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Excel ® to Oracle - We Speed You Up

Excel ®
to Oracle

A member of the Oracle Partner Network, More4Apps focuses on building

high quality Excel-based interface tools for Oracle E-Business Suite.
Oracle users around the world use More4Apps productivity
enhancing tools to load and maintain large numbers of
orders, quotes, invoices and receipts.
More4Apps AR Invoice Wizard enables users to create, validate
and upload AR invoices & credit memos into Oracle using Excel.
Invoices can be created manually, by importing data from another
system or by downloading an existing order from Oracle E-
AR Invoice Wizard Business Suite.
 Loads multiple invoices and credit
memos from Excel Recurring invoices can be downloaded into Excel, updated with
 Downloads Invoice details from current information and re-loaded to create new invoices.
Oracle Use the power of More4Apps AR Invoice Wizard for the creation
 Enables the loading of of AR Invoices and Credit Memos; reducing processing time and
attachments improving productivity.
 Search facilities for Customers and
 Fields validated against lists of
 Supports descriptive flexfields

AR Receipt Wizard
 Applies invoices to existing
receipts (or vice versa)
 Comprehensive download can
extract invoice, receipt and
allocation information
 Validates a remittance before you
attempt to allocate it More4Apps AR Receipt Wizard automates the process of
 Calculates discounts based on creating and allocating receipts. You can download available
discount rules transactions for allocation. It allows you to capture the data once,
 Find customer and site information then automatically create and allocate that receipt. This reduces
from the Transaction number the time spent validating and correcting errors.
 Use Excel to identify discrepancies Electronic Remittances can be validated using AR Receipt
between remittance and Wizard. Create and apply receipts automatically, eliminating the
time spent manually checking a remittance against the allocation.
With everything in Excel, creating check totals and reporting
“It seems that every week I am becomes easy.
building a new interface which uses
either an AP Invoice Wizard or AR
Invoice Wizard, and the ease in
which they can be integrated,
coupled with the extraordinary level of
service and support from the
More4Apps Team is simply fantastic,
and makes what once seemed to be
a daunting effort now a
straightforward exercise.”
Ben Pentelow- RCI Europe (UK)
Customer Wizard More4Apps Customer Wizard provides the means to get
customer master data quickly and accurately into Oracle
 Manages customers, sites,
Receivables. It can be used at data conversion time to migrate the
contacts and more
customer data into Oracle or on an ongoing basis to check and
 Loads conversion data
maintain information. Having accurate customer master data is a
 Downloads existing customer key factor in successfully managing customer relationships.
More4Apps Sales Order Wizard for Oracle Order Management
 Maintains customer information
is designed to assist in loading orders via a spreadsheet. Just
about any data can be loaded into Excel, then formatted and
Sales Order Wizard loaded into Oracle Order Management. Below, is a selection of
 Uploads multiple orders useful functions performed by the More4Apps Sales Order
 Most fields are optional and can be
deleted or hidden if not used  Centralise Processing: Capture the data in remote offices,
 Downloads orders from Oracle then submit the spreadsheet from the centralized order
 Supports Descriptive Flexfields processing department.
 Search facilities  Creating Repetitive Orders: Using the download functionality
 Pop-up calendars you can retrieve an order. Use the order to create a new order
or update the order dates, price, or quantities and reload into
 Fields validate against Lists of
 Loading Orders from a Third Party: You can open CSV files or
import data into Excel. Then use the Sales Order Wizard to
Sales Quote Wizard
validate, correct and upload the Orders into Oracle Order
 Creates, maintains or deletes Management.
Sales Quote information
 Downloads Quote Information
from Oracle Order Capture
 Information can subsequently be
modified and reloaded
 Validate quote information prior to
loading into Oracle

Price List Wizard

 Create new Price Lists
 Update existing Price Lists
 Download Price List information More4Apps Sales Quote Wizard enables you to create, maintain
 Supports Advanced Pricing and delete your Oracle Order Capture quotes from Excel. Forget
attributes and qualifiers for the about manual data entry when you can now download sales quote
Price List information into Excel, make the necessary changes and upload
directly into Oracle Order Capture.
Pricing Modifiers Wizard More4Apps Price List Wizard manages the loading and
 Create new Pricing Modifiers from maintenance of Price Lists from Excel into Oracle E-Business
Excel Suite, quickly and accurately. You can create new Price Lists,
 Maintain Price Modifiers download and update existing Price Lists all from within Excel.
 Supports Price Modifiers attributes, More4Apps Pricing Modifiers Wizard enables you to create
qualifiers and price breaks
and maintain pricing modifiers from Excel into Oracle E-
 Manages validation for users Business Suite. Create new modifiers, qualifiers and attributes;
maintain existing modifiers or simply extract information for
More4Apps Wizards harness the full power of Microsoft
Excel’s productivity features to make your procurement
data entry tasks a breeze. Oracle users around the world
use these productivity-enhancing tools to reduce time and
cost of entering large volumes of data.
More4Apps AP Invoice Wizard uses Oracle Payables Open
AP Invoice Wizard Interface. It is easy to use, and is designed to assist in loading
 Simplifies invoice preparation and transactions that come from spreadsheets and other sources. Just
data entry about any file format can be loaded into Excel, formatted and
 Uploads multiple Invoices loaded into Oracle Payables using the More4Apps AP Invoice
 Manages validation for users Wizard.
 Loads attachments
 Ability to match an invoice to GL
account, project or purchase order

Purchase Order Wizard

 Loads standard purchase orders
and blanket purchase agreements
 Loads Attachments
 Updates pricing on blanket PO’s
 Adds new lines to Standard PO’s
More4Apps Purchase Order Wizard enables the users to
 Downloads existing orders from create, validate and upload Purchase Orders (blanket or
standard), into Oracle using Excel. Orders can be created
manually, by importing data from another system or downloading
PO Receiving Wizard a previous order from Oracle. Once the data is in Excel you can
 Loads receiving transactions use spreadsheet functionality to create new orders. Then, without
 Ability to return items leaving the spreadsheet, you can validate and create your new
orders in Oracle Purchasing.
 Ability to correct items

Procure to Pay
Downloads approved PO’s or
blanket releases for receipting
Manages validation for users

“Requisition Wizard has provided us

with a cost effective and efficient way
to process hundreds and thousands of
requisition lines in minutes instead of
hours and days. The flexibility and
usability of the Excel-based tool has
provided us with an effective way to
manage our RFQ/Quote/REQ and PO More4Apps PO Receiving Wizard facilitates the loading of
process within 1 spreadsheet per receiving transactions for Purchase Orders from Excel into Oracle
Renovation Project.” E-Business Suite.
Brian Lezak
PO Receiving Wizard enables end-users to create, validate and
02 Works (The Red Roof Inn Project)
load receipts into Oracle Purchasing. Create receipts, correct or
reject receipts, confirm delivery and return receipts to supplier or
Requisition Wizard More4Apps Requisition Wizard reduces processing time and
inefficiencies associated with loading and applying large numbers
 Downloads template, requisition, of requisitions by using a template driven tool. Requisition Wizard
quotation or purchase order
information into Excel is the only Excel-based Requisition loading tool available for
Oracle Purchasing and Procurement.
 Modifies and creates new
Requisitions in Oracle You can choose to download template, requisition, quotation or
 Searches facilities for Item, purchase order information from Oracle into Excel, and use this
Category, Requestor and as the basis for new requisitions. Alternatively you could import
Suppliers files into Excel, validate and load into Oracle.
 Supports distributions by account
or project
 Loads attachments
 Supports sourcing options

Supplier Wizard
 Create new suppliers, sites and
contacts from Excel
 Download existing Supplier , Sites
and Contacts for maintenance
 Import information from
spreadsheets and other sources
More4Apps Supplier Wizard manages the loading and
 Validation ensures accuracy
maintenance of supplier master-data, quickly and accurately from
Excel into Oracle E-Business Suite. Supplier Wizard can be used
at data conversion time to migrate supplier information and on an
Price List Wizard
on-going basis to maintain supplier details. You can choose to
 Create new Price Lists download existing supplier information into Excel, make the
 Updating existing Price Lists necessary changes, validate and then upload into Oracle.
 Download Price List information
Validation within the spreadsheet ensures the accuracy of the
 Supports Advanced Pricing information being loaded. Supplier Wizard improves productivity
attributes, qualifiers and secondary
and accuracy, and reduces rework.
price lists
More4Apps Price List Wizard manages the loading and
maintenance of Price Lists from Excel into Oracle E-Business
Pricing Modifiers Wizard Suite, quickly and accurately. You can create new Price Lists,
 Create new Pricing Modifiers from download and update existing Price Lists all from within Excel.
Price lists are commonly used in the Purchasing and Order
 Maintain Price Modifiers
Management application to derive prices for various items. Price
 Supports Price Modifiers attributes, List Wizard includes the ability to set Advanced Pricing attributes
qualifiers and price breaks and qualifiers for the Price Lists.
 Manages validation for users
More4Apps Pricing Modifiers Wizard enables you to create
and maintain pricing modifiers from Excel into Oracle E-Business
Suite. Create new modifiers, qualifiers and attributes; maintain
existing modifiers or simply extract information for analysis.

Maintenance of pricing modifiers is made easy with the download

function enabling information to be extracted from Oracle.
Information is updated in an excel spreadsheet and loaded back
into Oracle.
Whether you are implementing or have been running
Oracle Projects for a while, it is crucial that the right Project
information is updated in Oracle in a timely fashion.
More4Apps provides several Excel based solutions to
make creating and maintaining projects, budgets, events,
agreement & funding lines and transactions easier.
Project Wizard
 Creates or updates all Project More4Apps Project Wizard allows you to create and update
information large numbers of projects and tasks whether during a conversion
 Maintains tasks, parent-tasks, and or regular upload of new information into the Oracle Projects
sub-tasks module.
 Most fields are optional and can be More4Apps Project Wizard manages the following types of
removed from spreadsheet information:
 Supports asset assignments  Project Header
 Downloads existing project  Tasks (Financial and Workplan)
 Key Members
 Manages validation (including list
of values, date formats and search
 Classifications
functionality)  Transaction Controls
 Sub Projects
 Bill Rate Overrides
“The time benefits realized in the first  Project Assets
upload of a national rollout program  Asset Assignments
paid for the cost of the software
More4Apps Project Wizard. Not to
count the 50 plus rollouts we have had
since then. This has been a great firm
to assist us over the past couple of
7 Eleven

Transaction Wizard
 Supports all types of PA
Transaction: Usages, Timesheets,
Inventory, Miscellaneous
Transactions, Project Journals, More4Apps Transaction Wizard is the original ADI for Oracle
WIP, Vendor Invoices Projects Transactions, designed to assist in loading transactions
that come from spreadsheets and other sources. Just about any
 Manages validation
data can be loaded into Excel, then formatted and loaded into
Oracle Projects using this product. More4Apps Transaction
Wizard harnesses the full power of MS-Excel’s productivity
Labour Cost Rate Wizard features to make your transaction data entry tasks a breeze.
 Create or update labour cost
information More4Apps Labour Cost Rate Wizard manages the loading and
 Download existing labour costs, maintenance of Project Labour Cost Rates from Excel into Oracle
modify and load as updates or new E-Business Suite. Use Excel to create and update large numbers
labour costs of labour cost rates whether during a conversion or regular
maintenance. Validation is performed prior to loading into Oracle
Projects, ensuring accuracy of the information.
More4Apps Budget Wizard supports all possible Budget Entry
Budget Wizard
methods, and the Financial Plan Types introduced in 11.5.9. Until
 Supports all varieties of budget
now transferring budget information into Oracle Projects has been
entry method
a time-consuming process. Without a doubt Excel is the most
 Supports plan types productive tool used to create a budget or financial model.
 Advanced download capability More4Apps Budget Wizard allows you to upload and download
includes existing budgets and your budgets to and from the Oracle Projects module using Excel.
 Can operate as an Excel Add-in The advanced download feature allows you to retrieve existing
with your own custom front end budgets and actuals, letting you create forecasts in the minimal
 Manages validation possible time, with all the power of Excel at your disposal for
manipulating your data. More4Apps Budget Wizard combines the
ultimate “what if?” tool with the smoothest integration possible to
Oracle Projects.
Event Wizard
 Creates Revenue and Billing More4Apps Event Wizard is the tool for creating Oracle Projects
Events revenue and billing events. It allows you to prepare, validate and
 Downloads existing Events to re- then upload events quickly and easily. Event Wizard makes it
use information easy to enter a single event or multiple events, allowing you to
 Manages validation (including list automate this process. It provides a download facility to
of values, date formats and facilitate maintenance of existing events or even to use them as
search functionality) a basis for new events. If you are working in a revenue-generating
project environment then the timely entering of billing events is a
“The seamless two-way interface key factor.
More4Apps Budget Wizard delivers
for PJT Budgets and Forecasts
proved to be a bright spot in a
challenging implementation.
More4Apps Budget Wizard enabled
the client to leverage PJT forecasting
functionality while allowing project
users to maintain budget
spreadsheets. Enterprise reporting
could finally include Budgets and
Patrick Lavey
Projects Implementation Specialist

Agreement & Funding Wizard

 Creates and maintains
Agreement and Funding
More4Apps Agreement & Funding Wizard enables you to
 Downloads existing information maintain your Agreements and associated Funding in Oracle
for maintenance or as the basis
Projects from Excel. Use Excel to efficiently create and update
for new records
large numbers of agreements and funding whether during a
 Manages validation
conversion or regular maintenance of project information.
Oracle Inventory and Manufacturing rely upon getting the

right data at the right time. This is a manual, time

consuming and costly process. More4Apps has tools to

make working with Inventory Items, Material Transactions,

Cost updates, Bill of Materials and Routing data easier.

More4Apps Bill of Materials Wizard is the time reducing
Bill of Materials tool for creating, updating and deleting Bills of Material for Oracle
 Creates
or updates Engineering Manufacturing and Engineering.

and Manufacturing Bill of Materials

 Maintains large amounts of bill

components and reference

designators with ease

 Download Bill of Materials;

and upload back to Oracle

 Downloads Explodes
and Bill of

 Supports
‘Where Used’ queries

 Supports Alternative and Common

Bill of Materials

 Supports Delete
 Supports
Engineering Prototype


data into Oracle manually
using a keystroke
or macro
based tool is an error prone time-consuming
process. Bill of
“More4Apps BOM
Wizard has been Materials Wizard enables

you to efficiently maintain information
an excellent tool.
It is user-friendly
from within Excel.
and 100% accurate.
You can cut
and paste data into the Excel
spreadsheet in seconds, then

upload it into Oracle.
I have

uploaded literally hundreds of bill of

materials in hours (which would

have taken me days otherwise).”


Item Wizard
 Validates
and creates Inventory

 Supports category and catalogue


 Copy from item or template

 Automatically
generates item part

More4Apps Item Wizard

creating and maintaining

numbers with customizable
PL / in Oracle Inventory a breeze.

Wizard is an
SQL package
indispensable, time reducing,
tool, taking
the pain and

frustration out of data
and item creation.

Item Cost
Item Cost Wizard
is the perfect tool
to take the pain
frustration out of creating and updating standard costs in
 Validates and creates Standard

Cost updates Oracle
Suite. This
wizard allows you
to make updates
the material
to sub element level.
 Downloads cost, on hand quantity

More4Apps Item Cost
Wizard provides
quick and
useful download
options to make updating

costs a simple task

 Downloads
invoice / PO Prices

More4Apps Material Transaction

Wizard is an indispensable

reducing tool which takes
the pain and frustration
out of

inventory, average cost updates,
project and WIP

transactions. More4Apps

Transaction Wizard

Transaction Wizard
provides a custom

 Creates Inventory Transactions

 Assigns
to Download
seed transaction data for on hand quantities,

history, bills of material, WIP jobs
transaction and requisition

 Supports WIP Job component


 Supports Project Borrow / Payback
and Transfers
 Supports Lot and Serial Controlled
 Support for Move Order

Routing Wizard
 Maintains large amounts of
Routing Operations and Material Transaction Wizard is the ideal tool to empower users to
Resources with ease load on hand quantities to go live.

 Supports Alternate and Common More4Apps Routing Wizard is the best solution for all your
Routings Manual Routing creation and update needs. It allows you to
 Downloads with advanced upload and download your routings to and from Oracle’s Bill of
capabilities, including a range of Materials module using Excel. More4Apps Routing Wizard is
routings robust, accurate and flexible.
 Manages validation
 Supports Delete Groups and
Deleting of resources
 Powers speedy entry of new or
updated Routings

Having accurate and relevant employee information is a

fundamental requirement of any ERP. Maintaining this
information can be an on-going struggle for companies.
More4Apps has the tools to enable the loading and
maintenance of core employee and assignment
information; ensuring that you can have confidence in the
accuracy of your employee information.
Employee Wizard
 Manages changes to core More4Apps Employee Wizard allows you to efficiently load and
employee and assignment maintain large amounts of employee information into the Oracle
information E-Business Suite. It includes a download facility for extracting
 Key information directly; import existing employee information; you can subsequently modify the
files into Excel; or download from information and re-load in minimal time.
 Comprehensive download Employee Wizard encompasses a significant amount of core
speeds-up maintenance tasks employee and assignment information including:
 Forms assist with data-entry and
validation  Employee person, address and phone information

 Choose to automate salary  Contacts including relationships, addresses and phones

approval  Employee assignments
 Robust Integration  US federal tax and US state tax
 Feedback is returned to the  Salary proposal, salary approval, costing, payment method
worksheet for review
and budget information
 Supports a large number of key
and descriptive flexfields with full  Key and descriptive flexfields with full validation

Special Information Wizard

 Loads Special Information for
employees on mass
 Download capability enables
extract of existing Special
Information records for
Special Information Types are often used extensively within
maintenance or reporting
Oracle Human Resources to hold things like medical records,
 Configures itself to your Special certifications, qualifications and so on. Maintaining this
Information Types information in Oracle HR can be a manual and time-consuming
 Includes custom field names and task.
lists of values
More4Apps Special Information Wizard is designed to improve
productivity, by providing an easy-to-use Excel interface to quickly
load and maintain Special Information. The wizard configures
itself according to your special information types, displaying
custom field names and lists of values.

More4Apps Element Entry Wizard will significantly reduce data-
Element Entry Wizard entry time taken to key element entries. More4Apps Element
 Supports recurring and non- Entry Wizard can be used to maintain both recurring and non-
recurring element entries recurring element entries against employee assignments. The
 Key information directly; import worksheet will automatically configure itself to your Element
files into Excel; or download from definitions by displaying the relevant segments and lists of values.
Oracle Extract existing element entries, make changes and re-load.
 Forms assist with data-entry and Messages returned from the interface are clearly reflected in the
validation worksheet; meaning errors can be corrected and re-loaded in
minimal time.
 Columns configure dynamically
according to your element

“With new acquisitions this year,

More4Apps tool [Employee Wizard]
has played a vital role in streamlining
our HRMS processes. It has cut our
time from hours to a few minutes when
doing mass loads for conversions. It is
simple, fast and a life saver... The
benefits of this product and customer
service are truly exceptional. They are
always open for suggestions and
development too. I highly recommend
this application for any HRMS
Roland Cons
Tetra Tech, Inc
Maintaining corporate and tax books can be a very time-consuming
task for companies, particularly as there are often many thousands
of assets in each book.

More4Apps Asset Wizard is a highly productive Excel interface to Oracle

Assets. Whether you are doing an implementation, migration or maintaining
existing Assets; Asset Wizard can be a significant asset to your company.

Asset Wizard Extensive functionality means Asset Wizard can process many different
types of transactions:
• Supports many of the Oracle Asset
• Addition - create one, hundreds or even thousands of assets for your
transaction types
corporate books.
• Data entry forms are available for • Tax Addition - download existing assets and add them to your tax books.
each transaction type
• Adjustment - identify and download existing assets to modify descriptive
• Forms assist with data-entry and and financial information.
validation (including lists of values,
• Capitalize - capitalize your CIP (Construction in Process) assets.
date formats and search functionality)
• Depreciation - adjust the depreciation expense directly for one or many
• Forms are optional, you can key /
paste information directly into the
worksheet • Reclassification - reclassify your assets on to new categories with the
flexibility of selecting the assets.
• Feedback returns to the worksheet
for review • Retirement - retire a single asset, many assets or an entire book using
cost retirements or partial unit retirements.
• Comprehensive download
• Reinstatement - enables efficient reinstatement of retired or pending
functionality for maintenance or
• Revaluation - revalue a single asset, many assets or an entire book.
• Familiar user interface in Excel
• Transfer - simplify and speed up asset transfers between locations,
assignments and employees.

The comprehensive download facility can be used to extract asset

information for review and correction, or as the basis for new asset

• •

• •

• •

• •

The Next Step...
Download a Trial from
Contact us
for a LIVE demonstration

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4695 MacArthur Ct. 300 Cathedral Hill 18 Von Tempsky Street
11th Floor Guildford, Surrey Hamilton 3216
Newport Beach GU2 7YB +64 (0) 7 959 7160
CA 92660 +44 (0) 1483 243508
+1 (310) 445 8853

Printed September 2015

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