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ET 01.

Q(01-05) SSC CGL 2018 4/06/19 (Morning)

Seoul’s city government is asking people for help to correct
poorly translated street signs with prizes on offer for (01)
______ who spot the most errors. It’s running (02) ___
two-week campaign calling on Koreans and foreigners (03)
______ to keep their eyes peeled for (04) ________ in English,
Japanese and Chinese text, the Korea Times reports. There’s a
(05) _______ focus on public transport signs, maps and
information signs at historic sites, as part of a drive to improve
the experience of foreign tourists in the South Korean capital.
01. (a) this (b) those (c) that (d) these
02. (a) one (b) the (c) an (d) a
03. (a) same (b) similarly (c) alike (d) likely
04. (a) guffaws (b) blunder (c) oversight (d) mistakes
05. (a) particular (b) important (c) signifying (d) meticulous

SET 02. Q(06-10) SSC CGL 2018 4/06/19 (Afternoon)

An Italian mayor has been cleaning the streets along with his
councilors after their town (06) ______ with no manual
workers, it’s reported. In fact, (07) ___was sweeping the piazza
in front of the (08) _______ church in preparation for market
day, (09) _______ the deputy mayor’s father and a town
councillor armed with a high - pressure hose. The town
Zerfallu’s last (10) ______ retired six months ago and nobody
has been hired since then. “We can’t do anything - we are
blocked by bureaucracy,” the mayor say
06. (a) was left (b) was leaving (c) has left (d) leaves
07. (a) he (b) it (c) they (d) she
08. (a) near (b) local (c) neighbour (d) next
09. (a) also (b) alongside (c) along (d) as well
10. (a) councillor (b) member (c) worker (d) mayor

SET 03. Q(11-15) SSC CGL 2018 4/06/19 (Evening)

Eager to control the South Atlantic, the British Navy had tasked
Admiral Byron (11) ______ settling an island off the South
American coast (12) ______ ships could resupply and then
finding an alternative (13) _______ to the East Indies. After
rounding the tip of South America, Admiral Byron confronted
the world's (14) ______ body of water: the endless Pacific
Ocean. After a month of empty blue horizon, a tiny island (15)
______. Byron joyously described the island's "beautiful
appearance- surrounded by a beach of the finest white sand -
and covered with tail trees."
11. (a) for (b) from (c) of (d)with
12. (a) there (b) when (c) where (d) wherever
13. (a) route (b) road (c) path (d) means
14. (a) larger (b) large (c) more larger (d) largest
15. (a) came out (b) appeared (c) showed (d)stood up

SET 04. Q(16-20) SSC CGL 2018 6/06/19 (Morning) .

Pigeon racing has become increasingly popular in parts of
China (16) _____ the country’s elite and its middle class. Sun
Yan, the deputy general-secretary of Beijing Racing Pigeons
Association, (17)_______ that at least 100,000 pigeon breeders
live in Beijing, and (18) ______ 90,000 of them are registered
with Racing at (19)______ levels, to qualify for the games held
in the spring and autumn. Competitions can be lucrative for (20)
_____ owners, with some prizes amounting to tens of thousands
of dollars. Liu said in recent years, pigeon racing has been
surging in popularity across China.
16. (a)Against (b)Along (c)Among (d)About
17. (a) Said (b)Clarified (c) Told (d)Advised
18. (a) Utmost (b) Almost (c) Nearby (d) exact
19. (a) Different (b) Differed (c) Differential (d) differ
20. (a) Pigeons (b) Birds (c) Animal (d) Bird

SET 05. Q(21-25) SSC CGL 2018 6/06/19 (Afternoon)

In 1914, a war began in Europe which engulfed the entire
world. The damage (21) ___ by this war has no precedent in
history. (22) _____ the earlier wars, the civilians populations
were (23) __ not involved and the casualties were mostly (24)
___ to the warring armies.The war (25) ____ began in 1914 was
a total war in which all the resources of the warring states were
21. (a) made (b)caused (c) generated (d) began
22. (a) at (b) into (c) in (d) on
23. (a) generally (b) broadly (c) chiefly (d) finally
24. (a) belonged (b) confined (c) restrained (d) bound
25. (a) which (b) whom (c) what (d) who

SET 06. Q(26-30) SSC CGL 2018 6/06/19 (Evening)


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