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We use first conditional to talk about Usamos la primera condicional para hablar de
things which might happen in the future. cosas que probablemente sucedan en el futuro.
Don’t forget to put a comma ‘’,’’ after No olvides colocar una coma ‘’,’’ después de la
the conditional sentence. oración condicional.

Conversation: Conversación:
Mother: If you are responsible Mamá: Si eres responsable
say, you will do your como dices, tú misma
homework by yourself. harás tu tarea.

Daughter: I understand. I will do Hija: Entiendo. Daré mi

my best if you give me mejor esfuerzo si me
a chance. das una
Mother: I hope so. oportunidad.
Mamá: Eso espero.

If condition result Translation

Present simple Will + verb
If I see Martha, I will tell her. Si veo a Martha, le diré.
you turn the TV, you won’t be able to study. Si prendes la TV, no podrás estudiar.
he helps you to study, you will pass the exam. Si él te ayuda a estudiar, aprobarás el examen.
Tania is free, Elena will invite her. Si Tania está libre, Elena la invitará.
it rains, I will stay at home. Si llueve, me quedaré en casa.
they do not eat, they won’t go out. Si ellos no comen, no saldrán.
we study at CEPRE We will be good engineers. Si estudiamos en CEPRE, seremos buenos -

Result If condition Translation
Will + verb Present simple
I will tell her. I see Martha Si veo a Martha, le diré.
you won’t be able to study. you turn the TV Si prendes la TV, no podrás estudiar.
you will pass the exam. he helps you to Si él te ayuda a estudiar, aprobarás el examen.
Elena will invite her. Tania is free Si Tania está libre, Elena la invitará.
I will stay at home. it rains Si llueve, me quedaré en casa.
they won’t go out. they do not eat Si ellos no comen, no saldrán.
We will be good engineers. we study at UNI Si estudiamos en CEPRE, seremos buenos
Contractions: will not = won’t - will = ‘ll
Exercise 2

Read and complete the sentences in first conditional with the correct word.
(Lea y complete las oraciones en primera condicional con la palabra correcta.)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

1. If you don’t sleep, you up early tomorrow. If A) gets B) won’t get C) will not gets
2. she is late, her mother angry. A) will be B) will is C) to be
3. He will play the piano if he his homework. I A) finish B) to finish C) finishes
4. will lunch if you help me. A) make B) made C) makes
5. If you don`t hurry, we won’t the movie. If A) see B) sees C) to see
6. it rains, I won’t outside with my friends. A) play B) plays C) to play

Exercise 3
Read the conversation and choose TRUE or FALSE.
(Lea el diálogo y elija verdadero o falso)
A: Hi Vane. Are you coming to my party tomorrow?
B: Yes. if I don’t have to go to the lab, I will stay there at 6pm.
A: Will you work tomorrow Sunday?
B: If my boss asks me to go, I will go.
A: Are you serious?
B: Yes, I am. But, if he doesn’t ask me to go, I will be there.
A: Perfect! I understand. Let me know. If you come.
B: Thanks! I will.


Exercise 4
Choose the sentence with the same meaning.

1. Is that all right if I borrow your pen?

A) May I borrow your pen? B) Do I have to borrow your pen?
C) Must I borrow your pen? D) Have I borrowed your pen?

2. Don’t park your car on bends. It’s illegal.

A) You must park. B) You mustn’t park.
C) You have to park. D) You don’t have to park.

3. Perhaps she will agree with it. Who knows?

A) She has to agree with it. B) She may agree with it.
C) She mustn’t agree with it. D) She had to agree with it.

4. Our teacher asked us to tidy the classroom.

A) We can tidy the classroom. B) We have to tidy the classroom.
C) We mustn’t tidy the classroom. D) We can’t tidy the classroom.

5. I need your help. It’s too much work for me.

A) You should help me. B) You must help me.

Exercise 5
Choose the correct alternative.

1. She looks pretty sick. I think she got to a doctor.

A) Should B) can C) Have to D) should not

2. You’ve been driving all day. You be exhausted!

A) Should B) can C) must D) haven’t

3. You smoke so much. It’s bad for your health.

A) Should B) can C) Have to D) shouldn’t

4. Hey I’m lost. you help me?

A) Have to B) can’t C) Can D) had to

5. You have such a beautiful voice. You sing for us!

A) Should B) can C) Have to D) mustn´t

6. I know he speaks five languages, but he speaks Polish?

A) Should B) can C) Have to D) don’t has to

7. That looks very expensive. It have cost a fortune!

A) Should B) must C) don’t have to D) should to

8. I’m on my way. I _ be there in about 10 minutes.

A) Should B) must C) can D) can to


1. If it rains, .
A) I stayed at home
B) I will stay at home
C) I don’t stay at home
D) I am staying at home

2. , I will miss the bus.

A) If I woke up late
B) I’ll be late if I wake
C) If I wake up late
D) If I will wake up late

3. If it’s sunny, .
A) we don’t go to the park
B) we do go to the park
C) we are going to the park
D) we’ll go to the park

4. If you study hard, .

A) you are pass the exam
B) you will pass the exam
C) you don’t pass the exam
D) you didn’t pass the exam.

5. , Pedro will stay alone.

A) if Antonia doesn’t leave
B) if Antonia is leaving
C) If Antonia will leave
D) if Antonia leaves,

6. If you want to succeed, .

A) you are studying hard
B) you should study hard
C) you can study hard
D) you can’t study hard

7. You consume lots of sugar.

A) have to
B) ought to
C) might
D) shouldn’t

8. Passengers sit anywhere.

A) must
B) may
C) could
D) have to

9. I write an essay for tomorrow.

A) should
B) can
C) have to
D) could

10. I have some water, please?

A) Must
B) Should
C) Ought to
D) May


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