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Name-Surname: Class: Number: MARK:


A.Fill in the blanks with will or be going to (20 points )

1) A. What is your semester plan?
B:Oh! I ………………………………………………… spend a week in Cappadocia.
2) Sam: The weather is cloudy right now.
David: Yes, I think it ………………………………………… rain.
3) A: Is your best friend enjoying his study?
B: No, she isn’t. She ……………………………………… change her topic.
4) William: Are you coming to the theater with us?
Clara: Yes, I hope I ………………………………………… come with you.
5) If Ihave a lot of money, I …………………………………… buy a house with a big garden.

B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word from the box below. (20 points )

racism - deprive - inequality – refugee - paralyzed

1) If you compare a violent society with relatively peaceful one, the single biggest difference is
income………………………… .
2) My mother was …………………………………… of an education while my uncles were sent to school.
3) Black people are imprisoned at five times the rate of white due to ……………………………… .
4) A stroke turned his active 60-year-old father speechless and …………………………………… .
5) People donate items of furniture to the society who then distributes them to ……………………………families.

C.Match the PROBLEMS with the SUGGESTIONS given below. (20 points )

1) Domestic violence a) Everyone deserves equal rights.
2) Gender difference b) Everybody has the duty of protecting the animals.
3) Behaving badly towards the elderly c) Every child has the right to be loved and respected.
4) Behaving badly towards the animals d) Every government should do their best to prevent the
5) Income inequality unfair distribution of income.
e. Everybody should respect the elderly.

1)……… 2)……… 3)……… 4)……… 5)………

D) Traslate these slogans into Turkish and chose the best one. (20 points )
1) “ Respect is the best weapon! ”
a) Birbirimize karşı saygılı olmalıyız.
b) Saygı en iyi silahtır.
c) Saygı en iyi iletişim şeklidir.

2)” Equality is the water for life! “

a) Eşitlik hayatın suyudur.
b) Hayatta herkes su gibi eşittir.
c) Yaşamak için herkese eişt su verilmelidir.
3) “ Conscience is the framework for human rights! ”
a) İş hayatında herkese eşit haklar verilmelidir.
b) İnsan haklarına göre iş hayatında herkes vicdanlı olmalıdır.
c) Vicdan insan haklarının temel yapıtaşıdır.

4) “ Respect the elderly and the children! ”

a) Çocuklar yaşlılara saygı göstermelidir.
b) Yaşlılara ve çocuklara saygı gösterin.
c) Çocuklar ve yaşlılar saygıyı hak ediyor.

5. “ Skin color is a color in life! ”

a) Yaşamın rengi ten rengi gibidir.
b) Herkesin hayatta ten rengi farklıdır.
c) Ten rengi yaşamın içindeki bir renktir.

E. Answer the questions below according to the essay! (20 points )

There are many reasons why people are born or may become disadvantaged. Therefore, there are
various types of disadvantaged people or groups. Although it may seem to be a difficult problem to cope
with, there are still solutions that can help with fixing some of the issues, at least partly.
It is possible to help some people or groups that are disadvantaged, not to all, but we need to take
action. The homeless are one of the groups that is open to help. We cannot host them in our homes or
rent flats for them but we can give food, sleeping bags, etc. which will make things easier for them. Also,
municipalities can set up tents and accept donations to improve their conditions. Furthermore, used
clothing items could be collected at a center and handed out to them. It is out of the question that these
will help them much.
In conclusion, not all problems related to the disadvantaged can be solved. However, there are still
things to make things better, at least, for some of them.


1. There are many disadvantaged people aroundand and it is difficult to help them. ( ………………)
2. The homeless are one of the groups that we can give food and sleeping bags. ( ………………)
3. If you have used clothes items you have to donates them to municipalities. ( ……………)
4. There are difficult problems for disadvantaged people but the solutions aren’t enough. ( ……………)
5. According to the passage, the all problems of disadvantaged people can be solved. ( ………………)



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