not constantly flooding your body with the hormone.
My Macros

27 73 198 18

High Carb Day: Protein: Carbohydrates: Fat:

203 285 53

Low Carb Day: Protein: Carbohydrates: Fat:

203 147 45
Example Meal Builder
Low Carb Day

Low Carb Day: Protein: Carbohydrates: Fat:

203 147 45

4 Meal Break Down: 50 36 11

Breakfast 5 x Servings of Protein #2 3 x Servings of Carb #1

Lunch 5 x Servings of Protein #1 3 x Servings of Carb #1 1 x Servings Veggie #1

Meal 3 5 x Servings of Protein #1 3 x Servings of Carb #1 1 x Servings Veggie #1

Dinner 5 x Servings of Protein #1 2 x Servings of Carb #1 1 x Servings Veggie #1

High Carb Day

High Carb Day: Protein: Carbohydrates: Fat:

203 285 53

4 Meal Break Down: 50 71 13

Breakfast 5 x Servings of Protein #2 7 x Servings of Carb #1

Lunch 5 x Servings of Protein #1 7 x Servings of Carb #1 1 x Servings Veggie #1

Meal 3 5 x Servings of Protein #1 7 x Servings of Carb #1 1 x Servings Veggie #1

Dinner 5 x Servings of Protein #1 5 x Servings of Carb #1 1 x Servings Veggie #1

Added Fats

I did not add extra fats to the meal builder because the is a very low fat diet. Your first meal of the day
will be moderately high in fat and the rest will be very low fat. Try to avoid using high fat cooking oils
to prepare your foods. At most, I use enough coconut oil to cover the bottom of the pan by rubbing it
around with my hand. This is a great technique to maximize the coverage of the oil without having to
use very much.


This is where most people get into trouble when counting macros on a low fat diet. A tablespoon of
"full fat" ranch dressing is close to 10 grams of fat. Things like this can de-rail your progress very
quickly. Hot sauce is definitely a "go to" during prep because it adds so much flavor and most have
almost zero calories. If you don't like hot sauce, there are some great low carb/low fat barbeque
sauce options.

Spices and Sodium

The biggest things to look out for when adding spices to your food is to make sure the spice doesn't
contain any carbohydrates. Sometimes spice blends can be very high in sugar. For sodium, don't
change anything out of the ordinary. Just salt to taste.

How to use the Meal Builder

1. Pick a food from the the category listed on the Meal Builder. EX - Protein #1
2. Multiply the number of servings listed on the meal builder with the weight amount listed for 1
serving of your food of choice on the food list.

The meal builder is just provided as an example. you can fit any foods that you'd like into your
macronutrient goals for the day. EX - whole eggs are not on the list, but you can definitely
combine whole eggs and egg whites for your breakfast.

Veggie #1 Options Protein #1 Options - Lean Protein #2 Options - Mod. Lean Carbohydrates #1 Options

1 serving < 5 grams net carbs 1 serving = 12 grams protein 1 serving = 10 grams protein 1 serving = 10 grams carbs

Grams listed are measuring Grams listed are measuring weight Grams listed are measuring weight Grams listed are measuring
weight weight

114g/4oz - Cauliflower 62g/2.18oz - Chicken Breast 49.4g/1.76oz - 90% Lean Ground 35g/1.23oz - White Rice
141g/5oz - White Mushrooms 56/2oz - Shrimp Beef 42.5g/1.5oz - Brown Rice
100g/3.5oz - Broccoli 68g/2.4oz - Tilapia 60g/2.1oz - Chicken Thigh 14.8g/0.52oz - Oatmeal
141g/5oz - Spinach 62g/2.18oz - 97% Lean Ground Turkey 33g/1.16oz - Top Sirloin (fat 14.5g/0.51oz - Quinoa
46g/1.6oz - Kale 48g/1.76oz - Ahi Tuna trimmed) 47.5g/1.68oz - White Potato
100g/3.5oz - Green Beans 52g/1.84oz - Turkey Breast 48g/1.17oz - Salmon 62.5g/2.2oz - Red Potato
100g/3.5oz - Okra 54g/1.92oz - 98% Lean Ground 33g/1.16oz - Pork Chops 49.5g/1.75oz - Sweet Potato
141/5oz - Celery Chicken 38g/1.32oz - Lamb Loin 130g/4.59oz - Strawberries
100g/3.5oz - Green Bell Peppers 70g/2.5oz - Cod 69g/2.43oz - Blueberries
85g/3oz - Cabbage 110g/3.88oz - Egg Whites 84g/2.97oz - Raspberries
114g/4oz - Arugula 52g/1.84oz - Canned Chicken
127g/4.5oz - Asparagus 48g/2.1oz - Pork Tenderloin (fat
170g/6oz - Iceberg Lettuce trimmed)
143g/5oz - Zucchini 48g/2.4oz - Canned Tuna
114g/4oz - Summer Squash 64g/2.26oz - Deli Turkey
85g/3oz - Eggplant
Training Outline
Upper Body - Chest/Back - Hypertrophy Focus - LISS CARDIO

The goal for today is Hypertrophy (Muscle Building) for your chest and back. We will be working the 8-12 rep range and your weight
used will be based of your 1 Rep Maxes. You will be super setting movements in order to get more work done in a shorter period of
time. This will also help to keep your heart rate elevated throughout the entire workout. You will finish the day with Low Intensity Steady
State (LISS) cardio. This type of cardio is great for fat burning fat and helping to speed recovery due to increased blood flow.

Legs - Hypertrophy Focus

The goal for today is Hypertrophy for your lower body. We will be working the 6-12 rep range and your weight used will be based of
your 1 Rep Maxes. This will be a fast pace leg workout and your heart rate will be elevated the entire time. You will be super setting
movements in order to get more work done in a shorter period of time. This will also help to keep your heart rate elevated throughout
the entire workout. There is no cardio today because this workout will do a great job keeping your heart rate elevated. We will finish the
day with three rounds of core work.

Shoulders/Arms - Hypertrophy Focus - LISS CARDIO

The goal for today is Hypertrophy Shoulders and arms. We will be working the 8-12 rep range and your weight used will be based of
your 1 Rep Maxes. You will finish the day with Low Intensity Steady State (LISS) cardio.


Today's workout will be a quick one. Today's intervals are short bursts, 100% effort.

Legs - High Volume - Muscular Endurance/Heart Rate focus

Todays leg workout is as much conditioning as it is muscle building. These are some of my favorite works to get lean in a short period of
time. You will start the day by super-setting high volume lifting with plyometric movements (jump variations). This will jack your heart
rate through the roof and drive up blood lactate levels. You will finish the day with a grueling giant set and some core work.

Total Upper Body - High Volume - "PUMP" Focus - HIIT CARDIO

Today's workout will give you a crazy pump for your entire upper body. You will be super-setting high rep sets for your chest, back,
shoulders, and arms and be hitting complete failure more than once during the session. Training in this style is going to drive your blood
lactate levels through the roof and have you leaving the gym feeling like the hulk. You'll finish the day with some long interval HIIT
Matthew Evans AGE: 27 HEIGHT: 73 WEIGHT: 198 BODYFAT: 18

Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

% Reps Weight % Reps Weight % Reps Weight

1a. Bench Press 0.5 Warm-up 105.0 0.55 Warm-up 115.0 0.6 Warm-up 125.0
5 reps 5 reps 5 reps

0.55 Warm-up 115.0 0.6 Warm-up 125.0 0.65 Warm-up 135.0

5 reps 5 reps 3 reps

0.625 #1 - 12 reps 130.0 0.675 #1 - 10 reps 140.0 0.725 #1 - 8 reps 150.0

0.65 #2 - 12 reps 135.0 0.7 #2 - 10 reps 145.0 0.75 #2 - 8 reps 160.0

Rest 45sec before 1b. 0.675 #3 - 12 reps 140.0 0.725 #3 - 10 reps 150.0 0.775 #3 - 8 reps 165.0

1b. Chin-Ups #1 - 12 reps AHAP #1 - 10 reps AHAP #1 - 8 reps AHAP

#2 - 12 reps AHAP #2 - 10 reps AHAP #2 - 8 reps AHAP

Rest 2min 30sec before 1a. #3 - 12 reps AHAP #3 - 10 reps AHAP #3 - 8 reps AHAP

2a. DB Incline Bench 0.2 #1 - 12 reps 40.0 0.225 #1 - 10 reps 45.0 0.25 #1 - 8 reps 50.0

0.225 #2 - 12 reps 45.0 0.25 #2 - 10 reps 50.0 0.275 #2 - 8 reps 60.0

Less than 30sec rest before 2b. 0.25 #3 - 12 reps 50.0 0.275 #3 - 10 reps 60.0 0.3 #3 - 8 reps 65.0

2b. DB Row 0.25 #1 - 12 reps 50.0 0.275 #1 - 10 reps 60.0 0.3 #1 - 8 reps 65.0

0.275 #2 - 12 reps 60.0 0.3 #2 - 10 reps 65.0 0.325 #2 - 8 reps 70.0

Rest 90sec before next set of 2a. 0.3 #3 - 12 reps 65.0 0.325 #3 - 10 reps 70.0 0.35 #3 - 8 reps 75.0

Giant Set - AHAP Chest supported row - 3x12 Chest supported row - 3x10 Chest supported row - 3x8
Incline Bench - 3 x12 Incline Bench - 3 x10 Incline Bench - 3 x8
Cable Chest Flies - 3x12 Cable Chest Flies - 3x10 Cable Chest Flies - 3x8
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 3x12 Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 3x10 Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - 3x8
Rest 90 sec Rest 90 sec Rest 90 sec

Conditioning 30 min LISS 40 min LISS 50 min LISS

Heart Rate: 140-155 Heart Rate: 140-155 Heart Rate: 140-155


1a. Bench Press - Week 1 - Grip 2 - Close Grip - Half thumb on beginning of knurling
1a. Bench Press - Week 2 - Grip 3 - Medium Grip - Full thumb length from beginning of knurling
1a. Bench Press - Week 3 - Grip 4 - Regular Grip - Your strongest bench press grip - your choice

1a. - 1b. - This means you will be supersetting the movements. You will complete all sets of the 1a.-1b. grouping before moving on to 2a.-2b. Follow the rest
times provided. If you cannot complete the reps unbroken with the weights prescribed / pause for 10 to 30 seconds then finish.

Giant Set - During the giant set, you will complete all exercises with minimal rest. Rest for 90 seconds after the last exercise, before starting the next set. -
goal is to keep your heart rate elevated the entire set.
AHAP - As Heavy As Possible

Conditioning - LISS - Low Intensity Steady State - Choose any steady state cardio - Run, Eliptical, Row, - can spend 5 min on one and switch, just keep HR
in the desired zone.
Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

% Reps Weight % Reps Weight % Reps Weight

1. Back Squat 0.5 Warm-up 100.0 0.55 Warm-up 110.0 0.6 Warm-up 120.0
5 reps 5 reps 5 reps

0.55 Warm-up 110.0 0.6 Warm-up 120.0 0.65 Warm-up 130.0

5 reps 5 reps 3 reps

0.575 #1 - 12 reps 115.0 0.625 #1 - 10 reps 125.0 0.675 #1 - 8 reps 135.0

0.6 #2 - 12 reps 120.0 0.65 #2 - 10 reps 130.0 0.7 #2 - 8 reps 140.0

Rest 2min 30sec between sets 0.625 #3 - 12 reps 125.0 0.675 #3 - 10 reps 135.0 0.725 #3 - 8 reps 145.0

2a. Barbell Forward Lunge 0.25 #1 - 10 reps 50.0 0.275 #1 - 8 reps 55.0 0.3 #1 - 6 reps 60.0

0.275 #2 - 10 reps 55.0 0.3 #2 - 8 reps 60.0 0.325 #2 - 6 reps 65.0

Rest 30sec before 2b. 0.3 #3 - 10 reps 60.0 0.325 #3 - 8 reps 65.0 0.35 #3 - 6 reps 70.0

2b. RDLs 0.45 #1 - 10 reps 95.0 0.475 #1 - 8 reps 100.0 0.5 #1 - 6 reps 105.0

0.475 #2 - 10 reps 100.0 0.5 #2 - 8 reps 105.0 0.525 #2 - 6 reps 110.0

Rest 90sec before next set of 2a. 0.5 #3 - 10 reps 105.0 0.525 #3 - 8 reps 110.0 0.55 #3 - 6 reps 115.0

Giant Set - AHAP 3a. Leg Press 3x12 3a. Leg Press 3x10 3a. Leg Press 3x8
3b. Hamstring Curls 3x12 3b. Hamstring Curls 3x10 3b. Hamstring Curls 3x8
3c. Leg Extesion Machine 3x12 3c. Leg Extesion Machine 3x10 3c. Leg Extesion Machine 3x8
3d. Single leg hip ups 3x12 each 3d. Single leg hip ups 3x10 each 3d. Single leg hip ups 3x8 each
3e. Seated Calf Raise 3x12 3e. Seated Calf Raise 3x10 3e. Seated Calf Raise 3x8
Rest 90 sec Rest 90 sec Rest 90 sec

Core 3 Rounds No Rest 3 Rounds No Rest 3 Rounds No Rest

1 min Plank 1 min Plank 1 min Plank
10 Strict Toes to Bar 10 Strict Toes to Bar 10 Strict Toes to Bar
30 sec Side Plank each side 30 sec Side Plank each side 30 sec Side Plank each side
30 Bicycle Crunches 30 Bicycle Crunches 30 Bicycle Crunches


1. - Back Squat will be done by itself today.

2a. - 2b. - This means you will be supersetting the movements. You will complete all sets of the 1a.-1b. grouping before moving on to 2a.-2b. Follow the rest
times provided. If you cannot complete the reps unbroken with the weights prescribed / pause for 10 to 30 seconds then finish.

Giant Set - During the giant set, you will complete all exercises with minimal rest. Rest for 90 seconds after the last exercise, before starting the next set. -
goal is to keep your heart rate elevated the entire set.
AHAP - As Heavy As Possible

Core - move through 3 rounds of every exercise with minimal rest. Keep heart rate elevated the entire time
Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

% Reps Weight % Reps Weight % Reps Weight

1a. Standing BB Overhead Press 0.5 Warm-up 5 60.0 0.55 Warm-up 5 65.0 0.6 Warm-up 5 70.0
reps reps reps

0.55 Warm-up 5 65.0 0.6 Warm-up 5 70.0 0.65 Warm-up 3 80.0

reps reps reps

0.625 #1 - 12 reps 75.0 0.675 #1 - 10 reps 80.0 0.725 #1 - 8 reps 85.0

0.65 #2 - 12 reps 80.0 0.7 #2 - 10 reps 85.0 0.75 #2 - 8 reps 90.0

Less than 30sec rest before 1b. 0.675 #3 - 12 reps 80.0 0.725 #3 - 10 reps 85.0 0.775 #3 - 8 reps 95.0

1b. Face Pulls #1 - 15 reps AHAP #1 - 12 reps AHAP #1 - 10 reps AHAP

#2 - 15 reps AHAP #2 - 12 reps AHAP #2 - 10 reps AHAP

Rest 2min before next of set 1a. #3 - 15 reps AHAP #3 - 12 reps AHAP #3 - 10 reps AHAP

2a. Single Arm DB Overhead 0.25 #1 - 12 reps 30.0 0.275 #1 - 10 reps 35.0 0.3 #1 - 8 reps 35.0

0.275 #2 - 12 reps 35.0 0.3 #2 - 10 reps 35.0 0.325 #2 - 8 reps 40.0

Less than 30sec rest before 2b. 0.3 #3 - 12 reps 35.0 0.325 #3 - 10 reps 40.0 0.35 #3 - 8 reps 40.0

2b. Standing Lateral Raises #1 - 12 reps AHAP #1 - 10 reps AHAP #1 - 8 reps AHAP

#2 - 12 reps AHAP #2 - 10 reps AHAP #2 - 8 reps AHAP

Rest 90sec before next set of 2a. #3 - 12 reps AHAP #3 - 10 reps AHAP #3 - 8 reps AHAP

3a. Easy Bar Skull Crusher 3 x 8-12 AHAP 3 x 8-12 AHAP 3 x 8-12 AHAP

Rest less than 30sec before 3b.

3b. Alt Hammer Curl 3 x 8-12 AHAP 3 x 8-12 AHAP 3 x 8-12 AHAP

Rest 90sec before next set 3a.

4a. Seated Incline DB Curls (1 3 x 8-12 AHAP 3 x 8-12 AHAP 3 x 8-12 AHAP

Rest less than 30sec before 4b.

4b. Seated Incline DB Skull 3 x 8-12 AHAP 3 x 8-12 AHAP 3 x 8-12 AHAP

Rest 90sec before next set 4a.

Conditioning 30 min LISS 40 min LISS 50 min LISS

Heart Rate: 140-155 Heart Rate: 140-155 Heart Rate: 140-155


1a. - 1b. - This means you will be supersetting the movements. You will complete all sets of the 1a.-1b. grouping before moving on to 2a.-2b. Follow the rest
times provided. If you cannot complete the reps unbroken with the weights prescribed / pause for 10 to 30 seconds then finish.

Giant Set - During the giant set, you will complete all exercises with minimal rest. Rest for 90 seconds after the last exercise, before starting the next set.
Goal is to keep your heart rate elevated the entire set.
AHAP - As Heavy As Possible

For Arm Work (3a. - 4b.) - Pick a weight you will hit failure in the 8-12 rep range.

Conditioning - LISS - Low Intensity Steady State - Choose any steady state cardio - Run, Eliptical, Row, - can spend 5 min on one and switch, just keep HR
in the desired zone.
Today's intervals will be short, all out efforts. You will have enough rest time to recover between reps
so your intensity can stay high during the entire duration of the workout.
If your legs aren't on fire at the end of every interval you aren't pushing hard enough!

My favorite things to choose from on these days are:

1. Incline Treadmill Sprints
2. Sled Pushes
3. Shuttle Runs (Ladders on a BB Court)
4. 110 YD Sprints on a football field
5. Hill Sprints

Here is your work-to-rest structure based on the week:

Week 1:
20 Rounds - 10 seconds of work - 50 seconds rest
Week 2:
20 Rounds - 15 seconds of work - 1 min rest
Week 3:
20 Rounds - 20 seconds of work - 70 seconds rest
Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

% Reps Weight % Reps Weight % Reps Weight

1a. Deadlift 0.4 Warm-up 5 85.0 0.4 Warm-up 5 85.0 0.45 Warm-up 5 95.0
reps reps reps

0.45 Warm-up 5 95.0 0.45 Warm-up 5 95.0 0.5 Warm-up 5 105.0

reps reps reps

0.5 #1 - 15 reps 105.0 0.5 #1 - 15 reps 105.0 0.55 #1 - 15 reps 115.0

0.525 #2 - 15 reps 110.0 0.55 #2 - 15 reps 115.0 0.575 #2 - 15 reps 120.0

No rest before 1b. 0.55 #3 - 15 reps 115.0 0.575 #3 - 15 reps 120.0 0.6 #3 - 15 reps 125.0

1b. Squat Jumps #1 - 12 reps #1 - 16 reps #1 - 20 reps

#2 - 12 reps #2 - 16 reps #2 - 20 reps

Rest 2min before next set of #3 - 12 reps #3 - 16 reps #3 - 20 reps


2a. Hack Squat #1 - 15 reps AHAP #1 - 15 reps AHAP #1 - 15 reps AHAP

#2 - 15 reps AHAP #2 - 15 reps AHAP #2 - 15 reps AHAP

No rest before 2b. #3 - 15 reps AHAP #3 - 15 reps AHAP #3 - 15 reps AHAP

2b. Lunge Jumps #1 - 12 reps #1 - 16 reps #1 - 20 reps

#2 - 12 reps #2 - 16 reps #2 - 20 reps

Rest 90sec before next set of #3 - 12 reps #3 - 16 reps #3 - 20 reps


Giant Set - AHAP 3a. Single leg DB RDL 3x10ea. 3a. Single leg DB RDL 3x8ea. 3a. Single leg DB RDL 3x6ea.
3b. Bulgarian Split Squat 3x10ea. 3b. Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8ea. 3b. Bulgarian Split Squat 3x6ea.
3c. Leg Extensions - 3x15 3c. Leg Extensions - 3x15 3c. Leg Extensions - 3x12
3d. Hamstring Curls - 3x15 3d. Hamstring Curls - 3x15 3d. Hamstring Curls - 3x12
3e. Standing Calf Raises - 3x15 3e. Standing Calf Raises - 3x15 3e. Standing Calf Raises - 3x12
Rest 90sec Rest 90sec Rest 90sec

Core 3 Rounds No Rest 3 Rounds No Rest 20 Leg Lifts 3 Rounds No Rest 20 Leg Lifts
20 Leg Lifts 1 min Plank 1 min Plank
1 min Plank 15 Hang Knee Raise 15 Hang Knee Raise
15 Hang Knee Raise 30 Bicycle Crunches 30 Bicycle Crunches
30 Bicycle Crunches


1a. - 1b. - This means you will be supersetting the movements. You will complete all sets of the 1a.-1b. grouping before moving on to 2a.-2b. Follow the rest
times provided. If you cannot complete the reps unbroken with the weights prescribed / pause for 10 to 30 seconds then finish.

Giant Set - During the giant set, you will complete all exercises with minimal rest. Rest for 90 seconds after the last exercise, before starting the next set.
Goal is to keep your heart rate elevated the entire set.
AHAP - As Heavy As Possible

Core - move through 3 rounds of every exercise with minimal rest. Keep heart rate elevated the entire time.
Exercise Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

% Reps Weight % Reps Weight % Reps Weight

1a. Incline Bench 15-20 * 15-20 * 15-20 *

Rest 45sec before 1b. 15-20 * 15-20 * 15-20 *

1b. Neutral Grip Pullup or Close Grip Lat Pulldown Failure * Failure * Failure *

Rest 90sec before next set of 1a.

2a. Arnold Press 15-20 * 15-20 * 15-20 *

Rest 45sec before 2b. 15-20 * 15-20 * 15-20 *

2b. Double Arm Dummbell Bent Over Row Failure * Failure * Failure *

Rest 90sec before next set of 2a.

3a. Seated Dummbell French Press 15-20 * 15-20 * 15-20 *

Rest less than 30sec before 3b. 15-20 * 15-20 * 15-20 *

3b. Barbbell Curl Failure * Failure * Failure *

Rest 90sec before next set of 3a.

4a. Rope Hammer Curls 15-20 * 15-20 * 15-20 *

Less than 30sec before 4b. 15-20 * 15-20 * 15-20 *

4b. Rope Overhead Tricep Extensions Failure * Failure * Failure *

Rest 90sec before next set of 4a.

Conditioning HIIT - longer intervals HIIT - longer intervals HIIT - longer intervals
30 min 40 min 50 min
1 min on/1 min off 1 min on/1 min off 1 min on/1 min off

For today's HIIT conditioning you will do 1 min on 1 min off. The best way to do this an not get bored is to pick a variety of movements and move through
them like stations.

Favorite Movements
Run - Row - Bike - Shuttle Run - Sled Push - Tire Hits - Tire Flips - Jump Rope - Battle Ropes


1a. - 1b. - This means you will be supersetting the movements. You will complete all sets of the 1a.-1b. grouping before moving on to 2a.-2b. Follow the rest

* - All reps today say 15-20 for the first two sets, then the last set is to failure. On sets 1 and 2 - I want you to pick a weight that you can do 15-20 times. No
more, No less. The goal is to stop in the 15-20 rep range with 2 reps left in the tank. Meaning you will not hit complete failure. On set 3 you will go to complete
failure. Go until you physically cannot complete another rep!
Active Rest Day
Make sure to get off the couch and get moving today. Use your fitness! Try to do something outside
of the gym that will elevate your heart rate for 30-60 min.

My favorite activities on active rest days are:

Hot Yoga


Choose anything you love to do that will get your body moving. It will help the recovery
BONUS CONTENT - Supplements
Supplementation during a cut like this is going to be crucial for three reasons:

1. Hunger - Hunger can be your biggest enemy during a cut. Whey protein can help you if you get caught in a bind and don't have
any healthy meals on hand. It will help to tide the craving until you can your hands on some whole foods.
2. Energy - Being in a caloric deficit is going to take its tole on your energy if you don't supplements correctly. You'll notice the
supplements I've listed will have direct impact on your energy levels and your ability to perform more work during a training
session. They are also very cheap when purchased in raw form so that is the route I recommend.
3. Recovery - When you are in a caloric deficit you need to give yourself every chance to recovery. Take your recovery seriously
during the next 21 days.

Whey Protein
Whey protein is fast-digesting and high in leucine. We want to get those signals (leucine) and building blocks (essential amino acids) to
the muscles as soon as possible, and whey protein is absorbed quickly and easily. For those with lactose intolerance, whey protein
isolate and hydrolysate are great choices that have the highest concentrations of protein and minimal to zero lactose (check labels to
find the lowest in carbs). Some proteins will also contain added enzymes, such as lactase, that will eliminate any lactose issues, and
proteases, which can help with the digestion and absorption of protein. Also, whey protein is 11% Leucine, which is higher than other
protein sources, such as casein, soy, and beef. With whey, you get more of that signal to stop breaking muscle down and start building
it back bigger, STRONGER!

Some of the benefits of whey protein supplementation are:

Increased lean mass

Increased muscle growth
Increased strength
Increased power

Dosage: Take 20-40 grams of protein after your workout within 30 minutes.

A must for any athlete, creatine is well-known for increasing muscle mass, strength, and power. An organic acid found naturally in the
body, creatine provides ATP (energy) to the muscles in a readily available form, so that the muscles can immediately activate before
ATP can be generated from carbs or fats (think high-intensity exercise). So increasing creatine stores can ramp up energy availability
when you need it most, like when you want to push out a few more reps on that last set. Also, creatine acts as an osmolyte so it is able
to pull water into the muscle cell as it is transported, which stretches the muscle cell and activates anabolic signaling = muscle growth!

Some of the benefits of creatine supplementation are:

Increased lean mass

Increased power
Improved hydration
Improved muscular endurance
Less fatigue
Less muscle damage
Higher testosterone

Dosage: For most of us 3-5 grams daily after your workout. If you want to be a little more exact and base it off your lean body mass, .03
grams per pound of lean body mass a day is a great maintenance dose.

When to take it: For maintenance you can take it any time of the day.
Branched-chain Amino Acids
BCAA's can reduce your feelings of fatigue. BCAA's compete with tryptophan for transport into the brain, and tryptophan can be
converted into the neurotransmitter serotonin. Serotonin can increase feelings of fatigue in exercising individuals, so reducing the
transport of tryptophan can lower your body's ability to make you feel tired.


Increased mTOR and protein synthesis

Decreased protein degradation
Lower muscle damage and soreness
Reduced fatigue + perceived exertion (RPE)

Dosage: Make sure that you are getting the effective dose of leucine, which is 3 grams. You will find a lot of discussion surrounding the
best ratio of BCAA's - no studies have shown that any one ratio is better than others. I tend to prefer a more balanced ratio, so 2:1:1 or
3:1:1, as long as you are getting 3 grams of leucine (so not 10:1:1).

When to take it: BCAA's are very effective pre and intra-workout.

Beta-alanine is a modified form of the amino acid alanine that cannot be used to build proteins. Instead it only serves to form carnosine,
which is the main acid buffer in the body. Exercise causes the production of acids as byproducts of fuel metabolism, which can lead to
short-term muscle fatigue. Therefore, reducing the acidity in the muscle through buffering can decrease fatigue, which leads to added
reps during sets and greater adaptations.


Greater muscular endurance

Less fatigue
More lean mass
Less fat mass

Dosage: A wide variety of dosages and loading protocols have been studied. Research has shown that increased amounts do result in
increased stores of carnosine. 2-3 grams is a minimal effective dose, though more studies are demonstrating benefits at 4-6 grams. At
higher doses, make sure to also supplement with taurine, since those two compounds compete for receptors in the body, and taurine
serves several important functions, so if you increase one, you should increase the other.

When to take it: Can take it any time of the day, but I recommend not taking more than 3 grams in one dose to avoid extreme tingling
Nitric Oxide Boosters
Nitric oxide is a gas molecule that the body uses to induce vasodilation, or widening of the blood vessels. Wider blood vessels mean
more blood flow, so that muscles are able to receive more oxygen and nutrients during exercise, and more waste products are able to
be removed quickly. Also, more blood flow means bigger pumps. Your muscles will look bigger and feel tighter. But the benefits don't
stop with the mirror. As we discussed in the creatine section, increased cell volume will lead to greater anabolic signaling. So trust in
the pump - it will lead to even greater gains!

Exercise itself induces vasodilation so that the muscles are getting more oxygen as demand goes up, but supplements can kick it up a
notch even beyond that. The two main ingredients involved in boosting nitric oxide are arginine and citrulline. Arginine is a conditionally
essential amino acid that is necessary for nitric oxide production. Citrulline is converted to arginine after being absorbed. Since citrulline
is absorbed in higher amounts into the bloodstream, it actually increases blood arginine levels more than supplemental arginine itself!


Increased blood flow

More lean mass
Less fat mass

Dosage: 3-6 grams is considered the efficacious dose of arginine. Since citrulline is better absorbed and lasts longer, you may be able
to dose it a bit lower. It is harder to say about citrulline since most of the research has been with arginine, so for now, I would dose it the
same (and get a better effect).

When to take it: 40-60 minutes before exercise


Before beginning any exercise program or diet/supplementation plan, please consult with your
physician to make sure you are in good health.
This ebook is not meant to replace proper medical advice by a qualified health practitioner. No liability
is assumed by Steve Cook Health LLC for any of the information contained in this document.

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