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d40 Exotic Artifacts

Strange curios from long forgotten lands or items of power

held by ancient sorcerers and magi? These artifacts can only
be found the libraries of the most worldly. They might even
be found in some secret tomb or perhaps in a fine shoppe on
the streets of Grift or Galgenbeck.. What secrets might they
hold? How much are they worth?
01. adze with a polished basalt stone head
02. double boar tusk nose pierc ing [15s ]
03. braided human figurine [10s]
04. dog-tooth necklace [10s]
05. phallocrypt with bat imagery [20s] [100s]
06. shrunken head attached to a knotted corddesigns [100s]
07. large wood en spirit mask with geom etric
08. woven yam mask with bird imagery [80s(d4 damage) [50s]
09. dagg er mad e from the femu r of an emu
(can carry as much as backpack) [25s]
10. bilum bag made of woven grass fiber bright yellow and red feathers [50s]
11. large wig (headdress) deco rated with
12. small bag containing betel nut [20s] creation) [20s]
13. carved storyboard (detailing myth of rations [15s]
14. bamboo ear piercing with incised deco ns [10s]
15. large hair comb with geometric desighed to a beaded belt [10s]
16. loin cloth made of emu feath ers attac
shell pectoral [25s]
17. large (half-moon-shaped) moka kine [100s]
18. incised hum an skull with flora l desig ns
19. large white conch shell armband [15s
20. sawf ish swor d (d8 dam age) [250 s]
21. cowry shell bracelet [10s]
22. mummified crocodile head [150s] (d6 damage) [70s]
23. wooden war club with star-shaped headdamage) [40s]
24. carved flint bifacial hand held knife (d4
25. small woven pig fetish [10s] (d6 damage) [50s]
26. spear with anthropomorphic carvings designs [50s]
27. carved steering paddles with croc odile
er) [10s]
28. black ceramic smoke-pot (incense burn ]
29. anthropomorphic ance stral figur ine [20s
age) [25s]
30. wooden spear thrower (+2 to spear dam
31. giant clam shell ring neck lace [15s ]
l) fork (d3 damage) [20s]
32. large four-pronged ceremonial (cannibacrocodile) [20s]
33. zoomorphic stone carving (pig, dog, or
34. leaf-shaped wooden feast bowl [15s]
35. necklace with opossum skulls [30s] ]
36. carved jade celt (oval-shaped stone) [25s]
37. large wooden ance stral hook figur e [25s
wooden spoon [15s]
38. hour-glass-shaped lime container with[15s]
39. dance wand with horn bill deco ratio n
40. crocodile-shaped wooden headrest [15s

d40 Exotic Artifacts is an independent production by Arnaud F. Lambert and is not

affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK
BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and
Stockholm Kartell.
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