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1. Whether the construction costs of pipelines are reduced in relation to the

distance and the viscosity of fluids?
No, they increase proportionally with the distance and with the viscosity of fluids.
2. Which the pipeline should be overhead for most of its path?
The Trans Alaskan pipeline.
3. How the coal slurry is transported?
By pipeline transport.
4. Which kind of transport routes are practically unlimited?
The pipeline routes.
5. Where is the longest gas pipeline located?
in Canada.
6. Where is the longest oil pipeline located?
in the Russian Federation.
7. What substance is usually transported by pipeline?
The crude oil
8. Where the oil pipelines have been constructed primarily?
In oil-producing regions
9. Which regions are oil-producing?
the Middle East and Oklahoma
10.Which pipelines are used for apportion substances in tanks and storage?
The distribution pipelines
11.Which pipelines are used to move substances between countries?

The transportation pipelines

12.Which pipelines are used to deliver substances from several nearby wells to a
treatment plant?

The gathering pipelines

13.Which pipelines are used to take the gas to the final consumer?
The distribution pipelines
14.Which pipelines are used to collect substances from deep water platforms?
The sub-sea pipelines

15.What are the three categories of pipelines?

Transportation pipelines, distribution pipelines, gathering pipelines

16.Which method is used for controlling corrosion?

pipeline coating in conjunction with cathodic protection

17.Which the country's government requires that buried fuel pipelines must be
protected from corrosion?

The government of Canada

18.Who regulates pipelines in the United States?

by the PHMSA

19.Who regulates offshore pipelines?

by the MMS

20.Who regulates pipelines in Canada?

by the NEB


1. Which conference was identified the ten Pan-European transport corridors?

at the second Pan-European transport Conference

2. Which routes required major investment over the next ten to fifteen years?

the "Crete corridors"

3. How the ten Pan-European transport corridors are also called?

the "Helsinki corridors"

4. When the last corridor was proposed?

after the end of hostilities

5. Which system includes all major established routes in the European Union?

The Trans-European transport networks

6. Which forms the basis for linking the trans-European transport networks with
the Central and Eastern European states?

The Pan-European transport corridors

7. Which system is a further-developed form of the Western European transport

network's major transport arteries?

The Pan-European transport corridors

8. Which transport corridor belongs to Branch A - Bratislava - Žilina - Košice –


Venice - Trieste/Koper - Ljubljana - Maribor - Budapest - Uzhhorod - Lviv – Kiev.

9. Which transport corridor belongs to Branch A - Graz - Maribor - Zagreb?

Salzburg - Ljubljana - Zagreb - Beograd - Niš - Skopje - Veles - Thessaloniki.
10.Which transport corridor belongs to Branch A - Berlin - Wrocław?

Brussels - Aachen - Cologne - Dresden - Wrocław - Katowice - Kraków - Lviv –


11.Which transport corridor belongs to Branch A - Klaipeda - Vilnius - Minsk –


Helsinki - Vyborg - St. Petersburg - Pskov - Gomel - Kiev - Ljubashevka -

Chişinău - Bucharest - Dimitrovgrad - Alexandroupolis.

12.Who provides financial assistance for the implementation of the individual

measures along the corridors?

The international financial institutions and EU support programmes

13.Which the approach was therefore defined to pan-European transport areas?

The more extensive approach

14.Who has been working to revise the definitions of the corridors and areas?

a group of high-ranking officials from all of the participating states

15.Which the initiative underlined the objectives of the Transport Corridor Europe-

the Baku Initiative

16.How many member States of the Eastern European, Caucasian and Central
Asian regions are included in the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia?
17.Нow many working groups does the Transport Corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia

The five working groups

18.Where the Permanent Secretariat is located?

in Baku

19.Where is a regional office located?

in Odessa

20.Which the agreement was signed in 1998?

The Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for the development of

transport initiatives


1. What kind of mean can provide a substitution for personal movements in some
economic sectors?
2. What characterizes the telecommunication networks?
Low distribution costs and high network costs
3. Which a orbit is often used by satellites?
a geostationary orbit
4. What do the transmissions often require substations?
The wave transmissions
5. What kind of routes provide for the instantaneous movement of information?
The telecommunication routes
6. What kind of routes may include the physiography and oceanic masses?
The telecommunication routes
7. Which kind of routes are practically unlimited?
The pipeline, air and telecommunication routes
8. What kind of transportation is playing a growing role in global logistics?
The air transportation
9. Where are the densest air routes located?
Оver the North Atlantic and the North Pacific, inside North America and Europe.
10. What are the typical restrictions for air transport?
The site, climate, fog and aerial currents.
11. What kind of activities are related to the tertiary and quaternary sectors?
The air activities
12. Which type of transportation has high terminal costs?
The maritime transportation
13. What kind of transport mode is linked to heavy industries?
The rail and maritime transportation
14. Which waterway are included to Comprehensive inland waterway systems?
The Western Europe, the Mississippi and its tributaries and the interior of China
15. What attempts are used to facilitate maritime circulation?
The construction of locks, channels and dredging
16. What mode of transport can move a large quantities of cargo?
The maritime transportation
17. What mode of transport have an average level of physical constraints?
The rail transportation
18. Which method has improved the flexibility of rail transportation?
The containerization
19. What mode of transport has an average operational flexibility?
The road transportation
20. What restrictions are important in road construction?
The physiographical constraints


1. Which system uses two or more modes of transport with a single rate?
The Intermodal Transportation Network.
2. Which system offers connections between a set of origins and destinations?
The Multimodal Transportation Network.
3.Which system allows the movements of passengers or freight within the same
mode of transport?
The Transmodal transportation.
4. Which process enhances the economic performance of a transport chain?
The intermodality
5. Which system provides individual modes that work together or within their own
The intermodalism.
6. Which process produces a transport system that is segmented and un-integrated?
The competition between the transport modes
7. What did the carriers try to retain?
The business
8. What entities can be composed of streets and highways?
The multi-scalar entities
9. What a context did create the collapse of the Soviet Union?
a context of geopolitical instability
10. Which segments are part of the Northern East-West freight corridor?
a maritime and land segments
11. What connects the maritime segment of the Northern East-West freight
the Atlantic coast of North America with the port of Narvik, Norway
12. How many are the major rail segments on the Northern East-West freight
13. Which the railway will be used on the main routes?
the Trans-Siberian Railway
14. How many countries are included in rail land segment?
15. Which terminals perform the intermodal and shunting functions?
The rail terminals
16. Which terminals handle the largest amounts of freight?
The maritime terminals
17. What are the port sites constrained by?
by maritime access and interface
18. Which port site includes the tidal range?
The maritime access
19. What are the efficient inland distribution systems?
The road, rail and fluvial transportation.
20. What a location promotes continuity of circulation in a transportation system?
The gateway


1. What time was determined in the traditional way to accord with the originally-
defined universal day?
2. Which timekeeping system adds or subtracts leap seconds?
3.Which time system is used in the UK?
4.Which time system advance their clock one hour in summer in the UK?
5. Which time system advance their clock one hour in summer in the Republic of
6. How marked the countries which keep their clocks on UTC/GMT/WET year
marked in light blue
7. How marked the countries which advance their clock one hour in summer?
marked in dark blue
8. What criteria are used in the drawing of time zones?
The legal, political, geographical and economic criteria
9. What term is used to refer to mean solar time?
10.What term is used in practice to refer time?
11. Which the convention referred to noon as zero hours?
The old astronomical convention
12. Which the convention referred to midnight as zero hours?
The civil convention
13. What affect shipboard time itself, which was still solar time?
the synchronization of the chronometer on GMT did not affect
14. What method did mariners use?
The Nevil Maskelyne's method of lunar distances
15. Which time system is used worldwide as a reference time?
16. Where was Greenwich Mean Time adopted?
In the UK
17. When was Greenwich Mean Time adopted on the Isle of Man?
in 1883
18. When was Greenwich Mean Time adopted on the island of Great Britain?
in 1880
19.When was Greenwich Mean Time adopted in the Republic of Ireland?
in 1916
20.When were the hourly time signals from Greenwich Observatory first
on 5 February 1924


1.Which kind of activities benefit from adding daylight to afternoons?

The retailing and sports activities
2. Which kind of activities get experiencing problems from adding daylight to
The farming and evening entertainment activities
3. Which was the early goal of DST?
to reduce evening usage of incandescent lighting
4. What are the problems arise with the DST’s occasional clock shifts?
can disrupt meetings, travel and billing,
5. Which country were the first to use DST?
The Germany
6. When is the Clock shifts scheduled?
near a weekend midnight
7. Which country observes DST from the second Sunday in March to the first
Sunday in November?
The Canada
8. Which proposal argued that DST increases opportunities for outdoor leisure
The Willett's proposal
9.What is the potential of DST related to?
to save energy
10. What affects the use of electricity?
The geography, climate and economics
11. When is the best time to harvest grain?
after dew evaporates
12. What are the costs arise as a result of changing hours and DST rules?
a direct economic cost
13.What was the effect of Changing clocks and DST rules?
an estimated one-day loss of $31 billion on U.S. stock exchanges
14. What was the positive effect of Changing clocks and DST rules?
reduction in crashes fatal to pedestrians
15. Where has been the correlation between clock shifts and traffic accidents
in North America and the UK
16. What is affecting apparent times of Clock shifts?
affect apparent sunrise and sunset times at Greenwich in 2007
17. What type of vitamin is synthesized in the skin under the action of sunlight?
vitamin D
18. What are the effect of arise with the clock shifts?
disrupt sleep and reduce its efficiency
19. What are the effect on health of people with the clock shifts?
negative health effects
21.Which country were the first to use DST on 21 May 1916?
The UK


1.Which the organization codifies the principles and techniques of international air
2. Which the organization prevents of unlawful interference and facilitates of
border-crossing procedures for international civil aviation?
3.Which the organization defines the protocols for air accident investigation?
4.Which the organization standardizes certain functions for use in the airline
5.Which the organization defines an International Standard Atmosphere?
6.Which the organization standardizes machine-readable passports worldwide?
7.Which the organization has their own airport and airline code systems?
8. Where the information is written in the form of strings of alphanumeric
In the machine-readable passports
9.Which types of codes are used by the ICAO?
The 4-letter airport codes and 3-letter airline codes
10.How many regional offices does have the ICAO?
11. Which is the main mission of IATA?
to represent, lead, and serve the airline industry.
12. How many airlines are represented by the IATA?
230 airlines
13.Which is the main aim of IATA?
to provide safe and secure transportation to its passengers.
14. Which is the core function of IATA?
to act as a price setting body for international airfare.
15. Which the organization were highly regulated as domestic and international
16. Which the organization regulates the shipping of dangerous goods?
17. Which the organization maintains the Timatic database?
18. Which the organization administers worldwide the Billing and Settlement Plan
(BSP) and Cargo Accounts Settlement Systems?
19.Which the organization is pivotal in the worldwide accreditation of travel
agents with exception of the USA?
20.Which the organization manages and publishes the industry standards in the
Worldwide Scheduling Guidelines (WSG)?

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