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Book review

Form 9 and 10
A review should contain:

My reading habits, what type of reader you are?

1. An introduction in which you give the main details:

• Title
• Genre of book
• Writer
some biographical information (date and place of birth, relevant information about his / her life, type of
books he used to write/ writes) 1 slide

2. A main body which focuses on the plot and the characters.

• Short summary without saying the ending: who (The book tells the story of …) ,
what (The story begins / is about …),
where (The story is set in …)
• Main characters: names, who they are, relationship between them and description (characteristic
features, the role in the novel, age…)
• Style: narrator (who is the narrator, the writer or one of the characters?)
vocabulary (meaning of a few words you have looked up in a dictionary, interesting phrases)
quote (explain/paraphrase and give arguments why you have chosen exactly this quote)
3. A conclusion which can contain a positive or/ negative opinion, justified by a
comment on:
• Opinion of the
- characters:
- story:
- ending:
- the plot:
• Opinion of the book with a justification
• Recommendation
• Used sources

➢ Final product: Presentation or infographic. (Include - the cover of a book, visual

aids, …)

➢ Time limit for presentation- 5 min

➢ The book review will be graded (1-10)

➢ Submission deadline – 09.12

+ 1 additional point (asking questions to classmates)

Total 25 points

Marking scale

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1-2 3-4 5-8 9-11 12-14 15-16 17-19 20-21 22-23 24-25

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