Semana 5

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1. SIMPLE PAST TENSE: VERB TO BE: Was / were es la forma en pasado simple.


Se relacionan con el verbo SER/ ESTAR

She was sick last month. They were at CEPRE a cycle ago.
(Ella estuvo / estaba enferma el mes pasado.) (Ellos estaban / estuvieron en CEPRE hace
un ciclo.)

I was late yesterday. I wasn’t late yesterday.
You were my teacher 5 years ago. You weren’t my teacher 5 years ago.
He was playful. He wasn’t playful.
She was on the bus. She wasn’t on the bus.
It was funny. It wasn’t funny.
We were good musicians atschool. We weren’t good musicians atschool.
You were brilliant in theconference. You weren’t brilliant in theconference.
They were hungry after the parade. They weren’t hungry after the parade.


Was I late yesterday. Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
Were you my teacher 5 years ago. Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Was he playful. Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
Was she on the bus. Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t.
Was it funny. Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.
Were we good musicians atschool. Yes, we were. No, we weren’t.
Were you brilliant in theconference. Yes, you were. No, you weren’t.
Were they hungry after the parade. Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.

Some examples:


I was sick. I was not sick. Was I sick?
Yo estuve enfermo. Yo no estuve enfermo. ¿Estuve enfermo?

You were tired. You were not tired. Were you tired?
Tú estuviste cansado. Tú no estuviste cansado. ¿Estuviste cansado?
He was in the garden. He was not in the garden. Was he in the garden?
Él estuvo en el jardín. Él no estuvo en el jardín. ¿Estuvo él en el jardín?
She was delayed. She was not delayed. Was she delayed?
Ella estuvo retrasada. Ella no estuvo retrasada. ¿Estuvo ella retrasada?
It was sunny. It was not sunny. Was it sunny?
Esto estuvo caluroso. Esto no estuvo caluroso. ¿Estuvo esto caluroso?
We were on holiday. We were not on holiday. Were we on holiday?
Nosotros estuvimos de Nosotros no estuvimos de ¿Estuvimos de vacaciones?
vacaciones. vacaciones.
You were scared. You were not scared. Were you scared?
Ustedes estuvieron Ustedes no estuvieron ¿Estuvieron ustedes asustados?
asustados. asustados.
They were hungry. They were not hungry. Were they hungry?
Ellos estuvieron Ellos no estuvieron hambrientos. ¿Estuvieron ellos hambrientos?

Exercise 1
Read and complete the text about a holiday.

Last Summer I (1) to Paris. It's a great place to have a holiday. On the first day, we went to a
restaurant with a terrace. It had a wonderful view of the sea. Also, the dishes (2) absolutely delicious.
On the second day, we went to an art museum. There (3) many pictures, but there were many
contemporary art productions. I (4) like them a lot. After that, we went to the
beach. There (5) a huge blue ship. It (6) really interesting to see. After visiting the museums, we
returned to our hotel room as we (7) reallytired.

1. A) go B) was C) went D) is 5. A) were B) weren’t C) wasn’t D) was

2. A) was B) were C) weren´t D) are 6. A) was B) are C) weren’t D) were
3. A) was B) were C) weren’t D) are 7. A) was B) were C) weren’t D) are
4. A) didn’t B) wasn’t C) are D) is

Exercise 2
Read and circle True (T) or False (F).

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian musician and composer. He lived from 1756 to 1791.
He started composing at the age of five years old and wrote more than 600 pieces of music. He
was only 35 years old when he died.

1. Mozart was Australian. T F

2. He composed at least 600 pieces of music. T F
3. He died when he was old. T F
4. Mozart was only a musician. T F


Presente simple: 'There is, there are' Tiene el significado de "haber" (Existencia).
Se forma con "there" seguido del presente del verbo "to be" en
singular o plural. Se usa there is (singular) y there are (plural) para
indicar que algo existe.

Past simple: 'There was, there were', se utiliza para expresar cantidad / existencia

en pasado. "Was" se usa con pronombres singulares, en cambio, "were" usa con

pronombres en plural.

There is a cat in the garden. There are three cats in the garden.
There is a car on the street. There are nine cars on the street.
Is there always a guard in the museum? Are there always 20 students in your class?

Present Past
Singular a table. some
Singular a table.
There is some water. There was water.
+ Plural two books.
Plural two books.
There are some books There were some books

Singular a table.
Singular a table.
There was not any water.

- There is not

There are not
any water.

two books.
any books.
There were not
two books.
any books.

Singular Singular a table?

a table?
Is there any water? Was there any water?
Plural Plural two books?
two books?
Are there any books? Were there any books?

Yes, there is. Yes, there was.

No, there isn’t. Yes, there wasn´t
Yes, there are. No, there were.
No, there aren’t. No, there weren’t.

OPEN QUESTION. Se pone al principio la palabra "Wh-" seguido del auxiliar en
pasado y luego el complemento:

"Wh-" question past of "to be" verb auxiliary complement

What was there in the room?
How many pens were there on the table?


IN We use in for non- In the Middle Ages (en la Edad Media)

specific times: In the past/future(en el pasado/futuro)
In a week/ /month /year(en una semana/día mes/año)
Lengths of time in a minute, in an hour (en un minuto / hora)
parts of the day (not in the morning (en la mañana)
night) months in February (En febrero)
season in (the) summer (En verano)
s years in 1991 (En 1991)
decade in the 1960’s (En los sesenta)
s in the 20th century (En el siglo veinte)
ON We use on to on my Birthday (el día de mi cumpleaños)
designate: specific on Christmas day (el día de Navidad)
days on Saturday(s)
days of the on the 21st of May, on 23rd May( el veinte de mayo)
week dates on Monday evening (el lunes por la noche)
specific part of a on a cold day (en un día frío)
day adjective + day
AT We use at to designate at 5 o’ clock, at 7.45 p.m.(a las 5:00 / 7:45)
specific times: at night (en la noche)
at Easter /at the weekend (en la Pascua / en el fin
clock time de semana)
night at that time / at present / at the moment /at the end ...
holiday periods (en ese tiempo / en la actualidad, en este momento / al
with some expressions: final)

Other prepositions referring to the time

after later than something after school

ago how far something happened (in the past) 6 years ago
before earlier than something before Christmas
between time that separates two points between Monday and Friday
by not later than a special time by Thursday
during through the whole of a period of time during the holidays
for period of time for three weeks
from ... to two points from a period from Monday to Wednesday
past time of the day 23 minutes past 6 (6:23)
since point of time since Monday
till/until no later than a special time till / until tomorrow
to time of the day 23 minutes to 6 (5:37)
up to not more than a special time up to 6 hours a day
within during a period of time within a day


I. Choose the correct alternative

1. My sister on July 15th 2003. .

A) was born / in B) was / in C) did born / on D) was born / at E) were born / in

2. They Huaraz two days ago because they couldn’t get the plane tickets on time.
A) was B) were C) wasn’t D) weren't E) was not

4. There many bookstores in the city, so I surfed on the web to buy new books.
A) were B) wasn’t C) didn’t D) weren’t E) aren’t

5. A: students in classroom after class? / B: Yes, there .

A) Were there / wasn’t B) Was there / wasn’t C) Were there / were D) Was there / was

6. They woke up 9: 30 the morning.

A) at / in B) in / on C) on/ at D) at/ until E) in / ago

7. A: there exotic animals in the zoo?
A) Were / Yes, there weren’t.
B) Was / No, there were.
C) Were / Yes, there were.
D) Was / Yes, there was.
E) Were / Yes, there was.

8. There classes 5 7.
A) was / from / until
B) were / until / to
C) were / from / to
D) were / since / within
E) were / between / to

9. Where were you born?

A) I was born in Lima on May 13th.
B) They were born at 7 p.m.
C) You were in Huaraz two weeks ago.
D) They were born in April.
E) We were born in 1991.

10. my mother’s birthday I at home with her. I wanted to spend the whole day together.
A) In / was
B) On / wasn’t
C) At / wasn’t
D) In / was
E) On / was


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