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2. Kabsa
3. Khubz
4. Shikamba
5. Kofta
6. Kibbe Senya
Mezquita Al-Haram
Kaaba – cubo
Mezquita Al-Nabawi
Rascacielos Burj Al-Mamlyaka (Centro del Reino)
Fortaleza Masmak
Parque Nacional Asir
If we are going to talk about the typical food of Saudi Arabia, one of the first dishes that we have to mention is the falafel. It is one of the
most well-known typical dishes of Saudi Arabia and cooked in the West. Falafel is also one of the most common dishes in the Arab
2 This is another of the typical dishes of Saudi Arabian cuisine. It is made of rice with chicken. What makes kabsa special is the sheer
number of flavors you get from just one bite. Kabsa admits many variations, but all of these allow you to feel the different textures of the
accompanied rice.
It generally has raisins, onions, ginger, raw almonds and chicken.
3 This is the traditional bread of Saudi Arabia and is widely used in its cuisine. Its ingredients are simple: flour, water, salt, sugar and
yeast, but its preparation has all the magic of the Middle East. The bread is produced in a special oven made of stone. The bread dough
is stuck to the inside walls of the oven so that it cooks.
4 Shikamba is a creamy Saudi soup made with delicious lamb meatballs.
This also counts as a main course (which, if you didn't know, is eaten at noon and is the most important meal of the day for Saudis).
5 The meat used is lamb or cow -we already know that pork is not eaten-. And, like a good Arabic dish, it is accompanied by delicious
spices and chopped onion. These pieces of meat, which look like meatballs, are sometimes mixed with vegetables, eggs or rice (burghul
is also used, which is a food prepared from wheat).
6It is one of the most consumed dishes of Saudi Arabian food. It is made with minced and well seasoned meat, chopped onion, wheat, a
touch of cumin and another touch of Arabic pepper.
When all this is put together and then fried, the result is simply exquisite.
1Al-Haram Mosque, which is also called the Great Mosque, was built over several centuries, starting from the 7th century AD, and became
world famous due to its location within the main Islamic sanctuary (Kaaba-cube).
2La Kaaba, el cubo, es un edificio único en su tipo en forma de una estructura rectangular de color negro de unos 13 metros de altura,
a la que los musulmanes se inclinan durante la oración. Según la leyenda, el cubo fue construido por ángeles que descendían del cielo,
pero luego fue sometido a modificaciones y reconstrucciones muchas veces. Los trabajos de restauración a gran escala se llevaron a
cabo en los siglos VII, XVII y XIX.
3The Al-Nabawi Mosque is the second most important temple for the followers of Islam, whose creator is considered the Great Prophet.
To see this attraction of Saudi Arabia is the burial place of Muhammad and numerous minarets over a hundred meters high. Also, two
caliphs of the country are buried here. The mosque is designed for the simultaneous prayer of 600 thousand Muslims, and during Hajj
their number increases to one million.
4The Burj Al Mamlyaka (Kingdom Center) skyscraper, built in just three years at the beginning of the 21st century, is a massive structure,
which has become one of the popular attractions in Saudi Arabia. At a height of 300 meters, tourists can enjoy stunning views of the
largest metropolis, full of modern and old buildings. In total there are 99 floors, which gives it the right to take 115th place in the list of the
tallest buildings on the planet.
5Masmak Fortress - a fortified complex built in 1865, which was transferred to Abdul-Aziz (the country's first ruler) in the 20th century and
is considered one of the most visited places in the capital. In addition to preserved ancient buildings, Riyadh guests can learn more about
the city's history thanks to museum exhibits, and a mosque is equipped for Orthodox Muslims
6Asir National Park: It is constantly included in the list of attractions in Saudi Arabia as one of the few territories with preserved flora and
fauna. Accessible entertainment for travelers is walking through the vast territory of the park, during which you can see the rarest animals
(including the Nubian ibex and gemsbok) and plants in the natural habitat, barbecue and picnic areas, areas game for children and

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