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The Gunslinger

Art by: PhotoBetamax

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You start with the following equipment:
The Gunslinger
Proficiency Grit Grit (a) a long musket or (b) a pistol
Level Bonus Features Die Points (a) a bayonet or (b) a palm pistol
(a) an explorer’s pack or (b) a dungeoneer’s pack
1st +2 Mental Fortitude, Grit 1d4 - Leather armor, 2 cases of 20 bullets and tinker’s tools
2nd +2
Adept Marskman,
1d4 2 Alternatively, you may start with 5d4 x 10 gp to buy you own
Expertise equipment.
3rd +2 Gunslinger’s Trail 1d4 2 Mental Fortitude
4th +2
Ability Score
1d4 2 Beginning at 1st level, you gain a bonus to your Wisdom and
Charisma saving throws equal to half your Intelligence
5th +3
Extra Attack, Lighting
1d6 3 modifier, rounded down.
Reload At 14th level, you can add half your proficiency bonus,
Trail Feature, rounded down, to all your Wisdom and Charisma saving
6th +3
1d6 3 throws if you are not already proficient with them.
7th +3 Evasion 1d6 3 Grit
8th +3
Ability Score
1d6 3 At 1st level, your rigorous training grants you a way to
Improvement skillfully handle your specialty weapons. You gain the
9th +4 Expertise 1d6 4 following benefits:
10th +4 Occupational Trait 1d6 4 As a bonus action, you can roll a d4, adding the number
rolled on your next ranged attack roll with a firearm on
11th +4 Trail Feature 1d8 4 the current turn. If you score a critical hit with this attack,
Ability Score you add the number rolled to the attack's damage as well.
12th +4
1d8 4 This die changes as you gain gunslinger levels, as shown
in the Grit Die column of the Gunslinger table.
13th +5 Trained Eye 1d8 5 When you use the Attack action and attack with a one
14th +5 Mental Fortitude 1d8 5 handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with
a light firearm that you're holding with your other hand.
15th +5 Vicious Intent 1d8 5 You don’t add your ability modifier to the damage of the
Ability Score bonus Attack, unless that modifier is negative.
16th +5
1d8 5 You can reload a firearm even when you are holding
firearms in both hands.
17th +6 Trail Feature 1d10 6
18th +6 Perfect Focus 1d10 6
Adept Marksman
Ability Score Starting at 2nd level, you can use your grit to swiftly
19th +6
1d10 6 maneuver yourself during combat. You gain 2 Grit Points,
and you gain more more as you level up, as shown in the Grit
20th +6 True Grit 1d10 6 Points column of the Gunslinger table.
You can spend these points to perform the following
features: Aimed Shot, Shoot Down and Swift Action.
You regain 1 expended grit point each time you roll a 20 on
the d20 roll for an attack with a firearm. You regain all
Class Features expended grit points after a short or long rest.
Some of your grit features require your target to make a
Hit Points saving throw to resist the feature's effects. The saving throw
Hit Dice: 1d8 per gunslinger level DC is calculated as follows:
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Grit save DC = 8 + your proficiency Bonus +
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution your Intelligence modifier
modifier per gunslinger level after 1st
Aimed Shot
Proficiencies When you make a ranged attack with a firearm, you can
Armor: Light armor spend 1 grit point as a bonus action to add 1 roll of your grit
Weapons: simple weapons, shortswords, simple firearms, die to the attack and damage rolls of that attack.
martial firearms
Tools: Tinker’s Tools Swift Action
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence You can spend 1 grit point to take a bonus action on your
Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Arcana, Intimidation, turn. This action can be used only to reload a firearm. You
Investigation, Perception, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth learn more ways to use this bonus action as you level up.
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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Shoot Down Evasion
When a ranged weapon attack aimed at you from at least 10
feet away which you can see would hit you, you can fire one Beginning at 7th level, you can nimbly dodge out of the way of
piece of ammunition from a firearm against it as a reaction, certain area effects, such as a red dragon's fiery breath or an
subtracting 1 roll of your grit die to the attacker’s attack roll. ice storm spell. When you are subjected to an effect that
If you turn a hit into a miss, you can spend 1 grit point to allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half
fire a second piece of ammunition, making a ranged attack damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the
within the firearm's range against the attacker as part of the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
same reaction. Occupational Trait
Expertise By 10th level, through your extensive dealings with firearms,
At 2nd level, choose two of your skill proficiencies, or one of explosions now rarely do anything to you. You gain resistance
your skill proficiencies and your proficiency with tinker's to thunder damage, and advantage on saving throws against
tools. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check effects that would make you blinded or deafened.
you make that uses either of the chosen proficiencies. Trained Eye
At 9th level, you can choose two more of your proficiencies
(in skills or with tinker’s tools) to gain this benefit. Starting at 13th level, you can recognize even fine details at a
glance. You can use the bonus action granted by your Swift
Gunslinger’s Trail Action to take the Search Action on your turn, gaining
At the 3rd level, you choose the trail that reflects your own advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence
personal creed. Choose from the Maverick, the Gunsmith, the (Investigation) checks that rely on sight when you do so.
Esper, the Musketeer, the Guardian, the Soulgun or the Vicious Intent
Grenadier, all detailed at the end of the class description.
Your choice grants you a unique feature when you choose it at Reaching 15th level, your ranged attacks with a firearm score
3rd level and again at 6th, 11th and 17th levels. a critical hit on a roll of 19-20, and you also regain one
expended grit point with that roll.
Ability Score Improvement
Reaching the 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th Perfect Focus
level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or Beginning at 18th level, If you add a roll of your grit die to
you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. your ranged attack roll and miss with that attack, you can
As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 reroll your grit die. You can use this feature only once on each
using this feature. of your turns.
Extra Attack True Grit
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, At 20th level, you regain 2 expended grit point each time you
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. roll a 19 or a 20 on the d20 roll for an attack with a firearm.
Additionally, you can make the bonus attack from your grit Furthermore, you can use your bonus action to add 1 roll of
feature as part of your action, instead of using your bonus your grit die to all ranged attack rolls you make using a
action. firearm before the end of the current turn. If any of those
attacks is a critical hit, you add the roll to the damage of that
Lighting Reload attack as well.
Starting at 5th level, you can reload a firearm as a bonus
action. Moreover, when a feature from another source allows
you to reload a firearm as a bonus action, you can instead do
so with no action required.
Starting at 6th level, you can use the bonus action granted by
your Swift Action to rapidly discharge a round of ammunition
from a firearm, attempting to disable a nearby opponent.
Choose a creature within 5 feet of you. The target must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be blinded or
deafened (your choice) until the end of your next turn.
Alternatively, you can use this feature to gain advantage on
a roll for a Charisma (Intimidation) check.

Art by: Forrest Imel

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Trail of the Maverick Quickdraw
Mavericks combine ultra-fast reflexes and careful aiming to By 6th level, you add your proficiency bonus to your initiative.
act as masters of ranged combat. They rely on their speed of Furthermore, during the first round of combat in which you
fire, their most important gunslinger trait, to perform are not surprised, you can make a single ranged attack with a
amazing feats with firearms. firearm at your initiative + 1 roll of your grit die as a reaction.
Afterward, initiative proceeds as normal.
Trick Shot Fan Fire
When you choose this trail at 3rd level, you learn to perform Starting at 11th level, you can attack three times, instead of
powerful shots to strike your opponents using firearms. two, when you take the Attack action with a firearm on your
Whenever you use your Aimed Shot, you can perform one of turn. Moreover, you can make the bonus attack granted by
your trick shots, choosing from among the options presented your grit feature even when the one-handed firearm used to
below. make the bonus attack isn't light.
Deadeye Shot
You focus on a target to find the right place to shoot. On a hit, Critical Tricks
you score a critical hit with that attack if the combined roll of Upon reaching 17th level, whenever you score a critical hit on
both your d20 roll and your grit die roll is equal or higher an attack with a firearm, you can perform one of your trick
than a roll you would score a critical hit with. shots to the target. If your attack was already a Trick Shot,
the trick shot's effect is enhanced according to the Trick Shot.
Piercing Shot
You attempt to pierce multiple targets with this shot. On a hit, Deadeye Shot
the fired ammunition continues to travel on a strait line past The target takes additional damage from your attack equal to
the target for a distance in feet equal to five time the number your Dexterity modifier.
rolled on your grit die. If the fired ammunition passes
through a creature and your original attack roll would hit that Piercing Shot
creature, you can roll for damage as if you’ve hit that creature The distance which the fired ammunition travel doubles, up
with a ranged attack, then the fired ammunition continues to to the firearm's long range, and each time after the first you
travel for the remaining distance of the shot, up to the hit a creature with this shot, the target additional damage
firearm's long range. equal to 1 roll of your grit die.
Once the fired ammunition travel the total distance or your
original attack roll misses a creature, the ammunition stops. Hemorrhaging Shot
The target has disadvantage on it's saving throw against the
Hemorrhaging Shot trick shot's effect. On a fail, the target all the attack's damage
You attempt to deeply wound your target. On a hit, the target at the end of it's next turn.
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, taking half the
attack's damage at the end of it's next turn on a fail.

Art by: @ohpleasestopit

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Trail of the Gunsmith Trail of the Esper
Sometimes gunslingers witnesses a magical phenomenon Espers are those who manifest psionic abilities, allowing
and tries to replicate it through trial an error, combining their them to control lighting. Espers augment their combat
firearm and their wealth of experience with gunpowder, techniques by coursing their inner energy through their
resulting on a special firearm with several magical effects. bodies, releasing destructive lighting techniques.
Magic Arsenal Psionic Jolt
When you pick this trail at 3rd level, you can manifest your When you pick this trail at 3rd level, on your turn, you can
magic through your tools and grit. You can use the bonus bolster your mind and combat skills through a jolt of lighting
action granted by your Swift Action to cast Cordon of Arrows, on your body, gaining the following benefits.
knock, Magic Weapon, or Pyrotechnics, using a set of tinker's
tools as a spellcasting focus. Additionally, you gain the You can roll a d6 in place of your grit die. This die changes
mending cantrip if you don't already know it. when you use this feature at higher levels, rolling a d8 at
5th level; a d10 at 11th level; and a d12 at 17th level.
Arcane Shot You gain resistance against lighting damage.
Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.
Starting at 3rd level, you can use magical firearms to release Some of your features gain additional benefits when use
arcane shots. You gain a new attack option that you can use then while under the effects of your psionic jolt.
when you take the Attack action with a magic firearm. This
special attack is a ranged spell attack with a range of 100 The lighting jolt last until the start of your next turn. It ends
feet, which it counts as an attack made with a firearm for you. early if you are knocked unconscious.
You are proficient with it, and you add your Intelligence You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
modifier to its attack and damage rolls. Its damage is force, Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all
and its damage die is your grit die. You spend no ammunition expended uses when you finish a long rest.
for this attack.
When you gain the Extra Attack feature, this special attack Spark Shot
can be used for only one of the attacks you make as part of Also at 3rd level, you can infuse your shots with lighting.
the Attack action. When you hit a creature with your Aimed Shot, the damaged
added by rolling your grit die becomes lighting damage, and
Arcane Disruption you can choose a number of creatures up to your Intelligence
By 6th level, you can shoot at spells to possibly disrupting modifier within 10 feet of the target to make a Constitution
their effects. You can use Shoot Down with a magic firearm saving throw. On a fail, a creature takes lighting damage
against ranged spell attacks aimed at you. You spend no equal to the number rolled on your grit die.
ammunition when you use this feature against a spell attack. While your psionic jolt is active, you can choose creatures
If you turn a hit into a miss, you can use your arcane shot within 30 feet of the target of your shot to target with this
in place of making a ranged with the firearm. feature.
Spellslinger Lighting Pulse
Starting at 11th level, you can use your arcane shot as an At 6th level, your energy expands to detect the presence of
additional attack from your Attack action, instead of replacing nearby threats. You gain awareness of any invisible creature
one of your attacks. within 10 feet of you. You can also use Shoot Down even
Additionally, the bonus from your Mental Fortitude is when you can´t see the ranged weapon attack aimed at you.
added to your Constitution saving throws made to maintain While your psionic jolt is active, the range of your energy
concentration on your magic arsenal spells. increases, gaining awareness of any invisible creature within
30 feet of you.
Arcane Barrage
Potent Psionics
By 17th level, whenever you score a critical with an attack
using a magic firearm, you can make one arcane shot as part Reaching 11th level, your control over your surging psionic
of that action, even if you already made one with that action. energy improves. Whenever you hit a creature with a ranged
attack using a firearm, or a creature fails it's saving throw
against your spark shot, that creature takes lighting damage
equal to your Intelligence modifier.
Art owned by: Privateer Press Additionally, you regain all of your expended uses of
Psionic Jolt when you finish a short or long rest.
Energy Surge
Upon reaching 17th level, whenever you score a critical hit on
an attack with a firearm, your next attack before the end of
your next turn becomes a spark shot.

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Trail of the Musketeer Trail of the Guardian
Gunslingers who choose this trail take their close quarter The wisdom and experience gained through their life leads
combat experience to higher levels, using their firearms and some gunslingers to have a natural leadership over their
bayonets at a fast pace. Combining both long and short range companions, and a heavy tendency to look out for them. A
combat, they've mastered a truly unique fighting style. guardian is someone every warrior wants by their side.
Close Quarter Shooter Cover Fire
Starting at 3rd level, you learn how to engage in close quarter The moment you choose this trail at 3rd level, you learn to
combat, gaining the following benefits: protect your allies. You can use Shoot Down against ranged
weapon attacks made against creatures other than you.
You gain proficiency with medium armor.
Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn't impose Guarding Stance
disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
When you use the bonus action granted by your Swift Also at 3rd level, you can use the Bonus Action granted by
Action, you can make one attack with an attached bayonet your Swift Action to take a guarding stance, gaining the
that you are holding as part of that bonus action. following benefits for 1 minute.
Swift Steps You gain a second reaction on each of your turns. You can
use this reaction only to shoot a firearm, and you can't
Also at 3rd level, you can combine the use of close-range take more than one reaction on a single turn.
combat with well-practiced footwork. You can use the bonus When you make a ranged attack with a firearm as a
action granted by your Swift Action to take the Disengage reaction, you add 1 roll of your grit die to your attack roll.
action. When do so, your walking speed increases by 10 feet When you gain the Lighting Reload feature, you can
for the turn, and you can attempt to tumble through a hostile reload a firearm as part of your reaction.
creature’s space as part of that bonus action.
Awakening Shock
Superior Agility By 6th level, when one or more allied creatures that can see
By 6th level, all your movements become fluid while you fight. or hear you fail a saving throw to avoid being charmed or
You can stand up as a reaction if you are knocked prone. You frightened, you can use your Reaction to shoot your firearm
also gain advantage on any Dexterity (Acrobatics) check upwards, allowing your allies to reroll their saving throw.
made to escape a grapple or tumble through a hostile
creature’s space. Improved Reflexes
Point-Blank Shooter Reaching 11th level, you can react to danger more often.
When a creature which you can see hits one of your allies
Starting at 11rd level, you can take advantage of a bayonet with an attack, you can use your reaction to make one ranged
strike to simultaneously shoot your enemies. If you make an attack with a firearm against the attacker. On a hit, the target
attack with an attached bayonet as part of the Attack action takes the attack's normal damage and has disadvantage the
on your turn, you can make one ranged attack with the next attack roll it makes before the start of it's next turn.
firearm the bayonet is attached to as part of that Action. Furthermore, the number of reactions you gain from your
Guarding Stance increases to two.
Close Combat Mastery
By 17th level, your melee attacks made using an attached Critical Reflexes
bayonet score a critical hit on a roll of 19-20, and you also By 17th level, when you score a critical hit on an attack with a
regain one expended grit point with that roll. firearm, you gain the benefits of your guarding stance until
Starting at 20th level, you regain 2 expended grit point the start of your next turn. If you are already under such
each time you roll a 19 or a 20 on the d20 roll for an attack effect, you instead gain one additional reaction until the start
with an attached bayonet. of your next turn.

A creature can try to tumble through a hostile
creature’s space, ducking and weaving past the
As an action or a bonus action, the
tumbler makes a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
contested by the hostile creature’s Dexterity
(Acrobatics) check.
If the tumbler wins the contest,
it can move through the hostile creature’s space
once this turn.
Source: DMG pg. 272

Art by: Konstiantyn


This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Trail of the Soulgun Potent Curse
All gunslingers put their trust onto their firearm, but some of At 11th level, your curses are strengthened, as well as easier
them put their life and will into theirs, gaining magical but to use. When you use your bonus action to add a roll of your
sinister prowess through his almost fanatical believe in their grit die to your attack roll, you can prepare a curse from your
firearms, as well as their own cursed souls. All soulguns Cursed Shot feature. The next time you hit a creature with a
gamble with their lives as much as the lives of their enemies. ranged attack using a firearm before the end of your current
turn, you can place the prepared curse to the target of your
Cursed Shot attack until the start of your next turn, dealing additional
damage to the target equal to the number rolled on your grit
The moment you choose this trail at 3rd level, you can place a die. The damage type determined by the curse the target is
sinister curse in the soul of an enemy through your attacks. subjected to.
Whenever you hit a creature with Aimed Shot, that creature Furthermore, whenever you hit a creature cursed by a one
is afflicted by a curse of your choice until the end of your next of this curses with an attack using a firearm, the creature
turn, choosing from among the curses presented below. You takes extra damage equal to 1 roll of your grit die. The
can only have one of these curses active at a single time. damage type determined by the curse it is subjected to.
When you place one of these curses, the damage type dealt
by rolling your grit die changes based on the curse. Critical Curse
Curse of Reflection: The damage type of this curse is force. By 17th level, whenever you score a critical hit with an attack
The cursed target suffers the wounds it causes reflected on using a firearm, you can place a curse from your Cursed Shot
it's soul. The next time the target deals damage to another feature to the target. If the target is already under one of such
creature while cursed, the cursed target takes force damage curses, you can instead prepare a new curse as part of that
equal to 1 roll of your grit die. attack.
Curse of Syphoning: The damage type of this curse is
necrotic. The cursed target is drained from it's physical
prowess. Choose one ability when you place this curse,
choosing between Strength, Dexterity or Constitution. The
next time target makes an attack roll, ability check or saving
throw with the chosen ability while cursed, you subtract 1 roll
of your grit die from that roll.
Curse of Restriction: The damage type of this curse is
psychic. The cursed target is invaded by confusion, impeding
it from showing magical skill. The next time the target casts a
spell that restores hit points or deals damage while cursed,
you subtract 1 roll of your grit die to the hit points regained or
the damage dealt.
Soul Protection
Reaching 6th level, you can use the foul energy of your curses
to protect yourself. You have advantage on all saving throws
made to resist effects originated from a creature cursed by
your cursed shot feature.
Additionally, if you fail a saving throw while one of the
curses from your cursed shot feature is active, you can end
said curse as a reaction to reroll your saving throw.

Art by: ivan sevic

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Arcane Explosives
Trail of the Grenadier Also at 6th level, you learn to add arcane elements to your
Most gunslinger only use explosives to power theirs shots grenades through mundane materials. Your grenades count
using a firearm, but some see more varied uses for as magical for the purposes of overcoming resistance and
gunpowder, mixing it with different materials to get small immunity to nonmagical damage and effects, as well as
packs of portable explosives they call grenades. overcoming effects from the water property.
Grenade Crafting Grenades Improvement
When you choose this trail at 3rd level, you learn how to craft By 11th level, you can better craft and use your grenades,
grenades, a small pack with explosive and lethal substances. gaining the following benefits:
Grenades. You learn two grenades of your choice, which are The initial effect of your grenades increases by 1 roll of
detailed under "Grenades" below. Grenades are one time use your Grit die.
weapons that explode when used. Grenades have the Noise The range of effect of your grenades increases to a 15-foot
and Water properties. radius sphere.
You learn one additional grenade of your choice at 6th, Creatures you choose to automatically succeed on their
11th and 17th level. Each time you learn a new grenade. you saving throw against the initial effect of your grenades
can also replace one grenade you know with a different one. take no damage from the grenade's initial effect.
Using a grenade requires both for you to ignite the grenade
as a Bonus Action and an Attack from your Attack action to Makeshift Explosive
throw the grenade at a point of your choosing up to 60 feet Also at 11th level, you can use your bonus action to craft and
away. Grenades can only be ignited by you. An ignited ignite a makeshift explosive, without expending a grit point.
grenade extinguishes if not used by the end of the turn it is Your makeshift explosive does not benefit from your
ignited. A grenade is expended when you use it. improved grenades feature.
Crafting. You can craft a number of grenades equal to your Makeshift Explosive: This grenade explodes in a 5-foot
Proficiency bonus at the end of a long rest, using Tinker's radius sphere, sending ammunitions pieces with great force.
Tools and 2 sp worth firearm ammunition per grenade. All Creatures within the blast radius must make a Dexterity
crafted Grenades become inert if not used by the end of your saving throw, taking piercing damage equal to 2 rolls of your
next long rest. An inert grenade can no longer be used. grit die on a failure, or half as much on a success.
You can also use the bonus action granted by your Swift
Action to craft one grenade you know, and you can ignite this Explosive Critical
grenade as part of the same bonus action.
By 17th level, when you score a critical hit on an attack with a
Art of Detonation firearm, you can ignite and throw a grenade before the end of
Also at 3rd level, you can set your explosives direction in a your current turn.
way that avoids certain targets. When you use a grenade, you
can choose a number of creatures (including yourself) up to
your Intelligence modifier to automatically succeed on their
saving throw made against the initial effect of your grenade.
Starting at 6th level, you can use your grenades to set up
traps. Using Tinker's Tools as an Action, you can set up a trap
to detonate one of your grenades using a Weight or a Cord
trigger. A creature that triggers one of your traps has
disadvantage on it´s saving throw against the grenade´s
initial effect. A the DM's option, you may use an alternative
trigger, such as a timed device using a lit candle.
Traps require a successful Dexterity (Thieve's Tools) check
against your Grit save DC to be disarmed, triggering the trap
on a fail, or making the grenade inert on a success. Hidden
traps require a successful Intelligence (Investigation) check
against your Grit save DC to be found.
Weight. When you set up this trap, you use a plaque on a 5-
foot radius flat surface within your reach. The trap triggers
when a Small creature or larger moves into the area.
Cord. When you set up this trap, you use a cord tied up to a
door, container or a switch within your reach. The trap
triggers when the door, container or switch moves the cord. Art by: Forrest Imel

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Grenades Scorching Grenade: This grenade explodes in a 10-foot
radius sphere, enveloping the area in fire. Creatures within
These grenades are presented in alphabetical order. the blast radius must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking
fire damage equal to 2 rolls of your grit die and igniting in
Adhesive Grenade: This grenade explodes in a 10-foot flames for 1 round on a failure, or half as much and not
radius sphere, coating everything in a thick sticky tar. becoming ignited on a success. An ignited creature takes fire
Creatures within the blast radius must succeed on a damage equal to 1 roll of your grit die at the end of each of its
Dexterity saving throw, taking acid damage equal to 2 rolls of turns, unless a creature takes an action to douse the fire, or if
your grit die and becoming restrained on a fail, or half as some other effect douses the flames (such as the creature
much and not becoming restrained on a success. being submerged in water), causing the fire to go out.
The grenade's tar dissolves after 1 minute. A creature The fire continues to burn for 1 more round. A creature
restrained by this tar can make a Strength saving throw that enters the area or ends its turn there must succeed on a
against your Grenade save DC at the end of each of its turns, Dexterity saving throw, taking fire damage equal to 1 roll of
breaking free on a success. Additionally, all surfaces within your grit die on a fail. The fire ignites flammable objects in
the blast radius become difficult terrain. the area that aren't being worn or carried.
Anesthetic Grenade: This grenade explodes in a 10-foot Shocking Grenade: This grenade explodes in a 10-foot
radius sphere, spreading a sleeping powder. The sleeping radius sphere, releasing bits of metal that creates a lightning
powder duplicates the workings of a sleep spell through non charged field. Creatures within the blast radius must succeed
magical means, affecting a total number of hit points from on a Constitution saving throw, taking lightning damage
creatures equal to 6 rolls of your grit die. equal to 2 rolls of your grit die and loosing their Reaction on
Each creature affected by this grenade falls unconscious a fail, or half as much and not loosing their Reaction on a
for 1 minute and makes a saving throw at the end of each of success. A creature has disadvantage on it's saving throw if is
it’s turn, waking up if the sleeper succeeds on it’s saving wearing armor made of metal.
throw, takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or The lightning charged field remains for 1 minute. A
slap the sleeper awake. creature that enters the area or ends its turn there must also
Concussive Grenade: This grenade explodes in a 10-foot succeed on a Constitution saving throw or lose it's Reaction.
radius sphere, releasing an ear shattering sound. Creatures Toxic Grenade: This grenade explodes in a 10-foot radius
within the blast radius must make a Constitution saving sphere, spreading toxic smoke into the air. Creatures within
throw, taking thunder damage equal to 2 rolls of your grit die the blast radius must succeed on a Constitution saving throw,
and becoming disoriented until the end of your next turn on a taking poison damage equal to 2 rolls of your grit die and
fail, or half as much and not becoming disoriented on a becoming poisoned for 1 minute on a fail, or half as much and
success. not becoming poisoned on a success.
A disoriented creature is deafened, can only speak The smoke last on the blast radius for 1 minute or until a
falteringly (it can't cast a spell that includes a verbal wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per
component), and regardless of the creature’s abilities, it can’t hour) disperses it. A creature that starts its turn inside the
make more than one melee or ranged attack during it's turn. smoke must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
This grenade has no effect if it's magically silenced when become poisoned for 1 minute. Creatures that don't need to
used. breathe or are immune to poison automatically succeed on
Freezing Grenade: This grenade explodes in a 10-foot this saving throw. A poisoned creature can repeat the saving
radius sphere, blasting freezing air. Creatures within the blast throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the condition on
radius must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, taking a success.
cold damage equal to 2 rolls of your grit die and having their Teargas Grenade: This grenade explodes in a 10-foot radius
speed reduced by half until the start of your next turn on a sphere, spreading an irritating vapor into the air. Creatures
fail, or half as much and having their speed reduced on a within the blast radius must succeed on a Constitution saving
success. throw, taking acid damage equal to 2 rolls of your grit die and
The area within the blast radius becomes freezing cold for becoming blinded until the end of their next turn on a fail, or
1 minute, freezing nonmagical liquids in the area that aren't half as much and not becoming blinded on a success.
being worn or carried. A creature that enters the area or ends The vapor last on the blast radius for 1 minute or until a
its turn there must also succeed on a Constitution saving wind of moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per
throw or have their speed reduced by half until the start of hour) disperses it. A creature that starts its turn inside the
your next turn. vapor must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or
Art: Fuse Shell Smoke Bomb become blinded until the end of their next turn.
Owned by: Ubisoft Montreal

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are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Firearms Properties Crafting a Firearm
Firearms are a new technology, and as such bring their own If firearms are not available on the market, a character with
set of weapon properties. These properties replace the proficiency in Tinker’s Tools may attempt to craft one. At the
optional ones presented on the Dungeon Master's Guide. DM's option, different tools or abilities may be used to craft a
Firearms are ranged weapons. firearm, such as making a Strength (Smith's tools) check.
A character crafting a firearm must have a set of Tinker’s
Bayonet Tools at hand during the entire process, making an
Bayonets are any melee weapons with the light and finesse Intelligence (Tinker’s Tools) check against the firearm's DC at
properties, modified for attachment with a firearm. You are the end of each day, making progress in 25 gp increments for
proficient with a bayonet as long as you are proficient with every success, until the market value of the firearm is
the weapon which the bayonet was modified from. reached. Regardless of whether the check is a success or a
You can attach or detach any bayonet from a two-handed failure, 25 gp worth of appropriate materials (such as metal
firearm, or a bayonet (dagger) from a pistol, by taking the Use or wood) are spent every day of crafting. To craft ammunition,
an Object action. While attached, you can wield the bayonet progress is made in 5 gp increments with a DC 10 check.
by holding the the firearm it is attached to. Bayonets attached The character will work for 8 hours on each of the days,
to a Two-handed firearm require two hands to attack with it. though they do not have to be consecutive.
Reload. The value of this property is the reload score of the
weapon. You can use a weapon with the reload property to Enchanting a Firearm
make ranged attacks only if it has loaded ammunition to fire Firearms being a new technology could make impossible
from the weapon. Each time you make a ranged attack with obtaining a magic firearm, but a character may attempt to
the weapon, you expend one piece of it's loaded ammunition. enchant a firearm on their own with one or several of the
You can use the Attack action to reload this weapon with a magic properties detailed below, if they are proficient with the
number of ammunition pieces up to the reload score of the Arcana skill. At the DM's option, enchanting may also require
weapon. If you can make more than one attack as part of the a specific formula or item for each magic property.
Attack action (such as from the Extra Attack feature), At the end of each work day when enchanting a firearm,
reloading a weapon replaces one of those attacks. Drawing the character makes an Intelligence (Arcana) check with a
the ammunition from a case is part of the action or attack DC equal to 10 + the combined DC of all magic properties
used to reload it. Reloading a weapon requires a free hand. added to the firearm, making progress in 25 gp increments
Special-Blunderbuss. When you make a ranged attack using for every success, until the combined market value of all the
a blunderbuss, you can roll 1d8 in place of the normal magic properties is reached. Regardless of whether the check
damage of the blunderbuss, choosing another creature within is a success or a failure, 25 gp worth of appropriate materials
5 feet of the original target and within the blunderbuss’s (such as gems or rare inks) are spent every day of enchanting.
range. If your attack roll would hit that creature, it takes 1d8 The character will work for 8 hours on each of the days,
piercing damage. though they do not have to be consecutive.
Noise. When used, a weapon with this property makes a loud
sound, much like two stones crashing together at high speed.
This sound can be heard up to 100 feet away of the weapon.
Water. If this weapon gets wet or if it is brought underwater,
you must use Tinker’s Tools to disassemble and clean it
before you can use it again. You cannot use a weapon with
this property underwater without magical help, such as an
enchantment, infusion or a spell.
Firearm Specialist
You are adept at using guns, gaining the following benefits:
You gain proficiency with simple or martial firearms, if you
are already proficient with simple or martial weapons.
Being within 5 feet of a hostile creature doesn’t impose
disadvantage on your ranged attack rolls.
On your turn, when you score a critical hit with a firearm
or reduce a creature to 0 hit points with one, you can
reload a firearm as a bonus action.
When you use the Attack action and attack with a one
handed weapon, you can use a bonus action to attack with
a light firearm that you're holding with your other hand.
Alternatively, if you are a gunslinger, you can add your
ability modifier to the damage of your bonus attack.
Art by: Jack Kaiser

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Gadgets and Magic Items
Common Magic Properties Ancient Bullet
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (+1), Rare (+2), or Very Rare (+3)
DC Increases by 2 for each Added Property (Requires Attunement by a Gunslinger)
Magic Added This bullet is tied to a chain, and once belonged to a
Property Cost Description legendary marksman. While wearing it, you gain a bonus to
When used, a silenced weapon the saving throw DCs of your grit features. The bonus is
Silenced 50 gp
doesn't make a noise. determined by the bullet’s rarity.
As an action, you can hold the bullet to regain a number of
In darkness, ammunition fired from grit points up to half your current maximum, rounded down.
this weapon leaves a trace that sheds
dim light on a 5-foot wide line.
You can’t use this action again until the next dawn.
Tracer 50 gp
Creatures in darkness hit by this Dragon Fang
ammunition also sheds dim light in a
5-foot radius. All light shed due to
Weapon (any bayonet), Rare (Requires Attunement)
this property extinguishes at the end This bayonet was carved from a Dragon Fang, which infuses
of your next turn. it with the essence of a chromatic, gem, or metallic dragon’s
Being underwater doesn't impose breath. When you hit with an attack roll using this bayonet,
Waterbond 50 gp disadvantage or fails on your ranged the target takes an extra 1d6 damage of the same type as the
attack rolls using this weapon. breath infused in the fang—acid, cold, fire, force, lightning,
necrotic, poison, psychic, radiant, or thunder.
When you make a ranged attack with a firearm to which
this bayonet is attached to, you can replace one of your
attacks with a dragon's breath like effect by spending the
ammunition loaded on the firearm. Each creature in a 15-foot
cone must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your
Uncommon Magic Properties Proficiency bonus + your attack Ability modifier), taking
DC Increases by 4 for each Added Property damage of the same type as the breath infused on the bayonet
equal to 1d6 per bullet spent, or 1d10 per pellet spent.
Magic Added
Property Cost Description Gunner Nozzle
Attachment, Uncommon
250 You have a +1 bonus to attack and
gp damage rolls made with this weapon. This mechanical nozzle scatters fired ammunition. You can
This weapon's normal and long range are
attach the gunner nozzle to a two-handed firearm the same
doubled, and you have a +2 bonus to way as attaching a bayonet. When you make a ranged attack
Far Shot
ranged attack rolls made with the using a firearm with the gunner nozzle attached, you can
weapon against creatures further than choose another creature within 5 feet of the original target
60 feet away from you. and within the firearm's range. If your attack roll would hit
that creature, it takes 1d4 piercing damage. This damage is
added to the extra damage dealt by a blunderbuss when
choosing a second creature with a ranged attack.
Coated Ammunition
Multiple Bonuses Ammunition, Uncommon
Bonuses to attack or damage rolls from different Coats have special components that change the damage type
magic properties do not stack unless a magic of the weapon's ammunition and add a specific benefit on a
property specifies otherwise. hit, based on the coating:
Attunement and Magic Properties Fire: Attacks deal an extra 1d4 fire damage.
If the enchantment DC of a weapon is 16 or Cold: The target's speed is reduced by a number of feet
higher, the weapon requires attunement. equal to five times 1d4 until the start of your next turn.
Lighting: The next attack roll against the target made
Additional Magic Properties before the start of your next turn gains a 1d4 bonus. The
At the DM's option, you may choose alternative
attack must deal lighting damage or be made with a
magic properties to enchant a weapon with, but
weapon or ammunition made of metal.
they should have an appropriate cost and added
Poison: The target subtracts 1d4 to all attack rolls or
DC compared to those described above. ability checks it makes before the start of your next run.
Acid: The target subtracts 1d4 to the damage of all the
weapon attacks it makes before the start of your next turn.

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
Simple Firearms
Name Cost Ammunition Damage Weight DC Range Properties
Palm Pistol 25gp 1gp (20) bullets 1d6 piercing 2 lb. 13 (40/160) Reload 3, Light, Noise, Water
Short Musket 50gp 1gp (20) bullets 1d10 piercing 8 lb. 14 (80/320) Reload 5, Two-Handed, Noise, Water

Martial Firearms
Name Cost Ammunition Damage Weight DC Range Properties
Pistol 50gp 1gp (20) bullets 1d8 piercing 4 lb. 14 (60/240) Reload 5, Noise, Water
Long Musket 75gp 1gp (20) bullets 1d12 piercing 10 lb. 15 (100/400) Reload 5, Two-Handed, Noise, Water
Blunderbuss 100gp 2gp (20) pellets 2d6 piercing 14 lb. 16 (20/80) Reload 3, Special, Two-Handed, Noise, Water

The following information functions as additions to those Credits
listed on pages 163 and 164 of the Player's Handbook. Inspired by the Gunslinger Fighter Archetype
Prerequisites created by Matt Mercer
Inspired by the Gunslinger Class created by
Class Ability Score Minimum
Gunslinger Dexterity 13 and Intelligence 13

Class Proficiencies Gained
Simple Firearms, Light armor, one skill from
the class's skill list, Tinker's tools.

Optional Rules
Loaded Firearms: Firearms only remain loaded for 1
minute, due to ammunition loosing it's volatile properties
after that time if they are not properly stored on a case.
Firearm Proficiencies: Upon taking the Firearm Specialist
feat, you gain proficiency with firearms as detailed below:
Proficiencies Required Proficiencies Gained
Shortbow Palm Pistol
Light Crossbow Short Musket
Hand Crossbow Pistol
Longbow Long Munsket
Heavy Crossbow Blunderbuss

Firearms and Artificers

Artificers are proficient with simple firearms,
and gain proficiency with martial firearms if
they gain proficiency with martial weapons
through their specialist features.
The Repeating Shot Infusion works with any
simple or martial weapon with the Reload
Art by: Forrest Imel

This is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. Portions of the materials used
are property of Wizards of the Coast. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC.
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using GM Binder.

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