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YY | ANSWERS) js 1. Previous Year's CBSE Board Questions 1. (@) Direct recruitment is the source of recruitment which may be used by the company t. tap the casual vacancy. 2) Employer paid Insurance is one indirect payment being made by the company 0 the 0. IL, Additional Multi ice Questions | LO 2 a 2 4) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7.(@) 8. (a) .@ 0H 10 BO B® #O@ BO 6A 17.(@) 18.6) 1%.) 20.) | MI. Fill in the blanks | 1. Staffing 2. Workload analysis 3. Recruitment 4, Training 5. Performance appraisal 6. Orientation 7. Promotion 8. Internal 9. Aptitude Test 10. Internship 2. False (Selection) 4, False (Internal recruitment) | IV. True or false 1. False (Workforce analysis) 3. False (Training) | ie 5. False (External recruitment) 6. True oe f 7. True 8. False (Apprenticeship training) | | 9, False (Internship Training) 10, False (on-the-job method) V. Match the following 1. (b) 2. (a) 3.(¢) 4. (b) 5. (d) QUESTION 1: Biru Nandan, Chairman of Lalit group of compaines founded ‘Biru university’ for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in diverse disciplines. The information Technology department of the ‘Lalit Power Ltd., has few vacancies related to Cyber Security.’ The Human Resource Department of the Company decided to recruit fresh engineering graduates from ‘Biru University’ for the same. Identify the type of source of recruitment. (CBSE, Delhi 2019) ANSWER: The type of source of recruitment used by the company is Campus recruitment. QUESTION 2: Xeno Ltd. is a global information technology consulting company with 45,000 employees serving over 600 clients in 23 countries. Its Chief Executive Officer, Neil Suman, guided the company through two decades of diversification and growth to emerge as one of the leading 152 D Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-Xil mpanies in the software industry. The company has set standards in ensuring the inaiat ov ing opportunities for its employees. Its ‘Project Guidance Program’ is a 52-day pot 0in gaining programme. This is offered to all recruits of varied backgrounds to be ctr vn essential behavioural and technical skills that prepares them to work in live pained Morojects. These recruits are hired from universities and management institutes for er proksional as well as managerial jobs. The training programme helps the new itling down quickly into the job by becoming familiar with the people, the oc P rectiyees in settl ‘i anpleYetrgs, the job and the business. a emiy the external Sources of recruitment used by the company to hire new (employees. p) Explain the method of training used by the company to train employees selected by (CBSE, OD 2019) ) Expurce of recruitment identified in part (a). State any two ways in which the ‘Project Guidance Programme’ can benefit Xeno Ltd. oO ANSWER: a) The external sources of recruitment used by the company to hire new employees is Campus Recruitment. (0) Induction ‘Training is the method of training used by the company to train employees selected by the source of recruitment. It is a method of on-the-job training. The purpose of induction training is to familiarise the new employees with the organisational rules and policies, their superior and subordinate, important places in the organisation like both room conference room and so on. In large organisations the induction training may be carried out for about a week depending upon the policy of the organisation. On contrary, the duration of induction training in small organisations is very short and maybe completed within a day. A well designed induction training programs go a long way in instilling a sense of belongingness in the new joiners’ and it also helps to boost their morale. (0) The two ways in which the ‘Project Guidance Programme’ can benefit Xeno Ltd. are listed below: ( Training programs are organised in a systematic manner. rather than. This helps to avoid wastage of resources due to the use of the hit and trial methods. (ii) Training leads to an increase in the productivity of an organisation both in qualitative and quantitative terms, leading to higher profitability. QUESTION 3: Ganesh was concerned about the sedentary lifestyle people are leading nowadays. Their dependency on outside food is also increasing because corporate work culture demands he decided to start a restaurant, ‘Healthy Eating Point’ rking till late night at offices. So, e jou ' provide healthy food options to customers. After completing planning and organising lunctions, he identified the various job positions that are required to be filled, ie., a General 4c hager, an Accountant, two Chefs, two boys for serving the food in the restaurant and three ®Ys for home delivery of food. He decided that his father, Karan, would be the General Manager of the restaurant, He would be paid €50,000 per month for his services. His father ‘uested him to appoint his friend’s son, Prem, as an accountant who is well qualified for ie Post. Ganesh agreed to this proposal. Earlier, Prem had a business of providing unskilled jotKers to different organisations from remote areas of the country: Prem took permission aa Ganesh to continue with the old business. Ganesh happily agreed and asked him to Povide five boys for serving and delivering the food. For the appointment of the two Chefs, * Does not pertain to present syllabus) staffing 153 Ganesh approached a renowned Hotel Management Institute and was satisfied with the Cheg provided by the institute. (@) Quoting the lines from the above paragraph, explain the two sources of recruitment being used by Ganesh for filling up the various job positions. (b) Also, give the meaning of the function of management discussed in the above case, (CBSE, OD 2019) ANSWER: (@) The two sources of recruitment being used by Ganesh for positions are as follows: filling up the various job () Labour Contractors: The labour contractors as a very useful source for hiring ‘The labour contractor work in close contacts unskilled worker at a very short notice. M with the job seekers and forward the details to the organisation as and when weeded. The labour contractor are themselves the employees of the organisation One of the biggest shortcoming of the source of recruitment is that if for some reason the labeur contractor decides to leave the organisation all the workers who have been given employment through him are also likely to leave the organisation Quote - “Earlier, Prem had a business of providing unskilled workers to different organisations from remote areas of the country.” (i Campus Recruitment: Campus recruitment is considered to be a very important source of recruitment for obtaining human resource in all spheres be technical, professional and managerial jobs. Many reputed organisations work in close y Prordination with the universities, vocational School and management institute, 50 as to be able to type the best of the human resources. Quote - For the appointment of the two Chefs, Ganesh approached a renowned Hotel Management Institute and was satisfied with the Chefs provided by the institute. (b Staffing is the function of process of obtaining, utilising management discussed in the above case. Staffing is the and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied work force QUESTION 4: “Entertainment India Ltd.’ has been incorporated with the objective of entertaining people by organising festivals, programmes and other similar events depicting the rich cultural heritage " of the country. The company management has renowned personalities from the field of art; literature and culture. They decided to give a platform to young budding musicians, poets and artists. The company decided its organisational structure by grouping similar jobs together Thereafter, the heads of different departments were also appointed. Nisha, one of the heads, did an analysis of the number, type and qualification necessary for people to be appointed. The information generated in the process of writing the job description and the candidate profile was used to develop ‘Situations vacant’ advertisement. This was published in print media and flashed in electronic media. This brought in a flood of response. Explain the other steps which Nisha has to perform to complete the process being discussed above. (CBSE, OD 2019) ANSWER: The other steps which Nisha has to perform to complete the process being discussed abv? are as follows: (@) Sele Selection is the process of choosing from among the pool of the prospective 154 b Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-xil ob candidates who have applied for the job. The selection process in general includes } series of steps ie. preliminary screening, selection tests, employment interview, * ference and background checking, selection decision, medical check up, job offer ind Jetter of appointment. cement and Orientation: Once an employee is been selected for a specific job @ Ee onl he/she is expected to be placed at it. The term placement refers to the Process BY Which an employee takes charge of his job position. At the same time, the rocess of orientation is important in order to familiarise the new employees with the various aspects related to the organisation like its rules and regulations, also they are introduced to their seniors and colleagues, made familiar with the important places at the workplace like cafeteria, conference hall, board room and so on. It is also referred to as induction training. In order to create a positive impact on the new joiners’ it is important that the orientation programme are well designed. (0 Training and development: Training is an act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. Training should be provided to both old and new employees in order to add value to their performance. Training proves to be beneficial in multiple ways both for an employee and the organisation. Development is a much wider term as compared to training because it seems to improve upon an individuals in all spheres be it human or technical and foster their growth. An organisation may use a combination of both on-the-job and off-the-job training methods in order to impart training and encourage development of its employees. (@ Performance Appraisal: Performance appraisal seeks to measure the worth of an employee to an organisation. The work of an employee needs be evaluated against certain predetermined standards. An organisation may use a combination of performance appraisal techniques like self appraisal, appraisal through peers, appraisal through seniors and so on. The future of an employee in an organisation is primarily based on the feedback provided after his/her performance appraisal. (¢) Promotion and career planning: Promotion proves to be beneficial for an employee in many ways. It not only increases his status in the organisation, but also provides monetary gains in terms of higher pay package and other perks and benefit. Furthermore, it goes a long way in boosting the confidence and the morale of an employee and promoting loyalty towards the organisations. () Compensation: Compensation refers to the remuneration given to an employee in return for his/her services to the organisation. Compensation, consists of all forms of pay or rewards going to employees. The financial remunerations may be either paid directly in the form of salary, wages, bonus, increments and so on. Whereas, indirect payments may include insurance benefit, travelling allowance, free education of children, furnished accommodation etc. It is very important for an organisation to devise proper incentive plans, so that they are able to attract and retain competent People. QUESTION 5: Ali Mohammad the CEO of Super Ltd. believes that human resource is the most important set of the firm. He believes that no organisation can be successful unless it can fill and igc>tilled the various positions provided for in the structure with the right kind of people. entify the function of management being discussed above and state the benefits to the “rBanisation that its proper application in the firm will ensure. Staffing » 155 ANSWER; 7 | The g Yaffing function i being discussed in the given cas. © Various benefits of staffing function and outlined as follows: @)It helps in identifying and hiring competent manpower to fill in the various jg, Positions within the organisation. ©) Itleads to higher productivity by placing the right person on the right job, ie., assigning tasks to People in accordance to their individual potential. (©) It ensures perpetual existence of the organisation and also fosters its growth through Continuous manpower planning and execution. (@) It leads to optimum utilisation of human resource by avoiding the situations ow Overstaffing or understaffing. (©) It boost the morale of the employees and enhances their job satisfaction, by adopting an objective method of performance appraisal and fair system for rewards anf recognitions, QUESTION 6: Asha Sethi was working as a Human Resource Manager in a famous consultancy fim, KLI Global Services. Her job included preparing job descriptions, recruitment, develop compensation and incentive plans and facilitating employee learning. They had entered inte alliances with institutes to ensure continuous learning of their employees. With the joby becoming more and more complex, KLI Global Services invested large amount of money ix making the employees learn the skills necessary to complete the jobs. State by giving any five points, how this investment is likely to benefit the organisation? (CBSE, Delhi, 2019) ANSWER: By providing training to its employees KLI Global Services is likely to be benefited in the following ways: (@ Training programs are organised in a systematic manner. Rather than. This helps to avoid wastage of resources due to the use of the hit and trial methods. (®) Training leads to an increase in the productivity of an organisation both in qualitative and quantitative terms, leading to higher profitability, (© Training seeks to prepare the employees take charge of higher positions in case of any emergency. (@) Training enables the managers to deal with the problem of absenteeism and employee turnover. This is because as it fosters the self confidence and boost the morale of the employees. (©) Training equips the managers with the required technical and managerial skills, so as to facilitate transitions within the organisation in the light of changes in the business environment. QUESTION 7: Vandana Public School had a vacancy of a Maths teacher. They were looking for a smart and creative teacher having a drive for excellence. An advertisement was given in all leading dailies. Since the response was huge, the school examined all the application forms and rejected the candidates who did not have the necessary qualifications. Thereafter, a test was conducted to measure the existing skills of the candidates. After that it was followed by @ 156 > Case Studies Mentor i usiness Studies-XII yD depth conversation with the Principal of the school and a panel of Maths experts. v1 IPT gn the steps that have been performed by Vandana Public School in the process EP sentifying and choosing the best candidate. “ ve the name and also the meaning of the test which was conducted by the school. pave (CBSE, OD, 2019) foot we steps that have been performed by Vandana Public School in the process of (0 [entifying and choosing the best candidate are described below: preliminary Screening: The first step in the selection process involves preliminary ° screening of the candidates. Preliminary screening is undertaken with the objective of eliminating all those applicants who do not fulfill the minimum requirements of the job. This may be carried out is either in person, wherein the candidate is asked to appear for a very short interview or only the applications may be scrutinized. (ji) Selection Tests: Different types of selection tests may be carried out in order to evaluate a candidate on different parameters. One of the advantages of selection test is that it is free from all kinds of personal bias or prejudices and helps in fair selection of the candidates. Important tests used for selection of employee as follows: (a) Intelligence Tests (0) Aptitude Test (c) Personality Tests (@ Trade Test () Interest Tests (ii) Employment Interview: An interview involves a face to face interaction between the prospective candidate and the interviewer(s). Through an interview the employer is able to access alll those traits of the candidate which are not covered in the selection tests, but are important to holistically assess the candidates suitability for the job. Moreover, it also gives an opportunity to the candidate to clarify his doubts related to the job (if any). () Trade test was conducted by the school. These tests seek to measure the knowledge, skills and proficiency that a candidate possess with regard to a particular job position. It primarily focuses on the existing competence of a candidate. QUESTION g: penange’ is a chain of departmental stores in India with 56 outlets. It sells the best products ae lowest price. The Human Resource department takes care to select, train, motivate and the employees. Currently, it has 170 full time employees and 30 part time employees. me top-level management, employees are recruited through private consultants. These ofere ‘onal can entice the needed top executives from other companies by making the right otic jg NPlOYees appointed at the entry level are recruited through ae For that, a ah wo Placed on the notice board specifying the oa ef the jobs available, Newrange a epeuBes present employees oF thelr friends and relatives to refer candidates, They isin ‘ome of the reputed educational institutions to hire s lented and '8 Students as its employees. Staffing © 157 ~w > artments to those where there is shortag ‘Newrange’ shifts workforce from surplus dep: Be’ of staff instead of laying them off. ; , Explain the various internal and external sources of recruitment used by ‘Newrange’,, (CBSE, OD, 2m recruit its employees. ANSWER: The various internal source of recruitment used by Newrange to recruit its employees ay as follows: Transfers: Transfer refers to the shifting of an employee horizontally along organisational structure. Depending upon the requirements an employee may be moved from one department to another to deal with the situation of overstaffing in one and understafiae in the other department. The various external sources of recruitment used by new range to recruit its employees are as follows: ( Direct Recruitment: Under the direct recruitment, the organisation places a notice on the notice board specifying the details of the various jobs available. Also, at the same time, the job seekers are provided information about the selection process On the stipulated day the various job seekers assemble outside the premises of the organisation on the spot selection. (i Placement Agencies and Management Consultants: The placement agencies may also prove to be a useful instrument in changeover of the top level executives fron one organisation to another. The management consultancy firms primarily specialise in filling up the vacancies and the middle level and top level management. These firms maintain a database of the job seekers and forward them to the different organisations as per the requirement. (iti) Campus Recruitment: One of the prime consideration for the students to join a particular college or Institute, is whether it will be able to provide a platform for placement to them. Campus recruitment is considered to be a very important source of recruitment for obtaining human resource in all spheres be technical, professional and managerial jobs. (i) Recommendations of Employees: Many a times the organisation also provides incentives its employees for providing useful links. It is considered to be a reliable source because the whereabouts of the prospective candidates are known to a certain extent. QUESTION 9: The IT major GIPRA is terminating the employment of its senior managers, if after evaluating their performance against pre-determined standards if it is found lacking. With this disruption analysts say a large portion of the employees may become irrelevant unless they learn new skills and apply the knowledge to work on emerging technologies. GIPRA is ready to facilitate employee learning, through its in-house centers. (@ Name the function of management performed by GIPRA to maintain a satisfactory work force. ( Identify and explain the two ste; discussed above. ie © Also state any two steps of the function of management discussed, that the firm Ha) to perform before performing the above steps. (CBSE, Sample Paper, ps in the process of the function of management 158P Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-xi! yy see staffing function of mana @ tisfactory work force. sey two steps of staffing discussed above are: wo The Faining and development: Training helps to upgrade the knowledge and skills of ” he employees so that their ability to perform in the present job can be enhanced. Development is a process of learning and growth. It enables the overall growth of the employees. . Performance Appraisal: Performance Appraisal seeks to evaluate the worth of an employee to the organisation based on his/her current and/or past performance as against certain predetermined standards. Every organizations adopts either formal/ informal methods for appraising their employee’s performance. The performance appraisal process includes defin: ing the job, appraising performance, and providing feedback. (0) The two steps in the process of staffing that the mana performing the above steps: (i Estimating the Manpower Requirements: It is the first step in the staffing process and is carried out with the help of workload analysis (assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives) and work force analysis (assessment of the number and type available), (i Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the employees and stimulating th QUESTION 10: Alpha Enterprises is a company manufacturing water geysers. The company has a functional sructure with four main functions~Production, Marketing, Finance and Human Resource. As the demand for the product grew, the company decided to hire more employees. Identify the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager in deciding the actual number of persons required in each department. (CBSE, Delhi 2017) ANSWER: gement is being performed by GIPRA to maintain a 2) gement had to perform before process of searching for prospective em to apply for jobs in the organisation. Workload analysis is the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager in deciding the actual number of persons required in each department. QUESTION 11: HhBati Enterprises is a company engaged in the marketing of air-conditioners of a famous brand. The company has a functional structure with four main functions—Purchase, Sales, Finance and Staffing. As the demand for the product grew, the company decided to recruit "ore employees. (CBSE, OD 2017) {Mentify the concept which will help the Human Resource Manager to find out the number Persqee® Of Personel availale so that he could decide and recruit the required number of "Sons for each department. ANSWER: We Workforce anal F ysis will help the human resource manager to find out the number and type 1 “sonnel available in the organization Staffing 159 QUESTION 12; man Resource Management includes many specialized activities and duties which human Fesource personnel must perform. In the light of this statement, explain any four s ‘uties performed by Human Resource Manager. (CBSE, Sample Paper, 2019) ANSWER: Human Resource Management includes many specialised activities and duties which th, human resource personnel must perform. These duties are stated below: (@) Recruitment i., search for qualified people and stimulating them to apply for the job within the organisation. (¥) Prepare job descriptions by analysing jobs, collecting information about jobs etc, (©) Developing suitable compensation and incentive plans for the employees. @) Designing appropriate training and development of employees to foster efficient performance and career growth. QUESTION 13: Resolutions Pvt. Ltd. is a publishing company. Its book on Business Studies for class XI ig in great demand. As a result, the employees in the marketing department are always racing against time. The employees have to work overtime and on holidays to cater to the demand Managers in the marketing department are under stress as they have to handle more than two territories. The work stress has led to dissatisfaction among the employees and managers (@ Name and explain the step of staffing process which has not been performed properly, (®) State the next two stages immediately following the step identified in part ‘a’, (CBSE, Sample Paper, 2017) ANSWER: (@) The step of staffing process which has not been performed properly is: Estimation of manpower requirements: It is the first step in the staffing process and is carried out with the help of workload analysis (assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives) and work force analysis (assessment of the number and type available). (b) The next two stages immediately following the step Estimation of manpower requirement are as follows: (A Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. (i) Selection: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from a pool of applicants. QUESTION 14: Joseph Bros is a firm manufacturing jute lampshades. It uses leftover jute pieces from various jute factories to manufacture economical lampshades which are supplied to various hotels in nearby towns. It employs men and women from nearby villages as workers for creating good lampshade designs. Joseph Bros, is not able to meet its targets. Namish, the supervisor of the company, was told to analyse the reasons for the poor performance. Namish found the following problems and suggested certain solutions in the working of the business. The number of workers 160 > Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-XIl jloyed was less than what was required for the work. As a result, the existing workers overburdened. The firm decided to search for new workers and it asked the present jloyees to introduce candidates or recommend their friends and relatives to the firm. This abled the firm to ‘put people to jobs’ and assured the attainment of objectives according plans. (@) Identify the functions of management being performed by the firm in the above situation. o Name the concept and its source used by the firm to attract more workers for the irm. (o) State any two values being followed by Jacob Bros. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016) ANSWER: @ me ‘Staffing’ and ‘Controlling’ functions of management is being performed by the mm. (6) Recruitment is the concept used by the firm to attract more workers to the firm. The firm is planning to use the external source of recruitment i ‘Recommendation of present employees’ to attract more workers to the firm. (©) The two values that are being followed by Jacob Bros are: (i Generating employment (i Optimum utilisation of resources. _ QUESTION 15: Aakansha, Nikita and Parishma are the owners of a handicraft unit in the urban area of Dibrugarh in Assam, which is involved in the manufacturing and marketing of Sital Pati, traditional mats and Jappi (the traditional headgear). They decided to shift this manufacturing unit to a rural area with an objective of reducing the cost and providing job opportunities to the locals. They followed the functional structure in this organisation with a view to increasing managerial and operational efficiency. They assessed and analysed the type and number of employees required, keeping in mind that they had to encourage the women and the people with special needs belonging to the rural area. State the next three steps that they will have to undertake for obtaining a satisfied workforce for their handicraft unit. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016) ANSWER: The next three steps that they will have to undertake for obtaining a satisfied workforce for their handicraft unit are as follows: (a) Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. (b) Selection: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from a pool of applicants. (©) Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to the process of giving the charge of the job for which the employees have been appointed. Orientation may involve a series of activities related to introducing the new employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is taken around the workplace and made aware of the fire safety policy, canteen, conference room etc. staffing > 161 ¥ Ps QUESTION 16; conn Railaxmi is working as the Human Resource Consultant in a firm that manufactures qametics, which is facing a problem of high employee turnover. The CEO of the company has ited suggestion from her for retaining the talented employees and reducing the employes | turnover, Mrs. Rajlaxmi recommends that the good employees be rewarded in a way that it creates a feeling of ownership among the employees and at the same time, makes them Contribute towards the growth of the organisation. (@) Identify the incentive and explain its type which has been suggested by | Mrs, Rajlaxmi to the CEO of the company. (®) Also explain any two other incentives of the same type. (CBSE, Sample Paper 2016) ANSWER: F (@) Co-partnership/stock option, which is a type of financial incentive, has been suggested | by Mrs. Rajlaxmi to the CEO of the company. | (®) The two other financial incentives are described below: | (@ Retirement Benefits: An organisation may provide several retirement benefits to its 11 employees after their retirement such as provident fund, pension and gratuity which provide financial security. These benefits serve as an incentive when they are in service in the organisation. (ii) Perquisites: In many companies perquisites and fringe benefits are offered over and above the salary such as car allowance, housing, medical aid, and education to the children etc. QUESTION 17: Ashish, the Marketing Head, Raman, the Assistant Manager and Jyoti, the Human Resource Manager of Senor Enterprises Ltd. decided to leave the company. The Chief Executive Officer of the company called Jyoti, the Human Resource Manager and requested her to fill up the vacancies before leaving the organisation. Informing that her subordinate Miss Alka Pandit was very competent and trustworthy, Jyoti suggested that if she could be moved up in the hierarchy, she would do the needful. The Chief Executive Officer agreecs for the same. Miss Alka Pandit contacted Keith Recruiters who advertised for the post of marketing head for Senor Enterprises Ltd. They were able to recruit a suitable candidate for the company. Raman’s vacancy was filled up by screening the database of unsolicited applications lying in the office. (a) Name the internal/external sources of recruitment used by Senor Enterprises Ltd. to fill up the above stated vacancies. (© Also state any one merit of each of the above identified source of recruitment. (CBSE, Delhi 2016) ANSWER: (a) The internal and external sources of recruitment used by Senor Enterprise Ltd. to fill up the above stated vacancies are stated below: (® The vacancy for the post of Human Resource Manager has been filled up through Promotion. (ii) The vacancy for the post of Marketing Head has been filled up through the Placement Agencies and Management Consultants. 162 > Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-Xil - tip The vacancy for the post of Assistant Manager has been filled up through Casual callers. relative merit of each of the internal and external sources of recruitment used by or Enterprise Ltd. to fill up the above stated vacancies are stated below: ( Promotion: It boosts the morale of not only the employee who is promoted Fut also of other employees as they get an assurance that their competence will also be recognised in due course. ij Placement Agencies and Management Consultants provide specialised services to the organisations to recruit technical, professional and managerial per sonnel at middle and top level. (ji) Casual Callers as a source of recruitment reduces the cost of recruiting workforce in comparison to other sources. QuesTION 18: rerith Lid: is a highly reputed company and many people wanted to join this company. The ‘eroyees of this organisation are very happy and they discuss how they came in contact with this organisation. ‘Aman said that he was introduced by the present Sales Manager, Mr. John. genu said that he had applied through the newspaper and was appointed as the H-R- Manager: \aibhav said that he was neither related to any employee of the organisation nor was there any advertisement in the newspaper, even then, he was directly called from IIM Ahmedabad from where he was about to complete his MBA. (@ The above discussion is indicating an important function of management. Name the function of management. (0) The management function identified in part (a) follows a particular process. Explain the step of this process which is being discussed in the above paragraph. (0 Identify the various sources of recruitment mentioned in the paragraph above (CBSE, Sample Paper 2015) ANSWER: (@) The function of management being referred to in the above lines is ‘Staffing’. (b) Recruitment is the step in the staffing process which is being discussed in the above paragraph. Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. (©) The various sources of recruitment mentioned in the above paragraph are: Aman: Recommendation of present employee. Benu: Advertisement in newspaper Vaibhav: Campus recruitment. QUESTION 19; by gotkers of Gargya Ltd. are unable to work on new computerised machines imported sige, COMPANY to fulfill the increased demand. Therefore, the workers are seeking extra ci nogene® from the supervisor and the supervisor is overburdened with frequent calls of the S. Staffing > 163, a Suggest how the supervisor, by increasing the skills and knowledge of workers, cay idle their work independently. ; Also state any three benefits that the workers will derive by the decision of the Supery; (CBSE, Op Py ANSWER: (@) The supervisor may provide Vestibule tr handle their work independently. i ok Vestibule training is a popular method for providing off the job training during Whig the trainees lear their jobs on the equipment they will be using at their actual Wor Place, This is usually done when employees are required to handle sophistcaet machinery and equipment. (b) The benefits of imparting training to the employee are as follows: (0 Better carer: Training leads to better career opportunities for the employees helps to improve their skills and knowledge of doing the job. (i) Increased earnings: Training leads to increased performance by the employees thereby helps them to earn more. (iii) Increased efficiency: Training makes the employees more efficient in handling machines and less prone to accidents. QUESTION 20: Mobit Gupta is working with Yellow Security Services Ltd. He is also recruiting security guards for the company. The company provides security services in Delhi and Noida at shon notice to various companies. The guards are recruited on a temporary basis, The guards Provided by this company are known for their honesty and punctuality. Mohit Gupta is well-known in his village for providing employment to unskilled people. (a) Name the source of recruitment used by Yellow Security Services Ltd. (©) State any one disadvantage of this source of recruitment. © Identify the need of security guards which is being fulfilled by the company as pet Maslow’s need hierarchy. (d) Identify any two values communicated to society in the above stated case. (CBSE, OD 2015) ing tothe workers inorder to enable ANSWER: (@) External source of recruitment ie, Labour contractor has been used by Yellow Security Services Ltd. © One disadvantage of the external source of recruitment is that the new employees may take longer time to settle in the organisation. (©) The basic physiological needs of the security guards are being fulfilled by the company (@) The two values that are being communicated to the society are ( Reliability /Dependability (ii) Generating employment opportunities QUESTION 21: Prashant, the Director of a company, is planning to manufacture rugs for utilising oa materials from one of his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will b set-up in a rural area so that people of that area will have more job opportunities. For thi 164, D case Studies Mentorin Business Studies XI as nted four different heads for Sates ye Wariged that one of them will be a ditt Purchase and Production Departments. ; ferently- P a onthe lea eaAVantaged sectng ori PEON, another from # minority com ewspaper for the above vacancies, Society. He gave an advertisement in 4 Identify and state the next three st aiter advertising for the above vac i) Identify any two values that Prash o vonufacturing unit, ‘ant wants to communicate by setting up this (CBSE, OD 2013) @ eps Prashant h; ae 's to follow in the staffing process aNsWER: (a) The next three steps to be followed . for the above vacancies are as follows: '§ Process after advertising i) Selection: Selection is thy . @ applicants, © Process of choosing the best candidate from a pool of les and policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is taken around the workplace and made aware of the fre safety policy, canteen, conference room etc. (iii) Training and Development: Organisations either have in-house training centres or make alliances with training and educational institutes. This is done to ensure continuous learning of their employees in order to strengthen their competencies for both present and future jobs. This helps to motivate them and enables them to perform better and contribute more towards the realisation of the organizational effectiveness and efficiency. (0) The two values that Prashant wants to communicate by setting up this manufacturing unit are: () Optimum utilisation of resources (ii) Rural development. QUESTION 22: sags for thew Nishant, i ympany, is planning to manufacture bags for the utilisation Cee ene will set-up in a rural area of Odisha where people have very few job opportunities and bbour is available at very low rates. He also thought of giving equal opportunities to men and women, . Tor this, he wanted four different heads for sales, accounts, puree 7 Dee nee Sve an advertisement and short listed ten candidates per post after conducting “lection tests, . f the short (®) Identify and state the next three steps for choosing the best candidate out of the short- listed candidates. (t) Also identify two values which Nishant wants to com! Up this manufacturing unit. "wer: ; int (@) The Next three steps to be followed by Nishant in municate to society by setting (CBSE, Delhi 2013; OD 2013) he selection process after giving Staffing ® 165 an advertising and short listing ten candidates per post after conducting dig, selection tests are as follows: (i) Employment Interview: It is a face-to-face interaction between the interviewer Prospective candidate. It involves a formal, in-depth conversation that is conga to evaluate the applicant's suitability for the job. te (ii) Reference and Background Checks: At the time of filling up of the job Applicat formythe prospective candidates are required to provide names, addresses telephone numbers of references for the purpose of verifying information ‘4 gaining additional information about him/her. id (iii) Selection Decision: The final decision about the selection is made from candidates who pass the tests and interview. (©) The two values that Nishant wants to communicate to the society by setting up iy, manufacturing unit are: . (@ Rural development (ii) Gender equality QUESTION 23: Harish, the director of a company, is planning to manufacture stuffed toys for utilising waste materials from one of his garment factories. He decided that this manufacturing unit will ky set-up in a rural area so that people of that area will have more job opportunities. For this he selected Rehman, Anita Banerjee, Harpreet Kaur and Umesh (a differently abled but ver intelligent and creative person in designing) as the heads of Sales, Accounts, Purchase ang Production Departments respectively. (@) Identify and state the next three steps that Harish has to follow in the staffing process after selecting the heads of different departments. | (®) Identify any two values that Harish wants to communicate by setting-up this among the If manufacturing unit. (CBSE, Dethi 2013) | ANSWER: 7 (@) The next three steps that Harish has to follow in the staffing process after selecting the heads of different departments are as follows: (@ Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to the process of giving, the charge of the job for which they have been appointed. Orientation may involve a series of activities related to introducing the new employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is taken around the workplace and made aware of the fire safety policy, canteen, conference room etc. (i Training and Development: Organisations either have in-house training centres of make alliances with training and educational institutes. This is done to ensure continuing learning of their employees and in order to strengthen their competencies : for both present and future jobs. This helps to motivate them and enables them to perform better and contribute more towards the realisation of the organizational effectiveness and efficiency. (ii) Performance Appraisal: It is a process of evaluating the worth of an employee !0 the organisation. It may be done in both formal and informal way. The baci Performance appraisal includes defining the job, appraising performance am providing feedback. 166 > Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies (#) The two values that Harish wants to communicate to the society by setting up this manufacturing unit are: (i) Rural development (ii) Sustainable development ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS QUESTION 1: Owing to the increased workload after demonetisation, and Goa region had urged the centre to increase many up 35% vacancies which were lying vaccant. As the of bank accounts, foreign exchange mechanism, gold dubious means for investing the unaccounted cash, the income tax employees of Karnataka power of the I-T department by filling re were confirmed reports about misuse purchases and adoption of various other In context of the above case: (@) Identify and explain the function of management being discussed in the above lines. © Identify and explain the particular step related to the function of management as identified in part (a) of the question which has already been performed. Also, state the next three steps to be performed after this step. ANSWER: (@) Staffing is the function of management which is being referred to in the above lines. The managerial function of staffing is concerned with obtaining and maintaining a satisfactory and satisfied workforce. (©) The step in the process of staffing which has already been carried out is Estimating manpower requirements. Estimating the Manpower Requirements: It is the first step in the staffing process and is carried out with the help of workload analysis (assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives) and work force analysis (assessment of the number and type available). The next three steps to be performed after estimating manpower requirements are described below: (®) Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the Process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. (ii) Selection: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from the pool of applicants, (ii) Placement and Orientation: Placement refers to the process of giving the charge of the job for which they have been appointed. Orientation may involve a series of activities related to introducing the new employee to other employees and familiarising him with the rules and policies of the organisation. Moreover, he is taken around the workplace and made aware of the fire safety policy , canteen, conference room etc. QUESTION 2: Nakul belon, family, he deiee 2 Smal village in Varanasi. Being the only literate person in his immediate lecides to settle in a city. So he opens a sweets shop in Chandni Chowk, Delhi Staffing > 167 as he possesses extraordinary culinary skils. Very soon he starts getting requests from, cousins in the village to engage them in some kind of job in his business. Cons tng it i 1 obligation, he engages five of his cousins in ayiny Es rite arenton "their individual capabilities. This leads to wastage of materials, jn! effort and energy, resulting in lower productivity and poor quality of products, As a result, iy Profitability of his business starts falling. Soon, he realised that for the success of the busi. it is essential that right kind of people must be available in right number at the right in: In context of the above case: (@) Identify and explain the function of management that has been overlooked by Naki () Describe briefly the importance of the function of management as identified in part ANSWER: (@) Staffing is the function of management that has been overlooked by Nakul. Staffing is the process of manning the roles designed into the organisational structure It is concerned with obtaining, utilising and maintaining a satisfactory and satisici work force © The importance of the staffing function of management is described below: (@ It helps in discovering and obtaining competent personnel for various jobs within an organisation. (@ By putting right person on the right job, it leads to a higher performance of the employees. (iii) It ensures the continuous survival and succession planning for managers. (Go) It helps to ensure optimum utilisation of the human resources. By avoiding over manning, it prevents under-utilisation of personnel and high labour costs. At the e same time it avoids disruption of work by indicating in advance the shortages of personnel. (2) It improves job satisfaction and morale of assessment and fair rewarding for their contrib iH QUESTION 3: | 2p Rajasthan the candidates who apply for post of police constable have to appear for an exam which is conducted in three stages ~ Physical Test, Written Test & Skill Test. It has een estimated that there are a total of 5,390 vacancies for the post of Constables this yest The prospective candidates are also allowed to attempt Online Constable Mock ‘Test to Loost their preparation. @. growth of the enterprise through the the employees through objective vution. In context of the above case: (a) Identify the steps in one of the functions of mana (b) Do you think it is im, or why not? igement being discussed above. 'portant to conduct tests in order to assess the candidates? Why (©) How is a trade test different from an aptitude test? ANSWER: (@) Estimating manpower requirements and Sel. of management being discussed above. (b) Yes, it is important to conduct tests for selection in an objective assessment of certain characteris personal bias. lection are the steps in staffing function of the employees. Selection Tests help istics of individuals and is free fro 168 P Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-Xi |, qrade Test seek to measure the existis @! ee f indivi e existing skil 7 name re of individuals potential for I le of ite inalvidual whereas Aptitude Test ning new skills. wn to become the has gto} grilled found ee fast ea eee ee Fried Chicken in 1952 which 0 in Louisville cl Ld " chickens, salad uisville in US. i soar internal and a ori oo gyand otters aloe ith a oe ate oats es are Mever Hired ext sources of recruitment. The ae ca ee gine shi supetant Managers 3° ad oy Ae ae ior st ead ae pes : erally to ind i ssis ruitment em} 1 4 luce fresh bl izati ei ee se oe Sen pte tes page OF papa potential candidate for the position. “also, Bee ob oppo any’s website Also, the eal the HR department. ‘These resumes are Se Ete per vs ne ee airectty Pen there is vacancy within the organization. pany’s database for future usage tP tn context of the above case: Identify the 7e5 ective i @ a fy P sources of internal and external recruitment ( List any one disadvantage each of using internal and urces of recruitment. think Restaurant managers and Shift managers are appointed only through (@ Why do you internal ‘sources? a pstion aU orporation ose W! being adopted by external so’ and external recruitment peing adopted by KFC are: internal smployees ANSWER: e sources of sndation of present © (a) The respectiv' Internal source: Recomme! External source: Casual callers antage of using internal sourc employees may Become lethargic 25 they kn One disadvantage of using external sources as it is a lengthy process: (0) The Restaurant managers and Shift managers are aPP. sonsces So OT ‘well versed ‘with the work CH this enables them f° take effective decisions and actions: is that sometimes the otion is time bound. es of recruitment at it takes more time ‘ow that their prom of recruitment is th jointed only ‘ture of the org (b) One disadv: through internal nization and ca Joye i 11 kn thai The following ill of an employee in a well known chain of fast food hoa ‘crew member qrainee Manage? ~ Second Service Stat -/Foo' | Manage _ Area Managet First Assi Operatio rector ' the functions of management ©" jated oer caps that are carried out Before this step. supervisor — ‘ant General Justration t urant starting wit Crew - tar - SI Assistant Manager — ne Operations Manager ~ being described above- (@) Identify the step 7° (6) Also, describe priefly the ep in staffing Pro“ re described Belov ployees ANSWER: (@ Promotion and CaO? planning #* ae () The two steps that a7 carrie oo toen arning of their em f (i) Training and Gegelora orde! sting » 169 so that they contribute effectiveness and efficiency towards the realisation of, organisational goals. , i isal is uate an employee's curren} (i) Performance appraisal is undertaken to eval Past performance as against certain predetermined standards. QUESTION 6: Anuroop runs a law firm in Hyderabad. His firm offers valuable financial ang Lege consultancy services to the clients. Whenever the firm hires any new employees, on the a day of their joining, they are welcomed to the organisation and are given details about hy of work, holiday requests, sickness procedure, dress code, lunch arrangements, introducay the daily operations and key people in the workplace, etc. They are also familiarised with ty, organisation's policies and procedures, including complaints and dispute resolution sent harassment, emergency exits and evacuation procedure. Tdentify and explain the human needs of the new employees that are being fulilleg ly Anuroop through this training. , ANSWER: The various types of human needs of the new employees that are being fulfilled by Anutoap through induction training are stated below: (@ Basic Physiological Needs: These needs are most basic in the hierarchy and are linked te Primary needs like hunger, thirst, shelter etc. “they are given details about how of work, holiday requests, sickness procedure, dress code, lunch arrangements ete (2 Safety/Security Needs: These needs offer security and protection from physical and emotional harm. “They are also familiar with the organisation’ policies and procedure, including complaints and dispute resolution, sexual harassment, emergency exits ag, evacuation procedure.” (GO Afflition/Belonging Needs: These needs refer to affection, sense of belongingness, acceptance and friendship. “Whenever the firm hires any new employees, on the fig day of their joining, they are welcomed to the organisation.” QUESTION 7: Srija runs an NGO under the name ‘Sarthak’ in Delhi. The organisation is engaged in offering ratte Paper recycling services to all kinds of institutions in the Delhi NCR region. It also out of recycled paper on order for the interested F andy, In context of the above case: (@) Identify the two sources of external recruitment being used by the NGO ‘Sarthak’ by quoting lines from the paragraph. (©) List any two values that Srija wants to communicate to the society. ANSWER: (@ The two sources of external recruitment being used by the NGO ‘Sarthak’ are # follows: (@ Web Publishing:“The website of ‘Sarthak’ provides a link to a Careers site wherei? 170 > Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies-xi > the people desirous of joining the NGO can use simple Job Search to find the right opportunity for themselves” Casual Callers: “The NGO also keeps a database of unsolicited applicants in its office so that job seekers may be notified of future opportunities when they arise.” ») The two values that Srija wants to communicate to the society are: @ Environment sustainability {i Responsibility. Wi N 8: yesTiol | . or Tech Ltd. is one of the top IT companies in India. The company does mass recruitment uth year from different colleges offering fresher level job to the final year students. This males in recruiting the brightest and the best available talent in the educational institutions. in context of the above case: () Identify the source of external recruitment adopted by the company. (® Explain briefly any three advantages of using the external sources of recruitment. ANSWER: (@) Campus Recruitment is the source of external recruitment adopted by the company: (b) The advantages of using the external sources of recruitment are stated below: (® Qualified Personnel: Through the external sources of recruitment,the management is able to attract qualified and trained people to apply for the vacant job positions in the organisation. (ii) Wider Choice: As the vacancies are advertised widely, a large number of applicants from outside the organisation are likely to apply. This gives the organisation a wider choice while selecting the people for employment. (iii) Fresh Talent: The organisations cannot fulfil all the vacancies from within the organisation. Therefore by using the sources of external recruitment they get a wider choice and it brings new blood into the organisation. QUESTION 9: Prateek has started an advertising agency in Gurgaon. One of the page on his company’s website contains the following information, “Welcome to all the visitors of this page who ae looking for an opportunity to make a career in the field of advertising. The openings are ivailable in the company at various levels, so don’t miss the chance.” This page includes a link '® provide further details about the vacancies available in terms of the desired qualifications, ©Petience, personality characteristics and so on. Through a continuous assessment of the aanber and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and » omplishment of organisational objectives and in relation to the number and type available, Bets the information on this page updated. context of the above case: (®) Identify and explain the steps in the staffing process being carried out by Prateek by rn uoting lines from the paragraph. Name the concept that relates to the details about the vacancies available in terms of the desired qualifications, experience, personality characteristics and so on. Staffing ® 171 ~ market, medicine, animation and design, etc. Sunidhi believes that the success of the company can be achieved mainly through the people it chooses to employ. Therefore, she aims to attract the best people and provides them innumerable opportunities to enhance their knowledge and skill relevant to their position. In context of the above case, identify and explain the aspects of staffing being taken into consideration by Sunidhi by quoting lines from the paragraph. ANSWER: The three aspects of staffing being taken into consideration by Sunidhi are as follows: (@) Recruitment: Recruitment may be defined as the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation. “she aims to attract the best people” () Selection: Selection is the process of choosing the best candidate from a pool applicants. “Sunidhi believes that the success of the company can be achieved mainly through the people it chooses to employ.” ear (©) Training: Training helps to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the employees 5° their ability to perform in the present job can be enhanced. wall “provides them innumerable opportunities to enhance their knowledge and relevant to their position.” QUESTION 11: st of Anushka is doing a course in fashion designing from an institute of repute. As 2 P® 172 P Case Studies Mentor in Business Studies | ad has been asked to 1507 ore aan oo si take on-the- 3 : pete to gain an insight Sot patios pect eRe os opomegaee FOF 8 fortnight jn Op the references from her senior, joins an ical aspects related to designing. Anushka, export house owned by an upcoming designer text of the above case: wre and explain the type of training whi (nan a briefly any one method ae which Anushka has been asked to undertake oer for providing off-the-job training. JER: ans ae ; Int spat ee Ore training which Anushka has been asked to undertake. Be ee The eamneee ig in which educational institutions and business firms ser also work in some eh ee sega Sade forthe prescribed period. F of : ° Tied to their specific field of ae practical knowledge and skills Vestibule training is a popular method for providi Te. Vestibule ! t providing off-the-job training. The term vestibule’ means duplicate or replica. Under this 78 hod, the trainees learn their jobs on # a equipment they will be using at their actual work place. The training is conducted away from the actual work floor at a place where actual work environments tye created in a class room and employees use the same materials, Hes and equipment. tiie is usually done when employees are required to handle sophisticated machinery and equipment. o QUESTION 12: the employees of ‘Food Darbar,’ a restaurant, are trained through a structured programme that provides training in each area ‘vithin the restaurant. The trainees learn the skills necessary for Pinning each of the 12 workstations in the restaurant, from taking orders to the cooking area. qhis enables the employees to gain a broader understanding of all parts of the business and how the restaurant functions as a whole. The trainee gets fully involved in the department's operations and also gets a chance to test her own aptitude and ability. When employees are thined by this method, the organisation finds iteasier at the time of promotions, replacements or transfers. In context of the above case: fh ‘Food Darbar’ provides to its employees (@) Name the type of training whicl () Distinguish between training and development on the basis of meaning, purpose and scope. ANSWER: (@) Job rotation is the type of training which ‘Food Darbar’ provided to its employees. It is a method of on-the-job training en below: “Development () The difference between Training and Development is giv | It is a process of learning and growth. iL | Iris to enable the overall growth of the employee. It is a career oriented process. | Staffing > 173

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