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( 6 weeks 36 workouts and 6 recovery days)

DAY 1 (Chest+ Tri = push Day)

#1) Bench press 8×4

#2) Incline dumbell Press 12×3

#3) Flat push ups 4 sets Till failure

#4) Cable Crossovers - 25×4( Squeeze!!! )

#5) Tricep pushdowns - 15 × 3 , 4th set =

Dropset :- Use a weight with which you can do
max 8 reps and do 7 reps, then reduce 2 plates
and do 7 more and then 7 more with -2 again.

#6) Dumbell extensions :- 15×3 ( 2 secs stay at

the top)

#7) 25 reps × 4 sets of sit ups and 20 × 4 leg


DAY 2 ( Pull Day)

#1) Pull ups - 5 sets × 10( or 5 till failure if you

can't do 10 )

#2) Lats pull downs - 12×3

#3) Deadlifts - 6×4 ( GO HEAVY!! )

#4) Barbell curls:- 12×3 and 1 Superset :- 7 half
reps( lower half) ,7 upper half reps and 7 full

#5) Close grip spiral rod curls 15×4

#6) Preacher Curls 12×3

DAY 3( Legs + Shoulders)

#1) Back squats 15×3

#2) Leg Extensions 20×3 ( 2 sec pause at top )

#3) Hamstring curls 10×3

#4) Military presses 10×3

#5) SUPERSET :- 10-10-10 Front dumbell raise,

lateral dumbell raise and dumbell presses = 3

#6) Cable Pulls for back shoulder


#1) Flat bench Dumbell fly 15×3

#2) Incline Bench press 8×4

#3) SUPERSET :- 20 cable crossovers

immediately followed by 10 dips × 3 sets
( minimum rest in between)
#4) Close grip bench press 10×3

#5) Reverse cable tricep push downs 12×3 ( 3

secs stay at bottom in each rep)

#6) SUPERSET - overhead tricep cable

extensions 10 reps and then 10 tricep push
downs × 3 sets

DAY 5 ( Pull!!! )

#1) Back Rows 12 × 3 ( 2 secs stay when

contracting and 1 secs stay in stretch)

#2) Underhand barbell pulls 10 × 3 ( Same

stays as #1 )

#3) Incline bench Dumbell curls 12×3 ( Lay

back and feel the burn!! )

#4) SUPERSET 7-7-7 ( SAME AS DAY 2 )

#5) Concentration curls 20×3 ( no rest in

between, one arm after the other)

#6) CIRCUIT TRAINING ABS :- 20 sit ups - 10

Leg raises - 30 mountain climbers - 45 secs
plank - 10 supermans × 4 sets

DAY 6 ( Legs + Shoulders)

#1) Sumo Squats 15×3

#2) Front Squats 10×2

#3) Stiff Leg Deadlifts 10×3

#4) Arnold press 15×4

#5) Sea saw presses - 45 secs at max speed

#6) Shoulder shrugs - 30 ×3

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