EVERESTV WAFFER-Consumer Reserch-MBA Project Report-Prince Dudhatra

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Prince dudhatra




Prince dudhatra

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra

It is really a pleasure for me to prepare a report at this stage, it is my sincere they to thank all those who helped me directly or indirectly during my research process. First of all I would specially like to thanks our professor in charge MANAGEM,ENT FACULTY who has make the arrangements for my research on EVEREST WAFERS to know about consumer research of

After I would like to thank Executive to APRICOT FOODS PVT. LTD. Rajkot, for granting me permission for my practical training. I am very thankful to Mr. RAJESH PATEL head of service department for his valuable guidance, co-operation and sparing his valuable time also. At last but not lease I like to thanks my friends & family members for their encouragement during the training period.

Place: - Rajkot Date :-



Prince dudhatra

Industrial activity plays an important role in overall economic development of the developing country like India. Industrial Visit is a part of practical training contained in B.B.A. course. B.B.A. is a special course of management, where the management knowledge is given during the year and which is more related with the practicability of it in the managerial field. So, I am very please to get a chance to research on EVEREST WAFERS. and made the report on new marketing of APRICOT FOODS Pvt. Ltd.

Prince dudhatra

Sr. No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

General Information Marketing Strategy (Mix) SWOT Analysis Research Methodology Survey Findings Future Plan Suggestion Conclusion Bibliography

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra

Sr. No.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Introduction Project At Glance History & Development Size and Form of Organization Organization Structure Success of Everest Wafer Best Quality, Affordable Price Turn Over Companys Achievements

Prince dudhatra

The firm has been engaged in the production of delicious nourishing food product, which has acclaimed warm response of people in the Rajkot. The firms products like potato wafers, banana wafers and other salted products are prepared in its fully automatic plant with bacteria free and stringent hygienic standards. The use of computer system ensures uniform quality and obviates the necessity for touch of human hands.

Prince dudhatra

Project At A Glance
Name of the Unit:

Apricot Foods Pvt. Apricot Foods Pvt.

Address of the Unit:

Ltd. 2410/ G.I.D.C. Lodhika, Village: Metoda. (Dist. Rajkot)

Brand name of product: Phone No:

EVEREST (02827) 287066, (02827) 287265.

Name of the Managing Director:

Rajesh Patel Danish Patel Sanjay Patel

Name of the Finance Manager:

Rajesh Patel
Name of the Marketing Manager:

Danish Patel Sanjay Patel

Name of the Production Manager: Years of Establishment: 2005

Prince dudhatra

Nature of Project:

Consumer Research


Prince dudhatra


Everest Wafer Pvt. Ltd. was started in year 2005 it is food production company this food production company manufactures Tomato Wafer, Banana Wafer, Potato Wafer, Masala Wafer, Aloo Sev, etc. Initially the company was started with limited capital of Rs. 2 cores. Mr. Rajesh Patel, Mr. Sanjay Patel, Mr. Denish Patel are promoter of the company the company was located in Metoda G.I.D.C. Rajkot. Initially capital of Rs. 2 Cores and that time Capital Employed is Rs. 3.50 Cores.


There are three types of industries on the basis of investment specified by the Government.

(1) (2) (3)

Small scale Industries. Medium scale industries. Large scale industries.

A firm, where its investment in fixed assets is in between 60 lacks to 3 corers is called a small scale industries. A firm where its investment in fixed assets is in between crores to 5 corers is called a medium scale industry. A firm where its investment in fixed asset is above 5 corers is called large scale industry.

Prince dudhatra As per the above division APRICOT FOODS PVT.LTD is a Medium scale industry as it has invested between 3 cores and 5 cores. APRICOT FOODS PVT.LTD is a private Limited company from 2005.

Organization structure is the vital tool for providing information about any organizational relationships such as chart shows the major function and their respective relationships the channels of formal authority the relative authority of each manager who is in charge of each respective function. APRICOT has adopted line & steps organization structure hence the overall control supervision and direction are in the hands or Board of directors. The Board of Directors are:

Rajesh Patel Sanjay Patel Danish Patel

Prince dudhatra The organization chart of APRICOT FOODS PVT.LTD. is as under:

Organization Chart

Managing Director

Technical Director Technical Staff

Production Manager

Marketing Manager

Packing Technical Supervisor Manager Working Staff

Area wise Sales man

Prince dudhatra


The company has been engaged in protection of delicious and nourishing food products which have acclaimed warm response of people in Gujarat It produces wafers and name keens in its unparalleled and fully automatic plant and its products have become a by word if taste and trust among the food lovers of high taste.


It is the policy of the company to accept nothing less then perfect. Everest Wafers believes that to sustain any product in the market, 4 things are necessary to consider.

Quality of Product:
The quality of wafers and nankeens cannot be questioned choicest and high quality potatoes and dal, proper care is being taken during the process that the quality is not hampered and the customers are given the best products.

Price of Product:
When the quality provided is best and still the price is reasonable it adds another feather in the cap of the company. The price list of the companys product is given below.

Prince dudhatra


This is obvious that primary and basic objective of any industry is to maximize profit. But in present competitive market, profit maximization is not an only objective of any industry or firm. In this era, each and every company wants to increase its market share and goodwill. The mission of Everest Wafers Pvt. Ltd. is to do business in the international market. The company wants to add novelty products at reasonable prices to satisfy the consumers and they are by increasing market share. Everest Wafers Pvt. Ltd. desires to achieve the goals like; To increase productivity and Market share of the company. To produce Quality products at a reasonable price. To increase the profitability of the company. To enter in the international market. In all, the company wants to earn reputation of excellent taste, high quality and perfect packing in Indian market as well as in international market. Thus, the company is continuously striving for that.

Prince dudhatra

The turnover refers to the total sales revenue during the year. Every company always trys to increase the turnover of the company. The present turnover of the company is about 23 to 24 crores aggregated of all the products. In this the proportion of the wafers is 70% and Namkeens is 30%.

The companys food production like potato wafers, banana wafers and other salty production are prepared in its fully automatic plant with bacteria free and stringent hygienic standers. The use of computer system ensures uniform quality and obviates the necessity for launch of human hands. The production environment is such which makes is possible to make the production less only and more nutritive. In very short time period the company has achieve terrific achievements by the selling of total production in whole market.

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra


2. 3. 4. 5.

Prince dudhatra


Marketing is a comprehensive terms and it involves all resources and a set of activities necessary to directed and facilitate the flow of goods and services from producer to consumer in the process distribution. It is a total system of business activities designed to product. Price, promote and distribute products to achieve organizational objectives. Moreover, in a country like India it creates more employment opportunities which in turn are useful for its economy.


The present form of marketing is the result of hierarchy marketing in this field. Previously marketing was perceived totally different than today. The past of marketing is as follows:

Production Orientation Stage:

Manufactures in this stage typically focused on increasing output, while assuming that customers would seek out and buy reasonably priced, well made products. This emphasis on production and operation dominated until the great provision in the early 1930s.

Sales Orientation Stage:

The depression changed perceptions. Just offering a good product was assurance of market success. Managers began to release that to sell their products in an environment where customer had the opportunity to choose from among many alternatives, required

Prince dudhatra substantial promotional efforts. Thus the sales oriented stage was on promotional activity to sell the products. The sale stage lasted into the 1950s. when the marketing era began to emerge.

Marketing Orientation Stage:

At the end of world war II there was enormous pent up the demand for consumer goods created by war time strategies? Here sales oriented approach could not work. In addition, people had more choices the technology developed during the war greatly. Many recognized that to put idea capacity to work, they had produce customers wanted. In the marketing orientation stage companies identify what customer wants and tailor all of the attributes to satisfy those needs as efficiently and effectively as possible. Everest wafer market their products keeping in view the customer and their needs. It is trying to satisfy all segments of a customer through various products range.

Prince dudhatra


The present form of marketing is the result of the hierarchy of evaluation in this field. Previously marketing was perceived totally different than today. The present role of marketing is as follows: Customer Orientation. Co - ordinated marketing activites. Customer is the boss/king Customer Care. Everest Wafers Pvt. Ltd. keeps in mind the customer needs while introducing a new variety. This efforts are tone through coordinated marketing activities, customer care is also given due information. Changes & Improvement: SELLING




Prince dudhatra






Prince dudhatra

Everest Wafers strictly believe in quality improvement and that is why it is now ready to take any challenges from people to make it a more qualitative product. Everest believes that quality is must for increasing sales level and for that purpose they always try to make the best quality products which can serve consumers in a better manner.

Prince dudhatra

Marketing mix is the bridge that demises the gap between the product and consumes without marketing all production activities would be fulfill. Therefore more production is not enough. It is equally important to make the consumer aware of the goods produced. After the consumer importance to distribute the Goods & Services to all prospective consumers. But the marketing activities do not here. The view and ideas of the consumers are taken into and the product is to be changed according to the consumers needs. Thus the sum total of all the activities undertaken to satisfy the consumers wants and demands constitutes the activities of marketing. Marketing is comprehensive firm and it includes all resources and a set of activities necessary to direct and facilities to direct the flow of goods and services from product to utility consumer in the process of distributing. In other words marketing comprises of all the activities involved in the determination and satisfaction of consumer needs at a profit. Thus marketing encompasses all activities of exchange conducted by producers and middleman in commerce for the purpose of satisfying consumer demand. In marketing planning, marketing information is used to assess the situation specific marketing targets are selected in the form market segments for each segment of market a combination of a number of devices or types of marketing activities that are coordinated into a single management programs to reach a particular target or market segment is formulated. The combination of these marketing methods or devices is known as the marketing mix.

Prince dudhatra Thus marketing mix is the set of marketing goals that the firm used to pursue its marketing objectives in mix goals can be classified as under down heads. There are.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Product. Price Promotion Place People

These are popularly known as the five P's of marketing mix.

Prince dudhatra

Product Variety Product Line Design Features Brand Name Packaging Services Warranties

Pricing Objective Pricing Policy Price List Discount Allowance Credit Terms


Sales Promotion Advertising Sales Force Personal Selling

Channel of Distribution Physical Distribution

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra

S:- Strength Concentrate on your Strength. W:- Weakness Recognize your Weakness O:- Opportunity Evaluate your opportunity T:- Threats Research your threats
SWOT analysis is a good tool for a manger, like a Thermometer Stethoscope for a doctor.

Prince dudhatra

STRENGTH:Enable you to best foot forward.

The biggest strength is companys brand image The quality of the product, as well as its responsible price is the second strength. The distribution network of APRICOT FOODS all over Gujarat is excellent.

Prince dudhatra

WEAKNESS:Only when you recognize them, you can correct them.

EVEREST Wafer sales its products just in selected states of India. EVEREST Wafer has sill not introduced wafers in various states in order to compute with the multination. Very less spending on advertising

Prince dudhatra


They are plenty even in adversity evaluate. Expand its area of operation & give new varieties in its product range diversify their business in the form of franchising. Increase production and expand their distribution area to capture national market.

Prince dudhatra


They are live tickling booms, defuse them by facing preventive actions. The biggest threat is of the multinationals that may eat away their share. If they restrict their boundaries of operation, then in long run, it will affect its profitability.

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra

Sr. No.

Meaning & importance of Consumer Research Scope of Consumer Research Consumer research process

2. 3.

Prince dudhatra


Mostly Consumer Research involves studies related to buyer behavior, brand preference product or brand usage, advertising awareness, sales promotion, Physical distribution, Dealer Behavior, competition and so on. The simple meaning of research is that it is the process of gathering, recording and analysis of critical of relevant facts about any branch of human activity. It indicates critical and searching study and scientific investigation of problem, a proposed course of action hypothesis or a theory while Consumer Research is the systematic gathering, recording and analysis of data about problem connected with market product, price, promotion and destination. It is connected with all those factors, which have a direct impact on the Consumer Research is process of manufacturers like What to produce? How to produce and When to produce? It works as the bridge between producers and consumers. This Consumer Research is directly interested in offering sound alternative solution to marketing problem relating to exchange of goods and services from producer to consumer. Beginning and end of marketing management is Consumer Research. In a dynamic economy Consumer Research acts as the investigate arm of marketing manager. As now days are competitive in nature and so many competition comes into a market so with the help of Consumer Research both the aim the information regarding customer demand and new competitors can be obtained immediately and best action should be taken in connection with it respectively. So the firm has to keep continuous contact regarding market situation with the help of the Consumer Research. It is possible that preference of customers, their wants and changing demand can be known bitterly by Consumer Research.

Prince dudhatra


The scope of study is to understand the thinking of consumer towards Apricoat Food Product Pvt. Ltd. How do they react to the products given? How much they are satisfied against their buying decision? Which factors motivated them to make decision of purchasing product? These the scope can be specifically highlighted as below mentioned.

To pin point the features, which persuade and influence the buying decision of purchasing companys products. To find out their satisfaction in accordance with their paying value. What is the problem of APRICOAT FOOD in the minds of Consumers? It also includes the study of different influence and attributes.

Prince dudhatra


Consumer research formally studies of specific problem and opportunities. They may request a market survey, a product preference test, a sales forecast by region or research on advertising effectiveness. Consumer research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation.



Define The Problem Develop The Research Plan Collect Information Analysis The Information Present The Findings

Prince dudhatra

DEFINE THE PROBLEMS The first step calls for marketing manager is define the problem carefully. The various problems and objectives of the survey are:

(1) (2)

To find out influencing factor on buying process. To find out consumers awareness about various brand.

Thus, the problem was to study the market, product, preferences & test, market share analysis, brand preference, product modification, improvement etc.

Prince dudhatra

DEVELOP THE RESEARCH PLAN The second step of Consumer Research calls for developing the most efficient plan for gathering the needed information. Designing a research plan calls for decision on data sources, research approaches, research instruments, sampling plan & contact methods.


Data Sources:
The research plan can call for gathering

primary data, secondary data or both. Primary data are gathered for a specific research object.

Most of the Consumer Research projects involve some primary data collection. The normal procedure is to interview some people individually and or in groups. In this survey, a primary data source is used.


Research Objectives:
Primary data can be collected in 4 ways. Observation Focus Group Survey Experiments

Prince dudhatra

In this, survey research is used to learn about peoples knowledge, preference, belief & so on and measure these magnitudes in the general population.


Research Instrument:
Consumer Research has a choice of two main research

instruments in collecting primary data. Questionnaire Technical Devices.

In this survey, questionnaire is used. A questionnaire consists of a set of questions presented to respondents for their answers. Care should be taken in forming questions & sequence of questions. The questionnaire should be simple, direct with unbiased wordings.


Sampling Plan:After deciding the research approach and instrument, the

Consumer Research must design a sampling plan. This plan calls for 3 decisions.


Sampling Unit:Who is to be surveyed? The Consumer Researcher must

define the target population that will be sample. In this survey the population was students.

Prince dudhatra


Sample Size:How many people should be surveyed? Large sample gives more reliable results than small

sample. However, it is not necessary to survey the entire target population to achieve reliable result. In this survey sample size is 100 respondents.


Sampling Procedure:How should the respondents be choosen? There are two types of procedure of sampling: (1) (2) Probability Sampling Non probability sampling.

Probability sampling is used in this survey, samples were selected on the basis of random sampling method.


Contact Method:Once the sampling plan has been determined, the

Consumer Research must decide how the subject should be connected. The choices are mail, telephone or personal interview is used, personally questionnaire was filled by the respondents and survey was conducted.

Prince dudhatra

Collection Of Information The data collection phase of Consumer Research is generally the most expensive and the most prone to error. In this case of survey 3 problems arise. (1) (2) Some respondents will not be at home and must be replaced. Some respondents will refuse to co-operate still others will give based or dishonest answer. Question will not be fully filled up or they misplace the questionnaire or make it dirty.


Analysis the Information

The next to last step in the Consumer Research process is to extract pertinent findings from the collected data. Here the tabulation of data is done and frequency distribution is developed.

Present the Findings The last step in Consumer Research process is to present research report. It is either in written form, because generally written form of finding is more convenient.

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Particular Objectives of Study Questionnaire Analysis of Survey Limitations of Study

Prince dudhatra

Every survey done by achieve some objectives and goals of the enterprise. This survey done to find out the solution of the following: To know the factors affecting the purchase of wafers and namkeens. To know the market share and market awareness of Everest Wafer. To find out the potentiality of Everests new variety of Products. To know whether Apricoats products should be distributed outside Gujarat and about its probable Success.

Prince dudhatra

Consumer Research on Everest Waffers
(1) (2)

Name:- ________________________ Age:- _________________________ Address:- _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Do you include wafer in your regular snacks?
Yes [ ] No [ ]




In which occasions your prefer Wafers?

Regular Snacks [ ] School/College [ ] Parties [ ] Other [ ] If other please specify _________________________________________ _________________________________________ __________________________________


Which brand of WAFERS & NAMKEENS do you prefer the most?

Everest [ ] Samrat [ ] Any other [ ] Please Specify ____________________________________ Balaji [ ] Kishan [ ]

Prince dudhatra


Approximately what amount do you spent on every month?

Less than Rs. 100 [ ] Rs. 100 Rs. 250 [ ] Rs. 250 or more [ ]


Which qualities of Everest satisfied you?

Delicious Taste [ ]

Good & Attractive Packing [ ] Varieties Good Quality [ ] [ ]


Do you think gift scheme or price discount influence your Purchase decision?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

(10) Do you live the packaging of EVEREST products?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

If Yes, then Why? _______________ If No, then Why? _______________ (11)

Which factors do you consider to buy wafers/Namkeens. (Rank them)

Quality Brand [ ] [ ] Packaging [ ] Price [ ] Taste [ ]

Variety Available [ ]

(12) Would you switch over to any other brand from your present preferred brand?
Yes [ ] No [ ]

If, yes then which brand? Why?____________________

Prince dudhatra

(13) What efforts should Everest Wafers take to established in over India?
Expand Distribution Increase Production Increase Advertisement and sales promotion efforts Give variety in the product range Diversify in the new segment Bring out different product range for Different target market [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ]

(14) Should Everest Wafers launch new products in various ranges?

Yes [ ] No [ ]

(15) If yes, then in what range? Rs. 5-10 Rs. 10-20 Rs. 20-30 Above 30 [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ]

Prepare By, Bhavik B. Patel T.Y. B.B.A. M.T.D.C.C.

Prince dudhatra

Do you include wafer in your regular snack? Particula No. of % of rs Responden Responden t t
Yes No Total 100 15 85 100% 15% 85%

Sr. No.
1. 2.

Yes No

Interpretation:85% of the respondents do not includes wafers in their snacks, but 15% does include which is also a reasonable portion.

Prince dudhatra

In which occasion you prefer wafers?

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Category Regular Snack Parties School/College Other Total

No. of Respondent 10 32 44 14 100

% of Respondent 10% 32% 44% 14% 100%

Re gular Sanck Parties School/College Others

Respondents in school/College and parties generally prefer wafer which is 44% and 32% respectively. Other 10% and 14% include regular snack, picnics theaters etc.

Prince dudhatra

Which brand of WAFERS & NAMKEENS do you prefer the most?

Brand Everest Balaji Samrat Kishan Any other Total No. of Respondent 24 67 5 4 100 % of Respondent 24% 67% 5% 4% 100%

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Everest Balaji Samrat Kishan Other

Interpretation:24% consumers prefer Everest

wafers, 67% Balaji, 5% Samrat, and 4% any other (home made/Lays). Everest wafers has covered much market. Its market share is much more than other brands.

Prince dudhatra

Approximately what amount do you spent on every month on Wafers & Namkeens?
Particulars Less than Rs. 100 Rs. 100Rs. 250 More than Rs. 250 Total No. of Respondent 60 30 10 100 % of Respondent 60% 30% 10% 100%

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3.

Amount Spent By Respondents

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Les s than Rs. 100 Rs . 100Rs. 250 More than Rs. 250

Interpretation:Consumer spend less than Rs. 100 on Wafer & Namkeen every month are 60% and spending of consumers more than Rs. 100 but less than Rs. 250 are 30% and only 10% consumer spend more than Rs. 250 per month.

Prince dudhatra

Which qualities of EVEREST satisfied you?

Particulars Delicious taste Good Attractive packaging Varieties Good Quality Total No. of Respondent 49 4 10 37 100 % of Respondent 49% 4% 10% 37% 100%

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4.

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Delicious Test Good Attractive Packing Varie ties Good Quality

49% consumers of Everest are satisfied by the delicious taste of their products and 4% are satisfied due to their good & attractive packing, 10% are due to varieties in their products and 37% are satisfied due to food quality in the products. From this we can conclude are that mainly their to consumers satisfied due

delicious taste and good quality of their products.

Prince dudhatra

Do you think gift schemes or price discount influence your purchase decision.

Sr. No. 1. 2.

Particulars Yes No Total

No. of Respondent 57 43 100

% of Respondent 57% 43% 100%

Yes No

Interpretation:57% respondents give opinion, if any gift scheme or price discount is introduce then their purchase decision will be affected and 43% remain constant in the purchase decision i.e. there will be no any type of influence in the purchasing decision due to gift schemes or price discount. So, companys introduce various schemes, as majority of consumers purchase decision will be affected by it.

Prince dudhatra

Do you like the packaging of Everest products?

Sr. No. 1. 2.

Particulars Yes No Total

No. of Respondent 80 20 100

% of Respondent 80% 20% 100%

Yes No

Interpretation:From the above, we can derive the conclusion that packaging of Everest product is liked by most of the consumers. 20% consumers dislike it. It is only due to their personal choices and preferences of color and packaging. In liking of the packaging, the reasons given by respondents are due to their nitrogen filled packing which keeps products very fresh and also due to good & attractive packing material. Some of them like it due to saffron color of packing, which seems attractive. Most of the consumers found it attractive.

Which factors do you consider to buy wafers/ Namkeen?

Prince dudhatra

Factor Quality Price Brand Variety Available Packing Total Rank-1 60 8 20 10 2 100 Rank-2 20 20 30 25 05 100 Rank-3 6 42 22 28 02 100 Rank-4 10 24 18 16 32 100 Rank-5 4 6 10 21 59 100

Factor Quality Price Brand Variety Available Packing Total Rank-1 60% 8% 20% 10% 2% 100% Rank-2 20% 20% 30% 25% 05% 100% Rank-3 6% 42% 22% 28% 02% 100% Rank-4 10% 24% 18% 16% 32% 100% Rank-5 4% 6% 10% 21% 59% 100%

Prince dudhatra

60 50 40 % of 30 Respondents 20 10 0 Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

Interpretation:Quality of wafers and numkeens was the first factor which majority of the people considered as important. Moreover, Everest has an excellent for its wafers and snacks.

Prince dudhatra

45 40 35 30 % of 25 Respondents 20 15 10 5 0 Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

Interpretation:Majority of the respondents i.e. 42% ranked price as 3rd preference while selecting any brand of wafer & namkeens.

Prince dudhatra


30 25 20 % of 15 Respondents 10 5 0 Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

Interpretation:Surprising but true 30% of the respondents gave brand name of 2nd important factor in purchasing wafers and namkeen while 20% respondents gave 1st and 3rd is 22%. So we can say that Everest enjoys a very good brand image all over India.

Prince dudhatra

60 50 40 % of 30 Respondents 20 10 0 Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

Interpretation:Packing of wafers & namkeens did not constitute as the major factor for 59% of the respondents, 32% and 2% of respondents ranked it as 4th and 3rd respectively.

Prince dudhatra

Variety Available
30 25 20 % of 15 Respondents 10 5 0 Rank 1 Rank 2 Rank 3 Rank 4 Rank 5

Interpretation:28% on the respondents have given variety available as 3rd factor while 21% and 25% respondents gave it 5th and 2nd rank respectively.

Prince dudhatra

Would you switch over to any other brand from your present preferred brand?

Sr. No. 1. 2.

Particulars Yes No Total

No. of Respondent 22 78 100

% of Respondent 22% 78% 100%

Yes No

Interpretation:78% of respondents will not switch over to other brands, if they found such qualitative products with its delicious taste and new varied products with different tastes. 22% respondents may switch over to some other brand, if it is more good in taste and quality and if they would get the wafers better than the existing brand. So, to maintain the interest of the consumers the company should try to introduce new varied products with different tastes.

Prince dudhatra

What efforts should Everest Wafers take to established its brand all over India?
Particulars No. and % of Respondents 11 14 15 22 26 12 100

Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Expand distribution Increase production Increase advertising and sales promotional tools Give variety in the product Range Diversify in the new segment Bring out different Product range for different target market Total

30 25 20
% of 15 Re spondents

10 5 0 1 2 3 4 Particulars 5 6

Interpretation:In order to capture national and international market, Everest Wafers has to diversify in the new advertisement etc. which most of the respondents felt. The other effects to expand distribution or give products tailored to the target market.

Prince dudhatra

The survey done on Everest wafer has been conducted with maximum accuracy and effectiveness and try to minimize the limitations of the survey method. Some of the limitations of study are:

Sample size of 100 may not be sufficient to draw accurate conclusions. The survey is done in a specified fixed area i.e. Rajkot city. Personal basis of respondents and analysis and interpretation may become a constraint in revealing the true picture. Personal limitation like I am a student of T.Y.B.B.A. not having the expertise knowledge of doing survey and analysis of data may be there.

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra

A report is always incomplete, if there are no

recommendations by the person who wrote the report. There are a few recommendations that I would like to give to Everest Wafer Pvt. Ltd., which I hope would be found useful by the company.

Every product/ company has its own business cycle. With few products base, no company can be successful for a long time without giving something new. Thus, Everest has to continuously keep revitalizing by bringing out new varieties for each target market e.g. introduced different flavored wafers with free tattoo inside for children. Take contracts of big events and held stalls at say food festivals etc. cricket matches etc. Appoint works who would continuously make not snacks from potatoes and other raw material for the company. And if any items clicks and gains favorable response, then it can appear in the menu of franchise of Apricot Foods Pvt. Ltd. To facilitate all the above, they should increase advertising and sales promotional efforts by modern means.

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra

Every company plans its operations well in advance to meet the changing requirements and ever increasing competition. Everest Wafers Pvt. Ltd. has also set some short term as well as long term goals, which are furnished as under:

Everest Wafers . are launching its products in other parts of Maharashtra shortly. Moreover it also has plans to launch in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh in near future. Everest is planning to launch wafers in different flavor within coming 6 months to 12 months. Everest Wafers is the only company in Gujarat state which is producing nitrogen packing, but how they are searching something more than this which will present the product from changing weather conditions.

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra

While undergoing survey at Everest Wafers I found that the unit has excellent brand name and distribution channel. But if it tries to increase in production and area of operational, it will benefit by leaps and bounds. Moreover, to keep a standing in this ever changing consumers market, Apricot Foods hate to make their products tailor make to the market.

In addition they can also go for the franchising concept for marketing their product which I have showed in my survey.

Overall I had a very good experience while undergoing survey, where I could learn a lot of practical aspects. Also preparing a report on subject like New look of Everest Wafers, was a challenge and I have tried my level best to justify this subject.

Prince dudhatra


Prince dudhatra


- Philip Kotler
(2) Fundamentals of Marketing:


- William

Prince dudhatra

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