d30 Sorcerers Possessions

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d30 Sorcerer’s Possessions

The dark arts require more than just

the use of unclean scrolls. To
successfully curse and beguile your
enemies, blasphemous objects and
unwholesome materials must be gathered
from across the dying lands. Collect
five or more of these and receive an
automatic Crit per day when using an
unclean scroll.
01. black body pigment
02. pointing bone (wand made from a stingray spine or carved femur)
03. vial of snake venom (serpent’s kiss) - 1d3 damage per hour unless healed
04. jar of crushed digitalis
05. scrying mirror
s or hair)
06. beeswax figure containing personal leavings (food remains, fingernail clipping
07. vial of red poison
08. vial of black poison
09. braided human figure
10. jar of mandrake root
11. small pouch of volcanic crystals
12. disease-causing agents (broken-glass, bone fragments, decayed flesh)
13. bronze sacrificial knife (d4 damage)
14. small offering bowl
15. small amulet with a protective scroll
16. cursed stone made polished basalt
17. gourd of sickness words (sealed container holding curses)
18. wooden blowpipe (for shooting disease-causing agents into victims)
19. charmed objects (dragonflies, starfish, sea urchins, sponges)
20. “fetcher” statue (holds a malevolent spirit)
21. flying ointment (made from the fat of human babies)
22. pouch containing opossum teeth
23. hand of glory (dried and pickled hand of a hanged man)
24. tallow (for making flammable images or figures)
25. bitumen mixed with gypsum (for making black images or figures)
26. clay mixed with sulfur (for making images or figures)
27. jar of brimstone (sulfur)
28. vial of troll blood
29. vial of goblin blood
30. small cast iron cauldron

d30 Sorcerer’s Possessions is an independent production by Arnaud F. Lambert and is not

affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK
BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and
Stockholm Kartell.

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