Early Gestose

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12/29/22, 1:19 AM Early gestose. Hypertension disorders during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia. Eclampsia.

Time left 0:19:45

Question 1
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What antihypertensive drugs are absolutely contraindicated during pregnancy:

a. ACE inhibitors
b. Clonidine
c. β-blockers
d. Nifedipine
e. Methyldopa

Question 2
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When providing first aid to a pregnant woman during an eclampsia attack, it is necessary
do all except:

a. Place the woman on a flat surface in a position on her left side or with a displacement of the
uterus to the left by 15-20°
b. Cleaning of the oral cavity and larynx with an electric vacuum cleaner
c. After the attack, immediately start therapy with magnesium sulfate
d. Provide oxygen supply (100% oxygen at a rate of 8-10 liters per minute)
e. Diazepam injection

Question 3
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How many times a day the patient with moderate vomiting complaints of vomiting?

a. 2-4 times a day

b. 6-8 times in 3 days
c. More than 10 times a day
d. 8-10 times a day
e. 4-6 times a day

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12/29/22, 1:19 AM Early gestose. Hypertension disorders during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia. Eclampsia.

Question 4

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Primigravida at term of 34 weeks of gestation, was admitted to hospital. Complained of a

headache, reduced vision. Blood pressure 170/120 mmHg. Edema in legs, abdominal wall, face.
Proteinuria 5 g/l, hyaline and granular casts. Ht — 42, thrombocytes — 130x10*9, fibrinogen ++
+, serum creatinine 300 mm/l. During the day condition is worsened. Determine the doctor’s

a. Amniotomy and stimulation by oxytocin

b. Amniotomy and stimulation by oxytocin, application of obstetric forceps
c. Induced labor (stimulation by oxytocin)
d. Urgent Cesarean section
e. Conservative treatment, observation

Question 5
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A 25-year-old pregnant woman was admitted to a maternity hospital by the emergency car. According
to her relatives’ words, at home, she had three seizures. She did not suffer from epilepsy.
Objectively: pregnant is unconscious. Blood pressure on the right and left hand is 190/120 mm Hg, and
her lower and upper limbs are swollen. The gestation period is 35 weeks. Diagnosis?

a. Diabetic coma
b. Epilepsy
c. Acute renal failure
d. Eclamptic coma
e. Hepatic coma

Question 6
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Usually, pre-eclampsia develops in women with background pathologies listed below, EXCEPT:

a. Idiopathic arterial hypotension

b. Hypertensive disease
c. Obesity
d. Diabetes
e. Renal pathology

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12/29/22, 1:19 AM Early gestose. Hypertension disorders during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia. Eclampsia.

Question 7

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Drug of choice for treating moderate preeclampsia is:

a. β-blockers
b. ACE inhibitors
c. Methyldopa
d. Diuretics
e. Clonidine

Question 8
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A 35-year-old pregnant woman at 35 weeks of gestation was admitted to hospital because of

severe form of late gestosis (BP 170/110 mm Hg). At home she felt acute pain in the abdomen,
weakness, dizziness. The slight blood discharge from vagina appeared. Objective data: BP –
90/50 mm Hg, pulse – 110 beats per min, pale skin, uterus is in constant increased tone, painful
bulge is palpated close by tubal angle of the uterus. Fetal heart beats – 160-180 per min. What
complication of late gestosis is it?

a. Initial uterine rupture

b. Placental abruptio
c. Preterm labor
d. Preeclampsia
e. Acute appendicitis

Question 9
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Pregnant woman, 28 years old, was admitted to the maternity hospital in a comatose state. Pregnancy is
the first, 34 weeks of gestation. According to the husband, the pregnant woman had two seizures with
subsequent loss of consciousness. On examination, there is no consciousness, the face
swollen, cyanotic. The generalized edema is noted. Blood pressure is 180/110 mmHg. Uterus is
normotonic, the position of the fetus is longitudinal, the head is mobile above the entrance to the
small pelvis. The fetal heartbeat is dull, 150-160 bpm. During catheterization
of the bladder, 30 ml of urine was obtained, protein in the urine - 16.1 g/l. Eclampsia is diagnosed.
Determine the tactics of managing a pregnant woman:

a. Conduct prevention of RDS-syndrome

b. Carry out immediate delivery by caesarean section
c. Bring the pregnant woman out of a comatose state and give birth per via naturalis
d. Prolong the pregnancy and give birth by caesarean section at term pregnancy
e. Treat eclampsia and prolong pregnancy

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12/29/22, 1:19 AM Early gestose. Hypertension disorders during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia. Eclampsia.

Question 10

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Primigravida, 35 weeks of gestation, was admitted to the hospital with BP 200/120 mm Hg. The
partial abruption of placenta was identified. The urgent Caesarean section was performed.
During the operation: the all sites of the injections started to bleed, the bleeding appeared from
the tissues and uterus without blood clots. The BP decreased to 70/40 mmHg, pulse – 110 beats
per min, anuria. What complication developed ?

a. Uterine atony
b. Hemorrhagic shock
c. Disseminated intravascular clotting
d. Uterine hypotonia
e. Amniotic fluid embolism

Question 11
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A 21-year-old G1P0 at 9 weeks of gestation complains of nausea, vomiting 20 times a day, loss of weight
4 kg within 10 days. Her condition is severe, the smell of acetone from the mouth. Her body
temperature is 37,1 o C, her skin is dry, pale yellow. HB is 110 beats per minute. Treatment has no
effect. Determine your tactics.

a. Termination of pregnancy
b. Tocolytic therapy
c. To establish parenteral nutrition
d. To continue infusion therapy
e. Antiemetic and sedative therapy

Question 12
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All of the below belong to rare forms of gestoses during pregnancy EXCEPT:

a. Tetania of pregnancy
b. Acute fatty liver
c. Osteomalacia of pregnancy
d. Dermatosis of pregnancy
e. Hyperemesis gravidarum

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12/29/22, 1:19 AM Early gestose. Hypertension disorders during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia. Eclampsia.

Question 13

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All of the below describe the condition of a woman with mild vomiting EXCEPT:

a. Edema
b. Tachycardia
c. Normal blood pressure
d. General weakness
e. Normal diuresis

Question 14
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A 24-year-old primigravida at 35-36 weeks of gestation was admitted to obstetrical department

because of headache, blood pressure - 180/110 mm Hg in right, 140/90 mm Hg in left,
generalised edema. Tactics?

a. Hospitalization in intensive care unit

b. Antihypertensive therapy
c. Control of BP and diuresis
d. Outpatient surveillance
e. Hospitalization in delivery room

Question 15
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Early gestoses are all listed below, EXCEPT:

a. Vomiting of pregnancy
b. Dermatosis gravidarum
c. Hypersalivation
d. HELLP-syndrome
e. Acute liver dystrophy

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12/29/22, 1:19 AM Early gestose. Hypertension disorders during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia. Eclampsia.

Question 16

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How many times a day the patient with mild vomiting complaints of vomiting?

a. 8-10 times a day

b. 2-4 times a day
c. Every 12 hours
d. 6-8 times in 3 days
e. 4-6 times a day

Question 17
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A 42-year-old pregnant has essential hypertension. Which of the following medications is to be

avoided during pregnancy?

a. Clonidine
b. Hypothiazid
c. Dibazol
d. Capoten
e. Nifedipin

Question 18
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A 35-year-old G1P0 at 10 weeks gestation complains of a several-day history of generalized

malaise, anorexia, nausea, and emesis. She denies any headache or visual changes. On physical
examination: mild jaundice. A temperature was 37.7°C (99.9°F), pulse of 70 beats per minute,
and blood pressure of 100/62 mm Hg. Blood is drawn and the following results are obtained:
WBC = 25,000, Hct = 42.0, platelets = 51,000, ALT/AST = 287/350, glucose = 43, creatinine =
2.0, fibrinogen = 135, PT/PTT = 16/50 s, serum ammonia level = 90 mmol/L (nl = 11-35).
Urinalysis is positive for 3+ protein and large ketones. Which of the following is the most likely

a. Hyperemesis gravidarum
b. Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
c. Severe preeclampsia
d. Hepatitis B
e. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy

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12/29/22, 1:19 AM Early gestose. Hypertension disorders during pregnancy. Pre-eclampsia. Eclampsia.

Question 19

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Severe preeclampsia is not characterized by:

a. Severe headache
b. Visual impairment
c. Pain in the lumbar region
d. Nausea, vomiting
e. Pain in the epigastric area

Question 20
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Pregnant 38 years old, at term of 11-12 weeks of gestation, admitted to the antenatal clinic for
registrations. From the anamnesis: this pregnancy is II (the first one- an emergency cesarean section at
30 weeks of gestation was performed due to severe preeclampsia). During an ultrasound examination,
no fetal pathology was detected. Which one should she be given treatment to prevent preeclampsia?

a. Prescribe drugs in case of complications

b. Acetylsalicylic acid 75 mg from 12 weeks to 34 weeks + 1.5-2.0 g of calcium from 16 weeks of gestation
c. Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg from the moment of pregnancy + 1.5-2.0 g of calcium from 16 weeks of
d. Acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg from 12 weeks to 36 weeks + 1.5-2.0 g of calcium from
16 weeks of gestation
e. Folic acid 400 μg + iodine preparations 200.0 mg

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