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In what place does Thursday come before Wednesday?

A farmer had seventeen sheep, all but nine died. How many does he have now?

How many letters are there in English Language?

If you take three apples from five apples, how many do you have?

I am written with 3 letters, pronounced like 1 letter, and found in all animals.

A ‘canine’ is an animal. What animal is it?

What goes around the world but still stays in a corner?

Remove the outside, cook the inside; eat the outside, throw away the inside

A man was driving a black car. The car lights were off, and the moon was not out.
How did the driver manage to see a cat crossing the street?

What walks on four legs in the morning, two at mid-day, and three in the evening?

What month has 28 days?

What 11-letter English word does everyone pronounce incorrectly?

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