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LEARNING OBJECTIVES ‘Aer sudyiog ths chapter. you wil be able to understand + how adapt your wting to your aulence + thefetorsimovedin electing the right words + theartof mating beter sentences and writing betes paragraphs + howto adopt an appropri style and format FIRST LESSON IN GOOD BUSINESS WRITING flesh ined i rt jo and was very xcted abut. He wa placed nthe organza ssa Sree lech Oneni,he ound tats ter otengues weulsbe comings eae ‘0 conduct campus inenews He cas Rajesh {ete sh i, D0 ou iow hwo wit ep? Ihave torpor son mara suey ‘esto th bard of decir nmedsah ales si "hove never writen a formal eer but can try ‘Sear hands him oe 20 pages of ata an informston, fish worked har ote net tr hus, coectng eth and desing the epr for bout an hau anal handed to Shar och cose ‘tes Elo through te repor Slbar cle Rajesh, evs him 2 ot, ns, good ob done igatesine bute reports ab rt. amember tat whl you sesenave eee InTRopucTION {ny bis hol ds wane wy rine conmunkon len hots mch—sheye Saclay denim ewan high tol Eagluhcothyherec noe ‘ink tht an cmmnicaon rl sl dein Engh and camarheveydicares ee Howee hey sold not be mor nog. Altough he ngage emi de ne fe a rt sn punch tt busine ving enands ae dfn fom he euenens fey eine ney wing ines comparisons nd mecpon ae wel avons oy ‘heres aren Hower busines wig sab xing nd pee a crane ae ‘aca: Formas io ae wking diffe sors man fr evr patter ‘soma your immedi mage anda manager of dicen dpurenet sy eee ae / 198. anes Commticaion ‘hese reports woul are» iret of eguirements. The ve preset Treznnualregort ech ond pcre yor manager wold ned mene deal ne poe Lemmas sheinenseminagerwould el finance information tat conehier Thelin len necogedfeec ned ofltbete nconn Gowns, Yilprotally nother he tine odes cee diene eportecree ey hea I here nel toda your meget your audience. Leshan wih cheb goa ring. Thee ar hres imporean pnts tobe conre flows + Choice of proper words 1 Forman ofc etences gender cece nthiscape we wil um about these amen of good ting Fc, kes look the need go ape the mesg tothe adince, IMPORTANCE OF KEEPING AUDIENCE IN MIND Conse hi ston: A rogamine tard een hit higher mange the company manpower “hem aban eah cided pepe 61), bt ee manage Adal hiss coor the beer ef tr ‘The fo reports hae been bmi yoo, and you ned to dvie which one should be see ‘=the higher management ad which ode depron concred wth ete poe {Asamanageyou may bconfoed,ecasebthhae pected he data tw dient ak Sach ae actualy conc. Howeve, your concen whether the tap managenent ile encod age sk wo of isbn plea repr onthe ning cond tg the year, The ep nsec pst th gure ment aloha beet al he depres oncered wisn ‘on ered ye Ra re {hs yu 20 60 tin og gn wth en ect dhol bec, A LEO tee sevwia nerd Te pepe non money racn ereaseces nts notre bln rthehar ben end Othe eh geprmes some ee ste ‘scan on halal xpec Wo ha, th sxcntuycone sheen svebun en at Conteree —ladatowsndcomaerey proving Weng Sits 190 in pings the dei of he ing proms or wie ony a veri fh ining frogsnens conduc shoud be grenin te ep Wahl bee prs you end ‘hemanagenen? Her anche explo sls manager who ed oe hier maps owt an seal on the perorance afi tei. The ls mange ad pect tee ml sale bed ‘bcd dag 62), pws rll ah ghee rset poe ‘Asem withthe ey pot nd cand weld eben ice “Thee ck ls brining Thea sll + Thence enon 1 thepangnob ac lngand incon {Themes ong 1 Theda pce, 1 Tho ofwedsn org. les imporan ap your wings thesis of oases The ak comes ache you a rts par dre toilet etme pet arg selon and lel ofondeg Forermpl fests hc pono andhneben aged owe eporitshigh ily she you wold comple ec ers Hower te pes ig bese peop ‘eon Bacgrund or xmeoe tei th cmp fi whnm he eel ele Aix compen rs Jo meatrersen See etomice Pe refers canara ted 1g 2 werent pr nthe ‘evening mtd se emi teen he = {Sete cnc nt et avy rc ‘apenas ue anton ne ‘Sonoma’ haters hoe be ei wot nets eben nego as Sonn Srahne Frenne a “Temata ee 5.62 Aramblng ma 200. Buin Cormanicin Improving Wiig Sth 20 Imsgne sca wha hops fs pec fm ice popes one too EXHIBIT 6A (ane ‘png llofheminchanay hatte compet pethas the lof doumen wendy eng ait rules, Now comes the easy part to wit more elit dss preven ‘hte Mentha sar pgsr nr wlecrlibraon compe you've wed a good structure and you hve sobs writer’ Black And tls to wie fase 00. Howe rnb at tibet bean aa rl Pens sig peace {acs your copy, a You have to cen op Us tha goed enough SS taew segue calaoron. The difcl lee would behighieconrseangenas ur setence RTUCUr, ama, spelrg. Sou: Demfekacbon mihgcappetsonaly eee tem, wedi, wig dee esd famih eas dif fe You oul aso be bal and ot anti tat i Snanine Ween ome Irynctcocoectine copes dounct amllbcmmbwar and cede oes btn. tun your copy rep. YOU rece agouti eck are ot ere Kientorertat illo tw me plans gsi ouside thnk uve le something or tin But dort et pean aces cates alco st uw newt your epore or ouresin wy tect conc dawn, ou dort hve to s2yeveting_ mater cerbe om Does rn ee Your in Tere, seared 0 a Yeureestobegpyour _24treye the meaning noy Hove bangeons sede seco ‘hat ops ito yourhea. ecco ta nc Peet edencenmindven slic. As memioned befor, ou ao ned wo and os cls el ‘ces at set my wry ne oy nt fore rou arwring_ ren befoe you sar thinking about wing Eahibivei lpp eats sg low yon te aiding Fin Neate ne sym Be Stamaltotien adawih rotons anced iinet rung eating ene reading Bt tnowinghow Season om suber exHIBIT 6.1 ‘Banish writers block with these eight tiny tips How DO You START? Is how do Lat and vo Do voueverhovea hare geting the worse peraon Aw te ingereconscn yours ne “he it question hare you fre wing ay kindof mesg ow? Of cous ou dos called writers bck though Ks alos enero eat ere wees tectheante youd now wha god wet salecmpin The ioe reba ps ‘sodiehappnsta awrite omtine tote, wen tanto wie someting enone Sowing 6 ut ites oc not inet There we" Dartrevead is babupeemio te When Leuslok athe pons wich ep fan example (Fg. 6. be ‘peaerstonsyousuerfom endspctc wars Frinet sie abow what tur ay pote nd Figure shows an xc om onary eporthar lok ie on fe gnc and gps {omoidk Nr areBthathelp me getmy fgets read what ve wraton upto he eae et Iecomeysthemesage mor or. apa aon esin ie pv ace by he company. ‘ovine awe hope et bt up momentum that wey me owes ok wl lara the exept ling poles Do our research, Aral how can ou wite foward Sometimes were soncine tasers «Theta Seana’ has po eninge cule horand dla ers. Theo shostsonetinefysudovthoweanptingtosey? Rebate tenner supine hee coneceeee eects ‘4skquestons collet yeur ae, andi on the mala points ou wart emake Wing te ‘okingYouhovetoptherourrgredent before Youre up he ove Start wth stutre You don't have to use # Standard oto (nls You want). er you've Calected enough information, st pot Your ees into an order that mals sense. The mp the ‘ructr, the beter Fortis aide, for example, ny srocture leks te thi} Introduction, 2) ‘Sees ofbullet pois, 3] Cosingremar Tisghes Yous modar approach thatcan ter help you ‘oid wrtsblck Myougetstuckonnesecton, ‘rte nother secon at Wing des have ett down virtngandading ae separate prox ‘sss yutytodobotatonceyouhestteon ery wordrcometo tops, tt ons, We fst you re abe and dont wore Fish. you dont know what to say as you're + Stbiaion of wands ach aru with wating nt tay that waking away wil ey tee and ender wih temp wo ae ep wing une youre done: Da ston. Een ‘made theecerplo ipl, Yu think what youre wring i total rp, thas + Thesecondprtgraphand ir tentcsaclng. ‘ay. Once youve come tothe en, you en shift Although toni ll he informain, he meoctenocrayengeicie Schima walk anay rom project before ies done Fig. 63 Good writing sills eas ar not pe secretin scene SE LoaseEsTe iaradt ema ce pee (Sriikeme ne s See ene eae sSemths cement ee eee ting brochure and you have § main secvone, Pees, Sg fics pel Sores Tsioa dace faradores, oro cn a a Ten Sa Sra fe certo ‘rare Pee ee eee ee eae Soe a eee Saaremaa =e between wing and ing (eon Fle.64excersttrom company eo | 202 baines Communication Impoing Wiig Sls 203 Figur 69 shows an cma thachasche tae conea tthe malin ig 68 buriewesmorfinlir word which as inesirtoteaand wndowondTemesagebcommanced | ‘fein |_| same tlt len wah ny net ee Sang ica wo i fr word 2 ‘ete meteorite mt ernest teat pom ete mage G sepa mp nine sling ee siteineran Mocs rte eden doug oe eae oeae eho a Sanpete i od Saeoait npr naoneet meoeratinaie apnoea ee = Garonne elt ‘aortic buen mAb Aosta mye minh epemevicarroene oeine oer ‘esane in the cnpuny manages leper see ‘Rapiaraered pron canbe Racor pon {Dipemging ema ca bedtime {A prin point can be ree pe "Reon eve en b's lanes ee: 1 Diseminatinginrmacion cab ing nertin Dos that mean we should aly ute words that are familie? Probably ot The saablty of the word in sencnee andthe meaning a econves ata ingore Fie.65 tscert roma company ror (oreted) Lecus now rand tera he cep (Fg 65) Th mesg looks beter chan the previous one—ie simpler and cen, sd as 2 move cohesive racine sone 67 characterises ofthe ah words ‘evil nowy toundenend the basso ood wing. . CHARACTERISTICS OF GOOD WRITING Fig 6 shows th clement do good weting, Choosing he Right Words The wont hityou cheba carers shown nF 67, Familia Woras Imagine hry ith word ae what eek incur emplayen an incon eal toappoup fee your conpuy heaping tem ecompuyivecee Poe ‘pest won bare any my ede nbc wing te fis numa pinch wn we a Wels tov inc neg indi res Wares tea ancopie Ines tennant he nants of pop fr whomamenapnsareid caste highend comprehension pores onlay fom petonopeuon Thesis sage coches themes cay lr cerenet undead lnsme cacnyoaldbecomeshgeieed Joumihdal wit pope who aren enced and vlan svar Ulcer he example youl dwn menage conning el wodne nee where mor ofthem areles educated. 2 Aemnden hs he gue shor nal rm an employe epeinghisdisatscon hs manage butt sesormie pial Tkslokath tld wos High hema pene Recor feting he manage nigh Gd nef de wed cen mans oper Fle 65 Hlementof good busines writing ‘stone sce ut eo pas ning hl cet foe omtc Frome begin hye, bepress ta du om you nomen ste sseranco te att awed have ac mapa ad ‘ounce rar when preg Iemma who th hd hve ben mee hee bsioed wth eer mg de ‘at ats amemptee wt malar ne mts ri uh pag boo he magn (te rendre eat en wa plore am ahr eae one es est ees Fle.68 Use ofunfonlar words A cumb olen his case would be ths I simple words ae arable, i ert we dem However. we should no efain fom wing words tha could be unfit ut ance the santana forthe gue 610showsan cma fom an employecesprennghihappincs Alhough the wrdeae not sania dhe ail has een wren nan pope ama Today. SMS langange har placed rome ofthe moe formal formats of wring Make sre ro avoid ehis racic ofsingSMS language where se ofa formal formated for for eagle ‘king’ usead you yal intead of yes. nopes ined ofsno; These wordrmay bea we 204 Baines Conmuicion ce Geoge oe ea remeber ade neta oe mae hw an fe, Fie 69 Useot anor words ‘ate end tte cy See tear acy enc eave, sk 4 utc ohn cy gn at nie smth tennant = 6.610. Amessagsnanimproper format BORE Conmonshorformstebeavided when ending an SMS or ding caval conettiony poving Wing Skits 205 We ofen we sbbreritions such t TTYL (Talk Te You Lae) DND (Do Not Disa). and [YI (For Your Information). We aio wie FYIGCA ro mean For You Information and Acton! Alehogh ths sbbevaons my seem ceptable co you, many people woul find them dict to undertand. The sbbrevaans are nor pare of univenally accepted agaage and it est ‘emi chem “he falling provides sre common bcvnons in aon wo chose akeadymendoned, chat havebecome spf bine commie 1 AFAIK: Arar Ae Know + LOL: Laughing Ou Lod ‘VASA: As Soon Ae Ponte {INOM: No Offs Ment UBTW:By the Wy + OMG: Oh My God 1 BL Be ack Lae 1 PEA: Ps Find Arash EOD: Eades Day 1 PB: Pee Find Below 5 TEOM:Endof Megs TIA: Thaksin Advance {FAQL Frequently Aled Queions + TYT: Te You Tine {vA For Your Acton {STEYR Thank You Vey Mach {UHITH: Hope This Hebe Express ht do nox ge aca meaning shoul be sided, An camp lows “Tere laren fom mys tp the wasn fan red fle “The reader might ad hemes, ow tany lamps were thee?” Abstr consrcton of thissentence would be'Theatempel made opi the wating son lt Saday var oF ‘Simple Words “Simple wordghe acer eating the rade anddo at mised hem, Some comple or technical ‘words ay be commonly sed ino orgnizaton-howeves sheer whenever paso replce ‘hem sabe smple wordtor beet comprehension Erenifheabdenceibighledactd ls peal kep che vocabulary simple The eof diiron wd alway esac econ Ieipyoutomalesgoodinpresion Sachs sprach myn bucle Dial wordsalvas have shighe pobabiy ofbeingmsundesood,Thewe of complex im barter roger ocal o Chae ‘rnd sha be parcel soe in pken communion ashe poo Were? Mevaapuaagy > Mit} pole it Wt op? toced of Me ae Common lining yoscanor otc tine words a he me ofscomerion ened Eas ( You doing” and thi ye coud ve an normal ea feral wedbuines_lokthen opin adorn yout ‘hues oma tne dee Wire nari cae one pe seats complex wd Tile 62) att rane! “le shore cmmon short rms he hue Seer re th id i“ "tc Stebeter soled Conte Words a ali gh eect Te we Siernctseaimpe The words ht you chose shoud covey the meaning cpl Ard words Or inne Sil, RD cull ean devo caring pot: in onda am we coed a seth tg ou win or canny mayen eae eee ‘hen commiting wh jour cans ceareane Keep heck om th legal terms you a wing any. Word sucha with wndeig deren ab judi and def shoald be se tft shold be used wth the proper knowledge of the rplesoce oe orexpresions hi are vague, For example you ae seeking new bins and you wt an icodcrory sentence ike Oue company ABC Limited ir one of he legen the nda yous woul be mrtg ff wc x rague meatage. You could, ined ‘ay'Our company ABC Limited's the second largest nthe exe indy’ The we of once snore it ery popular when you ae eying o grab the acention of che atdence—for example, “To ath gure ft of chopping all experince. Here some cumple of wit we shou we, shoul notin eine of ey ‘Weslo write We om ney ase, 206 Basses Cmmanicsion Thble 62 complex words andthe simpler aematves__ Hell rte Ouro wee 10 00 SSnMIRREG heb yucefcpcnion eae ae Wesley coe Porat Sear eee sdacty courane Wess arite Theemplyeerorermas chant ese aay : nary reearty ok seers aa ‘We shuld ita We wil mest 99 Monday poai Pin soning wine Di Wishaw we hike th ary. he er rofcpeentge vl ee down eth ite hike he sly by 10 erect on seg ou profit prcenage wll ome down by 2p cena then ence Unbiased Words ‘eof sind words knowingly orunknoming Mesos conainingbied word can hurehe sznimens fhe eve. We of have ender iin oar hoe of wads Fs comple we brs ‘he rendeey wee ca poten asorer ra ale"Our omer wl ge 1 perce dco, fesse wich ws for more than vo Ys Howeves, ame he lange MN fms doses ‘he need o mold bis in chee communication and doc the emplyes abot Thr sinponeae ‘psily when our company ia mulieonl and des with tous canons, “Tediferene pes of bse an be pied inh flowing our crepe Gender + Recs regionandcite + Diablity + Age Gender bias Ofcn he ends of ce schor ince his or her wrtng Amin woking mena ‘ohisnibordaesmighr eh cought memo hewn although thee could women bream wel Hereisancuampl ich of wha weshoald ndshould nt witaheimteret ofeoiingnder Mas sto me wren employee lathe lotr scat poly esi tobe termite Weshuld ort Alun ofthe leet scarey ply wl edo temineon- Races eon, and caste bises We shold aod sddssing people with recente ce, "lon ota. Thisisprsiaainpoeanin anual ernment Mend whee pope fom dvs backgrounds we cogethe Innis we fen refer Malas "Malli a Benplisa‘Bong Gajeata'Ga te Sach ‘ence with repo bse shoud be dcouraged a crs nthe way of promoting esi ‘heworpice Hea san cpl cach of what we shold wr, nd shoul not, athe nae of ring eyo bie ‘Wes no wit My aia, who 2 Taian ry hard-working ele. We shu rite My asians ry ar-wekingeploce, Disbiley bis csbest0 mold any ference tn indvdalphpclor ment dnb unl shen cesar. Inpoig Wing ils 207 Hrs an camp ich, of whine shld wt an shod notin eines of dng yb . Tedd toe: Phyl hndagpd Marys ood employes Mesh rte Mary rapped employe Ageias Aco peo shad bed ule ably es. Here an ample ech of what we should sd shold ot writin she ime ofridng °F eal tare Te young epee fice pot he wok cal of dopiaon Iba ore Actas hc ppc por work ae “Whi choosng wend ence lowing pit + Reich we of epi wade Vjand we the igre “Thetcafacaie wor isfund fen nourconmoricon Heater cranplsof esis charlave snap mpesion nd ow hy soa eerie { Theesranc wl oebopen his Stun hd be" rest wil coed ach is Sc "Tikit and lou beh snc cape nately met and ee cond meng als hsconpanyeecsor comen . Tha merece cnc youve ene Sone an yore dae fem yo ‘emi tific wy we adem se a cays Hower nage coined ngewe nan ee malo respond ‘vb the oncom sl cule ee Pir an) Ss posto yor colt ety 200 onc mare bet cconeied i tcf nt. Theor ar navy oper os hen oan pee ay ps scare es neh Rad come torn when you recelved he consigrment, ne Fie.621_ An ema with several negative words nd pases 208 Busnes Conmuicin Dat Fer 010 $e gore yu conti ite St may 240 etc ny 010 os he abe or tho ean Sci anc ru cand ied ces ed ocnutes sini purmttteepene mone Tax towee vod aed rt conan cmd conc aae ear con erates nse. They ol poe evo We hr oat compli fe yur pars you wt aes mal co th ome tes nie. me cheapest an when ore angen Fe 62 The improved versonf the enallia ig. 612 Ingo Kaku re ea soe song tiated a ek "Now compar hie mal with che one 61. Woald you fl apy ar nbc town ini 612 Se eae ne toc steph ‘athe odo camer and se Ugh it vo isin ample he ro Fa aml ind cad me gp ns eing mindset ough Heras fe aerator eae ‘Hin acde owas nisin the "Hace wand jana the company oc pase saad ewan wks Hirano che Capron coul pli iden he ns) Soci sate a hy Ou cll deh He a completly wrong semen) ‘So what yusetche same wed : 1 wordbeingrpaced ith snp and ore aprope ‘Theor we wings inporan thw chon tata a ne #0 mind fi. You cane afd odo ss bee ede aout himselE (ecg could replace arinde inthis ‘esbuinesnneg Forming Correct Sentences hoore your words, Ia tke previous secon, yo hae sen dhe importance of wing the const word. Sree eae tna ne Cami ge ee Sram, Scone neo teeny eve Sighar | aputrcheneacee™sersn penn ad ind Frame you scenes acon the reiemensef yor satan Imposing Wing Sls 200 Forcunple pope whateva oct chachewodeninafxryortheccaya of norton rede beaded naling hrc snp smence AB overs, it communicng withthe xp ee iy in comprehending he mesg rey seen that ou wit shal have cores and core ep cogeter lol wl sbveyoua go prgeph Therefor reader woul find comfrableo comprehend paregraghs ‘hac contin snp and presse sentences You the wie should na forge that he coment the memage should complement he arp of your wig, [good satenc, therefore shoal be simple and preci and should contain de reevant information (Fg 6.13). shold bes tlance of thee cancers, precnet, snd infrmacvene. Here ae four eps (Fig, 614) tha wil help you improve sete ion Fie 613 Agood sentences balance of tive characters: Simply, precsenes ane Informatenest ‘Step 1: Collect ol he Information “eemorinporenn minh conmerion of sectors shenghinfrmaion Unles youkmetheright sormson. you vl einen and eh ec of your wring be died ‘Seer inportant to gue all heiforiion before oar sur wring. Ofen, while wring we fel that we donot hive the requis inflrmaton tha we cold wate bei wed ‘oe informacion. Hower by th ne we rele thie may tet late, There cold li be satan where ou ae pt of ‘omecaliboie wing wih or than one pon nein tring docuner and wi che respons of clloing dae one by many people Here 00 you couldbe han pres feed Thre youshould mei ht auroras nformson mental eds poe conmankaton, Figure 615 shows an ema abou the performance of ewe phorenpying chines doer one contin ec ders nd wl oe sre any prpos othe rede. Fic 6.14 steps for beter sentence formation ‘Te pocapeg se bong er rn Hon, ae hvtben sm consantambe spre promi [> ‘he oper ave bee Conon abt oN a ER {rent them and say hey we worry onthe mcafee re [oeu brake wenaelon ha re owen ebore re ror tahoe sire terete ‘ete eeman of mahi et ete tees yeupoed antes Seer aererane hereto oe epee ce hve oe g.6.5. kn omalthat ack the base deta ig Wage 241 210 Baines Cmmasiction ee lect lckatev eon ech of dient meagan Esanpl| Frio Raab won a company git fer es Hebe deo que orhiy adjoin ancl in. or hse neh ded apc hna ace ‘Wey plan i fori Yeon 2 Rath wore wih ws forthe yeats nom Heh eed gut on 28 oe owt ad mone nfo beter oppor hs foal, Wetec ey ‘farewell onthe 26h is month andar pane orsorgeooe Esenpl 2 Yrin 1 We a plana for workshop fr manag ls bey oun ‘alae in he nex fw weeks Inthe workshop we a pingto work on ihe sas fe na sear Voson 2 We ae oem set sh cane tes cores het rom caf hE tn nh eigenen theca rte or mr et ey conan fom ore low bape she inomation npc vm mmr oa Se Inanaspencer nyo dr oe he stone rh amen ‘Step 2:Plan What You Want to Wie Sommer renee ee er ee & E Fea iu aki ha you wan o wie, Wetng the sight sentences and pling than Angelica Erm the man ened wes ace drchedonge Leewslook arth flowing page Pech Rua ving Heh sr Bs co de: ial ath aptioman halon ‘enpph 2 Kana hsbc hid woking Pca of sad eth he heat fu elses aL pokonanc clings Pepa. Kanara ed edt hb eh, Alngh an ‘tend hws eh nor se maine rea ene Kana sty hard waterborne ‘before. Du o his bad health hei absent for helt thee das a e647 Roemal with pace sentences end clear message Scone ore ‘crn er pit tt Ds ‘alpen ops allt ame Segceceieigce "Beware enki pags Aooph allo hen cony ene meager syesofe ‘nsrucion—avigt «sigh earangenentnthe wt hugh make an nak ‘Both A queso aw shod acl cont hee whet ik Kurs pobre noe seme kisbetr tr wedonorcnnec thocewoertnlorwe weceniden eevee cet May werd dn aconclaon fom ev need lo nfematon Tees oy shouldbe cairn that are ee awn he 9 hue caw 2500 employes ving company which ar ee igh han he peu es and at ‘cinnamon Pag ot 2 percentage point share ps doping by 3 prot wc devel mare eins tens pres ded wth pfrzinn of en ke es *claed down wih our exining somes nvr af hehe conn besincs wih grees “The employee turnover for the year 2009-10 has been extremely high. Many ployee he compu. This high sh he eve es hss ee athe den ofthe pelrmance ofthe compan The er pra lb oes prc point: Ste wep developmen group in acompen, EAS RATEnhs som Hecpresrh dnpoinnenbuthu noe enonnvd gooey pie 617 hows te conccteemai fom Soh, ‘we mor prec nd feted on the ee had Heespeeshisdsppinanens and ehestenee 2A2 Baines Communion ie ao drpped The ove mace sete ar down sd th employer diane Tha Farther percolated down, Ourexisng comes unt of whether continu non os Pare 3. The employee trove forthe ye 2009-10 hs ben eel hgh wih ove 2300 employes ving he ompuny. This high den our prevos year whch ae re inthe den ofthe performance ofthe company The nex po Fl yon percent: pnt sd shar prices dropped by 3 eco. The eweall mate seinen ae down ead cnglene oe ze dma withthe perfomance of the company: This a farther percolated down with cor ‘tting comers usar of whee eo continue baoe wih xenon fsa, yo wl probably rele ditch ht peer sounds bes: A second ending woald pinout thet paragraph sto log, wth one sng sence conning many de ‘nd hehe second pagrph sts. The hid pengraph scm mae aan “Tone pangap ea sfew enon. hey ae slo + Shoesemnes ar beer however, oo many hot sentences wll ase happy 1 Ther neesto bes ood mix of hoe and maialegth secences wth ip forma, * One sig ides shold be cade in ch een, + Seenceshouldnos bested incse hee se sltofides thr mute edie one sence ‘ach ence shouldbe rok up ito smal eens Lang enenes my cee enfson although chy ae ao completly voile + Semenen shouldbe presented lea. ‘One ommon poem in ass wring the fishing of dt es not wrongs provide cea {informacion bation rin ut the ase de eb conveyed. Kepngthe a pe dee ‘hep you to communi een, ‘Step 4: Connect the Sentences “Tela in che constrcsin af pod menage io oily connect setence Todo that you ll ned woke he allowing pins in id Do not overexpress youself _Any serene tht can be wilten in single wy should aot bemade complied. Authors often want 284 punch by pring in sonal wns but th saryhelpe Hee reeample of wha we shoud wee nd should onde tkep or eee simple We shuldnt write, With fem beef a comeimentin tp, we would ie oso ae they aramoagthe ber ht you can ind in th mare ‘Weald rite: We wal ewe tht or procs ae the bet in che mat Wesuldnot rte We woul terete shh fit shar ou hpmene willbe one ‘eshte We sce you ht you will be eh our sipncto ne, Donotbeacaround the bush Gee quicty tothe point. Dont go oundabot geo Unless ‘he purport toate things ina cao. pen tides dice Here ar canes of wh we shoud wrt nd shoul on onde fo pres oor ie dct sul no writ: hs fos we ners our das have been ceed date nd esol beable gers th suction afte "Wes rie: Allow dus hve een ler and we we looking fr acs an, pong Weng Stile 213 Pucreacd ideas together Uni youareenlysreaboue the reionshipofewe ess ever pt them ogete. For example ike he sence opera a fle. He bs bh a fe ca The eve ofthis mesg il ot understand he onneasonDerween he vo fee ‘Asthesende ofa mesa yu need be cc about the way you orgie the meg Youu nui reece legal Getting the Paragraphs Right Pangraphy area colon of hough ha ae read and wellonneted hgh sense, At 2 sender of meng. you wl aves ec ou il ndmagiaion form hem wel. Teen nthe econerct prngrpi snd ti contruction fn depend nce wri doo. ereare some ener gules tht youn fll wo weber pagrap “+ Haeall elated ins pargaph. 1 Hive an node snence + Pride ony the informacion eed + Donot mak prraphsscolong + Makeche pangs coherent. Haye all elated ideas ina paragraph Whe weg» parngraph remember coselec desta ered, the es ae ueled he argaph wl lore Ss meaning andthe reader wl ave oe for information, Longe formal rersceretatthe | por have eed conen hroighour and, cheer elo porta that fpuronicalsooe we lnk peherl pgp Heian cane (F618) el ou Che mpocace of ving ena theme apd ening nity fee The ines tharae ruck ff dons conf othe cent de Ive weiter down sachet pegraphs wll hve unity of ee Have am introductory sentence Before you begin «paragraph, fie een ierodace le wo she ceader The ierodoccon is nothing bt she central theme ofthe pargeaph. The Inductor line wllelehe reader wha che paragraph rll abo. pargsiph hereto wil haveanneoducor line relted selideas tached tothe ierdactory line and acon. For example ince example in Figute 618, the sentence in my previous erganzaton, war Sanding ole fa sersizory manage denoes that there something the paraph eed tothe ole ofthe person. However sentence like "The sumer of 95 wat ho and she sme year started of to Bengalra to tee my on veneure’ would be unrelated othe et ofthe Sentences inthe pargeph Provide only the information requiced Asasenderofshe mexagy, at youre foe quero, ‘ny meus eran wat Randy he ro wry mae My pinay ob wu age woo ve peope horde stereo gt sv oat fne MY yh ea esto Spercetenomtentogeewonrhy nt thecanpunyatensrantorstssepicsnpare be cles scatters anode respnny of manny esteem ey rman, hopanny copcd et cits wo pea rae Fe.618 A paragraph corectedsothat the eas att contains ate elated Inpro Wing Sle 21.5 214 Busines Communica ening Wiig in vew ah ant cns te yor copy hat aed Wo ae eta me oe acing ae arog et {taoes Aint bew achat thinners app won Yoo cao soe eae 3 os ta nd Teele ncn ney on fhe mo ingortaa n eucsot acs Peseta tanta arte neyo Mey sor enpoecs eah tn rne e fever pl ut tained fac et ong Tecoma wer the Tasctinandbesces boca pocolsmimancy etl way opie econ ah | sea ote run nso ieee Sitemaps tuntcansoney ony We cna er anal Fee nace 007 wh 7 eye tii wah ce ey Rests ane creme maces rarest econ dean Sein sot etn enone ot rey eo eons wane ‘Thoma sornaes eno wary ernment SSotreomn ang rtp en pene ote tang or EN e649 Amessage with lene unectsay normtion deletes + Doss the gen information complet thee? Are oa ging sme nfrmation ei no wel forthe reader and ec they and without? + Dost information lve ny dub inthe minds of he dest Lec usoakat ig 619 wo undneand is poi Alisooph the pargraph has eared off witha centr de shee exe information Sine the _mesa provide nfrmaion abou the tps taken by che employers arte bene ace empone ‘beens ars appre his. Therefore here ive ie edt explain he sep th ‘spanaton there cn be inmed down, Ate, my pope ava 00 mach infomation tat leads infation overdo and ‘herederofen fut sndeneand the cena tenet meage Suthamesge cone lecone sao an he chances of going eo the ejb every bk Fgucs6.20and 621 show how digs mess ino mulplelogly plac re ‘eanalogbe difrenc appearance, a ‘Do not make che paragraphs oolong Alhoagh he nth fhe paragraph il ary wih the ‘teak weer ipa on shud mae acon ebro wo cenglng erp Pragaphs of shou 6009 wordeach are ual cosered obo he appropee og ee rari long he hanes of the ede ig inet inthe tera gh Make the paragraphs coherent When ou ae sending» msage, make ste he menage ‘oherene. This would mean ca all he puapraph atin syne wich one another would Fig.621. Themesoge nF, 6.20 vided no mutt, logealy paced pargraghs indice that he tens flow logilyeroughour she mesage and hatte reader move along vith hee os 1 eal go back nd forth to serch fr pois and cet oil low theses chance ath chwilio tt snc rin ging Tepe soe proses be mesg ay eed Render conf eng ch Eg igus £1 show che reved von of Michal ea is a ober a he eas ae seen seated Ramesh wl nt gtconfised eading he mesage bras the pags ad iss re wlalgnedandopced ple tn ey Roop ed = = ts snow stteorhisonedin we 125 1b rece he vr ne fe _ecnpars euphotic eee un shotnwandceneanoane tore ory nas estan lay ea te no tp cae oe oe eee be cg eons cs one enh ey Vacs eb stew och ean le SOLA To ectenctomudins tees ear eee ony soe on ‘Serato sel tepolnstathe people tr sand ea arcnne uasenet pa lettuce nob se tah ers Ince a Te pes ft a ncn eter ioeclthrapnee Teatro ‘ots wih en pcs an weer sashes i Wmameanngn neha ee 6.620 Along message with no pargraphs Fig.6.22- Ao coherent message 216 Baines Comenicaion Tapa bho Li ew ena he ie we Hwee espe ben ‘The wae hss en be aa the de anc, ‘inert ese scon pat a et ra an or pos ne ptlmy Sut re wig amd ors, Pat oe now a ean oe eae re wee, Fe.625Acoherent message More Writing Tips ‘igi asur accuracy whichis thekey to goodwrtngInunes wig iimporanttbescue, ‘you have wen hat aur prof pertenage 26 andthe rene on checking Ed nee toe Dat allt canbe ded Thies ha on ma op ign andr esage ‘without compromising on ther overall quality (Exhibit 6.2). * Foc compl ae his aeene ss ou dep bl df his agen ps ough cr coxph ld fecha cn bingo sda change ow ere soe "Wale dt or tele coprton ng deat spa deg nalsetence which conned neuedown sees =124 words sbencu down Ia words Sarpy Sthecoey epaine Tye mina potvey wes pl Alogi wallmesone ‘sansend message with posite nore witha ight redeafing ofthe memage at ap wwe hud ine Sol on etre neg ‘We sould nos write: Or store closes by 10 pn. meres Wea rite Wee oper ap soldat el neyo anda yore weds the payments, = 1 shuld rites On the recip ofr payment wel dpc out defor atten Ps lapach youth ode forty and books sealer wri are you ave sn anor polished. ‘Wedd artes On plein ong for adie hee Impring Wing Skits 217 exHiBIT 62 Think twice about he one-page ule ‘side ase on how that essge looks revit ‘only one aspect of appearance, A short message that looks viuayerowéed I til perceives at Uunweleoming. A saga sen fs 8 font sl haste eps By all means, sre for brevity tthe same time, generate smal, manageable chunks of Information that canbe que seanned, Use Informative headings, surounded by whi ‘ace todrow peopel. Wen such way tat 2 quick scan eves reevat message. Never Sskyour renders tosquint. Steifing a vsualyateacve and readable message or the sak fein one pg ie Shooting youre inthe foot Bort ot Source: ope 206 Se Buta Pret ‘fincrile Mesaps Frere dts toe inrebleMessgescom or carn! Sonn i Chances ate you've heard ofan executive who elses to read any ete ox memo over on page lore. The impateneadersyerome extends or beyond ecutive rviage People rom al walks if eres scroling downto reed» long e-l Based ontisresistance, Ive svayteconnened ‘that myles sicko one page eters and one page memos “he flowing observation, rom Dann Boo hesin Ewnting: 215 century Toa for efective Communication, makes me want 0 ally iy ee: In fae aterpt bebe wer ave r= quant crowded thr wordy omit parton eats, heaigs, oblate Tet ve 8 le orto. They oe aecomplh the tsk getting rorthingtossngesceenorpape—andlose the ity town over the render, Here's the qualia: Remember that people mae the decsion to reed orto puta mesoge Focmontheaudience Masog ar inended forthe audi. Therfor, athe han wing wor suchas we we beer ta empha on os wherever appropri. ere re campleofwharwe shoud wees, nd shoul notin one to aes the aden hen ans We shuld ot write: We ae offing yo an dona oane ofS pr cnt on every purchase mie this math 1 dhl wie: You wl ean sddtonal noun of percent on every purchase made hie eh weve bec rfl wl wing he word yo Thr ae many ans when fcsngon Yo canbe problema For eumpl take dhrsneneThe rg youhad foros forthe le atl ears nerachcved Ifyou we hs menage your manager it maybe len neue although Icha yo focus. Ina it woul be beer owe "The gets ooo tea ince ian yearn reached ‘Write aifiewerea conversation | Make wha oa wee oud iis fm coment wh 2 peso infront of you Alou his may sen uy. icf to achieve n pace a Bet ‘wing we oer dow foxmal Formal With reence ro ow conenstion dated th Apel ple be infomed tht we hae scetion proce for our spice 218 Businss Commusicion Gonentional: Daigo conversion 0 th Atl wc adarmed youths hae seecion procedure frou ple, shit presen snigu guide o good wing, ‘Aroidclichés”Cichéssctheexrnions hat wecaoinly se withow thinking We tendon 'cicht far evry ation nbn phy This makes the wing nontones tnd cars ep oor imag ofthe ender ofc mesg. Some of he cichl wed are shown ile 3 Becourtous "Onc ofthe hing hat we offre dain busines wing word ech ‘ankyen: elon! and ‘xan Howeve nce are ery commonly ed wont che EXHIBIT 63 ‘An uniely guide to good wilting: The telephone! amemberthe ds when youtietofiouta page ‘srexpandwhatyeunadtoraytolmpresa teach? Remember when aig word mean bet rade? youre most peopl, yous “Mark hates ‘hose daysaebeind me” eth day nresng teachers ey gone, or have ot hats nitrated your appro ts sins wring? Most professional il wit to Impress—they have meray switched the target from a teacher tan execute, scent, ore eave "profesional envionment, big words, eases andlong complex sentences or patt eonl. Ratha busy people fe amoyed adi ‘Sentwhentheyread, nthe avert tat suboequent ‘Communication requteon i imperate st ter The authors of Wing thot Works describe ‘isin of wring 5 mumbling. ee you guy of ‘mumbing when you wits? Here's some 2aviceto aid munblng: judge Yur writing bythe phone ele, Chose the sme ‘ible 6.3_clchés nd ther ateratves che las bao Pasar fay ‘According or ofl records ures. etme tow eoud eo furtber he ‘Ths to nformyou that youreieraton hes been anal yon your equest, Istine nowt stat thking ot othe box Pes cll ema me you need dteaton \Wehn canal our resevaton upon quest Now the tine to be crs tone in weingthat you chose when taling to 2 lustomer or anther professional an the phone. ‘When on the phon, we sy things ect and stalgtforwara ways We never say, “Por Sant tothe above mentoned matter” on the hone, We say “regarding the widget contrat ‘The phone rule demands we wrt lalnly a5 “he rule makes sere, Ae al, your job a rofessonal srt to demonstrate how smart Se Sophisticated you are our obit serve Your ‘astomersand work eficety and fective wth Yur calleagues Todo this, you ned to comma, cate clay and concer the way you do on the phone Source: apa 206 ton ew, Present fied Formas el goo Intedtieisages cam or oni ome oe ‘esslsagcon show eh pong Weng Sls 219) taken fr gated they may naecove the courny thar we indo communica, Wha we need Aoistobe ali diferent in deaing he menage tha we env Forezample writing Pleas call sand we wil hive aguckdscusion onthe sn’ Wi Jingo al che ver es fer your projec of Foc ay asistnee lez fl et con me! ae some ofthe words that an makes dirence Hower never ne them ju fr formality bu do manent Another aspect ofbeng courteous eo sol sgen menage Ter probely nothing more umn busines wring than the expesionof ane AlSoagh we fen gece yon many cisions in busine and send meager with one of anges chee shoud be ved ese ae exampls of sentences we bald aod busines wig. 1 Thue ad enough of hie nonsense 1 Thisisabsoluey neler + Your puede hassle it los of oad rhe company. 1 Tisind of ngiget beharioe om cstore i os provided fin ches Pras yourself ifyou realy hve wo, but said boating, Avo outing shows your company o¢ basins or youre. Hower ve you eed pave Youre xp your words wel within our onto: Boasing een mas the statements lok tne ad ie i oa nega ling ang. theredes Here arecxamples + Our products have Brough in technologie eolson sound the be (do noes ules ‘hee podact rave dane) 1 Oursles econ are he bey any echoning 1 Therewas no cneand he wil bena on who wil efrm twa have done Bragging: mia chat we fen cnt kong ar sndes fa meses “Thee shown in Fig 624 doe no flo the pudlins of god wing whexs che on a Rg. 625 does. The ener Ranh aterive ba doe no andthe een othe ema Rash atalinced he profeloal aget ad ls of god lee Using an Appropriate Style Saye doesnot neces men scan roving oping and making mse cll Any mesg char you may besendng nnd tobe eine abs reader, The mesg shoul ook Prsenable Alcough emai heespeied nat hit woul ot be theca with mow of the nesags thc you ma send Whether yous responding rei fr propos (REP) open 2m inernal meno ar anew pacy document ors opr fr the ovement o sary boi ou ‘eed to makes document eadableand preset Documents may ar may not hae guidelines, For example, f ou ar sending your company prof foran vat, che chance ae igh shar he award ary wil ik fr documents inspected formats Ineaesyouare sponding ap REP, the chancesarehigh thar he pono wil kor specie of docamenution. Thetfore,nsue whee hee aay specie gules how che mesage othe dcumen should been. ‘Rexlbilty em be beef ou improve the eign of your mesg Focal, pore os go tothe webs of company in which you canoe ncn the fone eo which ha pr clour conbination which a pasa du ste contin nd without beaks. Wha wal be your Inporing Wiig Stile 221 team manager ohn ae gan oran, eedeeecial "evr bck ome ie ali us yh cena sehen prea ‘chime cam en bom of ara Fie.524 An exmple of poor writing on Rh Se Tr Mah, 305009 8 (Ete Samad eine de] He ae some ener acepted penile ‘hat wl ep you gv your aude beter fel abouyourmesage (Choose the conrece fot Ics cri that you chose the sgh fone for wing your document Avoid sing more chan ew Fes In one dacument-one font would be aed ror for the body of the ex and on for the headings. Dono change the oneal of « ude or ak ic inconene ove diferene pars of he document (Fg 627 and 628). The meme it Fig 628 looks more presentable han theonein Fig 627. Use whit space efectively Whie space comprises ses i page tht ae purposely Lepe Dl (white meas ban in dhs contest, nd may no ef och colour white) you leave ond margin on both sides of pags anda athe top and boom these white paces would Inprve the ena ofthe document. Th reader ll ind eeasertopude hirer hough the pages ofthe document “Ta proper of white pce en npoved gly, higher sompshenson and inreed cen ofthe ede Jasiication While wring, uy our paragraph the aga is wren ld your ‘meaugewilee amor frmallok than lead mesge fly justied syle gesa sacred Tooke the body ofthe sage. This ate evan oe word procenng nt le MS Word (e629) leicester aspen "eure that te espe coset vouoa crmtnanaseonenenee 4.626 Gulelines for improving te style of messages Faery ae ‘sie commu cere snd sewage reve esone [eben AZO mrt of ere acu o tot repre, fl sob tr nese we woah he saa hae rane, ‘eran ment Shame ont asd he et be pereing hore showy ‘rein conan When cee mace as nse Medes ney hte rt settee nemo Mr core ecard of» decade has en satisfactory th very minimal complains, Renee ee ‘toe that snare ecetn, Pe sw ene he =e vhs dy chet wih {ets met tonoron ernan store th ty spo, es i Fie.625 Therevsed version ofthe ema shown nig 624 ‘prion ses shu ft compu Snot ics ao mage ln. Apne oases perenne jr eign eng at wa ged emp rP a Femara peyote sn gp args ne mae year ra cope smo “ite eatse vr waa egue ngs epetr ohy rp oft fo mao eh Boe she epee naa aaah ere Ieuan at eens warts ee nr an heuer np west aba ee ‘noe neon eat sro cempn corer eee ‘Sante canted sont emesis ae pan yuna oer | Scatgieyecnntapinacdnpeeteren chanel imme Weber ‘pknmme rng mech noe [onaracea os feemest, je gece Fie 6.27 pooty designed internal meno 222 E ‘arena cao kokat ean ‘ess he ano peng te ‘Hovde rege she nee the vans hv bee byte eg sis Communication nner oreencn al wt win Sy SSemaaraostnee ncaa ree rte res mem te eee ae shows eles pareraph and show usted paragraph Headings andsab-headings Any docanene hs ‘hey make the dame elec and more readable Redes who do nt hne each ane ed nerf Fe 6.29 psig ie ncn os ot ctl more pa do not aver ha ingle rng Whle ovr nrg fom one raphe nthe ee ne pce Hoses oy wt writ the fis ew wordsn pals rene rikincpilsorgeth fist wordadecorivefnetocach he stenting Enplainewhereerneded Any ase yen doce foul the ede riot theme parca nt telever eli Yorba oe, undeine she pci prof che vnc (Fy 630) Hoe Sl Siemens 630 Howes nee da er eps npn Weng Si coe eromane ot an kh bernve paso ie marhusre fanned separ, Aonh hast ran exon peter permease bon abve as fr Dae ont ayo wrk eee had ct ee Ito bre tanh en th cle ht bn ay adam pe He set ei Way eon Tote ecomeno ta conga napa crm any Fg.690_ small paragraph demonstatin th se of emphasis Fr sannsoms oy ‘roe pedo rt teers ty ad sono te ects itr a Maa Alte Trane eo ate ot uso wl vnc 2 on er nd sect ison od rf vvonn, Patol at rr aye you ol th hae se beats poser 200 e311 e621 snp letersador logon amerage would make tore iterestg ring graphice The wi of grapes make document more arate and incess is edbley (ig 31) However rere of gphic makers menage creme hun ‘Graphics can beaded eo document in ay way could be a he orm of par, ewig, phocogrphs nad oreo simp oe phic she igh lice. SUMMARY ‘od Bsiess wt inves 2 focus on tree Specs The stages the cole ofthe ot ord, the seondi the formation of sentences, hd the thd I the logis! arrangement of Sentences into parr. n busines wring, ‘cent are shold be taken terse that the ‘arte Simple and eas to understand the “ors ehosen real then themesage weld ‘ot Rave the dened impact. The frmaven of sentences and the arngemet it paragraphs ‘ould be done wt proper cnsidercton ‘aneter important pont in good Business ring the dese of the document which mst ‘be pretertate ana must enable 35 ead if ‘he presentation of + document cumbersome andthe yt pa, the readers mht not ‘the message interesting. KEY TERMS | Cents They ae eoresins that have ben used So ote that they no longer have much messing ana are not interesting. We common se them shou inking Justeation tithe seo aging paagaph, ‘ite spaces They ar the sea where the page Ir blank The erm doesnt necessary mean white tcl 2. choosing the rit words mates 224 Baines Cnmusicdion REFERENCES AND EXTRA READINGS Aopen ck 2008 30 ts Scr Snes Wg, ain Sey Tag srderdoper Ay kb, ord noo of ommera Coresensene, Ose Unvesy Ng oon Sore; outa oT aes nv bs es Communion a ‘eengeson Stn tf ds tie ew ch Suter Ann a 00, uses Engl he Wiener nyt spec rns {ste tre toutes tert ww som send) Rian ‘sitar, Raymond V, Marie € Flatley, Katheyn Rents, 2012. " 1 209, une Commun wn, ooneconsin Dit! Wot, ota MGs, vet Eon, New Deh {eck Kit 0 nd Stephen Kyo Kaamare 2008, ‘Business Communication: iin Ct! st, Third tor, Tta Mere New De Murph Her, Herbert idandae Thoms 2008, Eectne Business Communication, ‘Seveth edo, Tata McGraw il Hew Dt ‘tp/furtemindset. com), lst accessed on 27 Februoy 201, pd )uwastantrning com, st acesed on EXERCISES "Muttiple-cholce Questions 1, The bases of ood witingnohe (2) choc of proper words (2) formation ofomet sentences (©) consructonof conc pereraphs (3) wsage of ammaticly correct expesons (a) choosing compler words onvia) 1) oni id), 10 (0, @)ana(e) Gi) ante (0) (0,8) and(e) tw) at these {0 sari) 1 by) 2% Aaton of he wing syle scoring to the * Ralnio0oldtogo eldwork een What uence is important because tidet beak ot wed bare? (6) aitterent people may have diferent 3) Gendered ‘eauremants om the mesg 1) Race; rom andeasteceated (2) isthe test management ad () abitytsea 4 “made pertinent arian the meng” (0) chosing familar words (6) choosing simple words (e ehosing cone words (© diferent people wil have diffrent _{#) Aeoeted (0 ony) (9 (0.6, an \ewrpoint of the same information| ‘ for (@ Abotwese tw) Orvis) (4) es improve your wing (evi (in ene) (0 ony) (allot these 5: Arrange the folowing tps inode, or the ‘onston of ete sentenes (a) Connect te sentences (8) cotectal th information. (0 Plan what you wane to wre, (@) const the sentencee The correct sequences (0 (0) and) 0 (en (0 (0440.10, anda) teh na) (a) choosing word that oie (0) choosing simple words (0 choosing cone words (@) choosing unbieed words 1 (0.6), and\e) i allot hese (0 @)andiey "none of hese 4, Wihichofthe folowing shouldbe obared shen constructing sentences? {a} Wene on shee serene. (0) Wee lng sentences whenever you have lotofideae. (6) elude a maximum of two det in each (@) Arage the sentences ogy, ow wo) wie we Which ofthe folowing genera guidelines) shouldbe used ors good para (a) Have allretted eas na pragraph (0) Have an nzoauctory sentence (e) Donot make theparseraph 0 lng (@) Nake the praragh coherent (0 Ao these (i) (hana (i fab 0, and (a) 8, (0, 9 While wing hich te folowing gules shoul you flow? (2) Never fous the ssience (2) Wete styou ae recordings comers {e) Aoidechés, (Ge countsousin what you wie (0 (a. and(e) (Hane) (fob te, and (6) Le ana i) 10, Which ofthe fallowing teeta Wel-dsgne mestge? (a) Simple in os ana presematon (0) Useofcompler wor {c) Wel-blnced ine over presentation (G) Usectong sentences 0 @, arate) (i) Band(a) andi) alana) Conceptreview Questions 4 What shuld you epi ming white choosing Yur words for busines wing? 2. isexremay important ofa the words a simples possi Wry? 3. Why shoud words be unbized when we wite bashes messapes? 4 Orgiizations shoud educate people to write unbiased messages, What impistions can biased menage howe? 5. What shoul You hep i mind while dating entones? Inpoing Wing Sis 225 6. How do you design a document and what are ‘the seria especs for beter endabay? 7. although esentlttgnahtyur company ‘Ris wrong to brag bout your company What limpeatons could baggie hove? Critica Thinking Questions 4. Write maito your sbordatesexplining to ‘ham he escort rece mest tit youhadatendes withthe rember ofthe bord andthe ay soap ses tat were foared 2. You ares managerin s ote One of your new pospectvecutomer wars know tou the facies avlabe in the Rote. tea sgl age report tobe sent thecstomer 3. You are the maragarof one ofthe branches oa bank One of your customers cameo the tank ding the peathoursforte banked ne ‘member ofthe safcoldstnd her Se wos ‘ute dspleased end wrote a compan you ‘sth branay manage youunderand tht she isthe bank rng he busyhoure However, You do not want to make her unhappy. Wie 2 eter responding oer eevance Calle eter from 2 eet cad company fora bank ashing a person to opt for some ‘ow serices. Ane the letters check the company or bank has conformed to the prinpes of god busines wring How could ‘hat omanzatonhaveimproved te mesg? The management has decided to ternate couple of employees, bayou, ar8 manager fear atts might be nt be ther i to do soasthe company is busy meetg two new oder at pron and the anon meh dept ‘hebusness ete alter tothe management ashing to review deo, 6. eu ae the C0 of 2 cpa none of our employees writes to you that she I bing farased by her manager Upon inetition, Yu find ot that her compat act! sn Yu sms the manager: However t prevent Fechincens inher, you aed rere [alist oowed by enlayess such {ates Propareapoley document tat woulhelp your employes ea wah sar stains bet 226 Baines Communication 2. vou have been made the hend of» resort However the reso iret wand does nothave many isto. Design porterthat can beemaed to prospectvecutomer Iniing css. themtoerperenceyour resort. 6 Read an arched are of au Bong atta // ee Soagword.conrcive/. How doer the ator 1, Divide your ass into groupe of seven or ight stud Cllet coupe of uses erlsand analyte onthe he of word and what Can bedonetoimpreve ther efetvenei 7, 2, ead the shareholders report ofa company Study the audience adaptation techniques ‘thatthe compeny har used to communicate fc who rps auc, 2. Goto the website hep/ewineredblemes: sgescom).VstBonnieSusonatseconcn artesandeedthe ate, ‘Use One Serence Paragraph to Sl Your ley Find» couple of such eagles in the buss world a ow ‘ecto theconeptharbeen edn pratce 4 ead the blog of ton Lynch at worn, ‘om. Wht ar the key pois tat you coud observe in is wring tht makes he suet ‘mtr snp and eae to ead? 10 5. White space isan etsenial aspect of any business tng providers refeingesing tothe readers Reade art by Mark ution 3 wore alistapar.comfartle/whitespace ete ws in th wing ses? ats ond prorat tote cs, ass and seek inputs rom your Tay, 7 ROLE PLAY aera CEO of Guest Consulting ved abroad fr faltng same dels. On his way back, he ato ‘sk an ue cal to hissecretary ar at hero eal crn iporantdovamertstotecosones Hetreduoca her several tines, ut fale He eee an stored message-—"The conection ths fumes been temporary sspende Rajendra was soc and sonoyeds rdw pest ty he found phone both made thecal and atthe work dae, ‘pon coming buck to Ini e contacted he alee of Voce communiations to scetin why hs phone connection hasbeen suspended He found cuttin tha nonpayment othe worth reason ‘Quest contig employed more than 250 peopl nl of themhad phon connectors rom Yoke communications Ren, eles the salesperson charg rom Voce communication an ied ie Research few bsnes document whee the lac of nite space haemade then ok lama and unreadable. Pere your fring to the bringin coherence inthe paraeroph that he onstructs? How des the aha bul op the Ides os the readers move from one prarigh eadthe sustainability report Hen twang, honk com suanslty 818m How hve the writers ofthe repr been abet en In rawoph bung? Present your Ring tothe ‘Anas 10 mals tht re morethen 100 words ‘ach Form sal groupe and eon em {o male the presentation ofthe ems ete How could have they Seen improved and what hie the cls noe tous Asech roe to design» poster for branding your colle teparent. Deg a papi (tf or Lookin re ocenertrochue of yourcolege forthe lst yea How could you improve the presentation ofthe data and te overall eles Of the document? Mate a preston tthe ring Neng Sls 227 tocanclallthe connections nd sd not wat todo any busines wth youn pit of the salesperson trie conic him, al the ers ale and he raed a equ rte cour of connection Tit {rel the notice of hs manage Nalin whowat the head of aromer services Whe the sles nce ‘nar atangt Ha th stoner seve en essed an all fom Quest conse ear Curtomer Series, We hae had enough of nonsense fom Vice Mabie If ou cant provide us with th sercs when we regu is eter that wesc over to sme ate rier who con lose disconect el the 250 cn eto and collect the utstanaing payment f any ram our corporat ofc eons, fer of the 0 | Nae vested the reason othe acount Cnet nev pith inal We il _ ravi hereon petticoat. pred foe Cornice ot ore tan ty prcer ofthe iit was alowed to eke ar an cttandn bil thre he cones _ wai Boch, Wie megs the eal Yoke moble ha aeeed to eve ts case ors mbes of ‘Quest consiting and one of thm wes Rajer's number ws tm nth lcd onthe sen ber leneng tether numbers uring Ath sae tne, the uence of ves Conan a so tossed one th. Ths wa ay above the prmisse teeta compar hats ‘She retin that the station was completed and both Quer Canela an Vice Communion tac erred Whe Quist Contig made the mistake of not pying the ble on ine and hed 9 pnt tutsaning aroun, Voie communion was acoantable forthe echnical git othe bares "Non Nai hast rata rept aja to adres to us. The ist of course wast inform him ‘shou the technical fu ad request hin att deconneit the cnmectons ang the second wast make ‘ues Consulting acknowledge and py athe outstanng as, ‘Aetity In grupo wo, ako up the roles of Nain and Rajendra nd communicate via ena to des _ with the wren station. Once all the groups have completed the iteration st togehe na urs how “sarous groups hale the stuaton afer? Analy hi respecte Steg tecommunate sh ‘ne with he rer good ofthe organization? PP case stuoy wring To cer norieeo Stl wkingpenn Hehander ating ‘sowie’ fs ge mosoralrhyfr ett thatonstolertoo apres, bur foruson one's work. hen elves that ssoecaton noudeone somata Fons, because they are your supervisors ad know how Yu werk. Ha houpht thi war pri trae of hs depatment when wore hea wll foi However raualy, Shanta’ seal ave way toamore practical unerstancingo is werigace He ead that n age of makeing people need to pubic themes and ther ort ‘hat puting onset nthe elit forte one reasons i 3 dependable formula for suscess {odeysworkersitonment Th reaeatoncane Shankar quite lt. By his meal is coleapres who wee either average or Blow er had sed othe ranks, an shantarwat le bind shone he was good at his work very ite aprecene ae his way. He razed he needed fo are ist Setar: Hi fst chance came when the company wes ‘avewing the work of te depanments es of the year. Hs team, which Randod contring _Eteton programmes ha pefrmedwel syore Shankar thought that this wars god oppor iy hm to showeae what he had ahi. He nog ‘oun the achivements of hs desereat “Inclusion of nem trang tops * Invent of mere thn 200 employees in the trang programmes * ain for employees for more than three ays ech agaist a sveage oft dan ‘employe inthe other ting units + Thining for employees who were engages * Comerion of age vou ofthe taning Iter into elearning eousest foc, leaning * Holding of more than 250 tring programmes {ans tpt of 10 traning propane, * Selection of new topics rm these efloea oy {steral vendors ch helped the payer Sankar was quit sre tat his deparemon's ‘rvmuncaedisteassucceszes tos maragee Dercinasmallematreport. Thstswhathoneee, From Share| Tes Derih Dt: 2008 May 2008 Sub: Super perfomance ny es Des: Der, "are Been wring witht department forthe ag ‘90 yar nd this yearmycentbuton suopockg ard undputd. Ihave ben sweeng een heed sthnsinglece and thar alshowmepntherec Layteam inte space of entnungedeaton beremploee. The tainrgswetedennatonh eras, Inon oes but afer ourtherpbaloten ok ‘ees charge thatwe edn sth avons alberto seep such ong couse goblet to read ahs cee ad large sucence. | have therefore converted lag ube of thes seinen eee eer whch ave bed us race ur tua cee ‘oa dynam ving oration Derek things ave not ben moving fst forme. ‘ead the team withthe ee rum ef peo Iv peopiehavebeen puttin slate eons tee have been no major comp in the Wain ne 4 Ma he eter Been writen the right way? 2 youre drafting thiletter how woud youdo 2 What re basic principles of writing that Shankar ‘as lated whe dating ths ems Inpoing Wing Skis 229 Rf. COMMUNICATION MawTRA fe yates buat rig sy Aig ho se yu Ste ma to pe ene ‘nin that Inanageot ema we repays ens wth oo ae burs esp wth onl camry tote Hr eve soon hat epg ra, eer ing ut es» san rc borin sendbutonThslcat ne ass the qualiyal be betnes oro heros, rie Forts pte whch ec uget nde armed esperse hn one ster Snr tr your bss wig Free Sones ase "completed ae mds nel snl be hae fs _ wren niet en te esa Retin fom hither ton scene ou shes wah he mesage se ‘ereten Sve yurmesoge azar rng ere you acl graheodcenditoree ea, ‘et otf bd renin ote and roams incre mesa, £2 people when they revd coe wien mesges Wee eo © omune resource ‘Sample Correspondence Sethe ale mal memos, ob, nd cone tr

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