Spelljammer - Bridge Crew Roles

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When engaged in a ship fight, it’s important for player characters to have a way to contribute to the fight. If the fight
feels too much like the ships themselves fighting, like in a classic war game, often players won’t feel like they are still
playing their character. To help with this, Wildjammer makes use of bridge crew roles. A creature can only occupy a
single bridge crew role at a time. Some roles, like the Captain, Helmsman, gunner or boatswain. A creature can switch
between roles as a bonus action on their turn, but if the role they are switching into is occupied, the current occupant
must agree to the swap.


As a character levels up, they also gain new abilities for their bridge crew roles. Starting at 1st level, a character
gains 4 bridge crew proficiencies. They gain 2 more points at levels 5, 9, 13, and 17. Each character starts at rank 0 in
each bridge crew role and can spend points to increase their rank, unlocking that rank’s feature. You must meet the level
requirement to buy a rank and must buy them in order. A character may reallocate their ranks by spending 1 week of
downtime per rank changed.

There are five roles included in this supplement:
The Boatswain. You lead the crew in repairing the wildjammer and working the sails.
The Captain: With a booming voice, the Captain coordinates their crew and bolsters their abilities.
The Gunner. You command a small team of crew members in operating one of the ship’s weapons.
The Helmsman. You are the ship, controlling its every movement around a battlefield.
As the Boatswain (also called the 'bosun'), your job aboard a wildjammer includes maintaining and managing the
wildjammer's hull, masts, sails, and rigging. You are also responsible for leading the crew in operating the sails and
repairing the wildjammer. Your responsibilities include daily inspections of the wildjammer's hull, masts, sails, rigging,
and crew. You provide daily reports to the Captain with the results of your inspection and to keep them up to date with
ongoing maintenance and service needs of the wildjammer and crew.

rank Lvl Features Description
0 1 Boatswain, BOATSWAIN
Brace For While in the Boatswain role, at the start of your turn, your wildjammer heals a number of bulwark
Impact points equal to half its maximum, rounded up.
As an action, you ready the crew for an attack. Choose one 90º side of your ship. Until the start of your
next turn, your ship has resistance to non-magical physical damage dealt to that side of the ship.

1 1 Fix It Up FIX IT UP
As an action, you can repair a ship weapon, module, or sail that has been disabled. Make a DC 15
Intelligence (Carpenter's Tools) check. On a success, it is repaired for 1 hull point and resumes
functioning as normal.

2 1 Work the WORK THE SAILS

Sails As an action, you can command the crew to adjust your ship’s sails to change how it controls. You must
change these one step at a time, such as from furled to coursesail, then course-sail to full-sail.
Furled. Your ship loses 500 ft. speed, but gains 45º maneuverability to a maximum of 180º.
Course-sail. Your ship moves at its standard speed and maneuverability.
Full-sail. Your ship gains 500 ft. speed, but loses 45º maneuverability to a minimum of 0º.

3 5 Hurry It Up HURRY IT UP!

As an action, you push the crew to work harder. Your ship's bulwark points are restored to full and any
Gunner that takes the Open Fire action before the start of your next turn can make one additional
attack. Once you use this action, you can't use it again for 1 minute.


Boatswain When you take the Brace for Impact action, you choose a 180º side instead.

5 13 Hard Turn HARD TURN

As an action, you command the crew into a dangerous maneuver. The first time your ship moves before
the start of your next turn, its maneuverability increases by 90º, up to a maximum of 360º. Once you
use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.


Boatswain While in the Boatswain role, your wildjammer has a number of extra bulwark points equal to your
proficiency bonus.
As a captain, you decide what goes on and when. Through your work, you coordinate the different groups aboard the
wildjammer into the most efficient path toward victory. Your responsibilities include being bold and decisive when
issuing commands. You are responsible for the safety of the wildjammer and its crew, as well as the success of the
crew.Every captain sits with the axe of mutiny over their neck, which means captains tend to be those with the force of
personality to keep people unified and understanding.

Rank Lvl Features Description

0 1 Captain, CAPTAIN
Fire At While in the Captain role, all bridge crew members take their turn at your initiative. The entire party acts
Will on that turn in the initiative order, and you can choose in which order the crew members take their turns.
Any effects that occur at the start of end of turn for one bridge member occur at the start or end of the
collective turn. If you leave this role, bridge crew members resume using their own initiative roll.
As an action, you call out an order to fire. One Gunner of your choice may use their reaction to make one
ship weapon attack against a target in range.


Grapple As an action, you ready the crew to throw grappling hooks and chains on another ship. The next time
before the start of your next turn that your ship enters the same space as another ship, you may make a
Charisma (Water Vehicles) check contested by the opposing ship’s Captain. If the opposing ship has no
captain, the DC to grapple is 10. On a success, both ships are tied up in a ship grapple.


Party While in a ship grapple with a ship that is schoonersized (1x1) or larger, as an action you can call for a
boarding party. Any number of player characters or eligible crew that have not yet used their action this
turn can join you. Each creature that chooses to join you readies their action at the same time to swing
across to the other ship at the same time. Player characters who join the boarding party are no longer in
their bridge crew role, if any. Crew that join the boarding party can no longer assist in operating the sails or
using the ship weapons. At the start of the next round of combat, every creature in the boarding party
simultaneously swings, leaps, or climbs across to the other ship.


Speed As an action, you call out an order to the Helmsman. The Helmsman may use their reaction to immediately
Ahead move up to half the ship's movement speed (rounded down) within its cone of movement. The ship
doesn't turn after moving.


Captain When you take the Boarding Party action, members of your boarding party (other than you) now only use
a bonus action to board the other ship, allowing them to attack as soon as they swing over.

5 13 Barrage BARRAGE
When you use the Fire At Will action, you may choose an additional Gunner to make an attack with their
reaction. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.


Captain While in the Captain role, you have advantage on initiative rolls when entering combat.
When you take on the role of a Gunner, you are put in command of a small group of crew members operating a ship
mounted weapon. These weapons are designed with sufficient firepower to puncture even the greatest of beasts one
might find while sailing into the depths of wildspace. A Gunners operates the ships weapons via a helm. Any character
can be a Gunner, as ship weapons use either your Strength or your Dexterity. If a character is a spellcaster, they can
even get the weapon enchanted to use their spellcasting ability modifier. As a Gunner, your job is to bring swift death
upon anything that dares to threaten your ship.

Rank Lvl Features Description

0 1 Gunner, GUNNER
Open Fire While in the Gunner role, you command the crew of a single ship mounted weapon on your
wildjammer. During your turn, you can use a bonus action to switch to another weapon that isn't
currently being used by another Gunner. You can do this between attacks with the Open Fire action.
As an action, you make a Ship Weapon Attack using your ship mounted weapon.


Gunner You can use class features which apply to weapon attacks (such as Extra Attack) while taking the Open
Fire action. Some class features may be inappropriate for use. Consult with your DM. In addition, the
backfire score of any ship weapon you attack with is reduced by 1.


Attack As an action, you ready the Open Fire action. When your readied action criteria is met, you may use
your reaction to take the Open Fire bridge crew action.

3 5 Precise PRECISE SHOT

Shot Once per turn when you hit with a ship weapon attack, you add your ability score modifier used for the
attack to the damage roll.


Gunner The crew and backfire score of ship weapons you use is reduced by 1.

5 13 Distracting DISTRACTING SHOT

Shot When you hit with a ship weapon attack, you can create an opportunity for another attacker. You add
your proficiency bonus to the damage of the attack and the next attack made against that target is at
advantage. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.


Gunner While in the Gunner role, your Precise Shot feature applies to all ship weapon attacks you make.
When you settle down into the helm of a wildjammer, you feel the ship become a natural extension of your body,
moving just as if you were walking. This gives you, the Helmsman, the most intimate knowledge of the wildjammer.
When it is hurt, you can feel it. When nearly crashing into an asteroid, you feel your own heart beating with adrenaline.
The ship isn’t just an inanimate tool, the ship is you. As the Helmsman, you control how the ship moves around the
battlefield. You are the one who powers it and moves it. While the Boatswain and the crew work to manage the sails
that enable your full movement, it is ultimately you who controls how the ship moves.

Rank Lvl Features Description

0 1 Helmsman, HELMSMAN
Move, To occupy the role of Helmsman, you must meet all requirements to attune to the helm installed on the ship and
spend 30 minutes to attune. Some helms have a Quick Attunement option to quicken this process. To switch out
Match of this role, you must break attunement. You must spend the same amount of time to safely leave the helm as
Speed, well, otherwise you may suffer an Unattunement Backlash effect (if any) as described in the helm’s description.
Jamming While you are in the Helmsman role, you gain control over the wildjammer like it is an extension of your body
and can extend your senses to any spot aboard the wildjammer (no action required). Each wildjammer and mega
creatures faces one of 8 directions, corresponding to 45-degree intervals. To give the feeling of momentum to
wildjammers, each wildjammer has a maneuverability score that limits them to a cone of movement. This cone
extends forward and is as wide as the ship’s maneuverability.
As an action, you move your ship up to its speed within its cone of movement. Once you have finished moving,
you can turn your ship up to its maneuverability.
As an action, you attempt to match speed with another ship. Until the start of your next turn, when the target
ship would move, you mimic their movements and maintain the same distance as when you took this action. If
the other ship moves in a way your ship can't, this effect ends.
As a bonus action, you start charging your ship's helm to accelerate to jamming speed. Charging the helm takes 1
minute. If you start your turn in the same space as another ship, mega creature, or object at mega scale, the
charging is paused until the start of your next turn.


Maneuvers If your ship is a Frigate (2x2) or smaller, as an action you may focus on evading attacks. Until the start of your
next turn, you add your Dexterity modifier to your ship’s AC and you have advantage on Dexterity saving throws
made on behalf of the ship.

2 1 Collide COLLIDE
If your ship is Heavy Frigate-sized (3x3) or smaller, as an action you can move up to your speed within your cone
of movement and enter the space of a ship or mega creature. If you move at least 1,000 feet, you may make an
attack using your spell attack bonus against the target ship or mega creature. You are considered proficient with
this attack. On hit, both your ship and the target take 1d10 mega bludgeoning damage. Larger ships deal and
take more damage. The damage increases to 2d10 for Sloops (1x1), to 3d10 for Frigates (2x2), and to 4d10 for
Heavy Frigates (3x3).

3 5 Dogfighting DOGFIGHTING
If your ship is Frigate-size (2x2) or smaller and a ship of your size or smaller is behind you within 1,000 feet, as an
action you can perform a complex maneuver. Make a Dexterity(Water Vehicles) check contested by the
Helmsman of the other ship. On a success, following several tight turns, you switch places with that ship. The
direction that each ship is facing doesn’t change after their places are switched.


Helmsman You can use the Evasive Maneuvers and Dogfighting actions with Heavy Frigate-size (3x3) ships

5 13 Spell Surge SPELL SURGE

As an action, you may expend a spell slot of any level up to your proficiency bonus. When you do, you move in a
straight line up to the ship's movement speed plus 500 feet per level of the expended spell slot. Once you use
this feature, you can't use it again until you complete a short or long rest.


Helmsman While you are in the Helmsman role, your wildjammer has 500 feet of additional movement
Spelljammer Ship Types
Crew Damage Kell Beam Standard
Type/Name MR AC HP Tonnage HelmType
Min/Max Threshold length Length Armament
Airship 10/30 1 13 300 N/A 150 25 None 30 n/a
Flitter 1/1 5 13 50 N/A 20 5 None 1 Major or Minor
Mosquito 1/6 3 14 80 N/A 100 15 None 5 Major or Minor
Caravel 8/10 1 13 150 10 70 20 1 Medium 10 Major or Minor
Dragonfly 3/10 4 13 100 10 100 20 1 Large 10 Major or Minor
Damselfly 2/10 3 13 100 10 100 20 1 Large 10 Major or Minor
Wasp 8/18 3 14 100 15 80 20 1 Medium 18 Major or Minor
Tyrant Ship 15/23 4 21 200 20 100 100 Special 23 Orbus
1 Medium & 1
Tradesman 10/25 3 15 200 15 120 30 25 Major or Minor
Gnomish Gnomish
20/30 2 18 250 15 120 25 30 Gnomish
Sidewheeler Sweeper
Series Helm or
Nautiloid 10/35 3 19 300 15 180 30 5 Large 35
Pool Helm
Mindspider 3/40 4 19 400 15 40 15 3 Large 40 Lifejammer
1 Medium & 2
Galleon 20/40 2 15 400 15 130 30 40 Major or Minor
Squid Ship 12/45 3 16 450 15 250 25 3 Large 45 Major or Minor
Dragonship 20/45 3 16 450 15 150 20 2 Large 45 Major
Hammership 24/60 3 17 550 20 250 25 3 Large 60 Major
Man-o-War 10/60 4 17 550 25 200 20 4 Large 60 Major
Deathspider 30/100 1 19 1000 30 175 50 6 Large 100 Major
Armada 40/100 1 23 1000 30 300 30 14 Large 100 Major
12 Medium & 8
Citadel 100/300 1 23 3000 30 300 200 300 Artiforge
Siege Weapons
Attack Crew Size
Name Size AC HP Space Damage Notes
Modifier to Operate
Target(s) must make DC 13 Dex
Gnomish 11 (2d10) bludgeoning to all saving throw. On a failure, the
L 15 60 5 5 3
Sweeper creatures in a 10ft radius creature falls prone and gains
the grappled condition
Light Ballista M 15 30 5 4 16 (3d10) piercing 2 -
Heavy Ballista L 16 70 6 6 33 (6d10) piercing 3 -
Light Can't hit targets within one hex
M 15 90 5 6 44 (8d10) bludgeoning 3
Trebuchet of it
Heavy Can't hit targets within two hex
L 15 150 6 8 66 (12d10) bludgeoning 4
Trebuchet spaces of it
On a successful Critical Hit, do
not roll on the Critical Hit table.
Light Cannon M 19 75 5 5 44 (8d10) bludgeoning 4
Instead target suffers Hull
Holed Critical Hit
On a successful Critical Hit, do
not roll on the Critical Hit table.
Heavy Cannon L 20 150 5 7 66 (12d10) bludgeoning 5
Instead target suffers Hull
Holed Critical Hit
Alchemist's On a successful hit, target
L 15 200 6 1 27 (5d10) fire 3
Fire Projector suffers Fire! Critical Hit
3d10 + 1d10 per number of
On hit, roll 1d10. On a 10,
hex spaces moved in a
Piercing Ram M 10 50 - 1 - target ship suffers Hull Holed
straight line this round, max
Critical hit
of Ship Speed.
3d10 + 1d10 per number of
On hit, roll 1d10. On a 10,
hex spaces moved in a
Blunt Ram M 10 50 - 1 - target ship suffers Ship Shaken
straight line this round, max
Critical hit.
of Ship Speed.
On hit target ship gains
Grappling Ram M 10 50 - 1 - -
Grappled condition

Siege Weapon Ammunition

Item Name Cost Notes
Alchemist's Fire (cask) 200 gp per cask Always flammable
Ballista Bolts 5 sp per shot Fits any ballista. May be used as a Spear
Cannonball 5 gp per shot May also be launched out of Trebuchet
Sweeper rounds 4 sp per shot Doubles as a Nunchaku for creatures of Gargantuan size or larger
Catapult Stones 3 sp per shot Large Stones, carved into rough spheres
Stone Shot 2 sp per shot A package of round rocks for a jettison. Deals Bludgeoning damage
Jettison Shot 2 sp per shot A package of sharp glass for a jettison. Deals Piercing damage

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