Major Character of Antigone

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Title: - major character of Antigone












Submission date April 26, 04, 2021

Submitted to Mustefa.A


What is the major character of Antigone?

➢ It is an important figure at the center story action or theme.
➢ The major character is sometimes called protagonist whose
conflict with an antagonist, mays park the story conflict or
the major character is the major element of in that action.

Definition: - Creon is a king of Thebes the brother of Jocasta
and the uncle of Eteocles, Polynices and Antigone.
✓ Creon is the brother-in-law of Oedipus, rex the king of
Thebes. His sister married Oedipus, he gives Oedipus the
Creon after Oedipus defeated the sphinx and saved the city.
✓ Creon explain that he doesn’t want to be king because it
brings a lot more problems and stress to him.
Character of Creon
Oedipus is the king of Thebes. Creon the second in command in
Thebes brother-in-law of Oedipus. Tiresias a blind prophet.
Crone character analysis in Oedipus plays when we first see
Creon in Oedipus the king. Creon is shown to be separated from
the citizen of Thebes.
Creon character analysis in Antigone
Creon is the uncle of Antigone and powerfully built. King Creon
is weary wrinkled man suffering the burdens of rule.
In a Greece mythology Creon was the ruler Thebes. Also, Creon
would not be named king but would act a regent. Creon took
over the throne because Oedipus has two sons. Those are
Eteocles and Polyneices where too young become rulers.
As a time passed and the two sons aged Eteocles claimed the
throne for himself. Exiling his older brother Polyneices.
Polyneices then gathered against army and attacked Eteocles for
the throne.

How does Creon become king?
The Creon becomes the king of Thebes in Antigone because
Oedipus sons battled over the throne killing each other in a
Creon of Thebes
Creon old age descendent of an earlier king of Thebes named
Lycus invades and after killing Creon takes as the king of
Thebes in Antigone Creon a complete the autocrats of Thebes.
Creon has four sons and three daughters with his wife Eurydice
(sometimes known as Henio Che).
The Creon family those are Henio Che, Pyrrha, megareous,
menoceous, lycomedes and Haemon.
Who is the Creon wife in Antigone?
In Antigone king Creon always allows his anger over his
nephew. Polynices betrays to drive Creon wife is queen
What is the Creon purpose?
The purpose of Creon is a prescription medicine used to treat
people who can not digest food. Normally because their
pancreases do not make enough enzyme due to cystic fibrosis.
Chronic pancreas that lasts a long time. Pan create to my (which
is the removal of some or all the pancreas). Pan create enzyme
Creon is a pan create enzyme replacement the therapy that
works by replacing the 3 pancreatic enzymes normally made by
a healthy pancreas, lipase, protease and amylase.

Your pancreas normally produces enzymes every times you eat.
So, crone made to replace those enzymes every time you eat.
Why Creon is bad?
Creon is the tragic character in the plays Antigone. Creon tragic
flaw, hubris’s. Cause his down fall. Creon will not listen to
anyone. He is stubborn and his pride is so great. He cannot bring
him self to acknowledged that he could ever wrong.
Does Creon kill him self?
Creon does not kill him self in Antigone his wife son and niece
all commit suicide during the course of the play but Creon
refrains from take.

What does ismene do in Antigone?
Ismene blind full, figured and radiantly beautiful, the laughing,
Ismene is the good girl of the family. She is reasonable and
understand her place, bawling to Creon. Edict and attempting to
dissuade Antigone from her act of rebellion as in Sophocles
play, she is Antigone fail.
Both ismene and Antigone represent filial duty in Oedipus at
calamus but ismene take the preceramic rale unlike. Ismene was
the name of character in a Greek mythology he daughter
Oedipus and his mother Jocasta.
She was the other articles where ismene is discussed Antigone
father. Antigone and her sister ismene served as Oedipus guides.
What is the ismene plan?
Antigone plan to bury the corpse of Polynices but ismene thinks
Antigone is crazy and should not do. It however despite their
difference both characters have a universal character that drives
them towards pursuing their goals.
Ismene is the name of two women of Greek mythology. The
more famous is a daughter and half ismene.
Definition of ismene at dictionary can ismene defined “a
daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta who did not join Antigone in
her forbidden burial of their brother”. The name of ismene is a

girl name of Greek origin meaning “knowledgeable”. Sister of
Antigone daughter of Oedipus.
What happen to ismene at the end of Antigone?
While there is no real indication of what happen to ismene she
does appear to survive the play. At the very last there is no
indication. That she is actually dead Sophocles never returns to
ismene after she asks Antigone to let her die together with her
Ismene realizes that with out her sister. She has nothing left to
live for so Sophocles simply lets her disappear and moves the
least survivor of Oedipus house after the death of Antigone.
Ismene none the less seems to vanish at the end after Antigone is
captured by Creon.
Ismene states that she helped because she Creon punish she
Antigone death.

The heroine Antigone is one the four children of Oedipus (her
siblings are ismene Eteocles and Polyneices). A loyal daughter
she guided the blind Oedipus in two exile before he died.
Son of throne and fiancé Antigone Haemon tries to convince his
father to be compassionate toward Antigone and to need the will
of her.
Antigone character descriptions
Antigone is sister of Eteocles and Polyneices. Nice to Creon
Eurydice. Sister to ismene fence to.
What Antigone is known for?
Antigone is moved by love for her brother and convinced of the
injustice of the command buried. Polyneices secretly for that she
was ordered by Creon to be executed and was immured in a
cave. Where she hanged herself her beloved Haemon son of
Creon committed suicide.
Antigone is the oldest daughter of Oedipus. Ismene is the
youngest daughter of Oedipus. Creon is the brother of Jocasta.
Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and Jocasta. She wants to
bury her brother Polynices. Even though Creon says it is against
the laws. Ismene is the sister of Antigone. She would like to help
her sister but she thinks it is too dangerous. Antigone is the
plays tragic heroine. In the first moment of the play Antigone is
opposite to her radiant sister ismene unlike her beautiful.

What is the major character?
One way to classify character is by examining how they change
(or don’t change) over the course of story grouped. In this way
by character development character types include the dynamic
In a literature a major character is defined as a character that is
central to the development and resolution of the stories.
Who is the protagonist of the play Antigone?
Creon is the protagonist in the play Antigone because he is the
character who fits the criticize of hero in Greek tragedy.
Antigone mythology, Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and
either her mother Jocasta or eurygoneia. She is the sister of
Polynices and Eteocles.
Antigone is made up of episodes (i.e., insertion) that separate
choral song and dance. The choral odes have two main
functions. Antigone I a Greek legend the daughter born of the
unwitting incestuous union Oedipus and his mother Jocasta after
her father.
What is the basic history of Antigone?
Antigone is a tragedy written by Sophocles in the year for 441
BC and is a play about the after the math of a civil war in the
which the two sons of Oedipus, Eteocles and Polyneices kill
each other. Where the new king and their successor Creon cries
to punish Polyneices for his disloyalty by not burying him
Antigone: would you better her brother?

Ismene: it is for bidden by Creon’s proclamation Antigone by
Ismene daughter of Oedipus sister of Antigone
Creon king of Thebes.
Eurydice wife of Creon.
Haemon son of Creon and Eurydice.
Antigone is as follows: diodorus Laius the king of Thebes
having married Jocasta the daughter of Creon and 2 forecasts of
Antigone: daughter and her self-Oedipus.
Ismene: Antigone is sister chorus the council elders Thebes.
Antigone: listen ismene Creon buried our brother its Eteocles
with military honors. Give him a solders funeral.
Why did Antigone kill herself?
When king Creon find out, he becomes furious and order
Antigone to be waved up alive in a tomb rather than life in a
Antigone sees it as her religious duty towards the Gods and her
brother to take her own life by hanging herself. So, Antigone
died her by her hand because she worries and hate the character
of Thebes country and she worry unhappy of king Creon.
Antigone has hanged herself and Haemon indesprate agony kills
himself as well as hearing the news of son’s death Eurydice. The
queen also kill herself cursing Creon alone in despair the Creon

on an acts responsibility for all tragedy and prays for a quick
What does the last line of Antigone?
Moral of the play: pride bring about once down fall Creon was
too proud to admit that his niece was obeying the Gods and
acting morally when she tried to bury her brother body.
Antigone had hanged herself. Haemon then stabbed himself and
lay beside Antigone in a pool a blood. In the end her
stubbornness led her to her death if Antigone yielded to Creon
she would have been.
What does Antigone says about death?
She warns Antigone that trying to give their brother a proper
burial would surely lead to her death and declares.
Antigone demise comes about when she secretly decides to give
her dishonored brother Polynices. Antigone rejects her but she
doesn’t deserve to die with her. Ismene swears she will burry
Polynices herself. Antigone hangs her self in the cave (tomb)
where she has been buried alive to slowly die of starvation.

He is a Creon son. Haemon is supposed to marry Antigone and
how ever when Creon banishes Antigone to her death. Haemon
runs off. He is later found by near side after committing suicide
for lost love. Polyneices he is the eldest son Oedipus and
Jocasta. Creon decreed that Antigone was to be thrown onto a
cave with one day’s worth’s of food despite her engagement to
his son summary Creon son Haemon reasons with his father to
change his mind and free Antigone in order to avoid offending
Haemon is a Creon son who tries to convince his father to
change his mind Haemon is also Antigone fiancé.
What does Haemon represents Antigone?
Haemon is almost exactly like the young in Chinese tradition.
Because he balances out his father evil and also acts a bit
feminine Creon even recognize that Haemon is on the women’s
Why is Haemon important?
Haemon prioritize people’s feelings. He therefore considers love
and stops suffering important Creon. Instead, he stays stubborn
to his refusal to burry Polinices and carry about pain and
suffering among his people.
According to Sophocles play Antigone Haemon or Haimon was
the mythological son of Creon and Eurydice.
Haemon wants to save Antigone because he loves her and others
of the city belief that her crime should be forgiven. This is in
Sophocles play Antigone clone stead fastly beliefs that the king

must be obeyed and must rule by example to keep the laws of
his land with out exception.
What is the conflict between Haemon and Creon? And how
did this happen?
Insulted by the idea that is citizen should tell him how to rule.
Creon: vigorously defends his absolute authority and Haemon
responds that Creon stubborn and proud Creon enraged, reels off
insults at his son calling him disrespectfully and the slave of


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