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Para ofrecer o pedir algo de manera educada, se emplea el condicional del verbo to like.
La forma correspondiente al ofrecimiento se construye con la fórmula interrogativa:
Would you like…? (¿Le apetece…?, ¿Quiere… ?). En el momento de expresar una
petición, en cambio, se utiliza la enunciativa I would like … (Quiere…).

S + would like to + verb + complement

I would like to drink a glass of water.
(Me gustaría tomar un vaso de agua.)
Would like to (gustaría)
Verb S + would not like to + verb + complement
I would not like to eat junk food.
(No me gustaría comer comida chatarra.)

Would + S + like to + verb + complement?

Would you like to hang out?
(¿Te gustaría salir a pasear fuera?)

Exercise 1

Look at the picture and choose the correct answer.

(Observe los dibujos y elija la respuesta correcta.)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. Sophia would like soap A) to watch B) watch C) watches D) watching

operas. A) eats B) eating C) to eat D) would eat
2. I’d like vegetables. A) reading B) reads C) read D) to read
3. Would you like this

4. Matthew to climb a A) like B) would C) would like D) likes

5. She to go out with her A) like B) would likes C) would like D) love
6. He to surf on the Internet. A) loves B) would like C) would D) like to


Most adverbs are formed from adjectives by adding ‘’ LY ‘’ at the end of adjectives.
(La mayoría de los adverbios proceden de adjetivos a los que se les ha añadido –ly al final)

ADJECTIVE ADVERB Run quickly, it’s

Cheap (barato) Cheaply an emergency.
Quick (rápido) Quickly

If the adjective ends in -y, replace the “y” with “i" and add –ly.
(Si el adjetivo termina en –y, se reemplaza la “y” con “i" y se agrega –ly.

Easy Easily
Happy Happily She sleeps happily.

If the adjective ends in -able, -ible, or -le, replace the -e with -y.

Probable Probably
Terrible Terribly Tom cooks terribly.

If the adjective ends in -ic, add -ally. Exception: public -> publicly


Basic Basically economically.
Economic Economically

Some adverbs have the same form as the adjective: early, fast, hard, high, late, near, straight, &
wrong. (good well)

It’s a fast car. He drives very fast.
This is a hard exercise. He works hard.

Exercise 2
Put the adjective or adverb form
(coloque el adjetivo o adverbio)

1. Choose the correct answer.

My neighbor is a careless driver. He drives .
A) quickly B) hardly C) slowly D) terribly E) fast

2. Choose the correct answer.

Kate took a painting class, so she can create paintings.
A) noisy B) few C) bad D) happily E) beautiful

3. Choose the correct answer.

The little boy kept the cookie for himself.
A) selfishly B) hard C) selfish D) happy E) good

4. Choose the correct answer.

The fireman rescued the people from the burning house.
A) brave B) loudly C) loud D) bravely E) kind

5. Choose the correct answer.

He is the most person I know. He is always nice with everybody.
A) strange B) happily C) normally D) probably E) polite

6. Choose the correct answer.
The man opened the door and looked inside.
A) stupidly B) successfully C) gently D) nervously E) nervous

7. Choose the correct answer.

The clever cat waited for the mouse to come out of the hole.
A) silent B) silently C) boring D) bored E) happy

8. Choose the correct answer.

I offered to help my classmate to study together for his exam.
A) happy B) happily C) tired D) bigly E) badly

9. Choose the correct answer.

Of course , when I passed the entrance exam.
A) I was well B) I was angry C) I was happy D) I was happily
E) I was hard

10. Choose the correct answer.

The English teacher looked at me when I arrived late.
A) happy B) quietly C) politely D) angry E) angrily

Exercise 3
Choose the correct form of the word. (Elige la forma correcta de la palabra)

1. The cheese on this cracker tastes ___________(strange- strangely)

2. You look _________ Didn’t you sleep well? (tired – tiredly)
3. The hem of the skirt was __________crooked (real – really)
4. The solution to the outrageous crime seemed ___________ (obvious – obviously)
5. She speaks so ___________ that I can hardly hear her. (soft – softly)
6. Patricia held the plate _____________ (careful – carefully)
7. His bearing makes him a perfect choice for the role of pharaoh in our play____________
(kingly – king)
8. ‘’I’m the greatest,’’ he said ___________, as he flexed his almost nonexistent muscles.
(joke - jokingly)
9. Sometimes the lyrics move by too that I get lost at the karaoke. (quick - quickly)
10. It was a ____________lake to swim in. (dangerously - dangerous)


1. Circle the correct answer.

A: ______________ a cup of coffee?
B: Yes, __________.

A) Would you enjoy / I wouldn’t.

B) Would you like / I’d like to.
C) Would you love/ I’d not to.
D) Would you like / I wouldn’t.
E) Would you love / I love to

2. Choose the correct answer.

A: What _______you like__________tomorrow?
B: I’d like to visit my parents.

A) would – to think
B) she’d – to does
C) you’d – to eat
D) would – to do
E) do – doing to

3. Complete with the correct answer.

A: Would she like ______________to the party? B: She’d love to.
A) for coming
B) comes
C) came
D) coming
E) to come

4. Circle the letter that indicates the correct sentence.

A) Would you like to spend the day outside?
B) She’d like travel to Huaraz soon.
C) We’d never realized what happened.
D) They wouldn’t like to go there.
E) He’d like to repeat it, please.

5. Circle the letter that indicates the correct sentence.

She drove ___________ that’s why we didn’t have any problem on the road.

A) economically
B) dangerously
C) happily
D) cheaply
E) carefully

6.Choose the alternative that indicates the correct sentence.
A) The man terribly plays and he lost the game.
B) The man terribly played and he lost the game
C) The terribly played man and he lost the game
D) The man play and he terribly lost the game.
E) The man played terribly and he lost the game.

7. Circle the letter that indicates the correct sentence.

A: _________________________________
B: Yes, I’m pretty thirsty.

A) Would like you something to drink?

B) Could you like to drink something?
C) Would you like something to drink?
D) Do you like to something drink?
E) Would like something you to drink?

8. Circle the letter that indicates the correct sentence.

A) Humans would like to colonize Mars but they don’t have enough equipment.
B) Humans would like colonized Mars but they do have enough equipment.
C) Humans would like colonize mars but they didn’t have enough equipment.
D) Humans would to colonize Mars but they have enough equipment.
E) Humans wouldn’t like to colonize Mars but they have enough equipment.

9. Complete the following sentence.

The student said that he completed the exam _________.
A) quickly
B) hard
C) sadly
D) kindly
E) surprinsingly

10. Circle the correct answer.

A: They should study ________ to pass the course.
B: I agree.

A) fast B) badly C) hard D) possibly E) probably


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