Strength of Materials - Statically Indeterminate Beam - Hani Aziz Ameen

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Strength of Materials

Handout No.14

Statically Indeterminate Beam

Asst. Prof. Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen Technical College- Baghdad Dies and Tools Eng. Dept.

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

14.1 Introduction
When the unknowns quantities of a loaded beam can not be found by applying the three equations of statics ( Fx 0, Fy 0, M 0 ) i.e. the equilibrium equations are not enough to solve these types of problems ,the beam is said to be statically indeterminate ,as shown in Fig.(14-1)

Fig(14-1) In order to determine the unknown quantities , we require in addition to the three equations of statics ,one more equation established from the deflection of the beam.

14.2 The Three

Moment Equation

The three moment equation is considered as a general method of finding the redundant moments at the intermediate supports of the beam

Fig(14-2) From Fig(14-2) , 1 t1/2= A1a1 E1I1 1 t3/2= A 2 b2 E2 I 2 1 L 1 2 M1L1 1 M 2 L1 L1 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 2 M3L 2 L 2 M2L2 L2 2 3 2 3

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

For similar triangle (shaded area Fig(14-2 b) t 3 / 2 h3 L2 h1 t1 / 2 L1

Put the value of t1/2 and t3/2 and E1I1=E2I2 also h3=h1=0(supports),gives 6A1.a1 6A 2 b 2 L1 L2 This is called three moment equation (3M equation) (or Clapeyro equation)with unknown M1,M2,M3. This will be added to the static equilibrium equation in order to solve the static indeterminate problems ( SIP ). M1L1+2M2(L1+L2)+M3L3=

14-3 Application of 3M Equation to Find the Reaction

The three moment equation applied on 2-span (span is the distance between two supports)

6Aa for the left span L 6Ab for the right span bFind the value of right span L cApply the three moment equation to find the moment dAfter determination of the moments the reaction can be found such that aFind the value of left span

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Separate the beam at point 2 as shown in Fig(14-3a),then find R1 from equilibrium equation -aSeparate the beam at point 3 as shown in Fig(14- 3b),then find R2 and so on

b Fig(14-3)

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

14.4 Solving Fixed

Fixed Beams

In case of one fixed end or two fixed ends beams , we assume a span of zero length from the fixed end as shown


Determination of
Concentrated load

6Aa L


6Ab L

For the Span

6Aa L 6Aa L 6Ab & L

6 1 Pab 2 a * a L 2 L 3 Pa 2 L a2 L Pb 2 L b2 L

1 Pab 1 b. . b a 2 L 3

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen


Uniformly Distributed Load

6Aa L 6Ab L

6 2 L wL2 L 2* * * * L 3 2 8 2 wL3 4

wL3 4

c- Uniformly varying loads 6Ab L 6 1 wL2 1 L L L 2 6 3 1 wL2 1 L b 4 5

6Ab 7 wL3 L 60 6Aa 8 & wL3 L 60

or if the load as in Fig(14-4) 6Aa L 6Ab L 7 wL3 60 8 wL3 60 Fig(14-4)

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

d) For the load as in the Fig(14-5)

Fig(14-5) 6Aa L 6Aa L 6 wa 2 L L. L 2 2 wa 2 3L 2a 2 wa 2 a L 2 3 6Ab L a 4 wa 2 a a 2 34

e ) For the load as in the Fig(14-6)

Fig(14-6) 6Aa L 6Ab L 6 L 6 L M*L 2 * L 2 3 M*b* b 2 a M 2 3a L M (3b 2 L L2 ) L2

1 1 b M*L* L M*b* 2 3 2

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen


Examples The following examples explain the different ideas for the statically indeterminate problems . Example(14-1) Fig.(14-7) shows a continuous beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the reaction (R1) of the beam .

Fig(14-7) Solution Apply 3-M on bar 123 12 left span 23 right span left span 6Aa wL3 8 wL3 L 4 60 3 720 * 2 8 480( 23 ) 1952 N.m2 = 4 60

right span 6Ab 600 * 3 2 ( 4 32 ) L 4 800 * 1 2 2 + (4 1 ) 4 =6150 N.m2 M1L1+2(L1+L2)M2+L2M3= M1 = 6Aa L 6Ab L

720 * 3 *1 1080 N.m 2 M3= 700 N.m 1080*2+2(2+4)*M2 4*700 = 1952 6150 M2 = 261.833 N.m

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen


261.8+R1*2 (1200*5/2)* (1/3*5) = 0

R1= 2.37 kN

Example(14-2) Fig.(14-8 ) shows a continuous beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the reactions ( R1 & R2)of the beam .

Fig(14-8) Solution Apply 3-M on beam 123 12 left span 23 right span

left span 6Aa 8000 (3 * 2 2 L 4 = 8000 N.m2

42 )

right span 6Ab wL3 L 4 M1=0

2000 * 43 4

32000 N.m2


6Aa 6Ab L L 0+2(4+4)M2+4M3= 8000 32000 16M2+4M3= 40000

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Apply 3-M on beam 234 23 left span 34 right span

left span 6Aa wL3 L 4 =32000 N.m2 right span 6Ab Pb 2 2 (L -b ) L L 6000 * 2 2 2 = (3 2 ) = 20000 N.m2 3 M4 = 0 6Aa 6Ab M2L2+2(L2+L3)M3+L3M4= L L 4M2+2(4+3)M3= 32000 20000 4M2+14M3= 52000 *4 *14 16M2+4M3= 40000 16M2+56M3= 208000 224M2 56M3= 560000 208 M2=352000 M2= 1692.307 N.m M3= 3230.7692 N.m To find the reactions Mc=0 4R1+8000+1690=0 R1= 2.422 kN

Mc=0 622.5*8+8000+4R2 2000*4*2+ 3230 = 0 R2 =2.437 kN

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Example(14-3) Fig.(14-9 ) shows a continuous beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the moment over the supports and the reactions at C and D for the continuous beam .

Fig(14-9) Solution M1L1+2(L1+L2)M2+L2 M3 = Take ABC AB left span BC right span 6 MA+2(6+10)MB+10Mc= wL3 4 Pb 2 (L L b2 ) 6 Aa L 6 Ab L

6 MA+2(6+10)MB+10MC =

8 *103 16 * 7.5 (102 7.52) 4 10 24 * 5 (102 52) 10 ...... ( i )

MA= 20*2.5= 50 N.m 32 MB +10Mc= 1557 Take BCD BC left span CD right span

16 * 2.5 2 10 10 10 MB+30 Mc = 1275 ............ (ii) 10MB+2(10+5)Mc+5MD = Solving Eq(i) & Eq(ii) give MB= 39.5 N.m Mc = 29.3 N.m


24 * 5 2 10 10


Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

RD*5 = 29.3 RD = 29.3/ 5 = 5.86 N

MB 0 RD*15 Rc*10 + 24*5+ 16*2.5 39.5 = 0

Rc = 20.84 N Example (14- 4 ) Fig.(14-10) shows a continuous beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the moment over the supports using three moment equation


Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Apply the three-moment equation for ABC AB: left span BC : right span 40 * 33 45 * 2 2 3MA+2(3+6)MB+6MC= (6 2 2 ) 4 6 MA=0 ... (i) 8MB+6MC= 750 Take BCD BC: left span CD: right span (Zero length) 6MB + 2(6+0) MC + (0) MD = 6MB+12MC= 600 ... (ii) Solving eq(i) & eq(ii) MB= 30 kN.m MC= 35kN.m Example(14-5 ) Fig.(14-11) shows a fixed-fixed beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the reactions . 45 * 4 2 6 6 42 0

Fig(14-11) Take A1AB A1A =left span AB =right span wL3 (0) MA1+2(0+L.)MA+LMB=0+ 4 3 wL 2LMA+LMB = 4 wL2 2LMA + MB = 4


Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Take ABB1 AB : left span BB1 : right span LMA+2(L+0)MB+(0)MB1= MA+ 2 MB= MA= wL2 12 wL2 MB = 12 RA=RB= wL 2 wL2 ..... (ii) 4 wL3 4

Example(14-6 ) Fig.(14-12) shows a fixed beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the reactions

Fig(14-12) Solution Apply 3-M equation on beam 12 left span 23 right span 123

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

left span 6Aa L 6 1 = 2400 * 4 * * 4 4 3 2 = 8400 N.m

2400 * 2 1 * *2 3 4

W 2 ( b ( 2L2 4L

b 2 ) a 2 (2L2

a2 )

1200 [ 4 * (2 * 16 4) 0] 8400 4*4

right span 6Ab 0 L M1= 600 N.m

M1L1+2(L2+L1)M2+L3.M3= 6Aa 6Ab L L 600 * 4 2( 4 0) M 2 (0)M 3

8400 0M 2

M 2 750N.m 4R=1200*3(3.5) 750 R 2.96kN Example(14-7 ) Fig.(14-13) shows a fixed beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the reactions


Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Left Span 6Aa L = wL3 4 88 * 33 4 8 wL3 60 8 (12)(3) 3 = 9.72 kN.m2 60

Right Span 6Ab L

M1=(0.8*2)/2)*(1/3)*2= 0.5333 kN.m 6Aa 6Ab M1L1+2(L2+L1)M2+L3.M3= L L 0.533*3+(3+0)M2+ (0) M3 = 9.72 6M2 =19.902 M2 = 1.887 kN.m 3R= [(2*5)/2] (1/3)5 + 1.888 R= 2.14 kN

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Example(14-8) Fig.(14-14) shows a fixed beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the reactions

Fig(14-14) Solution Apply 3-M on beam 123 12 left span 23 right span left span 6Aa 900 * 2 2 (6 2 2 ) L 6

600 * 63 4

42000N.m 2

right span 6Ab w 2 (d ( 2L2 d 2 ) a 2 (2L2 c 2 )) L 4L 600 2 4 ( 2( 4) 2 4 2 2 2( 4) 2 2 2 ) 4*4 =5400 N.m2 M1=0 M1L1+2(L1+L2)M2+L2M3 6Aa 6Ab L L 2( 6 4) M 2 4M 3 42000 5400 20M2+4M3 = 47400 .................. (i) Apply 3-M on bean 234

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

w 2 b (2L2 b 2 ) a 2 ( 2L2 a 2 4L 600 2 2 ( 2( 4) 2 2 2 ) 0 4200N.m 2 4*4 L2M2+2(L2+L3)M3+L3M4 = 4200 4M2+8M3= 4200 (ii) solving Eq(i) and Eq(ii) , we get *2 20M2+4M3= 47400 4M2+8M3= 4200 *1 36 M2 = 90600 M2 = 2.5166 kN.m M3 = 733.33 N.m Example(14-9 ) Fig.(14-15) shows a fixed beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the reactions.

6Aa L

Fig(14-15) Solution Apply 3-M equation on beam 123 12 left Span 23 right span left span

3 6 3* 4 2 3*3 (3 ) * *4 4 5 4 2 3 = 12.525 N.m2 2(4) M2 + 0 = 12.525 M2= 1.5656 kN.m 4R 300 +1565 = 0 R = 358.75 N 6Aa L

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Example(14-10) Fig.(14-16) shows a fixed beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Plot the shear force diagram .

Fig(14-16) Solution M2 = 251606 N.m M3 =+ 733.33 N.m M2 0 6R1 900*4 600*6*3 + 2516 = 0 R1=1980.66 N

M3 0 1980.66*10+4R2 900*8 600*8*4 = 0 R2=1648.35 N

0 x1 2 Fx1=R1 600x1 at x1= 0 Fx1=1980.66 N at x1=2 Fx1=180.66 N 0 x2 4 Fx2=R1 900 2*600 600x2 Fx2= 119.4 N At x2=0 At x2=4 Fx2= 2519.4 N 0 x3 2 Fx3 = R1 1200 900 2400 + R2 At x3=0 Fx3= 871.05 N At x3=2 Fx3= 2071N 0 x4 2 Fx4 = R1 1200 600x3

900 2400+R2 1200 = 2071 N

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Shear Force Diagram Example(14-11) Fig.(14-17) shows a fixed beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Plot the shear force diagram .

Fig(14-17) Solution Apply 3-M on beam 012 01 left span 12 right span left span 6Aa 0 L right span 6Ab 7 7 wL3 2000 3 3 6300N.m 2 L 60 60 L0M0+2(L0+L1)M1+L1M2= 6300 (i) 6M1+3M2= 6300 Apply 3M on beam 123 12 left span 23 right span

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

Left Span 6Aa 8 wL3 L 60

8 ( 2000)(3) 3 60

7200 N.m 2 Right Span 6Ab L wL3 7 wL3 4 60 2000 * (3) 3 7 ( 2000)(3) 3 19800 Nm 2 4 60

M1L1+2(L1+L2)M2+L2M3 = 7200 19800 3M1+12M2+3M3 = 27000 .............. (i) Apply 3M on beam 234 23 : left span 34 : right Span Left Span 6Aa L wL3 4 8 wL3 60 20700 N.m2

L2M2+ 2(L2+L3)M3+L3M4 = 20700 ........ (ii) 3M2 + 6M3 = 20700 3M1 + 12 M2 + 3 M3 = 27000 ....... (iii) 6M1 + 3M2 = 6300 ..... (iv) from Eq.(ii) M3 = 0.5 M2 3450 sub. into Eq.(iii) yield 3M1 + 12 M2 3 (0.5M2 3450) = 27000 3M1+10.5 M2 = 16650 * 2 ................. (v) 6M1 + 3M2 = 6300 * 1 .......................(vi) 6M1 + 21M2 = 33300 M1 3M2 = 6300 18M2 = 27000 M2= 1500 N.m

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

M3 = 2700 N.m M1 = 300 N.m Example(14-12) Fig.(14-18) shows a fixed beam subjected to the load indicated in the figure. Find the reactions .

Fig(14-18) Solution Apply 3M on beam 123 12 left span 23 right span left span 6Aa wL3 L 4

( 4) 4 3 4

64kN.m 2

Right Span 6Ab 2 * 3 2 (4 L 4 18kN.m 2

32 )

2 *1 2 2 (4 1 ) 4

M1=4*1*0.5 = kN.m M1L1+2(L1+L2)M2+ L2M3 = 82 8+2(4+4)M2+4M3 = 82 16 M2 + 4M3 = 74 ........... (i) Apply 3M on beam 234 23 left Span 34 right span

Strength of materials- Handout No.14- Statically Indeterminate Beam- Dr. Hani Aziz Ameen

left span 6Aa 2 * 1 2 2 (4 1 ) L 4 right span 2 *3 2 (4 4 32 ) 18kN.m 2

6Ab L

7 wL3 18.9kN.m 2 60

M2L2+2(L2+L3)M3+L3M4 = 36.9 4M2+14M3+3M4 = 36.9 ...............(ii) 34 45 Apply 3- M on beam 345 left span right span left Span 6Aa 8 wL3 L 60

21.6kN.m 2

L3M3 +2(L3+L4) M4 +L4M5 = 21.6 3M3 +6M4 = 21.6 ..........(iii) 16M2+4M3 = 74 ........(iv) 4M2+14M3+3M4 = 36.9 .......(v) M2 = 0.25 M3 4.625 14M2 + 4(0.25 M3 4.625)+3M4 = 36.9 13 M3 + 3M4 = 18.4 3M3 + 6 M4 = 21.6 26M3 + 6M4 = 36.8 3M3 6M4= 21.6 23M3 = 15.2 M3 = 660.809 N.m M2 = 4960 N.m M4 = 3273.33 N.m *2 *1

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