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Q.1. In each of the following question a statement is given along with two assumptions. An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and its given assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: This year, DU has increased its seats by 10% to accommodate students under the
Economically Weaker Section category. Close to 63,000 students are likely to get admission in
undergraduate courses in this academic session. However, going by the admission bulletins of
different colleges, the hostels in the university can accommodate only 4,331 students.`


(I) A majority of students from other States who enter Delhi University don’t get a chance to be
a part of these communities as the varsity hostels do not have adequate lodging facilities.

(II) Migrant students seeking admission in DU prefer hostel accommodation.

(1) If only assumption I is implicit.

(2) If only assumption II is implicit.

(3) If neither I nor II are implicit.

(4) If both I and II are implicit.

(5) If either I or II are implicit

Q.2. In each of the following questions a statement is given along with two assumptions. An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and its given assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: It is the government’s responsibility to protect our life and property from all the
natural calamities and disaster.


(I) The people of our nation will feel protected and would not worry about their belongings.

(II) The nation may incur huge losses when any disaster hits the country.

(1) If only assumption I is implicit.

(2) If only assumption II is implicit.

(3) If neither I nor II implicit.

(4) If both I and II are implicit.

(5) If either I or II implicit.

Q.3. In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions (I) and (II). An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and the following assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the

Statement: The Prakash group of colleges has decided to recruit teachers in their college to
fulfill their teacher vacancies.


I. There are many such posts in many departments of the College of Prakash Group which have
been vacant.

II. A lot of people believe that these recruits have been opened but it is not necessary that this is

(1) If only I is implicit.

(2) If only II is implicit.

(3) If either I or II is implicit.

(4) If neither I nor II is implicit.

(5) If both I and II are implicit.

Q.4. In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions (I) & (II). An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and the following assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the

Statement: Many multinational companies are opting to invest in the retail market sector in


I. There is no such a big market in other countries of the world, as in India.

II. India is a huge market in terms of business, the Indian government provides the flexibility to
do business in India.

(1) If only I is implicit

(2) If only II is implicit

(3) If either I or II is implicit

(4) If neither I nor II is implicit

(5) If both I and II are implicit

Q.5. In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions (I) and (II). An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and the following assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the
Statement: Prime minister said to the farmers if they want to increase their income then they
must use report of soil health card.


I. The report of Soil Health Card guarantees that it will definitely increase the income of the

II. It has been observed that income of some farmers has increased using the report of Soil
Health Card.

(1) If only I is implicit.

(2) If only II is implicit.

(3) If either I or II is implicit.

(4) If neither I nor II is implicit.

(5) If both I and II are implicit.

Q.6. In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II.
You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the
assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: "National Testing Agency (NTA) is the conducting body of NEET 2019. The National
Eligibility cum Entrance examination for admissions (NEET) is the largest entrance examination
for AYUSH courses in the country.


I. From the year 2018, candidates can get the maximum attempt limit. There may be 9 attempts
(GEN/OBC category) & 14 attempts (Reserved category) to qualify the NEET exam.

II. The NEET 2017 topper has scored 697 marks out of total 720 with a percentile score of

(1) If only assumption I is implicit.

(2) If only assumption II is implicit.

(3) If either I or II is implicit.

(4) If neither I nor II is implicit.

(5) If both I and II are implicit.

Q.7. In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II.
You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the
assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: "As there is a great Indian sale on amazon, every customer seeking products of the
sale will be given only five units."

(I) The seller are not keen on selling the products.

(II) No one is interested in getting more than five units.

(1) If only assumption I is implicit

(2) If only assumption II is implicit

(3) If either I or II is implicit

(4) If neither I nor II is implicit

(5) If both I and II are implicit.

Q.8. In question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions (I) & (II). An assumption is
something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the
following assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

Give answer-

Statement: Amit wrote to his sister at New Delhi to personally collect the application form from
the University for the Post-graduation Course in Physics.


1. The University may issue application forms to a person other than the prospective student.

2. Amit's sister may receive the letter well before the last date of collecting application forms.

(1) If only I is implicit.

(2) If only II is implicit.

(3) If either I or II is implicit.

(4) If neither I nor II is implicit.

(5) If both I and II are implicit.

Q.9. In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and
III. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions, decide which of the
assumptions is implicit in the statement and choose your answer accordingly.


The student association has appealed to the Vice-chancellor of Manipal University to introduce
written examinations for the admission process to prevent selection of undeserving students.


I. Till now Manipal University used to select students without conducting written examination.

II. A written examination can help to identify undeserving students.

III. In higher universities, selection written exams may not be very useful.

(1) Only I and II are implicit

(2) Only II and III are implicit

(3) Only I and III are implicit

(4) Only III is implicit

(5) None of these

Q.10. In each question below is given a statement followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and
III. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions, decide which of the
assumptions is implicit in the statement and choose your answer accordingly.


To improve the corona cases in India, all institutions and sectors need to be cleaned (sterilized)
on a daily basis.


I. The WHO organization has declared this corona disease as an epidemic.

II. The disease is the cause of many deaths across the country.

III. The disease can spread from one person to another. Orders have also been issued by the
government to check the corona of all tourists from abroad.

(1) None is implicit

(2) Only I and II are implicit

(3) Only III is implicit

(4) Only I and III are implicit

(5) All are implicit

Q.11. Statement: Drugs are once settled in an area/state are hard to vanish. Drugs in Punjab have
become immensely common problem requiring immensely common innovative solution.

(1) Punjab being close to the border has the worse impact with this evil.

(2) Drugs are smuggled through borders and distributed to the mafia to sell further to the

(3) Drugs are never a problem for youth as it completely depends upon one’s choice and that no
one is forced.

Which of the following is most assumed from the above given statement?

(1) Only 1
(2) Only 2

(3) Only 3

(4) Both 1 and 2

(5) Both 2 and 3

Q.12. Statement: Mrs Indira Gandhi nationalised 20 banks of India – 14 in the year 1969 and 6 in the
year 1980 – saying that the banks were not following the policies adopted by the country after
Independence and forced them to come under government ownership.

Which of the following is/are assumption(s) in the above statement?

I. Banks were nationalized because they followed the concept of class banking not mass

II. India being a socialist country, it is the duty of the banks to the welfare of people.

III. The banks should be nationalized in socialist country.

IV. It was declared by the first PM of India that there will be nationalized banks in India.

(1) Only I

(2) Only I and II

(3) Only II and III

(4) Only I, II and III

(5) All of these

Q.13. Statement: On a highway, there are certain boards as shown in the figure-

(A) The sign that is accepted by all and averts the persons from being injured.

(B) Accidents have decreased and persons will get more alert.

Which of the following statement can be inferred and effect of the above figure among A, B?

(1) Only A

(2) Only B

(3) Both A and B

(4) Neither A nor B

(5) None of these

Q.14. In each of the following questions below is given a statement followed by assumptions. Consider
the statement and decide which of the following assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: A big question mark on the government. What is the incentive for farmers to
continue farming in India? Knowing they have least support either from government or from
banks, why should they continue farming? While it’s easier for them to sell land and livestock
and move to cities in search of ‘secure’ jobs?


(1) Most farmers depend on Rains and Monsoons for Irrigation in fields.

(2) Lack of Implementation of Government Policies and Programmes is the reason that Majority
of Crops are out of ambit of MSP and Mandis mostly disregard the MSP rates.

(3) Majority of farmers are practicing traditional methods and cultivate land without the
knowledge of Current Government Policies and Technological advancements.

(4) Lack of Storage Houses and Roads leads to ruining of produce before reaching Mandis/Urban

(5) None of these.

Q.15. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Statement -“The mega-city education department is unable to distinguish between displeasure

and important problems. For example, prohibiting students from having mobiles is an
overreaction. If a student uses mobile and thus interferes with instruction then they should
confiscate his/her mobile. Overall, we need educational leadership that can solve problems, not
create them.” - said the Leader.

Which of the following is an assumption made by the Leader?

(1) Students having mobiles does not constitute an important problem for the mega-city

(2) Students have no need for mobiles in school.

(3) Faculty and staff should be allowed to possess mobiles.

(4) Students need to have mobiles because some of them have no stay-at-home guardian.

(5) The most important quality of an educational leader is his interest in solving problems.

Q.16. Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below.

Statement- Former India limited-overs skipper Mithali Raj announced retirement from T20
International to focus on one-day cricket, keeping 2021 50-over World Cup in mind.

Which of the following can be an assumption in favour of the statement?

(1) She played her last match against England in Guwahati in which she defeated.

(2) Because of her dream of winning the World Cup for her country and giving her best in it.
(3) She wants to retire from T20Is to focus her energies on readying herself for the 2021 One
Day World Cup.

(4) Both 2 and 3

(5) Both 1 and 2

Q.17. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

Statement- The XYZ Society conducted a study that indicated that many people have
Inflammation and blood impurity problems during adulthood and that virtually all such people
who received cupping treatment showed great improvement. Therefore, in order to minimize
the proportion of the population that suffers from inflammation and blood impurity, the XYZ
Society recommended that cupping treatment be directed toward those adults who suffer from
severe blood impurity.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?

(1) Any person who receives cupping treatment for inflammation and blood impurity may also
benefit from other forms of treatment.

(2) Large insurance carriers cover cupping care for blood impurity problems to a lesser degree
than they do other medical treatments.

(3) Individuals who receive cupping or other treatment prior to developing severe blood
impurity problems are not less likely to develop inflammation and blood impurity than those
who do not.

(4) Cupping treatment is more effective in treating severe blood impurity problems when
utilized over a long period of time, as opposed to sporadically.

(5) Severe inflammation, blood impurity and other problems often cause individuals to miss

Q.18. Study the following statements carefully and answer the question.

Statement- Bangalore imposes heavy charges on imported manufactured goods. Company Zippe
has determined that it could increase its profits in the long term by opening a factory in
Bangalore to manufacture the goods that it currently produces in its home areas for sale in


(a) Company Zippe will be able to obtain all the necessary permits to open a factory in

(b) Company Zippe currently produces no goods outside its home areas.

(c) A sustainable market for Company Zippe’s goods currently exists in Bangalore.

(d) Company Zippe’s home country does not impose charges on imported goods.
For Company Zippe’s determination to be true, which of the above assumptions must also be

(1) Only a

(2) Only b

(3) Only c

(4) Only d

(5) None of these

Q.19. Study the given information carefully and answer the question.

Statement- The education system needs change, not fine-tuning.-said by Dr K. Kasturirangan,

the chairperson of the drafting committee and former head of ISRO.

What could be the assumption behind the statement by Dr K. Kasturirangan?

(1) The education system in other countries is better than India.

(2) Indian teachers are not as much perfect as foreign teachers because they are more talented
and educated.

(3) There have been changes in economic, social, strategic demands, many other things.
Certainly, the country has moved much further. Into a 2 trillion economy moving towards a five
trillion economy. Also, a digitalized society is around the corner.

(4) The traditional method will help in new changes. The traditional way means in which a child
is taught at home, creating sounds, creating communication in a peculiar way.

(5) None of these

Q.20. In each of the following questions, a statement is given along with two assumptions. An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and its given assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: Consider these developments in the State. On April 4, over a month-and-a-half after
the Pulwama attack (in February), an announcement was made that the National Highway
between Baramulla and Udhampur would be closed to civilian traffic for two days a week to
facilitate convoy movements. It did not get the attention it deserved in the national media, but
many security planners were aghast.The highway is a lifeline for the local population, with many
lateral roads and passes through more than two-and-a-half districts. The armed forces are so
heavily deployed and the necessity for supplies and replenishments so constant that they use
the roads more than two days in a week. If the ban now stands lifted, it was because it is


(I) 75% of the polling took place and there was not a single incident of violence in Jammu and
(II)The ban on movement over the highway terrified the security planners who used to
constantly deploy armed forces.

(1) If only assumption I is implicit.

(2) If only assumption II is implicit.

(3) If neither I nor II are implicit.

(4) If both I and II are implicit.

(5) If either I or II are implicit

Q.21. In each of the following questions, a statement is given along with two assumptions. An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and its given assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: This examination system is something that reminds us of the beginnings of the
modern education system in India. The school-leaving examination was designed in the latter
half of the 19th century as a way to determine who can be selected for further education, which
was very scarce at that time, and also for lower-level jobs in offices. It was basically a means of
elimination. And it has remained that way up to now. The Grade 10 exam, for instance, fails a
large number of children and stops them from going any further. This is a kind of structural
arrangement in a system in which secondary education is not very widespread and higher
secondary education is even less so. Opportunities for further education at the undergraduate
level or various kinds of technical education are also relatively scarce.


(I) Bagging a rank among lakhs of students is accepted widely as a mark of excellence.

(II) It is in the exam that all children no matter what their background is, or whether they study
in a posh school or a poor school face the same test of three hours.

(1) If only assumption I is implicit.

(2) If only assumption II is implicit.

(3) If neither I nor II are implicit.

(4) If both I and II are implicit.

(5) If either I or II are implicit

Q.22. In each of the following questions, a statement is given along with two assumptions. An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and its given assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President Xi Jinping on Thursday agreed to expedite
the dialogue on the India-China boundary issue for securing a “fair” solution. “President Xi
Jinping very warmly confirmed his readiness to visit India this year. He said that he looked
forward to discussing all issues from a strategic and long-term perspective and that both sides
should begin intensive preparations for the visit,”


(I) Chinese President is expected to visit India later this year for a summit with Mr. Modi.

(II) The two leaders discussed the status of the bilateral relationship since the Wuhan summit of
April 2018, which came in the backdrop of tension following the 73-day Doklam standoff.

(1) If only assumption I is implicit.

(2) If only assumption II is implicit.

(3) If neither I nor II are implicit.

(4) If both I and II are implicit.

(5) If either I or II are implicit

Q.23. In each of the following questions, a statement is given along with two assumptions. An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and its given assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Statement: Giving all children aged three and above the right to an education can become a
reality only if the state is willing to live up to its promise of devoting more financial resources.
An expenditure of 6% of GDP on education could have transformed the sector, given the large
wealth generated since economic liberalisation. But far less is spent for instance, 2.7% in 2017-
18. The lost years have cost millions a brighter future, but the draft NEP provides an opportunity
to make amends.


(I) Governments will have to fill teacher vacancies and ensure that the training of recruits is
aligned to scientific, child-oriented teaching methods.

(II) The Centre has to guarantee that in its totality, the Right to Education will encompass all
schools bar those catering to minorities. This is necessary to achieve its moral goal of bringing
quality schooling to all in the 6-14 age group; adding the early childhood section, now under the
Ministry of Women and Child Development, will then be meaningful.

(1) If only assumption I is implicit.

(2) If only assumption II is implicit.

(3) If neither I nor II are implicit.

(4) If both I and II are implicit.

(5) If either I or II are implicit.

Q.24. In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions (I) & (II). An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and the following assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the

Statements: The Traffic Police Department has placed notices at all major intersections of the
city, warning the drivers to refrain from using mobile phones while driving otherwise heavy fines
will be imposed on them.


I. Drivers of vehicles can ignore the warning and continue to use cell phones while driving.

II. The traffic police department may be able to catch and act on most people who do not follow
traffic rules.

(1) If only I is implicit.

(2) If only II is implicit.

(3) If either I or II is implicit.

(4) If neither I nor II is implicit.

(5) If both I and II are implicit.

Q.25. In each question below is given a statement followed by assumptions. An assumption is

something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following
assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

Statement : Priya applied to a XYZ bank for a loan of 2 lakh rupees and promised to repay the
loan within five years.


I. It is customary to give loans from the bank to the needy people.

II. The bank accepts house or ornaments as collateral security against such loans.

(1) I and II both are implicit

(2) Only II is implicit

(3) Only I is implicit

(4) Either I or II is implicit

(5) Neither I nor II is implicit

Q.26. In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions (I) & (II). An
assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement
and the following assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the

Statement: The company manager has urged all employees to avoid taking long leave to
increase productivity.

I. Most employees can respond positively to the chairman's appeal.

II. Most employees can continue taking leave during working hours.

(1) If only I is implicit.

(2) If only II is implicit.

(3) If either I or II is implicit.

(4) If neither I nor II is implicit.

(5) If both I and II are implicit.

Q.27. In each question below is given a statement followed by assumptions. An assumption is

something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the following
assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.


The government has decided to pay compensation to the tune of Rs. 1 lakh to the family
members of those who are killed in the earthquake.


I. The government has enough funds to meet the expenses due to compensation.

II. There may be reduction in incidents of deaths caused due to earthquakes in near future.

III. 1 lakh Rupees is enough to compensate the loss occurred due to earthquake.

(1) I and III are implicit

(2) I and II are implicit

(3) Only I is implicit

(4) Either II or III is implicit

(5) None of these

Q.28. In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. An
Assumption is something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider statement and
the following assumption and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Give
answer -


Pharma companies may have to cough up penalties for unethical and illegal practices like
offering freebies and foreign trips to doctors for pushing the sale of their products.

(I) The government is set to make mandatory the uniform code of conduct for pharmaceutical
marketing practices.

(II) A draft of the department of pharmaceuticals spell out the penalty and punishment for not
complying with prescribed code of conduct.

(1) If only assumption I is implicit. (2) If only assumption II is implicit.

(3) If either assumption I or II is implicit. (4) If neither assumption I nor II is implicit.

(5) If both assumptions I and II are implicit.

Q.29. In question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions (I) & (II). An assumption is
something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the
following assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

Give answer-

Statements: The doctor warned the people that if they want to be well and live a long life, do
not consume alcohol in any way.


I. People can follow doctor's advice and stop consuming alcohol.

II. If people stop consuming alcohol, no one will go to the doctor.

(1) If only I is implicit. (2) If only II is implicit.

(3) If either I or II is implicit. (4) If neither I nor II is implicit.

(5) If both I and II are implicit.

Q.30. In question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions (I) & (II). An assumption is
something supposed or taken for granted. You have to consider the statement and the
following assumptions then decide which of the assumption(s) is/are implicit in the statement.

Statement: The driver of the train applied emergency brakes to prevent the sudden rush in front
of the train.


I. People in crowds may be able to protect themselves from the oncoming train.

II. The driver of the train may be able to stop the train before it hits the crowd.

(1) If only I is implicit. (2) If only II is implicit.

(3) If either I or II is implicit. (4) If neither I nor II is implicit.

(5) If both I and II are implicit.

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