Artaud Theater of Cruelty

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| | | i The Theater and lts Double By Antonin Artaud Translated from the French by Mary Caroline Richards GROVE PRESS NEW YORK CONTENTS Copyright © 1958 by Grove Press, Ine. ‘A Note on the Translation . 2. 6 All rights reserved. No part ofthis book maybe reproduced in an form or by Preract: The Theater and Culture... . 7 ‘ny electronic or mechanical means, nluding information sorage ad etseval stems, without peomission in wring from the publisher, excep by 2 reviewer, who may quot brief pattges ina review. Scaming, wlosding. end slestoie distbuton of this book or the faction of suck without the permision of the publisher is prohibited. Pease purchase only sutorned 4 i a : { i HL. Metaphysics and the Mise en Scdne . «33

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