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The News of Grace

Volume 34, no. 8 August 2011

Therefore the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who wished to settle accounts with his servants. When he began to settle, one was brought to him who owed him ten thousand talents. And since he could not pay, his master ordered him to be sold, with his wife and children and all that he had, and payment be made. So the servant fell on his knees, imploring him, Have patience with me, and I will pay you everything. And out of pity for him, the master of that servant released him and forgave him the debt. (Matthew 18:23-27)

for a laborer.) In other words, he had an overwhelming debt that was impossible to manage and refinancing wasnt an option. As a result the debtor and his family were to be sold and the proceeds would be added to anything he had in order to make some kind of payment toward his debt. The debtor was at the mercy of the king and so he humbled himself and begged for mercy. Not only did the king in this parable have pity on him but he canceled the debt. In the same way we had a sin debt that could not be paid but for the grace of God shown to us in Jesus Christ. Paul says this concerning that grace: For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, so that you by His poverty might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:9) Jesus is the one who has rescued us. Something had to be done for our indebtedness because of our sin and God in Christ Jesus took it upon Himself to give Himself into death so that our debt could be paid in full. That is the grace of God for you and for me and for all. In the parable shared earlier the forgiven debtor was to respond accordingly, but he did not. Forgiven much he could not even forgive a little. There is certainly a lesson for all of us who have pleaded for and received Gods boundless mercy. In this parable we are not only reminded that we had a debt we could not pay but we are shown here how we too must show mercy toward others. That is not easy for us to do most of the time, which shows us how amazing Gods unconditional love for us truly is. The Gospel truly shows us Gods undeserved mercy. That same Gospel becomes for each one of us the motivation for seeking to love our neighbor, even the ones we do not like. The Gospel comforts us with the assurance that our debt has been paid and it then becomes the basis for our thankful response to our Heavenly Father to use our gifts, time, talent and monetary treasures to support the work of the Gospel done here at Grace. While our sin-debt has been paid we owe our Lord a debt of gratitude that is shown in the work we do and the support we share for the kingdom work that we do here at Grace. Pastor Walter

Right now the news is not good and I really dont know what will be decided by our elected officials in Washington, D. C. regarding our debt ceiling. This time next week we may see a compromise or we may see markets stunned by our leaders failure to reach an agreement. There are many who are concerned and many who are angry. There is a lot of finger pointing going on. There are not too many who are stepping forward and assuming responsibility for the current crisis which is actually a long term problem rearing its ugly head. I dont think anyone wants to take the steps necessary to realistically address the problem and what all of us need to do toward solving that problem. I dont want any investments I have to suffer as they are for my future, and I dont want to pay any more taxes either to take away from my present funds for spending. That is probably something we can all agree on. But we may have to make sacrifices. So who can rescue us from this predicament? I know that you have your opinions and I have mine and they may be as different as the positions currently being taken by those who have to make those difficult decisions. Certainly a failure to do anything is not in our best interests. The Bible passage I have shared above is about someone who owed a debt that could never be paid. It was 10,000 talents. (A talent was a monetary unit comparable to twenty years wages

Director of Parish Music

Greetings in the name of our Risen Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. Our Senior Youth who participated in the Higher Things Coram Deo (before God) conference in Bloomington-Normal, Illinois had a great time. We learned about our standing Coram Deo from the Book of Romans and the Small Catechism. We learned about various topics such as Mormonism, Darwinism, Dating & Marriage, and The Book of Revelation in breakout sections. We also participated in thirteen worship services, with two Divine Services, Matins three times, Vespers twice, Evening Prayer three time, and Prayer at the Close of the Day three times. We sang thirty-eight hymns during those services, with our conference hymn (Gods Own Child I Gladly Say It, LSB 594) being sung three times. We met Lutherans from all over the country and had plenty of opportunities to socialize with such activities as karaoke, a talent show, and a performance by an improv comedy group. All in all, we had a great time being immersed in Lutheran worship and doctrine, as well as having opportunities to relax. Back here at Grace, I am planning to bring back the Childrens Choir we had a few years ago. The group will learn to sing by singing a lot, including adding to our Sunday morning worship services from time to time. I am initially thinking that this group would be for grade-school aged children (1st-8th), although Im flexible and would love to talk to you about your interest in the group. Please contact me at or 6633631 for more information or if you have questions. Have a blessed month in the Lord!


ACOLYTE SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Worship Services Aug. 14th and 28th Elisabeth Graf 8:15 a.m. Worship Services Aug. 7th and 21st Perryn Andrews 10:45 a.m. Worship Services Bradley Stillman USHERS SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Worship Services Roy Bullards team Roy Andrews, Gary Proud 10:45 a.m. Worship Services Gervais LeBlancs team Jacob Ralston, Jeff Ralston, Josh Ralston CANTORS SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Worship Services Randy Middaugh 10:45 a.m. Worship Services Josh Ralston and Jeff Ralston GREETERS SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Worship Services Ralph and Joan Ann Olsen 10:45 a.m. Worship Services Ron and Russlynn Krueger
10:45 a.m. Worship Svc. Aug. 28th Laine Krueger and Jessica Denis

ALTAR GUILD SCHEDULE 8:15 a.m. Worship Svcs. Dorris Deislinger and Mildred Wilkins 10:45 a.m. Worship Services Judy Rivers
Wednesday Mid-Week Svcs. Suzanne Raddle & Wilma Richter

Aug. 7 10:45 a.m. Worship Service David Faulkner Aug. 14th 8:15 a.m. Worship Service Ralph Olsen Aug. 21st 10:45 a.m. Worship Service Terry Eustice Aug. 28th 8:15 a.m. Worship Service Jim Keppel

Peace in Christ, Nathan Beethe , Director of Parish Music

If you are unable to serve please ask someone to fill in for you and then call the church office.


WELCOME TO THE GRACE FAMILY Ms. Lyndsey Dilks has joined Grace congregation by Profession of Faith. Please welcome Lyndsey to our Grace Family. Mr. Stephen Douglas has joined Grace congregation by Profession of Faith. Please welcome Stephen to our Grace Family. HOLY BAPTISM Kaya JaLeaha Wilbert, daughter of Keylon and Danielle Pils Wilbert, was received into Gods kingdom of grace through the sacrament of Holy Baptism on July 10th. Her sponsors are Holly Pils and Elizabeth Rodriguez. Kayas grandparents are Chris and Betty Pils and her great-grandmother is Martha Pils. CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY Our sympathy to the family of Stanley Reed, husband of Charlene Berner Reed and son-in-law of Lois Berner, who died in a car accident on July 15th. CONGRATULATIONS and GODS BLESSINGS Congratulations and Gods blessings to Kevin and Allie Ray on the birth of their daughter Monica Piper Ray on July 7th at St. Vincent Medical Center. Congratulations, Kevin and Allie!!


To date we have collected and sent to Synod $26,951.00 toward our pledged amount of $59,560.00 for Fan Into Flame. We have received $2,785.87 from LCMS World Mission which is earmarked to be used for a special Evangelism outreach program here at Grace. Thank you for your support of Ablaze Fan into Flame!


Noon Devotions with Pastor is Thursday, August 11th, at 12:00 noon in Parker Hall. Bring a sandwich and join us for Bible study and fellowship. Drinks, chips, and dessert are provided. We eat first and then Pastor Walter shares a devotional Bible study with us. Bring a friend and join us for Bible study and a wonderful opportunity for fellowship!!


The Grace Family wants to stay in touch with our young people while they are in college. Please provide the church office with the following contact information: students name, name of school, mailing address, e-mail


Youre prepared for eternal life when the Lord calls you home

Have you prepared your family or loved ones for dealing with the Lords gifts when you leave? Need help with getting started?

Plans are being made for another fun event!!!! Watch the Sunday bulletin for the date, time and details.

Outreach Ministries THE BOARD OF EVANGELISM continues to encourage our support of the East Office of the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). Unfortunately, they have been very busy (lots of babies and sibling groups) and seeing increased need for placements. Keeping sibling groups together is even more challenging. So lets do our small part and see if we can round up some supplies for the DCFS office. They need: Items for babies and kids: ages 0 months to 5 years old. Diaper sizes 3 & 1 pull ups juice crackers wipes hand sanitizers School supplies: pencils, pen, folders, scissors, glue sticks, wide rule filler paper, pencils boxes, and Kleenex. Please place these in the container in the breezeway. Our Grace family is having a direct, positive impact on the DCFS staff and the children they serve. Thank you so much for your generosity.

Nichols or Sammye Sue Harrill

FALL CRAFT SHOW & USED BOOK SALE November 5th 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m. Parker Hall
Fund Raiser for Concordia Seminary, St. Louis Join us Saturday, November 5, 2011 from 9:00-3:00 for a great craft show combined with a Used Book Sale. The Grace LWML will be selling breakfast and lunch items, for the convenience of vendors and shoppers. Back by popular demand is the best of the wonderful Oktoberfest pastries. The Grace Bakers will have a booth selling German Chocolate Cake,

Our Lutheran World Relief projects this year are Layette Kits and School Kits. Following is a list it items we will be collecting for the Layettes for newborns: August shcloths, preferred September h-size bar of soap October dia per pins or large safety pins In previous months this year we have collected lightweight cotton teeshirts or Onesies, sweaters and sweatshirts, receiving blankets, flat fold cloth diapers and gowns or sleepers. Please continue to bring these items and put them in the box in the breezeway. * * * * * * * Following is a list of items that we are collecting for the School Kits. These wa full-size


Thank you for supporting Lutheran World Relief.

SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE Volunteers Needed to Serve

COFFEE HOST SIGN UP A sign-up sheet for coffee hosts is posted on the bulletin board by the Parlor. Please take a minute and sign up for the Sunday on which you wish to serve. The schedule August is: August 7th Rachel Allen Jim Gray for


August 14th Sharon and Gervais LeBlanc August 21st _________________ ____________

Lunahuana ministry Pastor Eisold visiting with friends before the service.

Pastor Mark Eisold is on fire to invite people to church.

Lunahuana ministry The front of the church where the children's activities in Lucumo are held.

Lunahuana ministry Sandi, Annalise and Erik Eisold with Katie Lane in the back of the van as they pick up people in Lucumo for the 20 minute drive over to Lunahuana for the worship service.

The Eisold Family Missionaries to Peru

You may send cards and notes to the Eisold family at: Mark y Sandi Eisold Calle Matier N212 Dpto. 402 San Borja Lima 47, Peru Support their mission in

21 - Roy Bullard 22 - Samantha Morrison 23 - Daniel Woodyard 24 - David Mainard, Charles Walker Stein, Bill Wilkins, Sr. 25 - Dorothy Brands 26 - Maryn Villarreal, Tiffany Warriner 29 - Hope Hammond, Amber Loyd, Faye Stillman 30 - Kathryn Moseley 31 - Melissa Nichols

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to these couples in August:

4 - Paula and Pastor Walter 5 - Jennifer and Chris Harrod 7 - Sandy and Jon Lindemann, Linda and Frank Royster 8 - Tammy and Terry Hill 9 - Stephanie and David Cannon, Doryse and "Al" Martin 10 - Pat and Jack Funk 11 - Lauren and Jared Atkins 13 - Ginny and Jeff Ralston 14 - Lisa and Jeff Hicks 26 - Ann and Owen Stoker 27 - Kelley and John Wilkins 30 - Linnea and Tommy Weed

Nathan Beethe. LCEF K.I.D.S. Saving Stamps are available from Ame Andrews during Sunday School opening time. JUNIOR YOUTH class meets at 9:45 a.m. on Sunday in their classroom downstairs in the church. Joel Junkans leads the class. SENIOR YOUTH class meets each Sunday at 9:45 a.m. in their classroom downstairs in the church. Dave Roberts leads the class. MENS BIBLE STUDY class meets each Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. at St. Vincent Hospital in the 4th floor conference room (off the main elevator). Pastor Jilg and Pastor Walter lead this Bible Study. All men of Grace are encouraged to attend. THE YOUNG WOMEN OF GRACE will meet for Bible study each Sunday morning in the classroom downstairs in the church. Bible study materials are provided,

Little Rock by providing funds for all type of budget needs! And all the programs are very userfriendly and simple some only require scissors! Following are programs used by one or more of our Lutheran schools please consider this painless way to support Lutheran Education in L.R.!

Kroger Gift Card Program

used by ECDC
Heres how it works: - Buy a $5.00 Kroger Gift Card from ECDC (also available in the Church Office) for $5.00. - Take it to any Kroger and recharge it with any amount between $5.00 and $500.00. You may use cash, check, bank debit, or major credit card; and recharge it over and over. The card may be used for any purchase at Kroger with the exception of Money Orders, Western Union, Postal Stamps, and/or Lottery Tickets. - At check-out just use your Kroger Gift Card as your grocery money! - ECDC receives 5% of every recharge and receive a check every time the total reaches $5,000!

General Mills
Box Tops for Education
used by Christ Lutheran School

Campbells Labels
used by ECDC & Christ Lutheran School
Heres how these work: - Remove box top for education labels from General Mills containers (ie Cheerios, Betty Crocker), and/or ENTIRE LABEL WITH UPC CODE from Campbells products (ie soup, juices). - collection boxes may be found on the bookcase next to the bridgeway or the entry area of ECDC. - Box Tops for Education provide monetary support for the CLS Band, Campbells Labels are turned into credit toward purchasing supplies and equipment for both

ECDC News & Notes

Soon we will be saying goodbye to some of our children. Our prayers go with them as they go off to Kindergarten and other programs around town. And, well be saying hello to new children who will be a part of our ECDC family! Our returning kids are looking forward to moving into a new classroom and learning all sorts of new things. The staff will spend August 15th and 16th in staff development days making preparations and getting rooms ready for new kids and the new year. The 2011-2012 school year begins with a bang Wednesday, August 17th! Guess Im jumping ahead a little cause we arent done with our summer fun YET! The circus is coming, the circus is coming! Well be exploring all about the three rings and animals! During Jesus time we will be learning about being fishers of men a pretty appropriate send-off for our oldest friends! Plus, explore other jobs we find in the Bible

then Gods continued blessings to each of you

We are in the process of updating the Church Membership Directory. Please fill out this form and return it to the church office or send an e-mail with updated information to . Were still working on the updated directory, so if you didnt send in your changes last month you have one more chance!!! Name: _______________________ _______________________ _ Cell No.: _______________________ ________________ E-Mail: _______________________ _________________

Thank you for your help in updating our church directory!

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