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DAY 1 ( Chest + triceps)

#1) Flat Bench press 8×4

#2) Incline Dumbell press 10×3

#3) 3 sets of push ups till failure

#4) Tricep push downs 12×3 ( 3 secs pause at


#5) Lying tricep extensions 10×3

DAY 2 ( Back + Biceps)

#1) Lats pull down 12 × 3

#2) Verticle dumbell press 10×3 ( 3 sec pause

at top and 1 sec at bottom)

#3) Deadlifts 15 × 3 ( keep back straight and

wear belt )

#4) Barbell curls 12×3

#5) Spiral rod close grip curls 12×3

#6) Concentration curls 20 × 3 ( * most

important * SQUEEZE AT TOP)
DAY 3 ( Shoulders + Abs)

#1) Military press 15 × 3

#2) Front dumbell raises 10×3

#3) Lateral Dumbell raises 15×4

#4) Sit ups + Leg raises - One by one sets, 4

sets of each exercise and 15 reps

#5) Planks - 30 secs stay × 4 sets

DAY 4 ( Arms + chest)

#1) Hammer curls 12×3

#2) Preacher curls 15×4

#3) Overhead Cable extensions 12×3

#4) Close grip bench press 10×3

#5) Overhead Dumbell extensions 10×3

#6) Dumbell fly on flat bench 15 × 3

DAY 5 ( Abs + Back)

#1) 20 sit ups × 5 sets

#2) Russian Twists 20 × 3

#3) Burpees 15 × 4
#4) Pull ups ( 4 sets till failure)

DAY 6 ( Legs )

#1) Back squats 10 × 3

#2) Front squats 10 × 2 ( use light weights)

#3) Sumo Squats 10 × 2

#4) Leg extensions 12×3 ( 3 secs pause at top)

#5) Stiff leg deadlifts 10 × 3

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