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Klabautermann, the Sailor’s Kobold

Klabautermann is a water kobold, clothed in yellow sailor’s garb who assists fishermen and
sailors in their time of need. He is a jovial and tireless creature, adept at all watercraft, and
always whistling a tune. Though Klabautermann is never seen, but those who are doomed, his
presence can be felt in the sea spray, melody of a sea shanty, and the rolling of the waves.
Klabautermann demands little of advocates, only that they aid their fellows while traveling on
the sea. Those who align themselves with Klabautermann gain the ability to offer aid to
themselves and their companions.

To bond with Klabautermann one must nail a likeness of the kobold to a ship’s mast while out
at sea and weather the oncoming storm.

Invoke Patron Check Results:

12-13 Klabautermann has little time for landlubbers. The air around you becomes wet with sea spray,
a steady wind blows behind your back, and a lively tune feels the air. A surge of energy runs
through your body granting you +1d6 Stamina for the next hour. This may be spellburned as

14-17 Klabautermann starts up a merry tune, you and all allies within 20’ giant +1 Stamina and +1
Agility for the next 1d6 turns.

18-19 Klabautermann lends a helping hand. He repairs your ship so it is in pristine condition.

20-23 Klabautermann to the rescue! A magical lifeline is cast at a target of your choice hauling them
from danger. Target is magically transported beside you and receives 1 HD can be healed.

24-27 Klabautermann notes your pluck and whistles a cheerful tune granting you and all allies
within 20’ +2 Stamina and 1 HD of healing.

28-29 Klabautermann saves you from danger! When you or your allies within 30’ would take harm
the next 1d10 turns, Klabautermann maneuvers you or your ally away from harm at the last
second. This does not prevent self-harm.

30-31 Klabautermann takes a shine to you. You are granted 1d4 temporary Luck which must be used
within the next day or it is lost.

32+ Klabautermann sends a magical ship that will sail any terrain, be it water or land, without
taking damage.. The ship can carry up to 10 people and their belongings. The ship can sail for
1d4 weeks before disappearing.

Patron Taint: Klabautermann

When patron taint is indicated for Klabautermann, roll 1d6 on the table below. When a caster
has acquired all six taints at all levels of effect, there is no need to continue rolling any more.
Roll Result
1 Incited to eccentricity, the caster seeks to wear sailor's garb, especially those of yellow,
whenever possible. If this result is rolled a second time, the caster begins smoking a
tobacco pipe whenever possible. Upon a third time this result is rolled, the caster is always
humming, whistling, or singing a tune when not directly speaking.

2 The sound of waves can be heard, and the hiss of sea spray can be felt whenever the caster
casts any spell. A second time this result is rolled, the caster’s clothing is always damp and
you leave a trail of water puddles in your wake. A third time results in sailor tattoos
magically appearing on the caster’s arms and chest.

3 The sea calls to the caster whether they are awake or asleep. Their desire to sail the seas is a
painful urge. If the result is rolled a second time, the caster must take the most direct route
to a port and board the first ship they see. A third time results in the caster needing to see
the open seas. The caster will make all haste to find a ship and sail at least a hundred
leagues away.

4 The sea is the caster’s blood and is their home. Life ashore is draining. The caster suffers -1
Personality while on land. Upon a second roll of this result, the caster sinks deeper into
your cups when not on a ship, the caster’s Personality is reduced further by -1. A third
time of this result, life on land offers no hope, and the caster becomes uncaring unless the
issue is about the caster or the sea.

5 The caster has become superstitious. They won’t begin journeys or set sail on Fridays. A
second time of this result causes them to believe it foul omen to sail with redheads or
clerics aboard. The caster must make a DC 15 Will save to board a vessel under such bad
omens. Upon the third time the result is rolled causes the caster to believe it ill luck to sail
with women or without cats. The caster must make a DC 15 Will save to board a vessel
under such foreboding portents.

6 The caster believes they are doomed and takes -1 permanent Luck penalty. A second time
this result appears, the caster begins to see Klabautermann at the edge of their vision, thus
sealing their doom. The caster suffers another -1 permanent Luck penalty. Upon a third
time the caster’s fate is sealed. The caster suffers a further -2 permanent Luck penalty and
their maximum hp is reduced by 1 HD.

Patron Spells: Klabautermann

Klabautermann grants three unique spells, as follows: Omens of the Sea, Ship Shape, and the
Freezing Waters

Level 1: Omens of the Sea

Level 2: Ship Shape

Level 3: The Freezing Waters

Spellburn: Klabautermann
Klabautermann is a merry fellow and asks little of his clients, but does so to aid others.

Roll Spellburn Result

1 Klabautermann needs a helping hand. The caster is magically teleported to a sailing ship
and must begin repairing it under Klabautermann’s guidance. When done the user
teleports back with no time being lost, but may only burn Stamina for spellburn.

2 A fearsome tidal wave crashes down on the caster. Anyone within 10’ is drenched in water
and must make a DC 10 Fortitude save to avoid being knocked prone.

3 The caster’s vitality is allocated to others in need. The caster sees visions of ships sailing
through rough storms or fleeing whirlpools. This effort is fueled by the caster’s own being
(expressed as Stamina, Strength, or Agility).

4 Klabautermann offers the spellburn requested at no cost as long as the caster completes a
small task for him. Roll 1d4 (1) deliver enough canvas to make a sail to the closest shrine of
Pelagia; (2) Aid a local fisherman in capturing 1d10 fish; (3) Visit the closest docks and help
unload cargo from the first ship who needs help; (4) Build a ship large enough for 2 people
and leave it on the shore. If the tasks are completed within the specified time frame,
Klabautermann is pleased. If the tasks are not complete then the ability point loss occurs at
the first mention of or sight of water.


Level 1 Range: Self Duration: 1 Casting time: 1 round Save: N/A
(Klabautermann) round or more

General Klabautermann grants the caster foreknowledge of what might occur

Manifestation Roll 1d3: (1) a wave rolls in leaving behind a flopping fish who spits out a roll
of paper with fading text; (2) a viewing portal briefly appears before the
caster flashing a series of images in rapid succession; (3) the casters glow a
deep blue and clouds of white float across their eyes.

1 Lost, failure, and patron taint

2-11 Lost. Failure.









Level 2 Range: 10’ Duration: Varies Casting time: 1 round Save: None

General The caster can mend objects, in particular vehicles, and occasionally magical


1 Lost, failure, and patron taint

2-11 Lost. Failure.









The Freezing Waters
Level 3 Range: 20’ Duration: Casting time: 1 Save: Fort partial
(Klabautermann) per caster varies action (sometimes)

General The caster creates walls or waves of frigid sea water from the depths to hinder or
harm her enemies. On a successful casting, the caster may choose to invoke any effect
of equal to or less than her spell check, allowing a range of options with every
successful casting to produce a weaker but potentially more useful result.

Manifestation Roll 1d4: (1) caster’s eyes turn sea green; (2) torrential rain begins falling from the
sky; (3) caster’s hair becomes flowing liquid; (4) waves appear from nowhere.

1 Lost, failure, and patron taint

2-11 Lost. Failure.

12-15 Failure but spell is not lost









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