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Dear Comrades,

Revolutionary greetings from Sri Lanka!

You are holding your sixteenth party congress at a time when the working class and the oppressed peoples of
the world are confronted with the worst global economic crisis. This perennial global scale socioeconomic
cataclysm is an inherent characteristic of the capitalist mode of production. On top of it, the people of
Venezuela are facing a critically difficult time, due to the capitalist economic model and the imperialist
sanctions, when wages are below poverty levels and health and education sectors are destroyed. The food
inflation levels are so high leading to malnutrition.

Venezuela holds a special place in the struggle against imperialism in our times, Venezuela has a rich
revolutionary history and a diverse population and an abundance of natural resources. Due to specific features
of its geographical location and , natural resources imperialist embargoes Venezuela have a number of
economic and geopolitical issues regarding its borders, immigration, hyper inflation etc. Venezuela cannot
resolve its issues without being aware of its resources, protecting its rights aggressively, creating political and
economic stability, and establishing working peoples rule.

People in Sri Lanka are also facing a situation when imperialism, its Neo-liberal stooges of the ruling classes
and that bourgeoisie carry out severe attacks against the working masses and their rights. Also due to their
unbridled corruption and mismanagement of the economy, nepotism, Sri Lankans have suffered with a free-
falling economy and pathetic decline in the quality of life. The value of the Sri Lankan Rupee has plummeted
against the dollar. Sri Lanka all but ran out of foreign currency leading to a severe shortage of fuel, medicines
and other essentials. The people protested relentlessly until the president and his brother resigned and fled. We
as the main left party of the country played an important role during this struggle and will lead future struggles

The Communist Party of Venezuela is the oldest and best representative of the proletariat in Venezuela and
could play a significant role in spreading Marxist-Leninist theory by being the real vanguard of the masses in
Venezuela and the region. Comrades, your enemies define you best in politics. Their attacks on your party
define your character.

Meanwhile, the economic crisis of imperialism also escalates contradictions among the imperialist countries,
which could put the whole world at risk of war. Amidst this foreshadowing, despite differences and temporary
setbacks, the world's progressive people rally around the international left movement. There is no solution to
this crisis other than Socialism, and that is the only way forward for human society. Socialism is the only way
forward. Only a genuine party of the people could achieve this.

The Communist Party of Venezuela which follows Marxist-Leninist line has democratic centralism as its
organizational principle, and revolutionary internationalism is a cardinal aspect of its policy. In its target of
bringing about a 'revolutionary-democratic transformation of society and state' with the ultimate goal of
Socialism, the support and direction of an international Communist movement is vital.

Also, now that various powers have dragged our countries into escalating geopolitical issues, we have to make
our people aware of the looming dangers and struggle to keep our lands from being a playground of the foreign
forces. As members of a political party that experiences similar social issues, we look forward to closer
relations between our two parties and pay close attention to the rich exchange of experiences from the
Communist Party of Venezuela.

Long live the friendship between the Communist Party of Venezuela and JVP Srilanka

Long live Marxism-Leninism!

Long live Proletarian Internationalism!

On behalf of the Central committee of People’s liberation Front –JVP Srilanka,

Dharshana Hettiarachchi
Janitha Gamanayake,
Shane Thomas

Email :

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