Hovel of Miseries (Spreads - V1.0)

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life is short. steal a fort.

Rules for outfItting your impending tomB

This supplement references kick-ass MBC content, including...
• THE MERCHANT by Johnny Carhat (illustrated by Joakim Hanner)
• GRAVES LEFT WANTING by Karl Druid (Eds. Fiona Maeve Geist, Jarrett Crader, Walton Wood)
• EAT PREY KILL by Karl Druid
• THE GRAY GALTH INN by Pelle Nilsson
and the fungal MÖRKY MYCOLOGY supplement by I. McClung (imcclung.itch.io/morky-mycology). What a lovely place to die
MÖRK BORG is a game about losing everything. It helps to have something to lose!
This supplement has “rules” and characters for fort-based survival. It’s best
for “high level” (by which I mean after the fourth misery or so) gameplay. This
isn’t a game where players get to build happy palaces or strongholds. It’s a
game where you steal the crumbling ruins of an emptied dungeon, an infested inn,
or a cursed tower—and hope whatever’s still lingering inside isn’t hungry.

It won’t save you. But it’s as good a place as any to meet your end.

Intro & Trouble Quick Tables

Crumbling defen Cleari
Buildings “Friends” for hire

Using a fort means Roll 1d20 each “week”.

On a 1-12 face trouble.
chances can be reduced
ine trouble.
Roll a d66 to determ
Holy Allies
by building defenses.
& Heretical Ac
11 Someone triggers a misery. 31 An inquisitor arrives, unhappy. 51 angry animal arrives (eat-prey-kill).
Beasts of Burden 12 A kidnapping! rescue them or they die. 32 a hole opens. What crawls out? 52 1d4 angry animals wander in (EPK).
fur & Feather 13 Someone turncoats and steals silver. 33 Find an UNdead doll. Uh oh. 53 1d6 angry animals attack (ePK).
the gray galth inn 14 Unexpected, week-long blizzard. 34 a wild dredgehog gets inside. 54 1d12 angry animals swarm (ePK).
GM only: Curses, Hooks, & w
15 head count is off. AN IMposter? 35 local necromancer comes to call. 55 surprise megasloth attack!
16 someone gets sick. (Roll to see who). 36 phantom rats steal 1d20 rations. 56 Fuck, a troll! no... 2 trolls! Ahh!
21 everyone gets sick! 41 1d6 scumguards get scurvy & die. 61 An enemy champion arrives.
22 terrible dreams. all omens lost. 42 a ‘devil’ comes. demands one soul. 62 a small enemy host (1d4) arrives.
23 doomcarolers! Irritating! -1 morale. 43 liar-birds talk shit. -1 morale. 63 an formidable enemy host (1d6) arrives.
24 Goblin attack! of course. 1d12 seths. 44 disturb 1d4 wraiths. Whoops! 64 an fierce enemy host (1d12) arrives.
MÖRK BORG is copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell.
25 someone (red) poisoned the water hole! 45 tunnel sneaks are in the walls. 65 An enemy army invades. the fort is lost.
Hovel of Miseries is an independent production by grave snail games (PS Berge) 26 Locals are pissed at you. 1d6 scum. 46 beggars won’t leave! -1 morale. 66 A FINAL DUNGEON opens beneath.
and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is
published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.

For Hire
Grim-faced scumguard
Hairless Tomb-ape
Mangled Trapper
10smonth + Bribe
Will guard your stuff
Repairs armor for a fee
Hunts food and catches pests
Bonus from barracks

B u i l d i n g s
Tongueless Cook 30smonth Cooks reliable rations Requires food source
The Graveyard 250s A place to bury the fallen
Dusk Gnoum Spymaster 50smonth Tracks down Information Bonus from aviary
Lovsick Stitcher 100smonth Treats wounds and infection Requires stitchery Meatroach Farm 80s Quick and consistent foods
Deposed noble 75s Says they speak dead languages Requires library Buying buildings requires you to Mushroom "Garden" 90s Chance to grow mycological oddities
clear space by exploring the hold. Animal Pen / Prison Cells 60s Allows purchasing of Beasts of Burden
Holy Ally 150smonth Great holy deeds Requires holy shrine
Remember to mind your reputation Personal Brooding Quarters 150s Extra HP when resting in your own bed
Heretical Accomplice 150smonth Great heretical deeds Requires heretical shrine amongst the locals. Pissing them Eccentric Library 75s -2DR to precence tests in the hold
All improvements take 1 week to cobble together. off can cause additional trouble.
Shrine to Anything 130s Allows hiring of Heretical and Holy people

Hiring people takes 1 day.
(Sponsored) The Gray Galth Inn 150s Construct a franchised tavern in your hold

Faltering Outer Walls 200s Prevent doubling of trouble

The "Lookout" Tower 175s Receive warning of trouble
Foul-Smelling Moat 200s Reduce chance of trouble
Boosts guard Morale. Cheaper guards.
A Hole We'll Call the Barracks 300s
Trouble reduced.
Chatty Vault Guardian 500s Protects your valubales. Talks A lot
Escape tunnel 150s Just in case!
The GM will roll trouble every week to see what
misfortunes befall your hold. No preparations

can save you, but they might help.

Tar-Pelted Goat Carriage

Pack of Feral Horses
Quick-travel to discovered locations
Travel at double speed
Requires animal pen
Requires animal pen
Raised Bonemare 100s Travel at Magic double speed Requires dead Horse
The Unending duck 175s endless supply of duck meat Requires duck bait
Sinister Aviary 120s Send messages and be creepy
Lovely Carcasswan Pond 80s Boost morale for the hold
Phantom Rat Ghost rationday Makeshift lantern light
“Pet” Arbint 400s -25% Trouble

3 4
De f e n s e s
Faltering Outer Walls: 200 silver
Without them, your ‘hold’ is really just an impending tomb. Until you build them, the
GM will roll trouble twice and always give you what’s worse. They won’t save you.
The "Lookout" Tower 175 silver
Until you build this, there’s no warning of trouble. For each Grim-Faced
Scumguard you assign to the Lookout Tower, increase your odds of spotting
trouble before it finds you by 1 in 6 (max 4). Decide what the guards yell in

Not a
RUIN Foul Smelling Moat
200 silver
Fill it with whatever you want, but the smell won’t change. Stench sends visitors run-
ning. At least the algal blooms in the springtime are pretty. (-2 chance of trouble).

YET A Hole We'll Call the BArraCks

Boosts morale for guards of the hold by 3. Allows you to hire new guards at a lower
rate. The natural gasses in here make for a good time. (–1 chance of trouble).

Chatty Vault Guardian

300 silver

500 silver
build defenses, hire Allies, A large stone head that will only open based on your own highly absurd and secure
rituals. Will protect your most valuable objects, but will also talk your ear off. (Items
and lose it all. stored in the vault cannot be stolen, except by another PC or if the hold is destroyed).
Escape Tunnel 150 silver
Really, it’s just in case. What? Yeah, yeah, I was going to tell you about it eventually.
No, I definitely wasn’t planning anything—like I said, it’s just in case.

5 6
C l e a n i n g H o u s e AlL b u il d in g s R e quire
cleared space!
You’ll need space for new buildings and improvements for ‘your’ new ‘home.’ MEATROACH FARM 80 silver
Unfortunately for you, finding new space means exploring what was here before and Grows Meatroaches, Grubstoppers, Cellar Crabs, and other…
making room for what might be. In order to build new buildings, you must first consistent “foods.” Provides a steady supply of meat or fast

CLEAR SPACE: delving into the ruinous dungeons, old crypts and towers, and rations. In a pinch, you can ride them. Farmer included.
haunted histories of your stolen fort. Before constructing a BUILDING, roll to
find a suitable location... and see what lies in wait. CROSS OUT ROLLED RESULTS.

Roll to see what lurks in your stolen fort.

on arrival, you fInd... (d6)
You set out to clear the... (d8) It’s infested with bloodthorned, flesh-
crumbling, outer tower
unburied,cobwebbed masoleum 1 devoring, blossoming ghostplants. Can
only be burned by fire from a chapel.
Mushroom “Garden” 90 silver
3. open pit and ill-lit cavern Sure, let’s call it a garden. 2 in 1D6 chance each day that you find something worth
4. out-building sinking in mud harvesting. Roll the D66 to see what’s growing and hope it isn’t goblin turd.
5. hall in shambles, caved-in (Use Makooti’s ‘MÖRKY MYCOLOGY’)
There are hideous statues all over,
6. felled grove of stone trees
7. ruined, lavish wine cellar and they whisper about you. Lose all
8. the circle of salt statues omens. (1d4 Thinx emerge from hiding).

be wary, it’s... (d12) You seem to have interrupted the

1. haunted by scratchy humming
2. half-flooded and damp
3 annual meeting of a coven of undead
necromancers. (1d4 Liches. Pissed!) Animal Pen. Or... PrisOn Cells?... either. 60 silver
3. frozen, and yet... warm? A cushy place to keep your favorite pals. A damp, soggy place for your least-favorite
4. coated in frail flowers foes. If you need to lock something up to deal with later, here is the place.
5. full of disarmed traps (Allows you to purchase Beasts of Burden).
You find a small wooden stage in front
6. leaning and creaking
7. marked by glowing cracks 4 of rows of unmoving skeletons. Per- Personal BrOODING QUARTERS 150 silver
8. sculpted in human shapes form a poem or song to appease them! Personalized living spaces for the party. A bed all for you! Well, you and the
9. charred, smells like fish phantom rats. No pillows, plenty of dust. +1HP when resting in your own bed.
10. impossibly upsidedown
11. full of exploding caskets You find a tunnel BENEATH. You’ll need EccENTRIC LibRARY 75 silver
12. on fire... everywhere
5-6 to deal with whatever’s down there. A place to store mad manifestos, occult knowledge, and all of the Shadow Prince’s
erotica. Presence Tests are -2DR while in the hold if you have the Eccentric Library.
Generate your misery with DNGNGEN.
Shrine to ANYTHING 130 silver
Shrines aren’t just for cults, they’re very aesthetic... and provide -2DR while
after clearing it, you also fInd... (d12) using Powers inside the hold. Allows you to hire a Holy Ally or Heretical
1 pile of boiled corpses, containing 1d10 silver. 7 glade of batfLowers. Noisy. Cute. +1 morale. Accomplice (depending on the shrine you build).
2 holy icosohedron. Step inside, appear in KErgus. 8 an impossibly long tunnel to the nearest city.
3 A man, half gull! Name him, tame him: a friend. 9 YrsA. beermaker. she likes you! drinks for all.
4 the shadow prince’s holey shadow-socks. Gross. 10 rotted mummy of schleswig noble. 2d100 silver.
5 barrels of marrow. eat. increase strength by 1. 11 death-drowns-the-saints. has map to a weapon.
6 blaster’s hammer. 1d10 damage. explodes on a 4. 12 the bloodmarked alter. GIVE it what it asks for.

7 8
s H i r e
Friend for
Grim-faced scumguard HP: 4 Morale: 5 (Base) Armor scraps: -d2 10 silver monthly
-2 if BarRacks are Built
If you pay enough silver, and don’t ask too many questions, one might hold a sword and stand in proximity
to your important stuff. However many you hire, there’s always more. Morale increases with salary.

Hairless Tomb-Ape With a hammer

200 silver
Against all logic, it can repair armor for a reasonable fee. But what… what does it need that money for?

Deposed noble from schleswig WHO’s really into old shit

75 silver
Pretentious, stuffy, and arrogant. Says he can read and speak dead languages. Probably bullshitting you.

Dusk Gnoum Spymaster

50 silver monthly
A tiny, underhanded gnoum who loves trouble. She claims to have a net-
work of tiny spies everywhere. Will sniff out rumors, follow up on leads,
and find targets for you. (1 week per task. Works at double speed if you

purchase a Sinister Aviary, as spies ride liar-birds during dark nights).

Tongueless, Toothless wickhead

Who Claims They Can Cook 30 silver Monthly
Just don’t ask where they got their recipes. If pro-
vided with a food source, will prepare safe-to-eat
daily rations while in the hold that heal an extra
+2HP. Each PC can take 1d4 rations from the
storeroom before setting out on a venture.
A place to bury fallen party members, giving them solace as they make their
way to the Shimmering Fields. Allows you to establish next of kin (new PCs
Morose, lovesick Stitcher 100 silver Monthly inheret all left items and 50% of silver). Useful for makeshift necromancy. 1 in
This travelling “Doktor” was once an avid quilter 1D20 chance everyone gets an extra omen when nostaligcally wandering the
who failed to impress Countess Anthelia. Now she graveyard. Provides raw food for a cook if you’re a heartless monster.
just stitches people back together who throw silver
her way. Cries loudly at night. (Requires Stitchery).
250 silver
Trapmaster with many Wounds 25 silver Monthly
Claims to have expertise at catching pests and
hunting food in the local areas. Covered in un-
countable bite marks, claw marks, and seems to
have been gored repeatedly. He provides food for
a small fee. 1 in D20 chance he becomes food and
you have to find another.

9 10
You've heard the liar-birds talk of powerful people nearby.
you might be able to pursuade them join your hold.
Too bad they hate each other. (Choose 1. regret it.) HERETICAL
All cost 150 silver a month
& Require a relevant Shrine. RepOsed-Awaits-The-Flesh, inquis
HP: 8 Morale: 9 Golden suit:
An Inquisitor of The
-d6 twice-spiked flail: 2d6
Church of the Two-Head
ed Basilisks,
sh will bring you into the
of the church. Master of good graces
all arms, provides -1 cha
and will keep 1D10 loyal nce of trouble
knights in her service (wh
as free guards). Carries a ich count
powerful, Holy Relic of
Despises the heretical, and the church.
is especially hated by eve

Esta Migol, Mother of the ARCH-p

HP: 3 Morale: 12 no armor scis
Arch-Priestess Josilfa Mi sors: d4
gol’s quiet, awkward, weapons, but will summon 1d4
Galgenbeckian mother-in
-law. She’s been traded Can't die again. Morale: 8 Special: Won't use
s (1d6) and sharp teeth (1d4).
away as a hostage many
times, since nobody kno undead, two-headed snails (1hp) with thick shell ing odd plants.
what to do with her gia ws k for grow
nt collection of bug-sh A dead girl from Sarkash. Has a knac
scissors. Isn’t especially aped
She may even teach you a thing or two of Hag Magic, for small
useful, but everyone wil
grateful if you take her l be g of Bonemares. Hated
in (even if it’s as a hostag favors (or your soul). Allows purchasin
e). by the Shad ow King ’s knig hts and the Übertakers.

Ü BshEovRel:TAd8 KER Vrakh, Porce

E R W A L D , R E T IR E D
EZG rale: 7 pink HeLlfire: -d4 SerRated in the ground HP:
lain Necro
4 Morale: 7 mancer
ritual knife (d adowy robe: -d4 2 uncl
HP: 13 Mo ce an enemy is tr
aPped Recently le 4, target rean ean powers
d 1 in d6 chan a knack for arned som im
e tricks from ates as bone pal on ki
Special: Each roun nd of spectre and flesh with ound. you D20 B
one Pal gu a local co ll)
terrifying bo g—in the gr ards (same ven
—undead or
rd for free.
less and wor
k for free) as regular gu . Will make
putting things ild The Graveya , purchasing if you have ards, but fl
chan ce of trou bl e. Bu
he s, an d the undead of Bonemar The Grave
yard. Allow
hate d by the Church, witc hi re them . is a known
heretic wit
es. Has a cr
eepy doll co s
They are smile if you Two-Head ha llection. Sh
ow King will anotlore) ed Basilisks stolen relic—The Ch e
but The Shad R L D RU ID @makedat won’t be hap u rch of the
IT T O : K A py.

Old Man A clean power: Death
HOLY A bumblin
-2 Morale
6 un
for everyon
e in the ho
fected. Eac
h w ee
everyone in his secret, priceless
k, 1 in
reams and

D100 chan
Hp: 2 morale:rot-skinned geriatric whoinscD20 chance he gets
ld. 1

, all-power
ce he remem
fu l trea su re.

ti on of
the loca

11 12
l Pen to purchase.
Must Have anima

Sinist er Av iarypets: blu120bbersil ver

strange st feathe red
Full of the to
liar-birds. Can be used
half-billed ravens, and at dis tances, or
ssa ges acr oss gre
quickly send me in the
matic. When sleeping
make an outfit extra dra rol l for om ens
ryone gets to
hold, 1 in 6 chance eve ny cre epy birds.
d so ma
twice from being aroun

i l ver Lovefor ly Carcasswan Pond

8 0 s
Carca sswans mate life and… beyond. The
y are a
e and hope. This pond
beautiful symbol of lov .
t res ide nts
morale by 1 for all for

Fur &
PhantoPromvidRa t 1 Phantom ration
e ghostly illumination.
Used as makeshift lanter
light. Needs a ghost’s foo

Tar-Pelted Goat Carriage
175 silver

Despite the name, surprisingly fast. Quick-travel to any locations you have previously visited. 1-10

on D20 chance of roadside event on the way. (-1 per escorting guard to a minumum of 20%).

Pack of Feral Horses 100 silver ld. Will
Allows you to travel at double-speed! Like all horses­, they carry a wild hunger for human flesh. n o u ts id e your ho se pieces
d in a pe ash tho
in g tro ll chaine t of it, and then sm hance each
, hulk fron D66 c
Raised Bonemare 100 silver. Requires dead horse with a name you remember. A titanic ything in ble. 1 in en).
ash to pieces an 3 chance of trou t it back into its p
Must be summoned by heretical magic. sm p ie c e s. (- e to fi g h
ller hav
into sma ks loose and you
400 silver
Travels at magic double-speed! Does not rest. Has no flesh. Has a very tasty brain that grants 1D6
HP in a pinch. Can unleash unpredictable magicks but only when bribed. What does it want? week it b

The Unending Duck 175 silver and duck Bait

The Unending Duck regrows its four legs and three heads every dawn. A precise cook can use it
contigously without letting it die, making it an eternal spring of food. Highly portable! Loud.

13 14
15 16
1. The eart
h vomits up
been rubbe anything th
d with silv at hasN’t

ural nig u name it.
er soap.


knife in the
H w it h o u t a
2. Doors

e c a n ’t b e opendoedwn..
the seventh psalm of fra m still be
They can

breakfast is coming to you.

3. An evil p
Not tech uxie died he
ni re. e
foods becom
swap ome cally a pixie.
ns with
Every da
p e r is h a b l e
4. All f t er 24 Hours
o g e n ic a
hallucin st fine, though.
e ju
They tast


5. heifer-meta
l god statue. E
e fort, WAK
While in th
e fort, yo
the statue
with butter
u can’t he
al until yo
S L E E P in t h
cows, milk made from u smear
6. IF YOU d.
th thsleeegpirongu.n
ed for the the milk of


first time seven
error, ‘co
w’ is a lo .(Due to a
f e e t b e n e
osely defi
ned animal
). UP 3 u eat dirt befo
th dirt
Unless yo a baby wi
en yo u sleep like
For a nominal fee, the Gray Galth Inn will subcontract uth!
in its mo
to build a tavern inside your hold. we don’t share
ROOMS FOR visitors you don’t want to host. Play Three
Dead Skulls, get rumors from travelers, and start bar
Fights all from your own fort! Don’t miss this chance.
for a limited time!

150 silver This place is cursed.

WE should have known!
4 Hook& sa talon
Some zany ideas
forts wort h st
ea ling!

DE a t h &
THE MERCHANT’S SISTER. When Old, Wretched Mikhael’s family was crucified eons ago,
they encased his younger sister, Faithful Eva, in porcelain and left her in the church
windows. Now an undead doll, if you should find Faithful Eva and break her curse, you’ll Ta x e s
find her a capable realtor. She will reward the party by helping them obtain titles and
signatures from the local rulers, and is happy to manage their wants for upgrades. With-
out Faithful Eva, the PCs will have to get their own titles, or the law may come calling.
Credit to Johnny Carhat.
Depending on where their new home lies, the PC’s
may suffer complications from local auhtorities.
If they don’t have the help of Faithful Eva, the PC’s
will have to endure a terror of bureaucracy
everyone is from the region where their fort dwells:
THE FORTRESS s lef t or it is re-stole
n Or even with faithful eva’s help, why not? hilarious.
er yo ne ha
dead or ev ls or the last misery
sto ne fal
or the last ay or it is
it is gambled aw
takes hold or fri en d or it explode
ch er ou s
sold by a tre las t, at the end of all
on or at
for no reas beneath .
als its secret
things, it reve

KERGUS: Within a week, everyone in your hold will be visited by the lost figures of the Count-
ess’ dreams. Color fades. Gulls scream. You must seek out the last attendant of her court
who knows of a cure or the haunting will not stop, and you will not sleep, until all is frozen.

GALGENBECK: The Two-Headed Basilisks have heard of your new home, and sent The Almoner,
their most thorny Inquisitor, to collect what is owed to the Church. Make a generous tithe, or
The Almoner will return for more. Snub her to be branded heretics and pay in worse ways.

GRIFT: A Herald of Terion arrives from Grift with a copy of Sigfúm’s Calendar. As a neighbor of
THE UNKEPT KEEP. Not far from here, an old keep lies vacant—abandoned by its late Grift, you are expected to follow The Kind King’s detailed plans... all the way to their precipitous end.
owner who foolishly left to seek the hand of Countess Anthelia. Now the gulls have moved
in, and lay there waiting. They are not the only thing. And yet... the keep is empty?
SARKASH: An emissary of the Shadow King arrives in the night. The King requires a token of
THE PROUD FORT. Infested with squatters and phantom rats, this abandoned fortress is your servitude, or be cast in his ire. The Shadow King is petty. He demands (choose two):
surrounded by the fractured ruins of what used to be. Anyone who sleeps inside it will be 1) knife that’s never cut 2) a child’s toy 3) altar bread 4) an inkeeper’s tooth 5) boar cheese
visited three times throughout the night by the spirits of the outposts’ past keepers.
Should you manage to best them all, the fortress will be impressed enough to let you stay.
THE VALLEY OF THE UNFORTUNATE UNDEAD: Your fort, overnight, becomes a tomb. You
THE HUNGRY TOWER. This old necromancer’s tower once held a great treasure, now lost. and your companions do not wake. But at dawn, you rise. In the dreamless valley of night and
Hellbent on restoring its former glory, the tower sprouts feet and wanders around gobbling bones you walk. You search. Seek salvation from HIM amidst the gloom of the hungry Valley.
up wealthy travellers and heroes. Many boasting idiots have tried to clear its many floors
and break the tower’s curse and steal back its treasures—all have become its feasts.
TERGOL’S SPINE. A cursed spire. An ancient priest, Saint Karstian, carries it on his SCHLESWIG: The nobles of King Fathmu’s court are schocked to discover your new
twisted back across the frozen hills of Kergüs. The spire contains an altar to NECHRUBEL. Saint barony on the map! You are quickly invited to a gathering of Fathmu’s Favored, and
Karstian’s eyelids hang down to his feet—he walks blindly. If accosted, he will quickly everyone is eager to meet the new blood in the cut-throat court of Schleswig’s elite.
climb the spire, and lift his eyelids: all who see test DR20 toughness or be instantly broken. You realize quickly what the stakes are... high. You had better impress them quickly!
17 18

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