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Topical Review

Section Editors: Steven M. Greenberg, MD, PhD, and Leonardo Pantoni, MD, PhD

Use of Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Patients

With Stroke
Guido Chiti, MD; Leonardo Pantoni, MD, PhD

M ore than 40% of stroke survivors are found with cog-

nitive impairment (poststroke cognitive impairment
[PSCI]) sometime after the event.1 Almost two thirds of these
is to spotlight the diffusion, the main results, the indications,
and limitations of the use of MoCA in the stroke setting.
This work could serve to implement the use of MoCA in the
patients are affected by mild cognitive impairment (MCI).2 stroke setting and establish a first level of knowledge about
A meta-analysis showed that 10% of patients had dementia the advantages and limitations of this test. Suggestions and
before first stroke, 10% developed dementia soon after first research lines for future studies aimed at better establishing
stroke, and more than a third had dementia after recurrent the role of MoCA in this setting may derive from this review.
stroke.3 Ideally, cognitive evaluation of patients with stroke
should start early after the event, but this may be difficult. In Article Search Strategy and Selection Criteria
fact, a cognitive evaluation is not a part of the routine assess- Articles were identified through PubMed searches using the
ment of patients with acute stroke in most centers, and items terms: Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MoCA, stroke, hemor-
assessing cognitive functions are poorly represented in the rhage, poststroke, poststroke, vascular cognitive impairment,
most widely used acute stroke scales. from any date to December 31, 2013. Only articles in which
The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief MoCA was cited in title or abstract and written in English
screening instrument originally designed to identify MCI were reviewed in detail. Further references were obtained
in elderly patients attending a memory clinic.4 MoCA is a from the reference lists of the articles identified through the
1-page, 30-point test, administrable in ≈10 minutes, which search. The final reference list was generated on the basis of
evaluates different domains: visuospatial abilities, executive relevance to the topic of this review.
functions, short-term memory recall, attention, concentra-
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tion, working memory, language, and orientation to time and Use of MoCA in the Acute/Subacute
space (Figure).5 A shortened version of MoCA has been pro- Poststroke Phase
posed as a first assessment of patients with vascular cognitive It is likely that patients with PSCI might be already identi-
impairment by a consensus conference.6 When compared with fied soon after stroke by a neuropsychological evaluation, thus
another widely used cognitive screening test, the Mini Mental outlining a factor possibly relevant in prognostic, therapeutic,
State Examination (MMSE), one of the possible strengths and rehabilitation terms. However, several conditions may
of MoCA in the vascular patient setting is the assessment influence the applicability and reliability of a cognitive evalu-
of executive functions and the presence of more demanding ation early after stroke, when extensive testing does not seem
visual construction tasks.7 The consensus conference proposal routinely feasible on a large scale. A brief, easy-to-use, test
was generally directed to not otherwise specified vascular such as MoCA could be useful in this context.
cognitive impairment patients6; however, MoCA has recently Considering the MoCA applicability in the acute stroke set-
been used by various groups in the research stroke setting ting, we showed that the test administration was feasible in
(online-only Data Supplement). However, the use of MoCA patients with mild-to-moderate stroke, and that MoCA was
in usual stroke practice is not frequent.8 fully applicable in 73% of all patients admitted to our stroke
In this article, we reviewed the literature on the use of unit with either ischemic or hemorrhagic strokes.9 The inde-
MoCA in patients with stroke. We dealt separately with arti- pendent determinants of its applicability were left-side lesion
cles in which the test was administrated in the acute/subacute location, stroke severity, and premorbid functional status.9
(the first 4 weeks after stroke) or in the chronic phase after Other studies using MoCA in the acute/subacute phase had
stroke (any time after the first 4 weeks). The aim of this review various exclusion criteria: previous stroke/transient ischemic

Received April 15, 2014; final revision received July 9, 2014; accepted July 15, 2014.
From the NEUROFARBA Department, University of Florence (G.C.) and Stroke Unit and Neurology, Cardiovascular Department (L.P.), Azienda
Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Florence, Italy.
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Leonardo Pantoni, MD, PhD, Stroke Unit and Neurology, Cardiovascular Department, Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi,
Largo Brambilla, 3-50134 Firenze, Italy. E-mail
(Stroke. 2014;45:3135-3140.)
© 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.114.004590

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Figure. The original English version of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA).

attack,8,10–13 hemorrhages,10,14 severe stroke,15 major physi- severe aphasia. The fact that patients with severe neurological
cal disability,14,16–18 significant aphasia,8,10,11,13,16–18 inability status or aphasia cannot be tested with MoCA is not neces-
to participate in rehabilitation activities,8 prestroke cognitive sarily a major limitation of this tool because these patients
impairment,15–17 acute delirium,17 and major psychiatric dis- are already candidates for specific rehabilitation programs or
order.10,11,14,16–19 These exclusion criteria led to apply MoCA long-term care strategies.9
mostly in mild-to-moderate patients with stroke, usually with Some studies compared MoCA performances in
first-ever ischemic stroke, without other major disorders or patients with acute/subacute stroke with those on other
Chiti and Pantoni   MoCA in Patients With Stroke    3137

psychocognitive assessment tools and discharge functional in differentiating patients with more severe impaired recall.26
outcome. When compared with the MMSE, MoCA had more MoCA was also compared with the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive
frequently altered items,8,10,11,16,18 less ceiling effect,8,16 but a Examination-Revised, another short test that includes fron-
similar correlation with discharge motor outcome8 and with an tal executive and attention tasks, for the ability in detecting
extensive neuropsychological evaluation.11 In 1 study, no cor- MCI.24 MoCA and Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination-
relation was found between MoCA performances and apathy Revised had good sensitivity and specificity, suggesting that
or depression within 2 weeks of stroke onset.19 MoCA also both tests were useful in detecting cognitive impairment in
identified more patients with cognitive abnormalities than the patients with stable cerebrovascular disease.
MindStreams, a 45-minute computerized neuropsychological When MoCA was compared with neuropsychological bat-
assessment battery that examines a wide range of cognitive teries in patients with stroke caused by small-vessel diseases,
domains.15 it showed a significant relationship with an extensive battery
To establish the prognostic value of MoCA, 3 studies com- and a good accuracy in detecting cognitive impairment when
pared MoCA performances in the acute/subacute poststroke optimal cut-off values were found.27 The same results were
period with those on extensive neuropsychological batteries detected in another Asiatic sample of patients with small-ves-
at midterm follow-up.12,17,20 These studies showed that base- sel disease (not all of them with stroke).28
line MoCA can predict the development of PSCI at 3, 6, and Two studies compared MoCA and MMSE 3 to 6 months
12 months with an accuracy of ≥90%. In our study, MoCA after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.29,30 MoCA was
baseline score was an independent determinant of PSCI with more sensitive than MMSE in detecting PSCI in patients who
an odds ratio 1.4 for each test point lost.20 MoCA score was had returned to work, and, unlike MMSE, correlated with per-
also associated with poor functional status measured with the formances on a comprehensive neuropsychological battery
modified Rankin Scale at 3 to 6 months in patients with isch- and with the functional outcome (Glasgow Outcome Scale).29
emic stroke or transient ischemic attack14 and at 12 months in Wong et al30 examined the ability of MoCA and MMSE to
patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage.13 differentiate favorable functional outcome (modified Rankin
Scale, 0–2) and Instrumental Activities in Daily Living score
Use of MoCA in the Chronic Poststroke Phase in patients with postaneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
The presence of poststroke cognitive impairment 3 months and found similar accuracy for both tests at their optimal cut-
after the event is associated with death or disability at 3 and 4 off values.
years (odds ratio, 2.0 and 2.2, respectively) and greater insti- Considering the possible influence of cognitive perfor-
tutionalization rates.21 Hence, repeating a cognitive evaluation mances on stroke motor outcome and rehabilitation, Hwang et
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in the midterm follow-up of stroke is crucial for identifying al31 found a significant correlation between MoCA score and
those patients that would need more care and, possibly, specific some postural control and gait performances tests in patients
interventions. After the subacute poststroke phase, patients are with hemiparetic stroke. MoCA was also a predictor of maxi-
supposedly more stable, and it is possible that some spontane- mal exercise effort on a graded exercise test in patients with
ous cognitive recovery has already occurred. Again, a compre- stroke.32
hensive neuropsychological battery, the gold standard for the
diagnosis of cognitive impairment, might not be feasible in Methodological Issue: The Choice of the
the routine practice because it is time-consuming and require Normality Cut-Off Score for MoCA in Patients
trained personnel, and hence a short and reliable test would be With Stroke
worthwhile to use in this phase. The choice of the normality cut-off score for MoCA in patients
The feasibility of the application of MoCA in patients with with stroke is a crucial issue. Godefroy et al,11 using published
stroke at a 3-month follow-up was evaluated by Cumming norms, found that 82% of their patients with acute stroke had
et al.22 The test was completed by 87% of patients with mild a score below the normality. When the cut-off was adjusted
stroke (baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, for education and age, the proportion of patients decreased to
0–7), 79% of those with moderate stroke (National Institutes 48%.11 Similarly, Lees et al,33 using the original cut-off of 26,
of Health Stroke Scale, 8–15), and 67% of those with severe diagnosed cognitive impairments in 86% of acute stroke unit
stroke (National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, >16).22 patients; the proportion decreased to 49% if the cut-off was
Sixty-five percent of patients examined were classified as decreased to 20.
affected by PSCI; the items most frequently impaired were Most studies found that the cut-off of 26, suggested by
those with attention and executive demands and word recall.22 Nasreddine et al5 to detect MCI in a memory clinic, is inad-
Many studies compared MoCA with other single cog- equate for the stroke setting. The optimal values for normality
nitive tests or neuropsychological batteries to estimate its range from 19 to 22 in studies in which MoCA was admin-
accuracy in detecting PSCI in the chronic poststroke phase. istered in the acute stroke phase,11,12,17,20 and from 20 to 27
When MoCA was compared with MMSE, a larger number in studies in which the test was administered in the chronic
of patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack was found phase,24,27,28,30,34–36 once performances were compared with
with scores under the range of normality.23,24 Similar results those on extensive batteries at follow-up.
were reported in out-patients affected by cerebrovascular dis- Moreover, the proposed addition of 1 point to North
eases.25 Nevertheless, the MoCA recall task, that is consid- America patients with <12 years of education5 could not be
ered harder than the one of the MMSE, showed a floor effect adequate to patients with different social background,37 as
3138  Stroke  October 2014

shown in some Asian and European studies11,16,17; some of MoCA as an Outcome Cognitive Measure
these studies found a threshold of 6 years of education for MoCA is mainly considered a screening tool, but it has also
adding 1 point to MoCA total score.28,36 been used as cognitive outcome measure in some studies.
Another methodological problem when selecting the optimal Cumming et al42 found a significant correlation between 2
cut-off score for MoCA normality is the choice of the thresh- computerized attention cognitive tasks administered in the
olds to define cognitive impairment in the gold standard.34,38 acute phase of stroke and the performances on MoCA 3
Using the standard threshold of >1 SD below the mean in ≥2 months later. Marzolini et al43 measured the effect of a 6-month
domains in the gold standard battery, MoCA showed higher exercise program on cognitive performances measured with
sensitivity than MMSE using a cut-off value of 24.34 When a MoCA; they demonstrated a significantly improved MoCA
more conservative threshold (>2 SD in ≥2 domains) was used, score, and a 44.5% reduction in patients with poststroke meet-
this superiority in sensitivity was lost, and MMSE showed a ing the MoCA threshold for MCI.43
even slightly greater accuracy than MoCA.34 Pendlebury et al38
investigated the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and optimal Conclusions
cut-off values of MoCA and MMSE in detecting MCI based From the studies we reviewed, the use of MoCA as a brief
on different thresholds on cognitive tests (>1, >1.5, and >2 SD cognitive tool in both the acute/subacute and chronic post-
below norms); they also differentiated between the Petersen’s stroke periods seems overall feasible. Used in the acute
original (subjective memory complain required) and modified period, MoCA has a good predictive value for the develop-
MCI criteria (without subjective memory complain).38 MoCA ment of PSCI in the follow-up. Shorter versions of MoCA are
seemed superior to MMSE in detecting MCI with modified available to make the application of MoCA even faster with-
criteria, whereas MMSE was better in detecting patients with out significantly decreasing its sensitivity and specificity. In
MCI and subjective memory complains.38 These findings cor- the chronic, midterm poststroke period, MoCA is related to
roborate the supposed superiority of MoCA in the vascular physical performances and to functional outcome, has a good
setting, where the nonamnestic single-domain is supposedly correlation with other short cognitive tests, and shows high
prevalent.38 This study showed that the differences between sensitivity and specificity in predicting PSCI in both ischemic
MoCA and MMSE found in other studies almost disappeared and hemorrhagic strokes.
when requirement for MCI was more stringent.38 Some issues, however, remain open as pointed out by a
recent review on the MoCA characteristics and methodologi-
Shorter and Telephone Versions of MoCA cal limitations of its use in patients with vascular cognitive
Shorter versions of MoCA have been developed to minimize the impairment.44 For example, the cut-off and the correction for
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administration time further. A telephone version of MoCA (total education need to be redefined for the stroke setting and the
score, 22; cut-off, 19) and its shorter version (total score, 12; different ethnic and educational groups. Because in the acute/
verbal fluency, recall and orientation, cut-off, 11) were devel- subacute stroke period a brief screening test should individu-
oped by Pendlebury et al.39 Both versions had good accuracy in ate those patients who may need further assessment, the cut-
detecting MCI but performed worse than the original MoCA.39 off should be selected to minimize the false-negative rate and
According to the National Institute of Neurological the likelihood of a negative test.45
Disorders and Stroke-Canadian Stroke Network (NINDS- The evaluation of cognition in patients with stroke is impor-
CSN) statements, a 5-minute protocol based on MoCA items tant and the use of a brief cognitive test may facilitate this
should include the 5-word immediate and delayed memory assessment since the early phases. In this regard, it should be
test, the 6-item orientation task, and the 1-letter phonemic flu- noted that available data do not sustain a clear superiority of
ency test (letter F).7 Two studies tested this proposal in samples MoCA in respect to other tools. However, MoCA presents
of patients with cerebrovascular disease40,41 and found that the some advantages, such as shortness, easiness of use, avail-
MoCA subitems that more strongly correlated with MoCA ability in different languages, and the free access (Table). The
total score were delayed recall, clock-drawing, and abstrac- Table also reports the disadvantages of MoCA use in the stroke
tion with an arbitrary cut-off of 7 of 10 in one study,40 and ver- population. Besides, the already made comments about norms
bal fluency, cube copy, trail making test, delayed recall, and and cut-off, it should be pointed out that domains that are
abstraction with a calculated cut-off of 7 of 10 in another.41 often impaired after stroke, such as intellectual functioning,

Table.  Advantages and Limitations/Disadvantages of the Use of Montreal Cognitive Assessment in Patients With Stroke
Advantages Limitations and Disadvantages
Easy-to-use Lack of standardized norms
Brevity Lack of consensus on the cut-off to define cognitive impairment in the stroke setting
Correlation with cognitive outcome Not administrable in severely aphasic patients
Correlation with functional outcome No assessment of intellectual functioning, speed of information processing, and nonverbal memory
Telephone and shorter versions availability ...
Availability in different languages ...
Free of charge ...
Chiti and Pantoni   MoCA in Patients With Stroke    3139

speed of information processing, and nonverbal memory, are 13. Wong GK, Lam SW, Wong A, Mok V, Siu D, Ngai K, et al. Early MoCA-
assessed cognitive impairment after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemor-
not assessed by this test.
rhage and relationship to 1-year functional outcome. Transl Stroke Res.
In consideration of all the points above discussed, a multi- 2014;5:286–291.
centric, hopefully international, study enrolling an appropri- 14. Dong Y, Slavin MJ, Chan BP, Venketasubramanian N, Sharma VK,
ate number of patients with stroke seems warranted. Such a Crawford JD, et al. Cognitive screening improves the predictive value
of stroke severity scores for functional outcome 3-6 months after mild
study should test patients with stroke and MoCA and other
stroke and transient ischaemic attack: an observational study. BMJ Open.
brief cognitive tests in the acute phase and then follow them 2013;3:e003105.
up to define the diagnosis of cognitive impairment (either 15. Shopin L, Shenhar-Tsarfaty S, Ben Assayag E, Hallevi H, Korczyn AD,
mild or severe) and explore the predictive values of MoCA Bornstein NM, et al. Cognitive assessment in proximity to acute isch-
emic stroke/transient ischemic attack: comparison of the montreal cogni-
according to different cut-offs, controlling for age, sex, and tive assessment test and mindstreams computerized cognitive assessment
education. This study could also explore definitively whether battery. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2013;36:36–42.
MoCA is superior, equivalent, or even inferior to other brief 16. Dong Y, Sharma VK, Chan BP, Venketasubramanian N, Teoh HL,
cognitive tools. Seet RC, et al. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is supe-
rior to the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) for the detection
of vascular cognitive impairment after acute stroke. J Neurol Sci.
Acknowledgments 2010;299:15–18.
We thank all our patients who took part in our studies on the cog- 17. Dong Y, Venketasubramanian N, Chan BP, Sharma VK, Slavin
nitive consequences of stroke. We acknowledge the work done in MJ, Collinson SL, et al. Brief screening tests during acute admis-
this regard by Anna Poggesi, MD, PhD, Emilia Salvadori, PhD, and sion in patients with mild stroke are predictive of vascular cognitive
Marco Pasi, MD. impairment 3-6 months after stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.
18. Blackburn DJ, Bafadhel L, Randall M, Harkness KA. Cognitive screen-
Disclosures ing in the acute stroke setting. Age Ageing. 2013;42:113–116.
Dr Pantoni is on the Editorial boards of Acta Neurologica 19. Yang SR, Hua P, Shang XY, Hu R, Mo XE, Pan XP. Predictors of early
Scandinavica, Cerebrovascular Diseases, and Stroke (Editor of post ischemic stroke apathy and depression: a cross-sectional study.
BMC Psychiatry. 2013;13:164.
the Vascular Cognitive Impairment section). Dr Chiti reports no
20. Salvadori E, Pasi M, Poggesi A, Chiti G, Inzitari D, Pantoni L. Predictive
value of MoCA in the acute phase of stroke on the diagnosis of mid-term
cognitive impairment. J Neurol. 2013;260:2220–2227.
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