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Study Envrionmental Impact Assessment And Discuss The Impact Of The Following

On The Envrionment

1. Kibabii university

2. General election

An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a pre-project analytical process that identifies

and assesses the potential environmental implications of a project's various phases

(construction, operation and decommissioning). EIA is used for projects that may have major

environmental implications and guides the development permission procedure. An EIA

suggests methods to minimize and/or mitigate negative consequences, as well as to maximize

good ones, and contains an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) outlining how such

actions should be implemented and monitored.

Impact Of Kibabii University On the Environment.

The institutions is seen as critical mechanism for individual advancement and an important

driver of the nation’s economic development . Seen within the light of this critical role its is

endowed, there is a growing awareness worldwide that, these institution is far from

achieving its intended goals. It can impact on environment in a very wide range of ways.

Economically, increasing attention is being paid to its contribution to the stock of educated

human workforce, vital to individual and nation’s future economic growth. Institution of

higher learning also enhances the technological base in the area its located in the sense that

industry operations locate nearby receive a unique transfer of knowledge from the

institutions’ research effects.

Apart from that it act as a source of employment to the local community thus, increases

money circulation . This is possible from the spending associated with operation of the

academic institutions. For instance, tuition revenues have become income for staffs who in
turn build or buy housing, food and clothing and monies spend directly by the students in that


Intergenerational Economic Mobility.

Moreover,the university as an Institution of higher learning enhances intergenerational

economic mobility. The ability of children to move up and down the economic ladder

independent of their parents’ status become high when children have higher education.

Individuals with a bachelor’s degree earn more and are less likely to be unemployed than

those with only a high school education.

Besides, University graduates pay high taxes because of their high earnings and they have

higher levels of consumption which benefits producers and sellers in the market .Socially,

universities trigger cultural change to the indigenous ways of living through day to day

interaction as people from various places both within and outside the country come to live

and stay either shortly or permanently in the place where the University is situated

Construction :

The university is constantly in a state of flux. It is rare to step into a campus where there is no

construction project going on. Sometimes each of the construction project brings with a

realm of potential issues.


The university generates just about every type of waste particularly when it offers a wide

variety of science degrees. Most people coming to the universitry are familiar with typical

non-hazardous waste and recycling ( food trash, paper, bottle, etc.) however, wastes

generated in a labaratory setting not so simple to manage : non- harzadous, harzadous

infections and radioactive. These types of wastes have very specific handlind ana labelling

and disposal requirements that often fall to the students to manage. Given the high demand

for their time by coursework and research. It is important to make it easy as possible for

strudents properly manage the waste they generate. Below are some approaches you could


 Provide frequent training so that students, new to the laboratory setting quickly learn

the requirements.

 Make it easy for a lab to know who to contact if they have questions( signs, internet


 Perodically stop by labaratories to see if there are questions and track how they are

being managed.

 Encourage each labaratory to have a waste pesron who spends some extra time

understanding the waste requirements and helping other in the labaratory.

 Ensure labaratories are stocked with the necessary label and containers so it is easy to

dispose of the materials.

Compile a list of chemicals used at the university and provide details to handle each one.

These can be posted on the internet as well.

Role of kibabii university in Environmental Education:

As environmental sustainability is becoming an increasingly important issue for the world,

the role of the institution of higher education in relation to environmental sustainability

initiatives is becoming more and more prevalent. If it is the role of colleges and universities

to educate members of society, then they must be actively instrumental in the sustainability

movement. Every university is unique and has its own traditions, culture and geographical
area. They are familiar with their surroundings. The university has used their existing

knowledge and trained man power to address problems and issues concerned at the local

level, as well as related to the national and global community. The university have helped to

establish the sustainable development through following aspects: 1. Teaching programmes. 2.


Impact of General election

Elections intensity, societal and environmental problems such as noise pollution, vehicular

pollution ( air pollution) colour pollution ( water and soil pollution), paper pollution ( air,

water and soil pollution, health hazard and adverse socio- economic impact.

Vehicular pollution:

Due to unlimited and exercise running of thousands of vehicles for elections campaigning,

different gaseous pollutants are released during, before and after elections. Thereby Air

pollution is widespread Where vehicles are the major contributors. The exhaust of gas of

vehicles contains mainly Co2, Co etc. which when released on the air and pollute the

atmosphere; carbon monoxide is emitted in considerable quantity, when petrol is completely

oxidized in the environment. When Co is in the air, it rapidly accumulates in the blood

causing symptoms similar to the flu such as headaches, fatigue, nausea and dizzy spells. As

levels increase, vomiting, loss of consciousness and eventually brain damage or death can


During election, different political conflicts lead to burning of effigies/jack straws, houses,

cottages, shops, banners, tyres, etc. out of jealousy, covetousness which also create huge

amount of Co2 and Co gases.

These gases generally disturb the harmony and synchronization of the atmosphere.

Ozonosphere protects the earth and its creatures from the harmful effect of ultra-violet rays.

However, the pollutants generated from such envious political activities deplete the ozone

layer. It increases the global temperature and accelerates the green house effect leading to

global warming.
Automobile parts and related pollutants

part Causes emission of:

Battery Lead and hydrochloric acid.

Bumper Wastes including cyanide, chronic acid and other heavy metal

Break shoes Asbestos

Engine Slag with toxic contaminants

Seat textiles Dyes, acids ,solvents, greases and waxes

Ingestion of cadmium contaminated water also causes acute pulmonary, anemia and tooth

discoloration. Chronic cadmium poisoning causes lung and prostate cancer. It is clearly

evident that the election in practically causes water and soil pollution and is responsible for

different health hazards.

Colour pollution

Colour brightens our world. Different materials like pigments, acids, paints, even Colour used

in plastics and printing inks used in making posters, banners and walling during election

cause Colour pollution.

Before the election, advertisement of political parties and leaders are stack on almost every

tree, building walls, light post, vehicles and several other places. Boards sticking banners or

posters, Colour oil paints are also used for advertisement. After the election, the banners and

posters are thrown here and there in road side. Temporary stages and dances products for

election, rally, and meeting are decorated with painted, synthetic plastic flowers, cloth, inks,
paper, wood and bamboo and thermocole. The paper is degradable but plastics, inks, colours,

paints etc. Are non-degradable substances and most of them are toxic chemicals. This paper,

plastics are dumped, known to water bodies or burnt or left behind as aftermath of an

election. As a result, election causes soil, water and air pollution simultaneously.

Synthetic Colour impact the environment, when it is released into water and soil. The

contaminated water inhibits photosynthetic activity of aquatic bio data due to reduction in the

penetration of sunlight. The synthetic Colour containing hexavalent chromium causes cancer

in humans when ingested. Hexavalent chromium causes lung cancer in humans. It is very

irritating to the skin and eye.

The synthetic Colour containing mercury may cause pharynx, abdominal pain, vomiting,

corrosive ulceration, bloody diarrhea and renal failure. It also causes skin allergy and blurred

vision. Other important constituents of synthetic Colour such as zinc oxide may cause

abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, liver and kidney failure, metal fume fever,

popular pastular skin eruptions inn the axilla etc.

Paper pollution:

The packets, banners, posters, decorative articles made up of paper, polythene, plastic used in

election meeting/ assembly procession/ rally etc. are scattered here and these after such

activities. The polythene and plastics are non-degradable and are germ carriers. The risk in

leaflets and posters are mainly carbon black and lead. These papers are dumped in a place or

burnt. After burning and degradation of leaflets and posters, lead is released into the soil,

water and air. As a result, lead could possibly enter the food chains and has detrimental

effects far from the source of pollutions. The lead enters the body through food or water or by

breathing. The most common form of lead poisoning seen is the disturbance of the gastro-
ante-retinal system known as lead zolic. Its symptoms are excessive tiredness, continued

headaches, loss of appetite, muscular pains and nausea. These symptoms are produced only

when the lead content in the blood increases above 80 mg in 100ml of blood. The dust also

receives lead from these materials. The lead usually sticks to soil particles. Lead can move

from soil to ground water. Lead also causes cancer. Therefore election causes paper pollution

which in turn leads to lead pollution having detrimental health risks.

Noise pollution;

The political parties arrange meeting functions, assembly and processions for political

campaigns which cause the noise pollution. The unlimited use of loudspeakers, megaphones,

mikes, massive deployment of vehicles and frequent noisy gatherings of people in meetings

or procession or rallies are the source of acute noise pollution which causes different

problems to the living world. Such noise causes several social and health problems and

mainly cause auditory and non auditory effects on human health. Though noise pollution is a

slow and subtle killer, yet very little efforts have been made to ameliorate the same.

During election, the sound generally cruises its threshold level. It may cause hypertension,

disrupt sleep and/ or hinder cognitive development in children. The effect of excessive noise

could be so severe that either there is a permanent loss of memory or psychiatric disorder.

Excessive noise during election can lead to mental and physical health problems such as

headaches, bad temper, hearing problem, loss of concentration, aural communication

disturbance etc. non-auditory physical health effects in general and annoyance from noise

exposure in particular include changes in blood pressure, heart rate and levels of stress

Health Hazard:

Each and every unplanned activity of man not only pollutes the environment but also creates

health hazard. Some activities during election make life of common and ignorant people

peril. During election, vehicular pollution, water pollution, paper pollution and color

pollution cause harmful effect on health.

The political parties motivate people in various ways and virtually in other words they try to

buy votes in various means. They motivate the poor, illiterate people to drink wine and other

local cheap alcohol for votes. The tribal people are worst affected. In the time of election and

after winning the election, people become addicted to narcotics like raw- tobacco, gutkha,

opium, etc. which are carcinogenic. This narcotic effects lungs, heart and nervous system and

causes various fatal diseases such as cancer. The political parties create nuisance here and

there in which people become injured or killed. They encourage and tempt people to do social

evils. During this period illegal sexual relationships also occurs widely. As a result AIDS like

uncured fatal diseases spread out.

Socio-economic hazard:

The lack of homogeneity causes division between different sections of the people based on

region, language and races. Many political parties are involved in language based politics

which attracts growth and progress. Economic issues like poverty, development are main

issues that influence politics and are not addressed properly by the ruling parties. The

economic policies of most of the people of the parties do not go much further than providing

populists subsidies and reservations. The evils done by the people during election not only
environmental pollution or health, but also affect the social and economic structure of the


Various types of social crimes like committing fraud, cheating, robbing/ looting, raping and

murder increase during the election. The life of general public becomes peril without any

cause. Political strikes and nuisance, malicious political beliefs and malevolent political

affairs not only create hazard but also misbalance the economic structure and harmony of the


Unfortunately, attempts to manipulate and corrupt the polls are very common phenomenon.

The political leaders irrespective of parties forget that they all belong to the same

environment and society, where they are doing evils and corruptions and or creating

pollution. The present ways and means of promoting and publicizing own political parties in

the election should be rationed. To save future generation and to elect a right leader of the

nation, we have to wake up to make a cleaner sustainable society of whole some oxygen,

light and water.


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