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"Thank You for Giving Me Inspiration”

“"There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world:
those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed." -- Ray Goforth. They said
that family/relatives are the one who will push you to achieve your dreams in life. The one who
will lift you up when you’re feeling down and when you need some love from them. Maybe some
of you may relate to my story and we have the same situation. I really want to share it with you
to inspire you to keep going in this hardship of life. Who here among us has been judged by our
relatives? Just because the are the one who has power and wealth. Who here among us has
been guessed their future by their relatives? Who here among us almost give up their dreams
because of their belief that you cannot make it and you will fail.
You believe that family is the one who will believe and give you moral support. But in my case
that’s all wrong. When I was born my family already lived with my grandmother and grandfather
to the mother side. I would say that our life is not that good and less fortunate, while on my
father side is the opposite one. All of my aunties and grandmother on the father side, they are
all wealthy compare to us. Then most of the time with my father and younger sister, we go to my
father side, we asked for food and help, but me and my younger sister are only the one wo
really go to house then my father was waiting for us to turned back with food. They gave us food
then one time I remembered I was spanked by my grandmother but I call her Aunt. She said
that we always asked for food then she spanked me three times and I cried. All of the cousins of
my father, they are all graduated to the universities, but my father is the only one who is not.
Then they didn’t always accept our mano to them when we do it and even if it’s Christmas Day.
One day they said to my mother that I will not succeed in this life, that I will not finish my study.
Like I’m just like my mother, that I will get pregnant while studying. Imagine hearing those words
to your relatives, it is so much below the belt. It’s hard to accept those statement that I cannot
change our life situation.
But then thanks to my best mother in the world, because she is one of the person who believe in
me that I can. Thanks to my family to my mother side because they are the real family who
loves me and support me at all cost. Also thank you to my relatives in the father side, because
of their judgment, perception and comments about my future, they give me inspiration and
strengths to study hard. So when I was Grade 9 to Grade 12, I always showed them my cards
and when I was Grade 9, 11 and 12 I always go to their house of my father side to see that I
was an honor student, that I got medals and certificates. I showed them that to see that I keep
on catching and reaching my dreams. I want to proved them that they are wrong to their
accusations about me and my future. I don’t have any resentment or grudge to them, because
my mother always reminds me to have a pure heart and don’t resent them no matter what they
did to us. It’s a reminder to us to not use the negative comments for you to give up to your
dreams. Always trust yourself, believe in your family who believes and loves you very much.
Don’t always look for the negative side of their comment, but use them as an inspiration. Thanks
them for giving hardship to your life. Let them see that they are wrong and you will become a
successful someday. Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise. Don’t depend your
future to their sayings, you are the own who create it.

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