Msi English Exercises

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The following text is for questions no. 1-5

There once lived a monk called Shan, in a village in China. He had earned a great
name for himself. But he was very arrogant.
Qui Jun heard of his arrogance and wanted to teach the monk a lesson. He went to
meet Shan who neither greeted him nor acknowledged his presence.
Just then a servant of the monk came with a message: “The son of an army officer is here to
see you.”
The monk said, “I will go and greet him.”
Shan welcomed the son of the army officer with respect.
After the army officer’s son had departed Qui Jun asked Shan the reason for his
double-faced behavior. “Why is it that you greeted the army officer’s son so respectfully, yet
behaved so arrogantly towards me?”
Shan the Monk had a quick reply: “Please don’t get me wrong. For me greeting
means not greeting and not greeting means greeting.”
Qui Jun understood the monk’s mischief and hit him hard on his head with his stick.
“According to your logic, beating you means not beating and not beating means beating.
Therefore, I have to give you a beating,” said Qui Jun.
Shan immediately realized the folly of his actions and started showing respect to
everyone he met, irrespective of their status.

1. Shan had a great name … arrogant.

A. but
B. despite
C. although
D. in spite of

2. What happened when Qui Jun paid a visit to Shan?

A. Shan was genuinely very friendly to Qui Jun.
B. Qui Jun found out that Shan was really respectful.
C. The mon didn’t acknowledge Qui Jun’s presence.
D. It was Shan’s real attitude that he was respectful to others.

3. What did Shan do when an army officer’s son visited him?

A. The monk showed respect to visiting guests.
B. Shan pretended to greet the guest respectfully.
C. Shan was always respectful to visiting guests.
D. The mon hit the officer’s son so hard on his face.

4. The word double-faced in “… the reason for his double-faced behavior”. (par. 2)
approximately means …
A. having two faces
B. genuine daily behavior
C. pretending to be the opposite
D. treating people differently
5. From the text we know that …
A. Qui Jun took Shan’s distorted logic to teach him a lesson
B. Shan’s mischievous behavior claimed a victim
C. Shan’s servant taught him a lesson
D. Shan never learned a lesson

The following text is for questions no. 6-10

Atiqah Hasiholan is dubbed as a “Queen of Nomination” in Indonesian film world. An
actress who has just turned 30 is again to be nominated as the best actress in Indonesia Film
Festival. The daughter of Ratna Sarumpaet was last playing in Hello Goodbye which is now
on at the Indonesian cinemas. She was before nominated as the best actress in 2009 when
she was staring Ruma Maida, and as the Female Support Actress in 2011 by playing in The
Mirror Never Lies. Atiqah is now promoting Hello Goodbye. In this film she acted as the main
character, Indah, who worked in Indonesian Embassy in Busan. As an embassy staff, she was
assigned to take care of an Indonesian sailor who got a heart attack, whom she couldn’t
help falling in love with.
NN. 2012. Atiqah Hasiholan Ratu Nominasi in Kompas. December 2nd. P.24

6. How old is Atiqah Hasiholan in 2020?

A. 30
B. 32
C. 38
D. 40

7. Atiqah Hasiholan is dubbed as a “Queen of Nomination” in Indonesian film world

because …
A. she has been repeatedly nominated the best actress
B. she played “Queen of Nomination” in a film series
C. she enjoyed being nominated the best actress
D. she deserves being nominated

8. She played different characters in the following films, EXCEPT …

A. Hello Goodbye
B. Ruma Maida
C. The Mirror Never Lies
D. Indonesian Embassy

9. The word this film in “In this film she acted as the main character…” refers to …
A. Ruma Maida
B. Hello Goodbye
C. Indonesian Embassy
D. The Mirror Never Lies

10. “As an embassy staff, she was assigned to take care of an Indonesian sailor who got
a heart attack, whom she couldn’t help falling in love with.” (last sentence)
From the sentence above, it is inferred that …
A. the embassy staff fall in love with the sailor
B. the sailor took care of the embassy staff
C. the embassy staff did not like the sailor
D. the embassy staff ignored the sailor

The following dialogue is for questions no. 11-12

Ms. April : Alright class, please put all your books and notes back into your bags. Now it’s
time for a quiz on chapter one and two.
Arman : A quiz? Oh, no! I’m completely unprepared!
(Several minutes later)
Ms. April : Arman, what are you doing back there? Are you trying to cheat? Give me that
note, please.
Arman : 11. … (denying a mistake)
Ms. April : But I saw you busy looking for something in your drawer.
Arman : That’s right, miss. I was looking for my other glasses. These ones are killing
Ms. April : Alright then, just don’t make yourself look suspicious.
Arman : 12. …. (promise)

11. A. No, I am not, Ma’am.

B. The note is not with you.
C. I never read from your note.
D. You never give me the note.

12. A. I will never cheat you.

B. I never promise cheating.
C. I promise not to cheat, Ma’am.
D. Can you promise not to cheat.

The following text is for questions no. 13-20


Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like a duck’s bill. Platypus is
an indigenous of Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia. Although it lays eggs instead
of bearing its young alive, the platypus is a true mammal, not a reptile. It nurses its young
with milk as do other mammals. Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30
and 45 cm covered with a thick and wooly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up
mud. Platypus’ eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light.
The male platypus has a hollow claws, or spur, on each hind leg. The spurs are connected with
poison glands. The platypus legs scratches and poisons its enemies with the spurs. Platypus
lives in streams, rivers and lakes. Female platypus usually digs burrows in the streams or river
banks. The burrows are blocked with soil to protect it from intruders and flooding. On the
other hand, make platypus doesn’t need any burrow to stay.

13. “Platypus is an indigenous of Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.” The word
indigenous in that sentence is closes in meaning to …
A. native
B. original
C. offspring
D. descendant

14. It is true about platypus, EXCEPT …

A. It lays eggs.
B. It is a reptile.
C. It is a mammal.
D. It nurses its young.

15. Platypus has ability to sense sound and light … having no ears.
A. even though
B. although
C. however
D. despite

16. “Female platypus usually digs burrows in the streams or river banks.” The word
burrow approximately means …
A. canal
B. hole
C. cave
D. stream

17. The word it in “The burrows are blocked with soil to protect it from …” refers to …
A. soil
B. burrow
C. intruder
D. platypus

18. Female platypus need burrows to stay … the male ones do not.
A. when
B. besides
C. whereas
D. in spite of

19. If one more paragraph is added, it possibly talks about …

A. The origin of platypus.
B. How platypus lays eggs.
C. The breeding of platypus.
D. How platypus gets its prey.

20. Which one is NOT the habitat of platypus?

A. sea
B. lake
C. river
D. stream
Arrange the given sentences below into a logical paragraph:
1) It was Thursday, January 17th, 2013 when I felt so worried.
2) I felt even more worried when I left the office at 16 for the airport.
3) It rained heavily since early in the morning.
4) Some main roads to airport were severely flooded and hindered my trip.
5) Water kept rising to an alarming level.
6) My feeling worried was true.
7) It took me 4 hours to reach the airport only to hear the announcement that the plane
was leaving without me!

21. The best arrangement of the paragraph is …

A. 1-5-3-4-2-7-6
B. 1-2-3-4-6-5-7
C. 1-3-5-2-4-6-7
D. 1-4-3-2-6-7-5

The following text is for questions no. 22-25

22. The brochure is about …

A. Meals for street people
B. Trading meals on the street
C. Helping the poor on the street
D. Meals for elderly dependent individuals

23. People with the following conditions deserve the service of Meals on Wheels,
A. Homebound
B. Older than 60
C. Stranded people in remote areas
D. Cannot cook complete meals for themselves
24. The brochure is spread because they need …
A. more cook
B. volunteers
C. more supply
D. financial support

25. The purpose of the service is to …

A. care very old people
B. support the elderly people around
C. help generate more funding to help elderly people
D. help build better quality of life for older adult in the community they serve

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