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Cultists of Many of those in the dying world still cling to

Dying Gods
dying gods—ironically, inquisitors most of all.

These gods are dying...

probably by Greyson Yandt

for the One Möre Day jam

.. ...o
...or never truly lived. r ar
e pe
ones rhap
in d s pa
isgu le

by Rugose
inspired n Gods”
nd of Dyi
“The Isla

need you to tort
, most
ither way
...but, e

with Ockult ...or be tortured!

Cultists of Dying Gods is an independent production by Greyson Yandt and is not affiliated
Party License.
Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
M et ho ds of T or tu re and the P sych e’s Li mi ts
tortured with pa
Captives can be ess*
12 or take d4 ps
tr You accumulate pstress When you ac
test TOUGHNESS DR cumulate
ongoing pain. from torture and other pstress ≥ yo
from a source of ur PRESENCE+6
traumatic happenings. you have DR ,
+4 on any
action take
*For p
n against th
that pstres ose
es: rules, sed you out,
Some DR guidelin follow
see th
e but you have
ing se DR-2 to
ess resist addi
• DR14 or d8 pstr ction. tional pstr
for moderate pa
fear, damage (1
HP worth).
tress e
• DR16 or 2d8 ps (th
for severe pain PRES
/3 Allow oth our
fear, damage (2 er things
to of y
cause pst sum (d4
HP worth). ress: pai
n from e t
he .. e t
arm locks i c u. . bl
tress , threats tw yo com
a ri !
• DR18 or 3d8 ps t o s = e), ter ugh
loved one
s, sacrif t res m ulat n to a a new thro
s i
for extreme pain damage to icing
p acc
all d gain hin
ot al really tw mul can 2 . F n ue s
fear, damage (t that dagg ist ac cu yo u . out
, a ir t
er, etc. ou ess ack r v
HP worth). n y str att pass you
Whe of
ea rt
, 2 as
it a h rou DR-
lim ffer d3 with
u fo r 4
1. S am DR+
. Scre y our
3 ac e
4. R

g trvly horrif When you rest an
Seeing somethin ps tress* d unwind
12 or take d4 (and can restor
e HP) or
of ongoing fear when you experi
from a source of the above ef
ence one
Pain and
fear are fects,
largely su remove TOUGHNESS+6
bjective! pstress.

For NPCs, Morale can be used in place

of PRESENCE+6/TOUGHNESS+6 as a guideline.

Chinese prisoners being subjected to torture. Recolored. Wellcome Collection (CC BY 4.0).
O n a n Isl a n d God s
Somewhere off the coast of
Grift, inquisitors form cvl
worshiping dying gods.

Cultist of
Always lurk
ing, always
uncountabl watching,
of Yesu e, and they seemingly
es, love to cr
ad languag HP 4 af t things.
rite de
d w me aning. Morale 9
No armor
d an true
Can rea en t he ir Eldritch po
forgott wer One ra
but has No armo
For as many
ndom scroll
M orale 8 stars If th
HP 5 test, d4+2 ey pass th
eir Morale
n more appear
ar d6 es agai
Longspe n k il led, ris y
he onl
ction W ounds (
Resurre f ter three r
HP a
with 1
e once)

Their cvlts slowly grow bey


Cultist of Hooba
of Ninevah
Quite stanky, but also have an eerie Cultist/Eye ts, and love to
calm, making them unpredictable. wi th gain ing conver convert.
Obsessed get them to
DR+2 to avoid. an d to rt ure others to
HP 3 Morale 7 Morale 8 No armor
Stoic resolve -d2 HP 6 pled
16 or be grap
Dagger or shortstaff d4 em br ac e Test STRENGTH DR
Divine each round of
ey es op en At the end of
Force th e
ed, gain d2
being grappl ture to reac
h its
ut h If it causes a crea on a 1–2
See the tr converte d
li mi t, th e creature is
I do ls of a D a rk F or t
T rv e bu t O ft Fo rg ot te n
They agree that there are better ways to
die than in a dungeon or by a dragon.

None can deny their existence.

Cultist of Dʒi’ɛm
Each has a unique voice, and they say they
Cultist of Ohwessar
can see your stats—whatever that means.
They are many and would rather convert by
HP 2 Morale — Plot armor -d6 (tier 1)
the word than always rely on the sword.
No armor Quill d2 + lose d2-1 omens
HP 3 Morale —
Fudge Can be eaten to dictate the outcome
Dreihänder d12 (unwieldy, DR-2 to avoid)
of a die roll not in their favor

ist of the Polyhedr
Cult and knuckl
ebones with
ered st on es
Cultist of Pelh Carry numb ent shapes
an in vari ous differ
them in -d2
Obsessed with bu
rning books as ra le 6 Resin-y sk 2
will help bring they believe it HP 4 Mo mbles on 1–
about the apocal
ypse. ce d6 + defense fu
l ma die, roll
HP 5 Icosahedra
Morale 9 Bloody shield -1 a pl ayer drops a HP
Die, die,
die If that many
Cursed bloody sw
ord d6 + 1 per e ch ar acter loses
d th
have transpired two Miseries th
at the die an
Goat-head helm
Any fumble by th They pr
GM should roll e cultist means efer to
to see if a Mise the
ry is activated players torture
charact than
M u ri c an P an th e on F a ls e Gods
The fvcking worst.

led the
om a twisted realm
Visions of idols fr Dream.
inquisitors to beli
eve in the Murican
of Fah
Cultist who di sagree a
of those s.
Call all oyishnes
of pride and b -d2
full cuirass
7 Leather e
Mora le cks twic
HP 5
s sbo w d8 + atta
omatic c

Cultist of sessed with saying
ods and ob revelation
Wear red ho e fake Cultis
ophecies ar t of K
Verhu’s pr +d2 yuwana
Thin skin Waitin
HP 7 Morale 5 g for
ames d ivine h eir go
d2 from fl infected
storm d to g
Torch d4 + DR14 or be HP 4
of rec
ive th
em a s
ugh Test T Morale has co ign th
Plagued co 6 No arm
m e. at the
Mad ra or
Test P
2 or g
ain d4
-1 pst
of Kapi Cultist of the MacJester
Will pa talizm
y othe rs to t
10s if orture Pockets full of strange half-cooked
you mak themsel
HP 3
e yours
elf bro ves: meat, and they want you to love it.
Morale ken.
8 No armo HP 6 Morale 9 No armor
Pouch o r
f coins
d4 Whip d4 Damnburger If ingested, test PRESENCE
DR14 or suffer an arcane catastrophe
as if the damnburger were a scroll

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