11 Arrhythmias in Pregnancy

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1, 2022




Arrhythmias in Pregnancy
Kamala P. Tamirisa, MD,a Uri Elkayam, MD,b,c Joan E. Briller, MD,d Pamela K. Mason, MD,e
Jayasree Pillarisetti, MD, MSC,f Faisal M. Merchant, MD,g Hena Patel, MD,h Dhanunjaya R. Lakkireddy, MD,i
Andrea M. Russo, MD,j Annabelle Santos Volgman, MD,k Marmar Vaseghi, MD, PHDl


Increasing maternal mortality and incidence of arrhythmias in pregnancy have been noted over the past 2 decades in the
United States. Pregnancy is associated with a greater risk of arrhythmias, and patients with a history of arrhythmias are at
significant risk of arrhythmia recurrence during pregnancy. The incidence of atrial fibrillation in pregnancy is rising. This
review discusses the management of tachyarrhythmias and bradyarrhythmias in pregnancy, including management of
cardiac arrest. Management of fetal arrhythmias are also reviewed. For patients without structural heart disease, b-
blocker therapy, especially propranolol and metoprolol, and antiarrhythmic drugs, such as flecainide and sotalol, can be
safely used to treat tachyarrhythmias. As a last resort, catheter ablation with minimal fluoroscopy can be performed.
Device implantation can be safely performed with minimal fluoroscopy and under echocardiographic or ultrasound
guidance in patients with clear indications for devices during pregnancy. Because of rising maternal mortality in the
United States, which is partly driven by increasing maternal age and comorbidities, a multidisciplinary and/or integrative
approach to arrhythmia management from the prepartum to the postpartum period is needed.
(J Am Coll Cardiol EP 2022;8:120–135) © 2022 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

A n increasing trend in maternal mortality has

been reported in the United States. As of
2019, an estimated 20.1 maternal deaths per
100,000 live births were reported in the United
during pregnancy has also been reported to be
increasing during this same period, primarily caused
by increased incidences of atrial fibrillation (AF) and
ventricular tachycardia (VT). Notably, hospitalization
States, an increase of 17.4 deaths per 100,000 live during pregnancy for arrhythmias is associated with
births since 2018, with a growing trend noted since an increased risk of both maternal and fetal complica-
1999 (1,2). The exact contribution of arrhythmias to tions, including maternal mortality (4-6). In a 10-year
this rising mortality is unclear, because arrhythmias retrospective analysis of maternal cardiovascular
are not analyzed separately from other cardiovascular deaths, arrhythmias were the immediate or underly-
etiologies in the Pregnancy Mortality Surveillance ing cause in 10.7% (7). The frequency of arrhythmias
System (3). However, the incidence of arrhythmias is greater in women 41-50 years of age, African

From the aTexas Cardiac Arrhythmia Institute, Austin and Dallas, Texas, USA; bDivision of Cardiology, Department of Medicine,
Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, California, USA; cDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Keck
School of Medicine, University of Southern California, California, USA; dDivision of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Uni-
versity of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA; eDivision of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Virginia,
Charlottesville, Virginia, USA; fDivision of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Texas Health, San Antonio, Texas,
USA; gDivision of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA; hDivision of
Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA; iKansas City Heart Rhythm Institute, Kansas
City, Kansas, USA; jDivision of Cardiology, Cooper University Hospital, Camden, New Jersey, USA; kDivision of Cardiology,
Department of Medicine, Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA; and the lUCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia Center, Di-
vision of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Anne Curtis, MD, served as Associate Guest Editor for this paper. William Stevenson, MD, served as Guest Editor-in-Chief for this
The authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the Author Center.

Manuscript received June 23, 2021; revised manuscript received October 6, 2021, accepted October 13, 2021.

ISSN 2405-500X/$36.00 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacep.2021.10.004

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JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 8, NO. 1, 2022 Tamirisa et al 121
JANUARY 2022:120–135 Arrhythmias in Pregnancy

forms of arrhythmias, such as premature ABBREVIATIONS

atrial and ventricular contractions, demon-
 The United States reported the highest strate a higher burden during pregnancy
AAD = antiarrhythmic drug
maternal mortality ratio in 2018. compared with prepregnancy. A history of
AF = atrial fibrillation
Arrhythmia incidence during pregnancy arrhythmias is an important risk factor for
CPR = cardiopulmonary
has been increasing. recurrent arrhythmias during pregnancy (15).
New-onset VT can be observed in structurally
 Pregnancy is associated with increased DCCV = direct-current
normal hearts (16,17). Proarrhythmic mecha- cardioversion
arrhythmia burden, and patients with a
nisms of pregnancy are presumably related to
ICD = implantable
history of arrhythmias are at significant
cardiovascular, autonomic, and hormonal cardioverter-defibrillator
recurrence risk.
changes. Increased plasma catecholamine SCA = sudden cardiac arrest
 Management of tachyarrhythmias de- concentrations, chronotropic effects of SVT = supraventricular
pends on the presence of underlying relaxin, mechanical effects of atrial stretch, tachycardia

structural heart disease and includes increased ventricular end-diastolic volume VT = ventricular tachycardia

adenosine, b -blockers, and specific anti- caused by intravascular volume expansion,

arrhythmic drugs with safety data during and hormonal and emotional changes all contribute
pregnancy. As a last resort, catheter to proarrhythmia (18,19).
ablation with minimal fluoroscopy can be Heart rate progressively increases during preg-
used. nancy, resulting in a 10%-25% increase from pre-
pregnancy values (20). Cardiac output rises early in
 Because of rising maternal mortality in
the first trimester and peaks in the second trimester,
the United States, which is partly driven
increasing by 45% (21). Estrogen and relaxin stimulate
by increasing maternal age and comor-
nitric oxide production, which increases peripheral
bidities, a multidisciplinary and/or inte-
arterial compliance and decreases vascular resistance
grative approach from prepregnancy to
(22,23). Normal pregnancy is associated with
postpartum is needed.
decreased parasympathetic and increased sympa-
thetic activity at rest. Increased sympathetic activity
American women, and those in the lowest income
may contribute to abnormal automaticity, reentry, or
quartile compared with Caucasian women, those
triggered activity (24-26).
younger than 30 years of age, and those with higher
socioeconomic status (6). In addition to advanced
maternal age and socioeconomic status, underlying
cardiovascular disease and congenital heart disease,
and cardiovascular comorbidities (hypertension, dia-
Certain electrocardiographic changes have been
betes mellitus, and obesity) contribute to increased
observed in pregnancy, although no systematic
arrhythmic risk (Figure 1) (4,5,8-10). Obesity is associ-
studies have been powered to accurately determine
ated with developing hypertensive disorders of preg-
these changes. For example, prolonged maximum
nancy, a known risk factor for AF (11,12). Greater
P-wave duration is observed (27). The PR interval
prevalence of cardiovascular disease is also associ-
may shorten, and a leftward shift in the QRS axis
ated with an increased risk of arrhythmias, including
may be seen (28). Prominent Q waves in the inferior
cardiac arrest. A study of 2.2 million pregnancy-
leads and flat and/or inverted T waves in leads III
associated admissions found that cardiac arrest and
and V1-V3 are more frequent in pregnancy. Because
arrhythmias were more common in pregnant women
of modest tachycardia, the QT interval is expected to
with cardiovascular disease than those without car-
be shorter; however, QT and QTc intervals are longer
diovascular disease (0.3% and 7.2% vs 0.004% and
in the second and third trimester of pregnancy
0.3%, respectively) (13). Arrhythmias are the most
compared with nonpregnancy, although they are still
common pregnancy complications in women with
within normal range (29,30). Maximum QTc and the
cardiovascular disease (9.3%) and present earlier in
T-peak to T-end interval, an indicator for dispersion
pregnancy, stressing the need for vigilance in this
of repolarization and sympathetic activation (31),
group (14).
increase by the third trimester. Although these al-
MECHANISMS OF ARRHYTHMIAS IN PREGNANCY terations are observed throughout pregnancy, values
for most women remain within normal physiological
Pregnancy is known to be associated with an ranges (32). However, for patients with an underly-
increased incidence of arrhythmias; more benign ing propensity for repolarization abnormalities,

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122 Tamirisa et al JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 8, NO. 1, 2022

Arrhythmias in Pregnancy JANUARY 2022:120–135

F I G U R E 1 Frequency of Arrhythmias in Pregnancy and Associated Mortality and Complications Between 2000 and 2012

(A) Frequency of any arrhythmia per 100,000 pregnancy-related hospitalizations, stratified by age. (B) Frequency of arrhythmias per 100,000 pregnancy-related
hospitalizations by arrhythmia type. (C) All-cause mortality for the entire study period. (D) Maternal and/or fetal complications by arrhythmia (including preterm labor,
ante- or postpartum hemorrhage, preeclampsia, eclampsia, gestational hypertension, transfusion, postpartum infection, and fluid and electrolyte imbalance). AF ¼ atrial
fibrillation; PSVT ¼ paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia; PVT ¼ paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia; SVT ¼ supraventricular tachycardia; VT ¼ ventricular tachycardia.
From Vaidya et al (6), with permission.

pregnancy could be a period of vulnerability for re-entrant tachycardia to pre-excited AF. These
cardiac arrhythmias. medications can increase conduction over the acces-
sory pathway, which can place the patient at risk of
INCIDENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF AF degenerating into ventricular arrhythmias (34).
SPECIFIC ARRHYTHMIAS Flecainide or procainamide can also be used for short-
term termination of SVT in this population. For pa-
SUPRAVENTRICULAR TACHYCARDIA. Supraventricular tients with recurrent SVT in pregnancy, except for
tachycardia (SVT) is 1 of the most common arrhyth- those with known pre-excitation or history of Wolf-
mias during pregnancy, with a prevalence of 24 per Parkinson-White syndrome, first-line therapy is b -
100,000 admissions. Approximately 20% of patients blocker therapy, with digoxin and calcium channel
with pre-existing SVT have exacerbations during blockers as second-line agents. For long-term sup-
pregnancy (4). For acute termination, vagal maneu- pression of SVT in patients with evidence of pre-
vers are the first-line therapy (Central Illustration), excitation, atrioventricular nodal blockade alone
followed by adenosine (33). If adenosine, b-blockers, should be used with caution because of the risk of
or calcium channel blockers are being used for acute development of pre-excited AF and an increased risk
termination of atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia of subsequent conduction over the accessory
in a patient with known pre-excitation, there should pathway (34). Pharmacologic prophylaxis with fle-
be close monitoring for conversion of atrioventricular cainide can be used for long-term suppression of SVT.

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JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 8, NO. 1, 2022 Tamirisa et al 123
JANUARY 2022:120–135 Arrhythmias in Pregnancy

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Arrhythmia Management During Pregnancy for Supraventricular Tachycardia,

Atrial Fibrillation, Ventricular Tachycardia, and Cardiac Arrest

Supraventricular Tachycardia Atrial Fibrillation Ventricular Tachycardia

AVNRT or AVRT • Acute and chronic • Hemodynamically unstable:
Acute: • 1st line: Beta-blockers • Synchronized DC
- Vagal maneuvers ± digoxin cardioversion
- Adenosine* • 2nd line: Ca-channel • Hemodynamically stable
Chronic: blockers • 1st line: lidocaine
• 1st line: Beta-blockers ± • DC cardioversion • 2nd line:
digoxin (in the absence if needed - procainamide
of pre-excitation **) • AADs to prevent - quinidine
• 2nd line: Ca-channel recurrences: • MMVT: Ablation only if
blockers - flecainide refractory with minimal/
• If pre-excitation is - sotalol zero fluoroscopy
present, flecainide + • Ablation, if refractory, • Deferring ablation to
beta-blocker with minimal/zero postpartum is preferred
• Ablation, if refractory, with fluoroscopy • Polymorphic VT: IV Mg
minimal/zero fluoroscopy • Deferring ablation to
• Deferring ablation to postpartum is preferred
postpartum is preferred

Cardiac Arrest Device Management

• Resuscitation/CPR protocol is unchanged • Disable shock therapy on ICDs during
• Manual lateral displacement of uterus labor and delivery, fetal and maternal
• Administration of drugs above the diaphragm to facilitate cardiac monitoring recommended
resuscitation • Devices can be implanted safely with
• Preparation for early cesarean delivery to improve maternal minimal/zero fluoroscopy
and fetal survival • Wearable cardioverter defibrillator
• No medication should be withheld out of concerns for fetal can be used instead of device
teratogenicity implantation
• Drug doses and defibrillation energy protocols remain unchanged

Tamirisa, K.P. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol EP. 2022;8(1):120–135.

Approach to device management is summarized. AAD ¼ anti-arrhythmic drug; AVNRT ¼ atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia; AVRT ¼ atrioventricular tachy-
cardia; Ca ¼ calcium; DC ¼ direct current; ICD¼ implantable cardioverter defibrillator; MMVT ¼ monomorphic ventricular tachycardia.

In cases of hemodynamic instability and concern for evaluating the presence and treatment of these ar-
fetal perfusion, urgent electrical cardioversion can be rhythmias in pregnancy, which are managed simi-
safely performed (18). Digoxin is contraindicated for larly, and little data exists on the prevalence of atrial
managing atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia in flutter alone. In a study of 1,321 pregnant women with
the setting of pre-excitation on the resting electro- congenital, valvular, and ischemic heart disease
cardiogram (34) evaluated between 2008 and 2011 in the Registry of
Although ablation has been successfully performed Pregnancy and Cardiac Disease, 1.3% developed AF or
during pregnancy for refractory SVTs using minimal atrial flutter, primarily in the second trimester, with
fluoroscopy (35,36), deferring ablation until the post- women with mitral valve disease having a higher
partum period is preferred. incidence. However, depending on the degree and
AF AND ATRIAL FLUTTER. AF and atrial flutter are type of structural heart disease, the incidences could
commonly observed during pregnancy. Most studies be as high as 39.2% (37). The 2020 European AF
report combined incidences of AF and flutter when guidelines have specific recommendations for

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124 Tamirisa et al JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 8, NO. 1, 2022

Arrhythmias in Pregnancy JANUARY 2022:120–135

pregnant women, including a class I recommendation a prevalence of 4.5-15.9 per 1,000 pregnancies (48).
for immediate direct-current cardioversion (DCCV) of Treatment of VT in patients with structural heart
hemodynamically unstable AF and atrial flutter disease is tailored to the underlying cardiac disease.
(18,38). Fetal monitoring is recommended during and Lidocaine and b-blockers can be safely used. Class IC
immediately after DCCV (Central Illustration). Beta- agents should not be used if VT is caused by coronary
blockers can be used for rate control. Digoxin and artery disease or myocardial ischemia (49).
verapamil can be used if needed, but calcium channel
blockers have less supportive data (39). Drug in-
absence of structural heart disease is typically he-
teractions between digoxin and verapamil should be
modynamically stable and associated with a good
considered. For rhythm control in the setting of
prognosis (50). It is often catecholamine sensitive,
recurrent or refractory AF, flecainide or sotalol can be
and treatment with b -blockers is usually effective
(17). Propranolol or metoprolol should be continued
A new AF or atrial flutter diagnosis should prompt
throughout pregnancy and the post-partum period
a transthoracic echocardiogram to evaluate for
(51,52). Sotalol, flecainide, or quinidine may be
structural heart disease. In addition, other causes,
considered in symptomatic patients with VT that re-
such as thyroid disease, electrolyte abnormalities,
curs despite b-blocker therapy. Verapamil can be
pulmonary embolism, and alcohol abuse, should be
used for acute termination and prevention of fascic-
considered (38).
ular VT (53).
If the patient is hemodynamically stable, initial
A c u t e t r e a t m e n t o f V T i n p r e g n a n c y . In the
management involves rate control. However, DCCV is
setting of hemodynamic instability, DCCV should be
often desirable for the index episode or inadequate
performed emergently because of the high risk of
rate control. DCCV should be performed within 48 h
fetal compromise. DCCV at 50-100 J (and if needed,
of AF onset to minimize stroke risk. Transesophageal
higher energies at 100-360 J) can be used (54). If the
echocardiography may be needed if AF onset is un-
patient is hemodynamically stable, lidocaine should
clear. Catheter ablation can be performed in re-
be tried first (54). Procainamide or quinidine may be
fractory symptomatic cases but is generally deferred
used if lidocaine is ineffective (Central Illustration).
until the post-partum period (36,40). The risk of
Amiodarone can be used in life-threatening situations
thromboembolism needs to be considered for preg-
when other therapies have failed (55). Magnesium
nant patients with AF or atrial flutter; heparin com-
(1-2 g intravenously) can be safely used for torsade de
pounds, particularly low-weight-molecular heparin,
pointes or polymorphic VT (54). Although case re-
are preferred.
ports of successful ablation have been reported (56),
Pregnancy is a prothrombotic state, although data
VT ablation is considered an option of last resort (57).
on stroke risk and AF and atrial flutter in pregnancy
are limited. Patients with mitral stenosis should be
fully anticoagulated. CHA 2DS2 -VASC has not been
validated during pregnancy. The 2018 European So-
Maternal cardiac arrest is a complex phenomenon
ciety of Cardiology guidelines recommend the same
that appears to be rising in frequency, occurring in
criteria for stroke risk stratification as in nonpregnant
approximately 1 per 12,000 hospitalizations (58).
patients (41).
Hemorrhage and anesthetic complications are the
VT. Although VT and VF are rare during pregnancy most prevalent causes of cardiac arrest that require
(with a prevalence of 2 per 100,000 hospital admis- cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), but cardiovas-
sions), the risk of recurrent VT in pregnant women cular causes should also be considered (59). Heart fail-
with congenital heart disease is high, at approxi- ure, acute myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac arrest
mately 27% (42,43). (SCA) death, aortic dissection, and pulmonary edema
V T i n s t r u c t u r a l h e a r t d i s e a s e . VT often occurs in are the most common cardiopulmonary causes of SCA
pregnant women with underlying cardiomyopathies, (7). Arrhythmias contribute to a substantial proportion
especially those with nonischemic cardiomyopathies of events (7,60). Because of the underlying causes of
(44,45). Ischemic cardiomyopathy is uncommon, but arrest in pregnancy tend to be reversible (because of
myocardial infarction complicated by ventricular ar- sepsis or hemorrhage), and because of increased
rhythmias caused by spontaneous coronary artery monitoring during pregnancy, better outcomes after
dissection and spasm with or without obstructive SCA for pregnant women than nonpregnant women
disease has been reported (46,47). Patients with have been observed (61). The hormonal changes during
congenital heart disease are at higher risk for VT, with pregnancy may also improve myocardial and cerebral

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JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 8, NO. 1, 2022 Tamirisa et al 125
JANUARY 2022:120–135 Arrhythmias in Pregnancy

blood flow during CPR (61). Notably, African American syndrome, especially through the high-risk post-
women have the highest mortality compared with partum period (64,65). The nonselective b -blocker
other racial/ethnic groups (61). propranolol is preferred, because of the greater
Cardiac arrest and especially postarrest care of the experience with the safety of this drug. If VT is
mother and the fetus benefit from a multidisciplinary already effectively controlled on nadolol, the drug
team of maternal and fetal experts, including anes- can be continued throughout pregnancy. There is a
thesiologists, cardiologists, obstetricians, and neo- potentially greater risk for fetal adverse events with
natologists. During cardiopulmonary resuscitation atenolol; therefore, atenolol should be avoided. In
and to avoid aorto-caval compression at 20 weeks of cases refractory to b -blocker therapy, particularly for
gestation and beyond, manual lateral displacement of long QT syndrome types 2 and 3, the addition of
the uterus should be considered. Chest compressions mexiletine can be considered. Fetal echocardiogra-
are performed in the standard position on the ster- phy should be considered. Particular attention
num. Preparation should be made for early peri- should be paid to anti-emetic use in pregnant
mortem and/or emergency cesarean delivery. No women with long QT syndrome because most anti-
medication should be withheld out of concerns for emetics prolong the QT interval (66). Close atten-
fetal teratogenicity. Drug doses and defibrillation tion should be paid to avoiding other QT-prolonging
protocols remain unchanged. Fetal monitoring may medications, including anti-emetics (eg, ondanse-
be interrupted during emergent management. tron) and agents that may typically be used for
anesthesia (ie, sevoflurane). A comprehensive list
INHERITED ARRHYTHMIA SYNDROMES can be found at https://www.crediblemeds.org. Of
note, oxytocin can prolong QT. Therefore, close co-
Pregnancy in women with inherited arrhythmia syn- ordination among obstetrics, obstetric anesthesia,
dromes is generally safe. Disease-specific assessment and pharmacy services is crucial to achieving good
includes risk stratification, evaluation of potential outcomes.
peripartum triggers, and pharmacologic manage- Less common inherited arrhythmia syndromes
ment. Prepregnancy genetic counseling, optimization during pregnancy include catecholaminergic poly-
of drugs, electrocardiography and exercise testing, morphic VT, Brugada syndrome, and arrhythmogenic
echocardiography, and implantable cardioverter- right ventricular cardiomyopathy. Arrhythmic events
defibrillator (ICD) optimization and/or monitoring in catecholaminergic polymorphic VT are triggered by
from the prepartum to the postpartum period are physical exertion or emotional stress, both of which
important. Labor and delivery planning, review of may be relevant during labor and delivery. However,
drugs postpartum, and cardiology assessment for the the risk of arrhythmic events in pregnant women with
newborn should occur as part of a multidisciplinary this disorder does not appear to be elevated
approach (62). compared with prepregnancy (67). Nonselective b-
Long QT syndrome is the most common inherited blockers play a key role in managing ventricular ar-
arrhythmia syndrome. Established risk factors for rhythmias in catecholaminergic polymorphic VT. It is
arrhythmias include a history of previous arrhyth- important that they are continued throughout preg-
mias and QTc >470 ms. The risk of arrhythmic nancy and in the postpartum period. Flecainide may
events in women with long QT syndrome is not be used if events occur despite b-blocker therapy (66).
significantly elevated during pregnancy compared Brugada syndrome is much more common in men,
with a control period before pregnancy (63,64). and data on managing this syndrome in pregnancy
However, the arrhythmic risk is markedly elevated are limited. Arrhythmic events in Brugada syndrome
in the 9-month postpartum period (63,64), particu- typically occur during periods of high vagal tone, and
larly among women with long QT syndrome type 2 treatment with quinidine can effectively reduce
(63-65). Adrenergic triggers are most relevant for arrhythmic events in pregnancy (68). Pregnancy in
long QT syndrome type 1, posing an increased risk women with arrhythmogenic right ventricular car-
around the time of labor and delivery (66). Auditory diomyopathy is generally well-tolerated. Beta-
stimuli and loud noises are important triggers of blockers should be continued during pregnancy,
arrhythmias for long QT syndrome type 2 and should particularly in patients with a history of ventricular
be avoided. Lactation is generally considered safe arrhythmias. Although arrhythmogenic right ventric-
and does not need to be avoided in patients with ular cardiomyopathy typically shows a predilection
long QT syndrome. Beta-blockers are highly effective for the right ventricle, pregnancy is contraindicated
at preventing arrhythmic events and should be in rare cases of biventricular involvement and left
continued in all pregnant patients with this ventricular ejection fractions of <30% (66).

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126 Tamirisa et al JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 8, NO. 1, 2022

Arrhythmias in Pregnancy JANUARY 2022:120–135

studies, there was a trend toward decreased neonatal

T A B L E 1 Previous Food and Drug Administration Pregnancy
Categories for Drugs
birth weight and increased rates of preterm delivery
with calcium channel blockers versus matched con-
A No fetal risk in controlled studies
trol subjects (23.8% vs 6.5%) (85,86). Verapamil
B No risk to human fetus despite possible animal risk or no risks
in animal studies but human studies lacking and diltiazem are compatible with lactation (Figure 2).
C Human risk cannot be ruled out. Animal studies may or may not For the short term, calcium channel blockers should
show risk
be avoided if adenosine can be used. If necessary,
D Evidence of risk to human fetus
X Contraindicated in pregnancy
verapamil, up to 10 mg intravenously, has not
been associated with significant fetal hemodynamic
effects (87).
C l a s s I A A A D s . Quinidine and procainamide cross
GENERAL MANAGEMENT OF ARRHYTHMIAS the placenta and do not have teratogenic effects but
IN PREGNANCY can cause torsade de pointes. Adverse events such as
thrombocytopenia with quinidine and drug-induced
ANTIARRHYTHMIC DRUGS AND RATE-CONTROLLING lupus with procainamide should be considered.
MEDICATIONS. The primary concern regarding drugs Quinidine has a long track record of safety with only
during pregnancy is the potential for fetal adverse rare reported fetal adverse effects (Table 2) (41,88).
effects and teratogenicity, which are greatest during Electrophysiologists with experience using this
organogenesis (5-10 weeks after conception). The U.S. medication should follow patients treated with
Food and Drug Administration rating for drugs in quinidine. Quinidine levels should be monitored, and
pregnancy (A to X) (Table 1) is no longer being used potential drug-drug interactions, especially with
and has been replaced by a narrative risk. Random- digoxin, need to be considered. Quinidine should be
ized clinical trials evaluating the effects of antiar- avoided during lactation, because of the accumula-
rhythmic drugs (AADs) in pregnancy are lacking; tion of the drug in the immature neonatal liver. Pro-
therefore, careful assessment of efficacy and safety cainamide has been used without reported
should be performed before initiation, and the lowest teratogenic effects for the treatment of VT in preg-
effective dose used. nancy, although data are limited (89,90).
B e t a - b l o c k e r T h e r a p y . Significant experience with C l a s s I B A A D s . Lidocaine has a well-established
b-blocker therapy for treatment of maternal hyper- safety profile in pregnancy. Levels should be moni-
tension, channelopathies, and cardiomyopathies ex- tored to avoid toxicity. Lidocaine crosses the
ists during pregnancy. These medications cross the placenta, but at therapeutic doses, no effects on
placenta, and long-term treatment is associated with uteroplacental circulation, amniotic fluid pressure, or
a small risk of fetal growth retardation (69). Large fetal heart rate in animal models have been observed
registries of pregnant patients exposed to b-blockers (91,92). Data from the Collaborative Perinatal Project
reported no increased risk of congenital malforma- suggested that exposure to lidocaine early in preg-
tions after adjusting for maternal comorbidities nancy was not associated with an increased risk of
(70,71). In a propensity-matched analysis, b-blocker birth defects or adverse events, with an overall
use versus placebo was associated with a 4.3% risk normal perinatal course (90). Like lidocaine, mex-
versus 1.2% risk of neonatal hypoglycemia and a 1.6% iletine does cross the placenta and is found in
risk versus 0.5% risk of neonatal bradycardia (72). breastmilk. Although there have been case reports of
Propranolol and metoprolol are preferred (Figure 2) mexiletine use in pregnancy, additional data are
(73-76). Nadolol and pindolol have also been safely needed (Table 2) (93,94). Lower Apgar scores have
used in pregnancy. Atenolol, which has decreased been reported with mexiletine, and in animal models,
protein binding, has shown a greater risk of fetal increased risk of fetal resorption at 4 maximum
adverse effects (Table 2) (77-82). Atenolol may be recommended human doses has been observed.
excreted at higher levels in breast milk and is not Levels should be monitored.
recommended during lactation (Figure 2). C l a s s I C A A D s . Flecainide has been safely used to
C a l c i u m c h a n n e l b l o c k e r s . Verapamil has been treat maternal and fetal arrhythmias (41), although
used without significant risk of teratogenicity, rarely, neonatal toxicity can occur (95). Initiation of
although maternal hypotension and fetal bradycardia flecainide (300 mg/day) is generally safe and can
have been reported (54). Use of diltiazem is more improve fetal mortality in the setting of fetal SVT
controversial because of the fetal adverse effects (96). Animal data in rodents at 50-80 mg/kg/day have
noted in animal models (83,84). In observational confirmed no teratogenic effects (Table 2) (41).

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JANUARY 2022:120–135 Arrhythmias in Pregnancy

F I G U R E 2 Safety Profiles of Commonly Used Medications for the Treatment of Arrhythmias in Pregnancy

Background colors refer to safety profiles of medications based on data and experience in pregnancy. Medications that can be safely used in
lactation are also indicated separately by an icon. Figure 2 was created with assistance from Biorender.com.

There are minimal data on propafenone use in with only a small risk of fetal bradycardia and hy-
pregnancy. No neonatal adverse outcomes were re- poglycemia. No teratogenic effects were observed in
ported in single case reports for Wolf-Parkinson- animal models (41). Bioavailability and clearance of
White syndrome, SVT, and premature ventricular oral sotalol during pregnancy is not significantly
contractions (97-99). Propafenone and its metabolite altered during pregnancy, although it is more rapidly
cross the placenta. Metabolite concentration may be cleared after intravenous administration during
higher in the cord than in the plasma. Propafenone is pregnancy compared with the postpartum period
also found in breast milk (98). Propafenone is not (6.6 h vs 9.3 h) (100). Dronedarone should not be
teratogenic, but in animal models, fetal adverse used in pregnancy or lactation because it causes
events were noted at 3-6 maximum recommended significant adverse events. Amiodarone should also
human doses (Table 2) (41). be avoided, unless no other option is available, and
C l a s s I I I A A D s . Among class III agents, sotalol is then used for as short of a duration as possible
considered safe during pregnancy and lactation, (Table 2, Figure 2). In a study of 26 fetal incessant

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Arrhythmias in Pregnancy JANUARY 2022:120–135

T A B L E 2 Arrhythmia Medications and Adverse Events in Pregnancy

Drug VW Class Previous Category Fetal Adverse Effects

Quinidine IA C Long track record of safety. No teratogenicity observed. Rarely, mild uterine contractions,
premature labor, neonatal thrombocytopenia, and cranial nerve VIII damage has been
Procainamide IA C Minimal human and animal data.
Lidocaine IB B Long track record of safety in humans and animal models.
Mexiletine IB C Minimal data. Concern for lower Apgar scores. Increased fetal resorption at 4 maximum
RHD in rats and rabbits.
Flecainide IC C Long track record of safety for fetal arrhythmias. At very high doses, delayed sternal and
vertebral ossification observed in rats.
Propafenone IC C Minimal human data. Reduction in neonatal survival, weight gain, and development
abnormalities observed at 3-6 maximum RHD.
Propranolol II C No significant adverse effects. Small risk of FGR, neonatal bradycardia, and hypoglycemia.
Metoprolol II C No significant adverse effects. Small risk of FGR, neonatal bradycardia, and hypoglycemia.
Pindolol II B No significant adverse effects.
Nadolol II C Small risk of apnea, FGR, and hypoglycemia
Atenolol II D Greater risk of FGR and fetal bradycardia compared with other b-blockers, other b -blockers
are preferred over atenolol.
Carvedilol II C No adequate data on adverse effects, not used in pregnancy.
Sotalol III C No teratogenic potential. Small risk of fetal bradycardia and hypoglycemia. In rats and
rabbits, at 9 and 7 maximum RHD, teratogenic effects were not observed.
Amiodarone III D Significant adverse effects, including fetal hypothyroidism, growth retardation, and
prematurity. Used in pregnancy only if other options are not available.
Dronaderone III X Significant fetal adverse events including vascular and limb abnormalities and cleft palate.
Avoid in pregnancy.
Dofetilide III C Human data lacking. In pregnant rats, caused fetal resorption and skeletal abnormalities if
administered during organogenesis. In rats, dofetilide caused significant bradycardia at
gestational days 11 and 13, even at the lower doses of 2.5 mg/kg.
Ibutilide III C Minimal human data. No adverse events reported in case reports. Increased IKr inhibition and
risk of TdP. In rats, skeletal and cardiac abnormalities noted with daily exposure at
4 RHD.
Verapamil IV C Trend toward decreased FGR, maternal hypotension, and fetal bradycardia have been
reported. Maternal hemodynamic instability if infused rapidly. No teratogenicity is
observed at 1.5 RHD in rabbits and 6 maximum RHD in rats.
Diltiazem IV C Increased risk of FGR. Skeletal, cardiac, tongue, and retinal abnormalities in animal models. At
4-6 RHD, embryo and fetal lethality in mice, rats, and rabbits.
Adenosine NA C No significant adverse events. Consider fetal monitoring, possible small risk of transient fetal
Digoxin NA C No significant adverse effects. Monitor maternal levels for toxicity.
Ivabradine NA NA Exposure at near therapeutic doses shows high incidence of fetal cardiac defects in rats and
ectrodactyly in rabbits. FGR, neonatal bradycardia, and hypotension can occur. Avoid in
Atropine NA C No adequate data

FGR ¼ fetal growth retardation; RHD ¼ recommended human doses; TdP ¼ torsade de pointes

tachycardias or hydrops fetalis (gestational age 23- 4 recommended human doses RHD with ibutilide
31 weeks) for whom digoxin and other AADs were (Table 2) (106).
not effective, use of amiodarone (duration of use 1- Other arrhythmia m e d i c a t i o n s . Because of its
15 weeks) converted most of the fetal tachycardias, short half-life, adenosine is safe and the preferred
without significant permanent fetal adverse effects medication to terminate maternal SVT in pregnancy
(101). Data on dofetilide in pregnancy are lacking. (Figure 2). One case report found a detectable short-
Because of the rapid delayed rectifier potassium lived effect on fetal cardiac rhythm, whereas several
channel inhibition, it is not recommended. Brady- others, including a case series of 33 pregnant patients
cardia and skeletal abnormalities have been with 38 SVT episodes, did not note any fetal effects
observed in animal models (Table 2) (102,103). Data (33,107-109). Starting dose should be 6-12 mg.
on ibutilide are restricted to a few case reports for Although pregnancy reduces adenosine deaminase,
atrial flutter/AF cardioversion. No adverse fetal ef- the increased intravascular volume may counter
fects were reported. In these case reports, mothers these effects.
received pretreatment with magnesium (104,105). Digoxin has a long history of safety in pregnancy
Rat studies have shown teratogenic effects at (110,111). Digoxin concentrations are similar in the

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JANUARY 2022:120–135 Arrhythmias in Pregnancy

mother and newborn (112). Both blood levels and 36th week of gestation, and this transition requires
clinical signs of digoxin toxicity should be assessed hospitalization and inpatient management (41). Low-
because the measurement of levels in pregnancy can molecular-weight heparin and unfractionated
be compromised by the circulation of digoxin-like heparin do not cross the placenta (123,124). Frequent
fragments that may falsely increase levels (113). laboratory testing is recommended with dose adjust-
Although digoxin is excreted in breast milk, the dose ment as needed. Low-molecular-weight heparin has a
ingested by infants is small and of little significance better safety profile, with fewer side effects (eg,
(110,114). thrombocytopenia, bleeding, and osteoporosis) (125).
Atropine has been used for emergent resuscitation In pregnancy, a higher anticoagulant dose with more
in pregnancy, but little data exist regarding its safety frequent administration of unfractionated or low-
profile. Finally, ivabradine is contraindicated in molecular-weight heparin is required to maintain
pregnancy and lactation, because of teratogenicity in therapeutic levels because of the increased plasma
animal models and the risk of fetal growth retardation volume, glomerular filtration rate, and placenta
and neonatal hemodynamic compromise. degradation heparinase. For full-dose anti-
coagulation, low-molecular-weight heparin should be
ELECTRICAL CARDIOVERSION given subcutaneously (100 U/kg twice daily) and the
dose adjusted to maintain the anti-Xa level between
Acute DCCV in pregnancy is warranted in cases of 0.5 and 1.0 U/mL, 4-6 h after injection. Unfractio-
hemodynamic instability or when rate control is un- nated heparin is adjusted to target the mid-interval
successful (115). Secondary causes like congenital activated partial thromboplastin time in the thera-
heart disease, valvular disease, alcohol abuse, medi- peutic range (1.5-2.5 times mean reference range).
cations (eg, terbutaline), electrolyte imbalance, and Unfractionated or low-molecular-weight-heparin
hyperthyroidism should be ruled out. Cardioversion should be discontinued 12 h before planned induc-
does not compromise blood flow to the fetus but can tion of labor. To minimize bleeding, resumption of
cause uterine contractions (116). The risk of inducing anticoagulation should be postponed until 12 h after
fetal arrhythmias is small, and there is a theoretical vaginal delivery, 2-12 h after epidural removal, or 24 h
risk of preterm labor with electrical intervention (54). after cesarean delivery (125). Heparin or low-
Fetuses of mammals have high defibrillation thresh- molecular-weight heparin should be overlapped
olds, and the overall current that reaches the uterus is with warfarin for 4-5 days (123,124,126).
small. However, amniotic fluid is a good conductor There are minimal data on the use of direct-acting
(117), so fetal monitoring is suggested (118). Energies oral anticoagulants in pregnancy, which are known to
ranging from 50-400 J have been used without fetal cross the placenta. In an analysis of the World Health
adverse effects and has shown success rates of >90% Organization’s VigiBase database, which consists of
(24,119). Defibrillation pads should be placed away 16 million individual case reports of suspected drug
from the gravid uterus. It is prudent to care for these reactions across 131 countries, and after confounding
patients in centers with the capacity to undertake factors and alternative causes were excluded, no
emergency C-sections if needed (54). statistically significant association for the use of
rivaroxaban with spontaneous abortion was found.
ANTICOAGULATION However, apixaban use was associated with an
increased probability of spontaneous abortion
Anticoagulation for arrhythmias in pregnancy, such compared with warfarin (127). Fetal concentrations of
as AF, is not well-studied, and no formal recommen- apixaban may range from 35% to 90% of maternal
dations exist. Most data, therefore, have been inter- concentration levels, with the potential for direct
polated from pregnant patients with mechanical fetal toxicity (127).
heart valves. Low-dose aspirin is considered safe
throughout pregnancy (120,121). Warfarin crosses the CATHETER ABLATION
placenta and can be used at doses of <5 mg/day
during the first trimester and >5 mg/day during the Catheter ablation using electroanatomic mapping
second trimester (class IIa recommendation in the systems and intracardiac ultrasound to reduce fluo-
European Society of Cardiology 2018 guidelines) (41). roscopic exposure (“zero-fluoroscopy”) has been
Higher doses of warfarin are associated with a 15%- safely performed during pregnancy in experienced
56% risk of miscarriage and a 30% risk of congenital centers for drug-refractory and poorly tolerated ar-
anomalies (122). Warfarin is switched to unfractio- rhythmias (36,128,129). Deferring ablation to post-
nated heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin at the partum preferred. In a meta-analysis of 27 cases,

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Arrhythmias in Pregnancy JANUARY 2022:120–135

successful ablation was reported in all cases, despite Because of the demand for increased heart rate, rate
reduced left ventricular function in 9 of 27 patients. A response can be programmed to treat chronotropic
case of microcephaly and a case of maternal pre- incompetence or sinus node dysfunction as the
eclampsia and placental abruption that led to early pregnancy progresses. Most patients with pace-
cesarean delivery at 27 weeks, 5 weeks after ablation, makers have an uneventful pregnancy from the
were reported (129). For an ablation procedure, the pacemaker perspective. A study of only 11 pregnant
patient should be placed in the left lateral tilt position patients with pacemakers reported maternal compli-
to prevent aortocaval compression, especially after cations in 3 patients (136). However, none of these
the second trimester of pregnancy. Continuous fetal complications had a plausible direct connection to the
monitoring is important, particularly if cesarean de- device itself. Vaginal delivery is not a contraindica-
livery is an option, depending on the fetal gestational tion with a maternal pacemaker, and pacemakers do
stage (>24 weeks). Most fetal effects caused by radi- not interfere with fetal monitoring. Reprogramming
ation occur before 17 weeks of gestation at fetal doses the pacemaker to an asynchronous mode during
of ionizing radiation >200 mGy (130). Exposure caesarian delivery and using bipolar cautery in
of <50 mGy has not been associated with fetal ab- pacemaker-dependent patients is important to avoid
normalities (131). Radiation exposure between 8 and pacing inhibition caused by noise interference (139).
45 weeks of 60 to 310 mGy may result in mental Skin irritation at the pacemaker site because of breast
retardation (132). Lifetime risk of malignancy is low, hypertrophy has been reported (140).
although casecontrol studies have suggested that
ICDs. Incidence and overview of VT and cardiac ar-
antenatal exposure as little as 10 mGy may increase
rest management have been discussed previously; it
the risk of childhood cancer (133). In general, the fetal
may be advisable, although not required, to disable
radiation dose is estimated to be <1 mGy based on
shock therapy on ICDs during labor and delivery,
analysis of ablation data in healthy women who have
assuming adequate maternal cardiac monitoring is in
undergone SVT ablation. At this dose, the estimated
place. This recommendation may be particularly
average excess fatal cancer risk is 14.5 per 10 million
relevant for pregnant women with subcutaneous de-
unborn children who received radiation during the
fibrillators, which are susceptible to oversensing and
first postconception weeks and 30 and 55.6 per 10
may result in inappropriate shocks from oversensed
million fetuses that received radiation in the second
uterine contractions or myopotentials during labor
and third trimesters, respectively (134).
and delivery (66).
For patients with clear indications for defibrillators
IMPLANTABLE DEVICE MANAGEMENT during pregnancy, subcutaneous defibrillators can
IN PREGNANCY also be implanted without fluoroscopy. However,
experience with implantation in pregnant women and
The presence of previously implanted pacemakers and the impact of pregnancy on device sensing is limited.
ICDs in pregnant women do not increase maternal or Wearable cardioverter-defibrillators have emerged as
fetal risk (135,136). For women who develop in- an alternative for patients with transient arrhythmic
dications for device implantation during pregnancy, risk or as a bridge to ICD implantation. However, data
devices can be implanted safely with minimal fluo- on the efficacy of wearable cardioverter-defibrillators
roscopy and under echocardiographic guidance and at terminating VT during pregnancy are lacking.
electroanatomic mapping (137,138). Routine device
monitoring, comanagement with cardiologists/cardiac TREATMENT OF FETAL ARRHYTHMIAS
electrophysiologists, and follow-up should be IN PREGNANCY
continued throughout the peripartum period.
Fetal arrhythmias include premature atrial con-
PACEMAKERS. Bradyarrhythmias during pregnancy
tractions, premature ventricular contractions,
are predominantly observed in women with congen-
tachyarrhythmias, and bradyarrhythmias. Electro-
ital heart disease. The true incidence of sinus node
cardiography, cardiotocography, echocardiography,
dysfunction in pregnancy is unknown, and pregnancy
and magnetocardiography can be used for moni-
is not predisposed to high-grade atrioventricular
toring (141).
block. QRS prolongation in pregnancy may be due to
ventricular dilatation, clinical implications of which ECTOPIC BEATS. Most premature atrial and ventric-
are unclear. ular contractions are benign and require no inter-
Indications for pacemaker implantation, including vention. However, close follow-up with weekly
for symptomatic bradycardia, remain unchanged. Doppler assessment is recommended because

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JANUARY 2022:120–135 Arrhythmias in Pregnancy

sustained arrhythmias can be seen in 1%-3% of fetal prematurity and postnatal pacing must be considered.
cases (141). Evaluation by a fetal cardiologist to rule Postnatal surgery and pacemaker implantation are
out structural heart disease is recommended. In a helpful for cases associated with congenital heart
retrospective series, the occurrence of second-degree disease (153).
atrioventricular block was associated with long QT Congenital complete heart block (incidence of 1
syndrome or maternal anti-Rho or anti-La antibodies in 15,000 live births) may be associated with
(142). maternal autoantibodies against SSA (Ro) or SSB
(La) proteins (neonatal lupus syndrome) or second-
TACHYARRHYTHMIAS. Persistent tachyarrhythmias,
ary to cardiac malformations (eg, congenital atrio-
defined as fetal heart rates >180 beats/min, are rare
ventricular canal defects) (154). Heart block
and occur in <0.1% of all pregnancies (143). Fetal si-
resulting from neonatal lupus syndrome is usually
nus tachycardia is seen with maternal fever, maternal
identified between 18 and 28 week of gestational
thyrotoxicosis, infection, stimulants, anemia, and
age and is associated with high fetal mortality (155).
fetal distress (143). Treatment involves treating the
Maternal administration of immunosuppressive
underlying cause. Atrial flutter and SVTs account for
medications (dexamethasone or betamethasone) has
26.2% and 73.2% of fetal tachyarrhythmias, respec-
shown modest benefit. In a study of 21 patients
tively (144). Management involves close monitoring,
treated with dexamethasone, the 1-year fetal sur-
transplacental drug therapy, and delivery of the fetus
vival rate was 90% versus 46% without glucocorti-
(145). Treatment of SVT is based on the persistence of
coid therapy (156). Episodes of transient bradycardia
the rhythm, gestational age, presence of structural
are benign and typically resolve with fetal activity.
heart disease, and fetal well-being. Intermittent fetal
Ambulatory surveillance programs and wearable
tachycardia is well tolerated and can be monitored
fetal heart rate monitors may afford early identifi-
with weekly and/or biweekly ultrasounds without
cation of evolving fetal heart block, allowing for
any therapy, in the absence of hydrops or congenital
emergent treatment. There is also preliminary data
heart disease. Sustained tachyarrhythmias are asso-
that suggests a role in preventing congenital com-
ciated with a high incidence (35%-40%) of fetal
plete heart block with hydroxychloroquine,
hydrops (144). In case of persistent rhythms, digoxin
although additional data are needed (157). To date,
is the first line of therapy. Flecainide and sotalol are
implementing fully implantable fetal micro-
second-line agents. Transplacental treatment with
pacemakers via a minimally invasive approach for
digoxin, sotalol, and flecainide is effective in 89.8%
congenital complete heart block in utero to treat
of fetal cases with persistent SVT, with the resolution
fetal hydrops remains challenging (158).
of fetal hydrops in 75% of cases. In a small study,
maternal adverse events, including nausea/vomiting,
headaches, atrioventricular Wenckebach, and PR in-
terval prolongation were observed with serious
Maternal mortality has risen over the past 2 decades
adverse events in 1 mother and 4 fetuses, which
in the United States. Although the exact association
resulting in 2 fetal deaths caused by heart failure
of arrhythmias with maternal mortality is unclear, an
(146). Other medications, such as propranolol and
increasing incidence of arrhythmias over the same
procainamide, can also be used; amiodarone is a drug
period, associated with a growing incidence of pre-
of last resort (96,101,147-150).
existing cardiovascular and congenital heart disease,
VT is infrequent and seen in the setting of under-
advanced age, and comorbidities, has been observed,
lying structural and/or conduction abnormalities,
making an in-depth understanding of arrhythmia
such as complete heart block, fetal myocarditis, or
management in pregnancy critical. Specific AADs and
genetic conditions such as long QT syndrome. Trans-
cardiac medications can be used to treat or prevent
placental therapy with lidocaine and magnesium,
arrhythmias in pregnancy, and catheter ablation may
mexiletine, and b-blockers have been reported (151).
be used safely, with minimal fluoroscopy, when
BRADYARRHYTHMIAS. Persistent fetal bradycardia is medical therapy has failed. However, much of the
rare, defined as a fetal heart rate of <100 beats/min, data regarding management strategies for arrhythmia
and is associated with fetal distress, hypoxia, acidosis, treatment in pregnancy is derived from observational
congenital long QT syndrome, and sinus node studies and case series, delineating a clear need for
dysfunction. Administration of b -sympathomimetics, larger studies and randomized clinical trials. Preg-
such as oral terbutaline, has been reported, but it is nant women with significant arrhythmias require a
unclear if this treatment improves fetal survival (152). multidisciplinary approach, including at the time of
Preterm delivery is an option for hydrops, but labor and delivery. In addition, prenatal counseling

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132 Tamirisa et al JACC: CLINICAL ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY VOL. 8, NO. 1, 2022

Arrhythmias in Pregnancy JANUARY 2022:120–135

regarding the high risk of arrhythmia recurrence a consultant for Atricure, Biosense Webster, and Medtronic. Dr
Volgman has been a MSD/Bayer Virtual Global Advisory Board
during pregnancy, consideration of ablation before
Member; has been a member Bristol Myers Squibb Foundation of the
pregnancy, and close monitoring in high-risk patients Diverse Clinical Investigator Career Development Program; has been a
can be essential for successful maternal and fetal member of the National Advisory Committee; and holds stock in
outcomes. Apple. Dr Vaseghi holds stock in Secures Inc.


Vaseghi, UCLA Cardiac Arrhythmia Center, University
Dr Vaseghi was supported by NIH R01 HL148190. Dr Mason has been a
of California, 100 Medical Plaza, Suite 660, Los
consultant for Medtronic and Boston Scientific. Dr Russo has received
research funding from or has been a member of steering committees Angeles, California 90095, USA. E-mail: mvaseghi@
for Boston Scientific, Kestra, Medilynx, and Medtronic; and has been mednet.ucla.edu.


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